/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "Particle3D/CCParticleSystem3D.h" #include "Particle3D/ParticleUniverse/ParticleRenders/CCPUParticle3DRender.h" #include "Particle3D/ParticleUniverse/CCPUParticleSystem3D.h" #include "Particle3D/ParticleUniverse/CCPUParticle3DUtil.h" #include "renderer/CCMeshCommand.h" #include "renderer/CCRenderer.h" #include "renderer/CCTextureCache.h" #include "renderer/CCGLProgramState.h" #include "renderer/CCGLProgramCache.h" #include "renderer/CCVertexIndexBuffer.h" #include "base/CCDirector.h" #include "3d/CCSprite3D.h" #include "3d/CCMesh.h" #include "2d/CCCamera.h" NS_CC_BEGIN void PUParticle3DRender::copyAttributesTo( PUParticle3DRender *render ) { render->_particleSystem = _particleSystem; render->_isVisible = _isVisible; render->_rendererScale = _rendererScale; render->_depthTest = _depthTest; render->_depthWrite = _depthWrite; render->_renderType = _renderType; } static bool compareParticle3D(PUParticle3D* left, PUParticle3D* right) { return left->depthInView > right->depthInView; } PUParticle3DQuadRender* PUParticle3DQuadRender::create(const std::string& texFile) { auto ret = new PUParticle3DQuadRender(); ret->autorelease(); ret->initRender(texFile); return ret; } void PUParticle3DQuadRender::render(Renderer* renderer, const Mat4 &transform, ParticleSystem3D* particleSystem) { //batch and generate draw const ParticlePool &particlePool = particleSystem->getParticlePool(); if (!_isVisible || particlePool.empty()) return; if (_vertexBuffer == nullptr){ GLsizei stride = sizeof(VertexInfo); _vertexBuffer = VertexBuffer::create(stride, 4 * particleSystem->getParticleQuota()); _vertexBuffer->retain(); } if (_indexBuffer == nullptr){ _indexBuffer = IndexBuffer::create(IndexBuffer::IndexType::INDEX_TYPE_SHORT_16, 6 * particleSystem->getParticleQuota()); _indexBuffer->retain(); } const ParticlePool::PoolList &activeParticleList = particlePool.getActiveDataList(); if (_vertices.size() < activeParticleList.size() * 4) { _vertices.resize(activeParticleList.size() * 4); _indices.resize(activeParticleList.size() * 6); } auto camera = Camera::getVisitingCamera(); auto cameraMat = camera->getNodeToWorldTransform(); const Mat4 &viewMat = cameraMat.getInversed(); //for (auto iter : activeParticleList){ // iter->depthInView = -(viewMat.m[2] * iter->positionInWorld.x + viewMat.m[6] * iter->positionInWorld.y + viewMat.m[10] * iter->positionInWorld.z + viewMat.m[14]); //} //std::sort(activeParticleList.begin(), activeParticleList.end(), compareParticle3D); Vec3 right(cameraMat.m[0], cameraMat.m[1], cameraMat.m[2]); Vec3 up(cameraMat.m[4], cameraMat.m[5], cameraMat.m[6]); Vec3 backward(cameraMat.m[8], cameraMat.m[9], cameraMat.m[10]); Mat4 pRotMat; Vec3 position; //particle position int vertexindex = 0; int index = 0; int offsetX,offsetY; getOriginOffset(offsetX, offsetY); if (_type == PERPENDICULAR_COMMON){ up = _commonUp; up.normalize(); Vec3::cross(up, _commonDir, &right); right.normalize(); backward = _commonDir; }else if (_type == ORIENTED_COMMON){ up = _commonDir; up.normalize(); Vec3::cross(up, backward, &right); right.normalize(); } for (auto iter : activeParticleList) { auto particle = static_cast(iter); determineUVCoords(particle); if (_type == ORIENTED_SELF){ Vec3 direction; transform.transformVector(particle->direction, &direction); up = direction; up.normalize(); Vec3::cross(direction, backward, &right); right.normalize(); }else if (_type == PERPENDICULAR_SELF){ Vec3 direction; transform.transformVector(particle->direction, &direction); direction.normalize(); //up = PUParticle3DUtil::perpendicular(direction); //up.normalize(); Vec3::cross(_commonUp, direction, &right); right.normalize(); Vec3::cross(direction, right, &up); up.normalize(); backward = direction; }else if (_type == ORIENTED_SHAPE){ up = Vec3(particle->orientation.x, particle->orientation.y, particle->orientation.z); up.normalize(); Vec3::cross(up, backward, &right); right.normalize(); } Vec3 halfwidth = particle->width * 0.5f * right; Vec3 halfheight = particle->height * 0.5f * up; //transform.transformPoint(particle->position, &position); position = particle->position; if (_rotateType == TEXTURE_COORDS){ float costheta = cosf(-particle->zRotation); float sintheta = sinf(-particle->zRotation); Vec2 texOffset = particle->lb_uv + 0.5f * (particle->rt_uv - particle->lb_uv); Vec2 val; val = Vec2((particle->lb_uv.x - texOffset.x), (particle->lb_uv.y - texOffset.y)); val = Vec2(val.x * costheta - val.y * sintheta, val.x * sintheta + val.y * costheta); fillVertex(vertexindex, (position + (- halfwidth - halfheight + halfwidth * offsetX + halfheight * offsetY)), particle->color, Vec2(val.x + texOffset.x, val.y + texOffset.y)); val = Vec2(particle->rt_uv.x - texOffset.x, particle->lb_uv.y - texOffset.y); val = Vec2(val.x * costheta - val.y * sintheta, val.x * sintheta + val.y * costheta); fillVertex(vertexindex + 1, (position + (halfwidth - halfheight + halfwidth * offsetX + halfheight * offsetY)), particle->color, Vec2(val.x + texOffset.x, val.y + texOffset.y)); val = Vec2(particle->lb_uv.x - texOffset.x, particle->rt_uv.y - texOffset.y); val = Vec2(val.x * costheta - val.y * sintheta, val.x * sintheta + val.y * costheta); fillVertex(vertexindex + 2, (position + (- halfwidth + halfheight + halfwidth * offsetX + halfheight * offsetY)), particle->color, Vec2(val.x + texOffset.x, val.y + texOffset.y)); val = Vec2(particle->rt_uv.x - texOffset.x, particle->rt_uv.y - texOffset.y); val = Vec2(val.x * costheta - val.y * sintheta, val.x * sintheta + val.y * costheta); fillVertex(vertexindex + 3, (position + (halfwidth + halfheight + halfwidth * offsetX + halfheight * offsetY)), particle->color, Vec2(val.x + texOffset.x, val.y + texOffset.y)); }else{ Mat4::createRotation(backward, -particle->zRotation, &pRotMat); fillVertex(vertexindex , (position + pRotMat * (- halfwidth - halfheight + halfwidth * offsetX + halfheight * offsetY)), particle->color, particle->lb_uv); fillVertex(vertexindex + 1, (position + pRotMat * (halfwidth - halfheight + halfwidth * offsetX + halfheight * offsetY)), particle->color, Vec2(particle->rt_uv.x, particle->lb_uv.y)); fillVertex(vertexindex + 2, (position + pRotMat * (- halfwidth + halfheight + halfwidth * offsetX + halfheight * offsetY)), particle->color, Vec2(particle->lb_uv.x, particle->rt_uv.y)); fillVertex(vertexindex + 3, (position + pRotMat * (halfwidth + halfheight + halfwidth * offsetX + halfheight * offsetY)), particle->color, particle->rt_uv); } fillTriangle(index, vertexindex, vertexindex + 1, vertexindex + 3); fillTriangle(index + 3, vertexindex, vertexindex + 3, vertexindex + 2); //_posuvcolors[vertexindex].position = (position + (- halfwidth - halfheight + halfwidth * offsetX + halfheight * offsetY)); //_posuvcolors[vertexindex].color = particle->color; //_posuvcolors[vertexindex].uv = Vec2(val.x + texOffset.x, val.y + texOffset.y); //val = Vec2(particle->rt_uv.x - texOffset.x, particle->lb_uv.y - texOffset.y); //val = Vec2(val.x * costheta - val.y * sintheta, val.x * sintheta + val.y * costheta); //_posuvcolors[vertexindex + 1].position = (position + (halfwidth - halfheight + halfwidth * offsetX + halfheight * offsetY)); //_posuvcolors[vertexindex + 1].color = particle->color; //_posuvcolors[vertexindex + 1].uv = Vec2(val.x + texOffset.x, val.y + texOffset.y); // //val = Vec2(particle->lb_uv.x - texOffset.x, particle->rt_uv.y - texOffset.y); //val = Vec2(val.x * costheta - val.y * sintheta, val.x * sintheta + val.y * costheta); //_posuvcolors[vertexindex + 2].position = (position + (- halfwidth + halfheight + halfwidth * offsetX + halfheight * offsetY)); //_posuvcolors[vertexindex + 2].color = particle->color; //_posuvcolors[vertexindex + 2].uv = Vec2(val.x + texOffset.x, val.y + texOffset.y); // //val = Vec2(particle->rt_uv.x - texOffset.x, particle->rt_uv.y - texOffset.y); //val = Vec2(val.x * costheta - val.y * sintheta, val.x * sintheta + val.y * costheta); //_posuvcolors[vertexindex + 3].position = (position + (halfwidth + halfheight + halfwidth * offsetX + halfheight * offsetY)); //_posuvcolors[vertexindex + 3].color = particle->color; //_posuvcolors[vertexindex + 3].uv = Vec2(val.x + texOffset.x, val.y + texOffset.y); // // //_indexData[index] = vertexindex; //_indexData[index + 1] = vertexindex + 1; //_indexData[index + 2] = vertexindex + 3; //_indexData[index + 3] = vertexindex; //_indexData[index + 4] = vertexindex + 3; //_indexData[index + 5] = vertexindex + 2; index += 6; vertexindex += 4; } _vertices.erase(_vertices.begin() + vertexindex, _vertices.end()); _indices.erase(_indices.begin() + index, _indices.end()); if (!_vertices.empty() && !_indices.empty()){ _vertexBuffer->updateVertices(&_vertices[0], vertexindex/* * sizeof(_posuvcolors[0])*/, 0); _indexBuffer->updateIndices(&_indices[0], index/* * sizeof(unsigned short)*/, 0); GLuint texId = (_texture ? _texture->getName() : 0); float depthZ = -(viewMat.m[2] * transform.m[12] + viewMat.m[6] * transform.m[13] + viewMat.m[10] * transform.m[14] + viewMat.m[14]); _meshCommand->init(depthZ, texId, _glProgramState, particleSystem->getBlendFunc(), _vertexBuffer->getVBO(), _indexBuffer->getVBO(), GL_TRIANGLES, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, index, transform, 0); renderer->addCommand(_meshCommand); } } PUParticle3DQuadRender::PUParticle3DQuadRender() : _type(POINT) , _origin(CENTER) , _rotateType(TEXTURE_COORDS) , _commonDir(Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)) , _commonUp(Vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) , _textureCoordsRows(1) , _textureCoordsColumns(1) , _textureCoordsRowStep(1.0f) , _textureCoordsColStep(1.0f) { autoRotate = false; } PUParticle3DQuadRender::~PUParticle3DQuadRender() { } void PUParticle3DQuadRender::getOriginOffset( int &offsetX, int &offsetY ) { switch (_origin) { case TOP_LEFT: { offsetX = 1; offsetY = -1; } break; case TOP_CENTER: { offsetX = 0; offsetY = -1; } break; case TOP_RIGHT: { offsetX = -1; offsetY = -1; } break; case CENTER_LEFT: { offsetX = 1; offsetY = 0; } break; case CENTER: { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; } break; case CENTER_RIGHT: { offsetX = -1; offsetY = 0; } break; case BOTTOM_LEFT: { offsetX = 1; offsetY = 1; } break; case BOTTOM_CENTER: { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 1; } break; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: { offsetX = -1; offsetY = 1; } break; } } unsigned short PUParticle3DQuadRender::getTextureCoordsRows() const { return _textureCoordsRows; } void PUParticle3DQuadRender::setTextureCoordsRows( unsigned short textureCoordsRows ) { _textureCoordsRows = textureCoordsRows; _textureCoordsRowStep = 1.0f / (float)_textureCoordsRows; } unsigned short PUParticle3DQuadRender::getTextureCoordsColumns() const { return _textureCoordsColumns; } void PUParticle3DQuadRender::setTextureCoordsColumns( unsigned short textureCoordsColumns ) { _textureCoordsColumns = textureCoordsColumns; _textureCoordsColStep = 1.0f / (float)_textureCoordsColumns; } unsigned int PUParticle3DQuadRender::getNumTextureCoords() { return _textureCoordsColumns * _textureCoordsRows; } void PUParticle3DQuadRender::determineUVCoords( PUParticle3D *particle ) { if (_textureCoordsColumns == 1 && _textureCoordsRows == 1) return; unsigned short currentRow = particle->textureCoordsCurrent / _textureCoordsColumns; unsigned short currentCol = particle->textureCoordsCurrent - _textureCoordsColumns * currentRow; currentRow = _textureCoordsRows - currentRow - 1; particle->lb_uv = Vec2(_textureCoordsColStep * currentCol, _textureCoordsRowStep * currentRow); particle->rt_uv = particle->lb_uv + Vec2(_textureCoordsColStep, _textureCoordsRowStep); } void PUParticle3DQuadRender::fillVertex( unsigned short index, const cocos2d::Vec3 &pos, const cocos2d::Vec4 &color, const cocos2d::Vec2 &uv ) { _vertices[index].position = pos; _vertices[index].color = color; _vertices[index].uv = uv; } void PUParticle3DQuadRender::fillTriangle( unsigned short index, unsigned short v0, unsigned short v1, unsigned short v2 ) { _indices[index] = v0; _indices[index + 1] = v1; _indices[index + 2] = v2; } void PUParticle3DQuadRender::setType( Type type ) { _type = type; if (_type == PERPENDICULAR_COMMON || _type == PERPENDICULAR_SELF){ _meshCommand->setCullFaceEnabled(false); }else{ _meshCommand->setCullFaceEnabled(true); } } void PUParticle3DQuadRender::copyAttributesTo( PUParticle3DRender *render ) { PUParticle3DRender::copyAttributesTo(render); PUParticle3DQuadRender *quadRender = static_cast(render); quadRender->_type = _type; quadRender->_origin = _origin; quadRender->_rotateType = _rotateType; quadRender->_commonDir = _commonDir; quadRender->_commonUp = _commonUp; quadRender->_textureCoordsRows = _textureCoordsRows; quadRender->_textureCoordsColumns = _textureCoordsColumns; quadRender->_textureCoordsRowStep = _textureCoordsRowStep; quadRender->_textureCoordsColStep = _textureCoordsColStep; } PUParticle3DQuadRender* PUParticle3DQuadRender::clone() { auto render = PUParticle3DQuadRender::create(_texFile); copyAttributesTo(render); return render; } PUParticle3DModelRender* PUParticle3DModelRender::create( const std::string& modelFile, const std::string &texFile /*= ""*/ ) { auto ret = new PUParticle3DModelRender(); ret->_modelFile = modelFile; ret->_texFile = texFile; return ret; } void PUParticle3DModelRender::render( Renderer* renderer, const Mat4 &transform, ParticleSystem3D* particleSystem ) { if (!_isVisible) return; if (_spriteList.empty()){ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < particleSystem->getParticleQuota(); ++i){ Sprite3D *sprite = Sprite3D::create(_modelFile); sprite->setTexture(_texFile); sprite->retain(); _spriteList.push_back(sprite); } if (!_spriteList.empty()){ const AABB &aabb = _spriteList[0]->getAABB(); Vec3 corners[8]; aabb.getCorners(corners); _spriteSize = corners[3] - corners[6]; } } const ParticlePool& particlePool = particleSystem->getParticlePool(); ParticlePool::PoolList activeParticleList = particlePool.getActiveDataList(); Mat4 mat; Mat4 rotMat; Mat4 sclMat; Quaternion q; transform.decompose(nullptr, &q, nullptr); unsigned int index = 0; for (auto iter : activeParticleList) { auto particle = static_cast(iter); q *= particle->orientation; Mat4::createRotation(q, &rotMat); sclMat.m[0] = particle->width / _spriteSize.x; sclMat.m[5] = particle->height / _spriteSize.y; sclMat.m[10] = particle->depth / _spriteSize.z; mat = rotMat * sclMat; mat.m[12] = particle->position.x; mat.m[13] = particle->position.y; mat.m[14] = particle->position.z; _spriteList[index]->setColor(Color3B(particle->color.x * 255, particle->color.y * 255, particle->color.z * 255)); _spriteList[index]->setOpacity(particle->color.w * 255); _spriteList[index]->draw(renderer, mat, 