/* luasocket_scripts.c */ #include "lua.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #include "luasocket_scripts.h" /* ltn12 */ static const char *lua_m_ltn12 = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- LTN12 - Filters, sources, sinks and pumps.\n" "-- LuaSocket toolkit.\n" "-- Author: Diego Nehab\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Declare module\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local string = require(\"string\")\n" "local table = require(\"table\")\n" "local base = _G\n" "local _M = {}\n" "if module then -- heuristic for exporting a global package table\n" " ltn12 = _M\n" "end\n" "local filter,source,sink,pump = {},{},{},{}\n" "\n" "_M.filter = filter\n" "_M.source = source\n" "_M.sink = sink\n" "_M.pump = pump\n" "\n" "-- 2048 seems to be better in windows...\n" "_M.BLOCKSIZE = 2048\n" "_M._VERSION = \"LTN12 1.0.3\"\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Filter stuff\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- returns a high level filter that cycles a low-level filter\n" "function filter.cycle(low, ctx, extra)\n" " base.assert(low)\n" " return function(chunk)\n" " local ret\n" " ret, ctx = low(ctx, chunk, extra)\n" " return ret\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- chains a bunch of filters together\n" "-- (thanks to Wim Couwenberg)\n" "function filter.chain(...)\n" " local arg = {...}\n" " local n = select('#',...)\n" " local top, index = 1, 1\n" " local retry = \"\"\n" " return function(chunk)\n" " retry = chunk and retry\n" " while true do\n" " if index == top then\n" " chunk = arg[index](chunk)\n" " if chunk == \"\" or top == n then return chunk\n" " elseif chunk then index = index + 1\n" " else\n" " top = top+1\n" " index = top\n" " end\n" " else\n" " chunk = arg[index](chunk or \"\")\n" " if chunk == \"\" then\n" " index = index - 1\n" " chunk = retry\n" " elseif chunk then\n" " if index == n then return chunk\n" " else index = index + 1 end\n" " else base.error(\"filter returned inappropriate nil\") end\n" " end\n" " end\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Source stuff\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- create an empty source\n" "local function empty()\n" " return nil\n" "end\n" "\n" "function source.empty()\n" " return empty\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- returns a source that just outputs an error\n" "function source.error(err)\n" " return function()\n" " return nil, err\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- creates a file source\n" "function source.file(handle, io_err)\n" " if handle then\n" " return function()\n" " local chunk = handle:read(_M.BLOCKSIZE)\n" " if not chunk then handle:close() end\n" " return chunk\n" " end\n" " else return source.error(io_err or \"unable to open file\") end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- turns a fancy source into a simple source\n" "function source.simplify(src)\n" " base.assert(src)\n" " return function()\n" " local chunk, err_or_new = src()\n" " src = err_or_new or src\n" " if not chunk then return nil, err_or_new\n" " else return chunk end\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- creates string source\n" "function source.string(s)\n" " if s then\n" " local i = 1\n" " return function()\n" " local chunk = string.sub(s, i, i+_M.BLOCKSIZE-1)\n" " i = i + _M.BLOCKSIZE\n" " if chunk ~= \"\" then return chunk\n" " else return nil end\n" " end\n" " else return source.empty() end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- creates rewindable source\n" "function source.rewind(src)\n" " base.assert(src)\n" " local t = {}\n" " return function(chunk)\n" " if not chunk then\n" " chunk = table.remove(t)\n" " if not chunk then return src()\n" " else return chunk end\n" " else\n" " table.insert(t, chunk)\n" " end\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "function source.chain(src, f)\n" " base.assert(src and f)\n" " local last_in, last_out = \"\", \"\"\n" " local state = \"feeding\"\n" " local err\n" " return function()\n" " if not last_out then\n" " base.error('source is empty!', 2)\n" " end\n" " while true do\n" " if state == \"feeding\" then\n" " last_in, err = src()\n" " if err then return nil, err end\n" " last_out = f(last_in)\n" " if not last_out then\n" " if last_in then\n" " base.error('filter