function OnFinish(selProj, selObj) { try { var strProjectPath = wizard.FindSymbol('PROJECT_PATH'); var strProjectName = wizard.FindSymbol('PROJECT_NAME'); // var WizardVersion = wizard.FindSymbol('WIZARD_VERSION'); // if(WizardVersion >= 8.0) // { // } // Create symbols based on the project name var strSafeProjectName = CreateSafeName(strProjectName); wizard.AddSymbol("SAFE_PROJECT_NAME", strSafeProjectName); wizard.AddSymbol("NICE_SAFE_PROJECT_NAME", strSafeProjectName.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + strSafeProjectName.substr(1)) wizard.AddSymbol("UPPERCASE_SAFE_PROJECT_NAME", strSafeProjectName.toUpperCase()); // Set current year symbol var d = new Date(); var nYear = 0; nYear = d.getFullYear(); if (nYear >= 2003) wizard.AddSymbol("CCX_CURRENT_YEAR", nYear); // Create project and configurations selProj = CreateCustomProject(strProjectName, strProjectPath); AddConfigurations(selProj, strProjectName); AddFilters(selProj); var InfFile = CreateCustomInfFile(); AddFilesToCustomProj(selProj, strProjectName, strProjectPath, InfFile); AddPchSettings(selProj); InfFile.Delete(); selProj.Object.Save(); } catch (e) { if (e.description.length != 0) SetErrorInfo(e); return e.number; } } function CreateCustomProject(strProjectName, strProjectPath) { try { var strProjTemplatePath = wizard.FindSymbol('PROJECT_TEMPLATE_PATH'); var strProjTemplate = ''; strProjTemplate = strProjTemplatePath + '\\default.vcproj'; var Solution = dte.Solution; var strSolutionName = ""; if (wizard.FindSymbol("CLOSE_SOLUTION")) { Solution.Close(); strSolutionName = wizard.FindSymbol("VS_SOLUTION_NAME"); if (strSolutionName.length) { var strSolutionPath = strProjectPath.substr(0, strProjectPath.length - strProjectName.length); Solution.Create(strSolutionPath, strSolutionName); } } // Create vcproj.user file var FileSys = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var strUserTarget = strProjectName + ".win32.vcproj.user"; var strUserPath = FileSys.BuildPath(strProjectPath, strUserTarget); var astrParentPath = new Array(); astrParentPath[0] = strProjectPath; while (astrParentPath.length) { var strPath = astrParentPath.pop(); var strParentPath = FileSys.GetParentFolderName(strPath); if (!FileSys.FolderExists(strParentPath)) { astrParentPath.push(strPath); astrParentPath.push(strParentPath); continue; } else { FileSys.CreateFolder(strPath); } } var file = FileSys.OpenTextFile(strUserPath, 2, true); var strUserValue = ""; file.WriteLine(strUserValue); file.Close(); var strProjectNameWithExt = ''; strProjectNameWithExt = strProjectName + '.win32.vcproj'; var oTarget = wizard.FindSymbol("TARGET"); var prj; if (wizard.FindSymbol("WIZARD_TYPE") == vsWizardAddSubProject) // vsWizardAddSubProject { var prjItem = oTarget.AddFromTemplate(strProjTemplate, strProjectNameWithExt); prj = prjItem.SubProject; } else { prj = oTarget.AddFromTemplate(strProjTemplate, strProjectPath, strProjectNameWithExt); } return prj; } catch (e) { throw e; } } function AddFilters(proj) { try { // Add the folders to your project var strSrcFilter = wizard.FindSymbol('SOURCE_FILTER'); var group = proj.Object.AddFilter('source'); group.Filter = strSrcFilter; strSrcFilter = wizard.FindSymbol('INCLUDE_FILTER'); group = proj.Object.AddFilter('include'); group.Filter = strSrcFilter; strSrcFilter = wizard.FindSymbol('RESOURCE_FILTER'); group = proj.Object.AddFilter('resource'); group.Filter = strSrcFilter; } catch (e) { throw e; } } // Configurations data var nNumConfigs = 2; var astrConfigName = new Array(); astrConfigName[0] = "Debug"; astrConfigName[1] = "Release"; function AddConfigurations(proj, strProjectName) { try { var nCntr; for (nCntr = 0; nCntr < nNumConfigs; nCntr++) { // Check if it's Debug configuration var bDebug = false; if (astrConfigName[nCntr].search("Debug") != -1) bDebug = true; // General settings var config = proj.Object.Configurations(astrConfigName[nCntr]); // if(wizard.FindSymbol("CCX_USE_UNICODE")) config.CharacterSet = charSetUnicode; // else // config.CharacterSet = charSetMBCS; config.OutputDirectory = '$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName).win32' config.IntermediateDirectory = '$(ConfigurationName).win32'; // Compiler settings var CLTool = config.Tools('VCCLCompilerTool'); // Additional Inlcude Directories var strAddIncludeDir = '.;.\\win32;.\\Classes;..\\cocos2dx;..\\cocos2dx\\include;..\\cocos2dx\\platform\\win32\\third_party\\OGLES'; if (wizard.FindSymbol('CCX_USE_BOX2D')) { strAddIncludeDir += ';..\\;..\\Box2D'; } if (wizard.FindSymbol('CCX_USE_CHIPMUNK')) { strAddIncludeDir += ';..\\chipmunk\\include\\chipmunk'; } if (wizard.FindSymbol('CCX_USE_COCOS_DENSHION_SIMPLE_AUDIO_ENGINE')) { strAddIncludeDir += ';..\\CocosDenshion\\Include'; } CLTool.AdditionalIncludeDirectories = strAddIncludeDir; CLTool.UsePrecompiledHeader = pchNone; // pchUseUsingSpecific; CLTool.WarningLevel = warningLevel_3; if (bDebug) { CLTool.RuntimeLibrary = rtMultiThreadedDebug; CLTool.MinimalRebuild = true; CLTool.DebugInformationFormat = debugEditAndContinue; CLTool.BasicRuntimeChecks = runtimeBasicCheckAll; CLTool.Optimization = optimizeDisabled; } else { CLTool.RuntimeLibrary = rtMultiThreaded; CLTool.ExceptionHandling = false; CLTool.DebugInformationFormat = debugDisabled; } var strDefines = GetPlatformDefine(config); strDefines += "_WINDOWS;STRICT;"; if (bDebug) strDefines += "_DEBUG;COCOS2D_DEBUG=1"; else strDefines += "NDEBUG"; CLTool.PreprocessorDefinitions = strDefines; // Disable special warning CLTool.DisableSpecificWarnings = "4251"; // Linker settings var LinkTool = config.Tools('VCLinkerTool'); LinkTool.SubSystem = subSystemWindows; LinkTool.TargetMachine = machineX86; if (bDebug) { LinkTool.LinkIncremental = linkIncrementalYes; LinkTool.GenerateDebugInformation = true; } else { LinkTool.LinkIncremental = linkIncrementalNo; } // Additional Library Directories var strAddDepends = 'libcocos2d.lib libgles_cm.lib'; if (wizard.FindSymbol('CCX_USE_BOX2D')) { strAddDepends += ' libBox2d.lib'; } if (wizard.FindSymbol('CCX_USE_CHIPMUNK')) { strAddDepends += ' libchipmunk.lib'; } if (wizard.FindSymbol('CCX_USE_COCOS_DENSHION_SIMPLE_AUDIO_ENGINE')) { strAddDepends += ' libCocosDenshion.lib'; } LinkTool.AdditionalLibraryDirectories = '$(OutDir)'; LinkTool.AdditionalDependencies = strAddDepends; // Resource settings var RCTool = config.Tools("VCResourceCompilerTool"); RCTool.Culture = rcEnglishUS; RCTool.AdditionalIncludeDirectories = "$(IntDir)"; if (bDebug) RCTool.PreprocessorDefinitions = "_DEBUG"; else RCTool.PreprocessorDefinitions = "NDEBUG"; // MIDL settings var MidlTool = config.Tools("VCMidlTool"); MidlTool.MkTypLibCompatible = false; if (IsPlatformWin32(config)) MidlTool.TargetEnvironment = midlTargetWin32; if (bDebug) MidlTool.PreprocessorDefinitions = "_DEBUG"; else MidlTool.PreprocessorDefinitions = "NDEBUG"; MidlTool.HeaderFileName = strProjectName + ".h"; MidlTool.InterfaceIdentifierFileName = strProjectName + "_i.c"; MidlTool.ProxyFileName = strProjectName + "_p.c"; MidlTool.GenerateStublessProxies = true; MidlTool.TypeLibraryName = "$(IntDir)/" + strProjectName + ".tlb"; MidlTool.DLLDataFileName = ""; // Post-build settings var PostBuildTool = config.Tools("VCPostBuildEventTool"); PostBuildTool.Description = "Performing copy resource from Resource to OutDir..."; PostBuildTool.CommandLine = "copy /Y \"$(ProjectDir)Resource\\*.*\" \"$(OutDir)\""; } } catch (e) { throw e; } } function AddPchSettings(proj) { try { // var files = proj.Object.Files; // var fStdafx = files("StdAfx.cpp"); // // var nCntr; // for(nCntr = 0; nCntr < nNumConfigs; nCntr++) // { // var config = fStdafx.FileConfigurations(astrConfigName[nCntr]); // config.Tool.UsePrecompiledHeader = pchCreateUsingSpecific; // } } catch (e) { throw e; } } function DelFile(fso, strWizTempFile) { try { if (fso.FileExists(strWizTempFile)) { var tmpFile = fso.GetFile(strWizTempFile); tmpFile.Delete(); } } catch (e) { throw e; } } function CreateCustomInfFile() { try { var fso, TemplatesFolder, TemplateFiles, strTemplate; fso = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject'); var TemporaryFolder = 2; var tfolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder); var strWizTempFile = tfolder.Path + "\\" + fso.GetTempName(); var strTemplatePath = wizard.FindSymbol('TEMPLATES_PATH'); var strInfFile = strTemplatePath + '\\Templates.inf'; wizard.RenderTemplate(strInfFile, strWizTempFile); var WizTempFile = fso.GetFile(strWizTempFile); return WizTempFile; } catch (e) { throw e; } } function GetTargetName(strName, strProjectName) { try { var strTarget = strName; var nIndex = strName.indexOf("root"); if (nIndex >= 0) { strTarget = strName.substring(0, nIndex) + strProjectName + strName.substring(nIndex + 4, strName.length); } return strTarget; } catch (e) { throw e; } } function AddFilesToCustomProj(proj, strProjectName, strProjectPath, InfFile) { try { var strTemplatePath = wizard.FindSymbol('TEMPLATES_PATH'); var strTpl = ''; var strName = ''; var strTextStream = InfFile.OpenAsTextStream(1, -2); while (!strTextStream.AtEndOfStream) { strTpl = strTextStream.ReadLine(); if (strTpl != '') { strName = strTpl; var strTarget = GetTargetName(strName, strProjectName); var strTemplate = strTemplatePath + '\\' + strTpl; var strFile = strProjectPath + '\\' + strTarget; var bCopyOnly = true; //"true" will only copy the file from strTemplate to strTarget without rendering/adding to the project var strExt = strName.substr(strName.lastIndexOf(".")); if (strExt == ".h" || strExt == ".cpp" || strExt == ".c" || strExt == ".rc") bCopyOnly = false; wizard.RenderTemplate(strTemplate, strFile, bCopyOnly); // don't add these files to the project if (strTarget == strProjectName + ".h" || strTarget == strProjectName + "" || strTarget == strProjectName + "ps.def") continue; proj.Object.AddFile(strFile); } } strTextStream.Close(); } catch (e) { throw e; } }