0); ++index; } } PUParticle3DModelRender::PUParticle3DModelRender() { autoRotate = true; } PUParticle3DModelRender::~PUParticle3DModelRender() { } void PUParticle3DModelRender::copyAttributesTo( PUParticle3DRender *render ) { PUParticle3DRender::copyAttributesTo(render); } PUParticle3DModelRender* PUParticle3DModelRender::clone() { auto mr = PUParticle3DModelRender::create(_modelFile, _texFile); copyAttributesTo(mr); return mr; } PUParticle3DEntityRender::PUParticle3DEntityRender() : _meshCommand(nullptr) , _texture(nullptr) , _glProgramState(nullptr) , _vertexBuffer(nullptr) , _indexBuffer(nullptr) { } PUParticle3DEntityRender::~PUParticle3DEntityRender() { CC_SAFE_DELETE(_meshCommand); //CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_texture); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_glProgramState); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_vertexBuffer); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_indexBuffer); } void PUParticle3DEntityRender::initRender( const std::string &texFile ) { GLProgram* glProgram = GLProgramCache::getInstance()->getGLProgram(GLProgram::SHADER_3D_PARTICLE_COLOR); if (!texFile.empty()) { auto tex = Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->addImage(texFile); if (tex) { _texture = tex; _texFile = texFile; glProgram = GLProgramCache::getInstance()->getGLProgram(GLProgram::SHADER_3D_PARTICLE_TEXTURE); } } auto glProgramState = GLProgramState::create(glProgram); glProgramState->retain(); GLsizei stride = sizeof(VertexInfo); glProgramState->setVertexAttribPointer(s_attributeNames[GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION], 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, (GLvoid*)offsetof(VertexInfo, position)); glProgramState->setVertexAttribPointer(s_attributeNames[GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORD], 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, (GLvoid*)offsetof(VertexInfo, uv)); glProgramState->setVertexAttribPointer(s_attributeNames[GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR], 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, (GLvoid*)offsetof(VertexInfo, color)); _glProgramState = glProgramState; _meshCommand = new MeshCommand(); _meshCommand->setTransparent(true); _meshCommand->setDepthTestEnabled(_depthTest); _meshCommand->setDepthWriteEnabled(_depthWrite); _meshCommand->setCullFace(GL_BACK); _meshCommand->setCullFaceEnabled(true); } void PUParticle3DEntityRender::setDepthTest( bool isDepthTest ) { Particle3DRender::setDepthTest(isDepthTest); _meshCommand->setDepthTestEnabled(_depthTest); } void PUParticle3DEntityRender::setDepthWrite( bool isDepthWrite ) { Particle3DRender::setDepthWrite(isDepthWrite); _meshCommand->setDepthWriteEnabled(_depthWrite); } void PUParticle3DEntityRender::copyAttributesTo( PUParticle3DRender *render ) { PUParticle3DRender::copyAttributesTo(render); } PUParticle3DBoxRender::PUParticle3DBoxRender() { autoRotate = false; } PUParticle3DBoxRender::~PUParticle3DBoxRender() { } PUParticle3DBoxRender* PUParticle3DBoxRender::create( const std::string &texFile ) { auto br = new PUParticle3DBoxRender(); br->autorelease(); br->initRender(texFile); return br; } void PUParticle3DBoxRender::render( Renderer* renderer, const Mat4 &transform, ParticleSystem3D* particleSystem ) { //batch and generate draw const ParticlePool &particlePool = particleSystem->getParticlePool(); if (!