returned inappropriate nil')\n" " else\n" " return nil\n" " end\n" " elseif last_out ~= \"\" then\n" " state = \"eating\"\n" " if last_in then last_in = \"\" end\n" " return last_out\n" " end\n" " else\n" " last_out = f(last_in)\n" " if last_out == \"\" then\n" " if last_in == \"\" then\n" " state = \"feeding\"\n" " else\n" " base.error('filter returned \"\"')\n" " end\n" " elseif not last_out then\n" " if last_in then\n" " base.error('filter returned inappropriate nil')\n" " else\n" " return nil\n" " end\n" " else\n" " return last_out\n" " end\n" " end\n" " end\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- creates a source that produces contents of several sources, one after the\n" "-- other, as if they were concatenated\n" "-- (thanks to Wim Couwenberg)\n" "function source.cat(...)\n" " local arg = {...}\n" " local src = table.remove(arg, 1)\n" " return function()\n" " while src do\n" " local chunk, err = src()\n" " if chunk then return chunk end\n" " if err then return nil, err end\n" " src = table.remove(arg, 1)\n" " end\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Sink stuff\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- creates a sink that stores into a table\n" "function sink.table(t)\n" " t = t or {}\n" " local f = function(chunk, err)\n" " if chunk then table.insert(t, chunk) end\n" " return 1\n" " end\n" " return f, t\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- turns a fancy sink into a simple sink\n" "function sink.simplify(snk)\n" " base.assert(snk)\n" " return function(chunk, err)\n" " local ret, err_or_new = snk(chunk, err)\n" " if not ret then return nil, err_or_new end\n" " snk = err_or_new or snk\n" " return 1\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- creates a file sink\n" "function sink.file(handle, io_err)\n" " if handle then\n" " return function(chunk, err)\n" " if not chunk then\n" " handle:close()\n" " return 1\n" " else return handle:write(chunk) end\n" " end\n" " else return sink.error(io_err or \"unable to open file\") end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- creates a sink that discards data\n" "local function null()\n" " return 1\n" "end\n" "\n" "function sink.null()\n" " return null\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- creates a sink that just returns an error\n" "function sink.error(err)\n" " return function()\n" " return nil, err\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- chains a sink with a filter\n" "function sink.chain(f, snk)\n" " base.assert(f and snk)\n" " return function(chunk, err)\n" " if chunk ~= \"\" then\n" " local filtered = f(chunk)\n" " local done = chunk and \"\"\n" " while true do\n" " local ret, snkerr = snk(filtered, err)\n" " if not ret then return nil, snkerr end\n" " if filtered == done then return 1 end\n" " filtered = f(done)\n" " end\n" " else return 1 end\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Pump stuff\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- pumps one chunk from the source to the sink\n" "function pump.step(src, snk)\n" " local chunk, src_err = src()\n" " local ret, snk_err = snk(chunk, src_err)\n" " if chunk and ret then return 1\n" " else return nil, src_err or snk_err end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- pumps all data from a source to a sink, using a step function\n" "function pump.all(src, snk, step)\n" " base.assert(src and snk)\n" " step = step or pump.step\n" " while true do\n" " local ret, err = step(src, snk)\n" " if not ret then\n" " if err then return nil, err\n" " else return 1 end\n" " end\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "return _M\n" "\n"; /* mime */ static const char *lua_m_mime = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- MIME support for the Lua language.