_isVisible || particlePool.empty()) return; auto camera = Camera::getVisitingCamera(); auto cameraMat = camera->getNodeToWorldTransform(); const Mat4 &viewMat = cameraMat.getInversed(); Vec3 backward(cameraMat.m[8], cameraMat.m[9], cameraMat.m[10]); if (_vertexBuffer == nullptr && _indexBuffer == nullptr){ GLsizei stride = sizeof(VertexInfo); _vertexBuffer = VertexBuffer::create(stride, 8 * particleSystem->getParticleQuota()); _vertexBuffer->retain(); _vertices.resize(8 * particleSystem->getParticleQuota()); _indexBuffer = IndexBuffer::create(IndexBuffer::IndexType::INDEX_TYPE_SHORT_16, 36 * particleSystem->getParticleQuota()); _indexBuffer->retain(); _indices.resize(36 * particleSystem->getParticleQuota()); reBuildIndices(particleSystem->getParticleQuota()); } unsigned int vertexindex = 0; unsigned int index = 0; Mat4 texRot; Vec3 val; for (auto iter : particlePool.getActiveDataList()) { auto particle = static_cast(iter); float halfHeight = particle->height * 0.5f; float halfWidth = particle->width * 0.5f; float halfDepth = particle->depth * 0.5f; Mat4::createRotation(backward, particle->zRotation, &texRot); val = texRot * Vec3(0.0f, 0.75f, 0.0); _vertices[vertexindex + 0].position = particle->position + Vec3(-halfWidth, -halfHeight, halfDepth); _vertices[vertexindex + 0].color = particle->color; _vertices[vertexindex + 0].uv.x = val.x; _vertices[vertexindex + 0].uv.y = val.y; val = texRot * Vec3(0.0f, 0.25f, 0.0); _vertices[vertexindex + 1].position = particle->position + Vec3(halfWidth, -halfHeight, halfDepth); _vertices[vertexindex + 1].color = particle->color; _vertices[vertexindex + 1].uv.x = val.x; _vertices[vertexindex + 1].uv.y = val.y; val = texRot * Vec3(0.5f, 0.25f, 0.0); _vertices[vertexindex + 2].position = particle->position + Vec3(halfWidth, halfHeight, halfDepth); _vertices[vertexindex + 2].color = particle->color; _vertices[vertexindex + 2].uv.x = val.x; _vertices[vertexindex + 2].uv.y = val.y; val = texRot * Vec3(0.5f, 0.75f, 0.0); _vertices[vertexindex + 3].position = particle->position + Vec3(-halfWidth, halfHeight, halfDepth); _vertices[vertexindex + 3].color = particle->color; _vertices[vertexindex + 3].uv.x = val.x; _vertices[vertexindex + 3].uv.y = val.y; val = texRot * Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0); _vertices[vertexindex + 4].position = particle->position + Vec3(halfWidth, -halfHeight, -halfDepth); _vertices[vertexindex + 4].color = particle->color; _vertices[vertexindex + 4].uv.x = val.x; _vertices[vertexindex + 4].uv.y = val.y; val = texRot * Vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0); _vertices[vertexindex + 5].position = particle->position + Vec3(-halfWidth, -halfHeight, -halfDepth); _vertices[vertexindex + 5].color = particle->color; _vertices[vertexindex + 5].uv.x = val.x; _vertices[vertexindex + 5].uv.y = val.y; val = texRot * Vec3(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0); _vertices[vertexindex + 6].position = particle->position + Vec3(-halfWidth, halfHeight, -halfDepth); _vertices[vertexindex + 6].color = particle->color; _vertices[vertexindex + 6].uv.x = val.x; _vertices[vertexindex + 6].uv.y = val.y; val = texRot * Vec3(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0); _vertices[vertexindex + 7].position = particle->position + Vec3(halfWidth, halfHeight, -halfDepth); _vertices[vertexindex + 7].color = particle->color; _vertices[vertexindex + 7].uv.x = val.x; _vertices[vertexindex + 7].uv.y = val.y; vertexindex += 8; index += 36; } if (!_vertices.empty() && !