\n" "-- Author: Diego Nehab\n" "-- Conforming to RFCs 2045-2049\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Declare module and import dependencies\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local base = _G\n" "local ltn12 = require(\"ltn12\")\n" "local mime = require(\"mime.core\")\n" "local io = require(\"io\")\n" "local string = require(\"string\")\n" "local _M = mime\n" "\n" "-- encode, decode and wrap algorithm tables\n" "local encodet, decodet, wrapt = {},{},{}\n" "\n" "_M.encodet = encodet\n" "_M.decodet = decodet\n" "_M.wrapt = wrapt \n" "\n" "-- creates a function that chooses a filter by name from a given table\n" "local function choose(table)\n" " return function(name, opt1, opt2)\n" " if base.type(name) ~= \"string\" then\n" " name, opt1, opt2 = \"default\", name, opt1\n" " end\n" " local f = table[name or \"nil\"]\n" " if not f then \n" " base.error(\"unknown key (\" .. base.tostring(name) .. \")\", 3)\n" " else return f(opt1, opt2) end\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- define the encoding filters\n" "encodet['base64'] = function()\n" " return ltn12.filter.cycle(_M.b64, \"\")\n" "end\n" "\n" "encodet['quoted-printable'] = function(mode)\n" " return ltn12.filter.cycle(_M.qp, \"\",\n" " (mode == \"binary\") and \"=0D=0A\" or \"\r\n\")\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- define the decoding filters\n" "decodet['base64'] = function()\n" " return ltn12.filter.cycle(_M.unb64, \"\")\n" "end\n" "\n" "decodet['quoted-printable'] = function()\n" " return ltn12.filter.cycle(_M.unqp, \"\")\n" "end\n" "\n" "local function format(chunk)\n" " if chunk then\n" " if chunk == \"\" then return \"''\"\n" " else return string.len(chunk) end\n" " else return \"nil\" end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- define the line-wrap filters\n" "wrapt['text'] = function(length)\n" " length = length or 76\n" " return ltn12.filter.cycle(_M.wrp, length, length)\n" "end\n" "wrapt['base64'] = wrapt['text']\n" "wrapt['default'] = wrapt['text']\n" "\n" "wrapt['quoted-printable'] = function()\n" " return ltn12.filter.cycle(_M.qpwrp, 76, 76)\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- function that choose the encoding, decoding or wrap algorithm\n" "_M.encode = choose(encodet)\n" "_M.decode = choose(decodet)\n" "_M.wrap = choose(wrapt)\n" "\n" "-- define the end-of-line normalization filter\n" "function _M.normalize(marker)\n" " return ltn12.filter.cycle(_M.eol, 0, marker)\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- high level stuffing filter\n" "function _M.stuff()\n" " return ltn12.filter.cycle(_M.dot, 2)\n" "end\n" "\n" "return _M\n"; /* socket.ftp */ static const char *lua_m_socket_ftp = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- FTP support for the Lua language\n" "-- LuaSocket toolkit.\n" "-- Author: Diego Nehab\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Declare module and import dependencies\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local base = _G\n" "local table = require(\"table\")\n" "local string = require(\"string\")\n" "local math = require(\"math\")\n" "local socket = require(\"socket.socket\")\n" "local url = require(\"socket.url\")\n" "local tp = require(\"socket.tp\")\n" "local ltn12 = require(\"ltn12\")\n" "socket.ftp = {}\n" "local _M = socket.ftp\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Program constants\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- timeout in seconds before the program gives up on a connection\n" "_M.TIMEOUT = 60\n" "-- default port for ftp service\n" "_M.PORT = 21\n" "-- this is the default anonymous password. used when no password is\n" "-- provided in url. should be changed to your e-mail.\n" "_M.USER = \"ftp\"\n" "_M.PASSWORD = \"anonymous@anonymous.org\"\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Low level FTP API\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local metat = { __index = {} }\n" "\n" "function _M.open(server, port, create)\n" " local tp = socket.try(tp.connect(server, port or _M.PORT, _M.TIMEOUT, create))\n" " local f = base.setmetatable({ tp = tp }, metat)\n" " -- make sure everything gets closed in an exception\n" " f.try = socket.newtry(function() f:close() end)\n" " return f\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:portconnect()\n" " self.try(self.server:settimeout(_M.TIMEOUT))\n" " self.data = self.try(self.server:accept())\n" " self.try(self.data:settimeout(_M.TIMEOUT))\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:pasvconnect()\n" " self.data = self.try(socket.tcp())\n" " self.try(self.data:settimeout(_M.TIMEOUT))\n" " self.try(self.data:connect(self.pasvt.ip, self.pasvt.port))\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:login(user, password)\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(\"user\", user or _M.USER))\n" " local code, reply = self.try(self.tp:check{\"2..\", 331})\n" " if code == 331 then\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(\"pass\", password or _M.PASSWORD))\n" " self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\"))\n" " end\n" " return 1\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:pasv()\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(\"pasv\"))\n" " local code, reply = self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\"))\n" " local pattern = \"(%d+)%D(%d+)%D(%d+)%D(%d+)%D(%d+)%D(%d+)\"\n" " local a, b, c, d, p1, p2 = socket.skip(2, string.find(reply, pattern))\n" " self.try(a and b and c and d and p1 and p2, reply)\n" " self.pasvt = {\n" " ip = string.format(\"%d.%d.%d.%d\", a, b, c, d),\n" " port = p1*256 + p2\n" " }\n" " if self.server then\n" " self.server:close()\n" " self.server = nil\n" " end\n" " return self.pasvt.ip, self.pasvt.port\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:port(ip, port)\n" " self.pasvt = nil\n" " if not ip then\n" " ip, port = self.try(self.tp:getcontrol():getsockname())\n" " self.server = self.try(socket.bind(ip, 0))\n" " ip, port = self.try(self.server:getsockname())\n" " self.try(self.server:settimeout(_M.TIMEOUT))\n" " end\n" " local pl = math.mod(port, 256)\n" " local ph = (port - pl)/256\n" " local arg = string.gsub(string.format(\"%s,%d,%d\", ip, ph, pl), \"%.\", \",\")\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(\"port\", arg))\n" " self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\"))\n" " return 1\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:send(sendt)\n" " self.try(self.pasvt or self.server, \"need port or pasv first\")\n" " -- if there is a pasvt table, we already sent a PASV command\n" " -- we just get the data connection into self.data\n" " if self.pasvt then self:pasvconnect() end\n" " -- get the transfer argument and command\n" " local argument = sendt.argument or\n" " url.unescape(string.gsub(sendt.path or \"\", \"^[/\\]\", \"\"))\n" " if argument == \"\" then argument = nil end\n" " local command = sendt.command or \"stor\"\n" " -- send the transfer command and check the reply\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(command, argument))\n" " local code, reply = self.try(self.tp:check{\"2..\", \"1..\"})\n" " -- if there is not a a pasvt table, then there is a server\n" " -- and we already sent a PORT command\n" " if not self.pasvt then self:portconnect() end\n" " -- get the sink, source and step for the transfer\n" " local step = sendt.step or ltn12.pump.step\n" " local readt = {self.tp.c}\n" " local checkstep = function(src, snk)\n" " -- check status in control connection while downloading\n" " local readyt = socket.select(readt, nil, 0)\n" " if readyt[tp] then code = self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\")) end\n" " return step(src, snk)\n" " end\n" " local sink = socket.sink(\"close-when-done\", self.data)\n" " -- transfer all data and check error\n" " self.try(ltn12.pump.all(sendt.source, sink, checkstep))\n" " if string.find(code, \"1..\") then self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\")) end\n" " -- done with data connection\n" " self.data:close()\n" " -- find out how many bytes were sent\n" " local sent = socket.skip(1, self.data:getstats())\n" " self.data = nil\n" " return sent\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:receive(recvt)\n" " self.try(self.pasvt or self.server, \"need port or pasv first\")\n" " if self.pasvt then self:pasvconnect() end\n" " local argument = recvt.argument or\n" " url.unescape(string.gsub(recvt.path or \"\", \"^[/\\]\", \"\"))\n" " if argument == \"\" then argument = nil end\n" " local command = recvt.command or \"retr\"\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(command, argument))\n" " local code,reply = self.try(self.tp:check{\"1..\", \"2..\"})\n" " if (code >= 200) and (code <= 299) then\n" " recvt.sink(reply)\n" " return 1\n" " end\n" " if not self.pasvt then self:portconnect() end\n" " local source = socket.source(\"until-closed\", self.data)\n" " local step = recvt.step or ltn12.pump.step\n" " self.try(ltn12.pump.all(source, recvt.sink, step))\n" " if string.find(code, \"1..