_indices.empty()){ _vertexBuffer->updateVertices(&_vertices[0], vertexindex/* * sizeof(_posuvcolors[0])*/, 0); _indexBuffer->updateIndices(&_indices[0], index/* * sizeof(unsigned short)*/, 0); float depthZ = -(viewMat.m[2] * transform.m[12] + viewMat.m[6] * transform.m[13] + viewMat.m[10] * transform.m[14] + viewMat.m[14]); GLuint texId = (_texture ? _texture->getName() : 0); _meshCommand->init(depthZ, texId, _glProgramState, particleSystem->getBlendFunc(), _vertexBuffer->getVBO(), _indexBuffer->getVBO(), GL_TRIANGLES, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, index, transform, 0); renderer->addCommand(_meshCommand); } } void PUParticle3DBoxRender::reBuildIndices(unsigned short count) { unsigned short vertexIndex = 0; for (unsigned short i = 0; i < 36 * count;){ //front _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 0; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 2; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 3; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 0; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 1; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 2; //right _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 1; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 7; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 2; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 1; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 4; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 7; //back _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 4; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 6; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 7; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 4; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 5; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 6; //left _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 5; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 3; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 6; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 5; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 0; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 3; //top _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 3; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 7; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 6; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 3; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 2; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 7; //bottom _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 5; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 1; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 0; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 5; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 4; _indices[i++] = vertexIndex + 1; vertexIndex += 8; } } PUParticle3DBoxRender* PUParticle3DBoxRender::clone() { auto render = PUParticle3DBoxRender::create(_texFile); copyAttributesTo(render); return render; } PUParticle3DSphereRender* PUParticle3DSphereRender::create( const std::string &texFile) { auto sr = new PUParticle3DSphereRender(); sr->autorelease(); sr->initRender(texFile); return sr; } void PUParticle3DSphereRender::render( Renderer* renderer, const Mat4 &transform, ParticleSystem3D* particleSystem ) { //batch and generate draw const ParticlePool &particlePool = particleSystem->getParticlePool(); if (!_isVisible || particlePool.empty()) return; auto camera = Camera::getVisitingCamera(); auto cameraMat = camera->getNodeToWorldTransform(); const Mat4 &viewMat = cameraMat.getInversed(); Vec3 backward(cameraMat.m[8], cameraMat.m[9], cameraMat.m[10]); unsigned int vertexCount = (_numberOfRings + 1) * (_numberOfSegments + 1); unsigned int indexCount = 6 * _numberOfRings * (_numberOfSegments + 1); if (_vertexBuffer == nullptr && _indexBuffer == nullptr){ GLsizei stride = sizeof(VertexInfo); _vertexBuffer = VertexBuffer::create(stride, vertexCount * particleSystem->getParticleQuota()); _vertexBuffer->retain(); _vertices.resize(vertexCount * particleSystem->getParticleQuota()); _indexBuffer = IndexBuffer::create(IndexBuffer::IndexType::INDEX_TYPE_SHORT_16, indexCount * particleSystem->getParticleQuota()); _indexBuffer->retain(); _indices.resize(indexCount * particleSystem->getParticleQuota()); buildBuffers(particleSystem->getParticleQuota()); } unsigned int vertexindex = 0; unsigned int index = 0; Mat4 mat; Mat4 rotMat; Mat4 sclMat; Mat4 texRot; Vec3 val; for (auto iter : particlePool.getActiveDataList()) { auto particle = static_cast(iter); float radius = particle->width * 0.5f; Mat4::createRotation(particle->orientation, &rotMat); Mat4::createScale(radius, radius, radius, &sclMat); Mat4::createRotation(backward, particle->zRotation, &texRot); mat = rotMat * sclMat; mat.m[12] = particle->position.x; mat.m[13] = particle->position.y; mat.m[14] = particle->position.z; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i){ val = texRot * Vec3(_vertexTemplate[vertexindex + i].uv.x, _vertexTemplate[vertexindex + i].uv.y, 0.0f); mat.transformPoint(_vertexTemplate[vertexindex + i].position, &_vertices[vertexindex + i].position); _vertices[vertexindex + i].color = particle->color; _vertices[vertexindex + i].uv.x = val.x; _vertices[vertexindex + i].uv.y = val.y; } vertexindex += vertexCount; index += indexCount; } if (!_vertices.empty() && !_indices.empty()){ _vertexBuffer->updateVertices(&_vertices[0], vertexindex/* * sizeof(_posuvcolors[0])*/, 0); _indexBuffer->updateIndices(&_indices[0], index/* * sizeof(unsigned short)*/, 0); float depthZ = -(viewMat.m[2] * transform.m[12] + viewMat.m[6] * transform.m[13] + viewMat.m[10] * transform.m[14] + viewMat.m[14]); GLuint texId = (_texture ? _texture->getName() : 0); _meshCommand->init(depthZ, texId, _glProgramState, particleSystem->getBlendFunc(), _vertexBuffer->getVBO(), _indexBuffer->getVBO(), GL_TRIANGLES, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, index, transform, 0); renderer->addCommand(_meshCommand); } } void PUParticle3DSphereRender::buildBuffers( unsigned short count ) { float stepRingAngle = (M_PI / _numberOfRings); float stepSegmentAngle = (2.0 * M_PI / _numberOfSegments); unsigned short vertexIndex = 0; unsigned short index = 0; for (unsigned short i = 0; i < count; ++i){ for(unsigned int ring = 0; ring <= _numberOfRings; ring++) { float r0 = sinf (ring * stepRingAngle); float y0 = cosf (ring * stepRingAngle); for(unsigned int segment = 0; segment <= _numberOfSegments; segment++) { VertexInfo vi; float x0 = r0 * sinf(segment * stepSegmentAngle); float z0 = r0 * cosf(segment * stepSegmentAngle); // Vertex vi.position = Vec3(x0, y0, z0); // Colour vi.color = Vec4::ONE; // Texture Coordinates vi.uv.x = (float) segment / (float) _numberOfSegments; vi.uv.y = 1.0f - (float) ring / (float) _numberOfRings; if (ring != _numberOfRings) { // each vertex (except the last) has six indices pointing to it _indices[index++] = vertexIndex + _numberOfSegments + 1; _indices[index++] = vertexIndex; _indices[index++] = vertexIndex + _numberOfSegments; _indices[index++] = vertexIndex + _numberOfSegments + 1; _indices[index++] = vertexIndex + 1; _indices[index++] = vertexIndex; } ++vertexIndex; _vertexTemplate.push_back(vi); } } } } PUParticle3DSphereRender::PUParticle3DSphereRender() : _numberOfRings(16) , _numberOfSegments(16) { autoRotate = false; } PUParticle3DSphereRender::~PUParticle3DSphereRender() { } void PUParticle3DSphereRender::copyAttributesTo( PUParticle3DRender *render ) { PUParticle3DRender::copyAttributesTo(render); PUParticle3DSphereRender *sphereRender = static_cast(render); sphereRender->_numberOfRings = _numberOfRings; sphereRender->_numberOfSegments = _numberOfSegments; } PUParticle3DSphereRender* PUParticle3DSphereRender::clone() { auto render = PUParticle3DSphereRender::create(_texFile); copyAttributesTo(render); return render; } NS_CC_END