\") then self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\")) end\n" " self.data:close()\n" " self.data = nil\n" " return 1\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:cwd(dir)\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(\"cwd\", dir))\n" " self.try(self.tp:check(250))\n" " return 1\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:type(type)\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(\"type\", type))\n" " self.try(self.tp:check(200))\n" " return 1\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:greet()\n" " local code = self.try(self.tp:check{\"1..\", \"2..\"})\n" " if string.find(code, \"1..\") then self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\")) end\n" " return 1\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:quit()\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(\"quit\"))\n" " self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\"))\n" " return 1\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:close()\n" " if self.data then self.data:close() end\n" " if self.server then self.server:close() end\n" " return self.tp:close()\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- High level FTP API\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local function override(t)\n" " if t.url then\n" " local u = url.parse(t.url)\n" " for i,v in base.pairs(t) do\n" " u[i] = v\n" " end\n" " return u\n" " else return t end\n" "end\n" "\n" "local function tput(putt)\n" " putt = override(putt)\n" " socket.try(putt.host, \"missing hostname\")\n" " local f = _M.open(putt.host, putt.port, putt.create)\n" " f:greet()\n" " f:login(putt.user, putt.password)\n" " if putt.type then f:type(putt.type) end\n" " f:pasv()\n" " local sent = f:send(putt)\n" " f:quit()\n" " f:close()\n" " return sent\n" "end\n" "\n" "local default = {\n" " path = \"/\",\n" " scheme = \"ftp\"\n" "}\n" "\n" "local function parse(u)\n" " local t = socket.try(url.parse(u, default))\n" " socket.try(t.scheme == \"ftp\", \"wrong scheme '\" .. t.scheme .. \"'\")\n" " socket.try(t.host, \"missing hostname\")\n" " local pat = \"^type=(.)$\"\n" " if t.params then\n" " t.type = socket.skip(2, string.find(t.params, pat))\n" " socket.try(t.type == \"a\" or t.type == \"i\",\n" " \"invalid type '\" .. t.type .. \"'\")\n" " end\n" " return t\n" "end\n" "\n" "local function sput(u, body)\n" " local putt = parse(u)\n" " putt.source = ltn12.source.string(body)\n" " return tput(putt)\n" "end\n" "\n" "_M.put = socket.protect(function(putt, body)\n" " if base.type(putt) == \"string\" then return sput(putt, body)\n" " else return tput(putt) end\n" "end)\n" "\n" "local function tget(gett)\n" " gett = override(gett)\n" " socket.try(gett.host, \"missing hostname\")\n" " local f = _M.open(gett.host, gett.port, gett.create)\n" " f:greet()\n" " f:login(gett.user, gett.password)\n" " if gett.type then f:type(gett.type) end\n" " f:pasv()\n" " f:receive(gett)\n" " f:quit()\n" " return f:close()\n" "end\n" "\n" "local function sget(u)\n" " local gett = parse(u)\n" " local t = {}\n" " gett.sink = ltn12.sink.table(t)\n" " tget(gett)\n" " return table.concat(t)\n" "end\n" "\n" "_M.command = socket.protect(function(cmdt)\n" " cmdt = override(cmdt)\n" " socket.try(cmdt.host, \"missing hostname\")\n" " socket.try(cmdt.command, \"missing command\")\n" " local f = open(cmdt.host, cmdt.port, cmdt.create)\n" " f:greet()\n" " f:login(cmdt.user, cmdt.password)\n" " f.try(f.tp:command(cmdt.command, cmdt.argument))\n" " if cmdt.check then f.try(f.tp:check(cmdt.check)) end\n" " f:quit()\n" " return f:close()\n" "end)\n" "\n" "_M.get = socket.protect(function(gett)\n" " if base.type(gett) == \"string\" then return sget(gett)\n" " else return tget(gett) end\n" "end)\n" "\n" "return _M\n" "\n"; /* socket.headers */ static const char *lua_m_socket_headers = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Canonic header field capitalization\n" "-- LuaSocket toolkit.\n" "-- Author: Diego Nehab\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local socket = require(\"socket.socket\")\n" "socket.headers = {}\n" "local _M = socket.headers\n" "\n" "_M.canonic = {\n" " [\"accept\"] = \"Accept\",\n" " [\"accept-charset\"] = \"Accept-Charset\",\n" " [\"accept-encoding\"] = \"Accept-Encoding\",\n" " [\"accept-language\"] = \"Accept-Language\",\n" " [\"accept-ranges\"] = \"Accept-Ranges\",\n" " [\"action\"] = \"Action\",\n" " [\"alternate-recipient\"] = \"Alternate-Recipient\",\n" " [\"age\"] = \"Age\",\n" " [\"allow\"] = \"Allow\",\n" " [\"arrival-date\"] = \"Arrival-Date\",\n" " [\"authorization\"] = \"Authorization\",\n" " [\"bcc\"] = \"Bcc\",\n" " [\"cache-control\"] = \"Cache-Control\",\n" " [\"cc\"] = \"Cc\",\n" " [\"comments\"] = \"Comments\",\n" " [\"connection\"] = \"Connection\",\n" " [\"content-description\"] = \"Content-Description\",\n" " [\"content-disposition\"] = \"Content-Disposition\",\n" " [\"content-encoding\"] = \"Content-Encoding\",\n" " [\"content-id\"] = \"Content-ID\",\n" " [\"content-language\"] = \"Content-Language\",\n" " [\"content-length\"] = \"Content-Length\",\n" " [\"content-location\"] = \"Content-Location\",\n" " [\"content-md5\"] = \"Content-MD5\",\n" " [\"content-range\"] = \"Content-Range\",\n" " [\"content-transfer-encoding\"] = \"Content-Transfer-Encoding\",\n" " [\"content-type\"] = \"Content-Type\",\n" " [\"cookie\"] = \"Cookie\",\n" " [\"date\"] = \"Date\",\n" " [\"diagnostic-code\"] = \"Diagnostic-Code\",\n" " [\"dsn-gateway\"] = \"DSN-Gateway\",\n" " [\"etag\"] = \"ETag\",\n" " [\"expect\"] = \"Expect\",\n" " [\"expires\"] = \"Expires\",\n" " [\"final-log-id\"] = \"Final-Log-ID\",\n" " [\"final-recipient\"] = \"Final-Recipient\",\n" " [\"from\"] = \"From\",\n" " [\"host\"] = \"Host\",\n" " [\"if-match\"] = \"If-Match\",\n" " [\"if-modified-since\"] = \"If-Modified-Since\",\n" " [\"if-none-match\"] = \"If-None-Match\",\n" " [\"if-range\"] = \"If-Range\",\n" " [\"if-unmodified-since\"] = \"If-Unmodified-Since\",\n" " [\"in-reply-to\"] = \"In-Reply-To\",\n" " [\"keywords\"] = \"Keywords\",\n" " [\"last-attempt-date\"] = \"Last-Attempt-Date\",\n" " [\"last-modified\"] = \"Last-Modified\",\n" " [\"location\"] = \"Location\",\n" " [\"max-forwards\"] = \"Max-Forwards\",\n" " [\"message-id\"] = \"Message-ID\",\n" " [\"mime-version\"] = \"MIME-Version\",\n" " [\"original-envelope-id\"] = \"Original-Envelope-ID\",\n" " [\"original-recipient\"] = \"Original-Recipient\",\n" " [\"pragma\"] = \"Pragma\",\n" " [\"proxy-authenticate\"] = \"Proxy-Authenticate\",\n" " [\"proxy-authorization\"] = \"Proxy-Authorization\",\n" " [\"range\"] = \"Range\",\n" " [\"received\"] = \"Received\",\n" " [\"received-from-mta\"] = \"Received-From-MTA\",\n" " [\"references\"] = \"References\",\n" " [\"referer\"] = \"Referer\",\n" " [\"remote-mta\"] = \"Remote-MTA\",\n" " [\"reply-to\"] = \"Reply-To\",\n" " [\"reporting-mta\"] = \"Reporting-MTA\",\n" " [\"resent-bcc\"] = \"Resent-Bcc\",\n" " [\"resent-cc\"] = \"Resent-Cc\",\n" " [\"resent-date\"] = \"Resent-Date\",\n" " [\"resent-from\"] = \"Resent-From\",\n" " [\"resent-message-id\"] = \"Resent-Message-ID\",\n" " [\"resent-reply-to\"] = \"Resent-Reply-To\",\n" " [\"resent-sender\"] = \"Resent-Sender\",\n" " [\"resent-to\"] = \"Resent-To\",\n" " [\"retry-after\"] = \"Retry-After\",\n" " [\"return-path\"] = \"Return-Path\",\n" " [\"sender\"] = \"Sender\",\n" " [\"server\"] = \"Server\",\n" " [\"smtp-remote-recipient\"] = \"SMTP-Remote-Recipient\",\n" " [\"status\"] = \"Status\",\n" " [\"subject\"] = \"Subject\",\n" " [\"te\"] = \"TE\",\n" " [\"to\"] = \"To\",\n" " [\"trailer\"] = \"Trailer\",\n" " [\"transfer-encoding\"] = \"Transfer-Encoding\",\n" " [\"upgrade\"] = \"Upgrade\",\n" " [\"user-agent\"] = \"User-Agent\",\n" " [\"vary\"] = \"Vary\",\n" " [\"via\"] = \"Via\",\n" " [\"warning\"] = \"Warning\",\n" " [\"will-retry-until\"] = \"Will-Retry-Until\",\n" " [\"www-authenticate\"] = \"WWW-Authenticate\",\n" " [\"x-mailer\"] = \"X-Mailer\",\n" "}\n" "\n" "return _M\n" "\n"; /* socket.http */ static const char *lua_m_socket_http = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- HTTP/1.1 client support for the Lua language.\n" "-- LuaSocket toolkit.\n" "-- Author: Diego Nehab\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Declare module and import dependencies\n" "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local socket = require(\"socket.socket\")\n" "local url = require(\"socket.url\")\n" "local ltn12 = require(\"socket.ltn12\")\n" "local mime = require(\"socket.mime\")\n" "local string = require(\"string\")\n" "local headers = require(\"socket.headers\")\n" "local base = _G\n" "local table = require(\"table\")\n" "socket.http = {}\n" "local _M = socket.http\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Program constants\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- connection timeout in seconds\n" "TIMEOUT = 60\n" "-- default port for document retrieval\n" "_M.PORT = 80\n" "-- user agent field sent in request\n" "_M.USERAGENT = socket._VERSION\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Reads MIME headers from a connection, unfolding where needed\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local function receiveheaders(sock, headers)\n" " local line, name, value, err\n" " headers = headers or {}\n" " -- get first line\n" " line, err = sock:receive()\n" " if err then return nil, err end\n" " -- headers go until a blank line is found\n" " while line ~= \"\" do\n" " -- get field-name and value\n" " name, value = socket.skip(2, string.find(line, \"^(.-):%s*(.*)\"))\n" " if not (name and value) then return nil, \"malformed reponse headers\" end\n" " name = string.lower(name)\n" " -- get next line (value might be folded)\n" " line, err = sock:receive()\n" " if err then return nil, err end\n" " -- unfold any folded values\n" " while string.find(line, \"^%s\") do\n" " value = value .. line\n" " line = sock:receive()\n" " if err then return nil, err end\n" " end\n" " -- save pair in table\n" " if headers[name] then headers[name] = headers[name] .. \", \" .. value\n" " else headers[name] = value end\n" " end\n" " return headers\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Extra sources and sinks\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "socket.sourcet[\"http-chunked\"] = function(sock, headers)\n" " return base.setmetatable({\n" " getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end,\n" " dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end\n" " }, {\n" " __call = function()\n" " -- get chunk size, skip extention\n" " local line, err = sock:receive()\n" " if err then return nil, err end\n" " local size = base.tonumber(string.gsub(line, \";.*\", \"\"), 16)\n" " if not size then return nil, \"invalid chunk size\" end\n" " -- was it the last chunk?\n" " if size > 0 then\n" " -- if not, get chunk and skip terminating CRLF\n" " local chunk, err, part = sock:receive(size)\n" " if chunk then sock:receive() end\n" " return chunk, err\n" " else\n" " -- if it was, read trailers into headers table\n" " headers, err = receiveheaders(sock, headers)\n" " if not headers then return nil, err end\n" " end\n" " end\n" " })\n" "end\n" "\n" "socket.sinkt[\"http-chunked\"] = function(sock)\n" " return base.setmetatable({\n" " getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end,\n" " dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end\n" " }, {\n" " __call = function(self, chunk, err)\n" " if not chunk then return sock:send(\"0\r\n\r\n\") end\n" " local size = string.format(\"%X\r\n\", string.len(chunk))\n" " return sock:send(size .. chunk .. \"\r\n\")\n" " end\n" " })\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Low level HTTP API\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local metat = { __index = {} }\n" "\n" "function _M.open(host, port, create)\n" " -- create socket with user connect function, or with default\n" " local c = socket.try((create or socket.tcp)())\n" " local h = base.setmetatable({ c = c }, metat)\n" " -- create finalized try\n" " h.try = socket.newtry(function() h:close() end)\n" " -- set timeout before connecting\n" " h.try(c:settimeout(_M.TIMEOUT))\n" " h.try(c:connect(host, port or _M.PORT))\n" " -- here everything worked\n" " return h\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:sendrequestline(method, uri)\n" " local reqline = string.format(\"%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n\", method or \"GET\", uri)\n" " return self.try(self.c:send(reqline))\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:sendheaders(tosend)\n" " local canonic = headers.canonic\n" " local h = \"\r\n\"\n" " for f, v in base.pairs(tosend) do\n" " h = (canonic[f] or f) .. \": \" .. v .. \"\r\n\" .. h\n" " end\n" " self.try(self.c:send(h))\n" " return 1\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:sendbody(headers, source, step)\n" " source = source or ltn12.source.empty()\n" " step = step or ltn12.pump.step\n" " -- if we don't know the size in advance, send chunked and hope for the best\n" " local mode = \"http-chunked\"\n" " if headers[\"content-length\"] then mode = \"keep-open\" end\n" " return self.try(ltn12.pump.all(source, socket.sink(mode, self.c), step))\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:receivestatusline()\n" " local status = self.try(self.c:receive(5))\n" " -- identify HTTP/0.9 responses, which do not contain a status line\n" " -- this is just a heuristic, but is what the RFC recommends\n" " if status ~= \"HTTP/\" then return nil, status end\n" " -- otherwise proceed reading a status line\n" " status = self.try(self.c:receive(\"*l\", status))\n" " local code = socket.skip(2, string.find(status, \"HTTP/%d*%.%d* (%d%d%d)\"))\n" " return self.try(base.tonumber(code), status)\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:receiveheaders()\n" " return self.try(receiveheaders(self.c))\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:receivebody(headers, sink, step)\n" " sink = sink or ltn12.sink.null()\n" " step = step or ltn12.pump.step\n" " local length = base.tonumber(headers[\"content-length\"])\n" " local t = headers[\"transfer-encoding\"] -- shortcut\n" " local mode = \"default\" -- connection close\n" " if t and t ~= \"identity\" then mode = \"http-chunked\"\n" " elseif base.tonumber(headers[\"content-length\"]) then mode = \"by-length\" end\n" " return self.try(ltn12.pump.all(socket.source(mode, self.c, length),\n" " sink, step))\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:receive09body(status, sink, step)\n" " local source = ltn12.source.rewind(socket.source(\"until-closed\", self.c))\n" " source(status)\n" " return self.try(ltn12.pump.all(source, sink, step))\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:close()\n" " return self.c:close()\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- High level HTTP API\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local function adjusturi(reqt)\n" " local u = reqt\n" " -- if there is a proxy, we need the full url. otherwise, just a part.\n" " if not reqt.proxy and not PROXY then\n" " u = {\n" " path = socket.try(reqt.path, \"invalid path 'nil'\"),\n" " params = reqt.params,\n" " query = reqt.query,\n" " fragment = reqt.fragment\n" " }\n" " end\n" " return url.build(u)\n" "end\n" "\n" "local function adjustproxy(reqt)\n" " local proxy = reqt.proxy or PROXY\n" " if proxy then\n" " proxy = url.parse(proxy)\n" " return proxy.host, proxy.port or 3128\n" " else\n" " return reqt.host, reqt.port\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "local function adjustheaders(reqt)\n" " -- default headers\n" " local lower = {\n" " [\"user-agent\"] = _M.USERAGENT,\n" " [\"host\"] = reqt.host,\n" " [\"connection\"] = \"close, TE\",\n" " [\"te\"] = \"trailers\"\n" " }\n" " -- if we have authentication information, pass it along\n" " if reqt.user and reqt.password then\n" " lower[\"authorization\"] =\n" " \"Basic \" .. (mime.b64(reqt.user .. \":\" .. reqt.password))\n" " end\n" " -- override with user headers\n" " for i,v in base.pairs(reqt.headers or lower) do\n" " lower[string.lower(i)] = v\n" " end\n" " return lower\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- default url parts\n" "local default = {\n" " host = \"\",\n" " port = _M.PORT,\n" " path =\"/\",\n" " scheme = \"http\"\n" "}\n" "\n" "local function adjustrequest(reqt)\n" " -- parse url if provided\n" " local nreqt = reqt.url and url.parse(reqt.url, default) or {}\n" " -- explicit components override url\n" " for i,v in base.pairs(reqt) do nreqt[i] = v end\n" " if nreqt.port == \"\" then nreqt.port = 80 end\n" " socket.try(nreqt.host and nreqt.host ~= \"\",\n" " \"invalid host '\" .. base.tostring(nreqt.host) .. \"'\")\n" " -- compute uri if user hasn't overriden\n" " nreqt.uri = reqt.uri or adjusturi(nreqt)\n" " -- ajust host and port if there is a proxy\n" " nreqt.host, nreqt.port = adjustproxy(nreqt)\n" " -- adjust headers in request\n" " nreqt.headers = adjustheaders(nreqt)\n" " return nreqt\n" "end\n" "\n" "local function shouldredirect(reqt, code, headers)\n" " return headers.location and\n" " string.gsub(headers.location, \"%s\", \"\") ~= \"\" and\n" " (reqt.redirect ~= false) and\n" " (code == 301 or code == 302 or code == 303 or code == 307) and\n" " (not reqt.method or reqt.method == \"GET\" or reqt.method == \"HEAD\")\n" " and (not reqt.nredirects or reqt.nredirects < 5)\n" "end\n" "\n" "local function shouldreceivebody(reqt, code)\n" " if reqt.method == \"HEAD\" then return nil end\n" " if code == 204 or code == 304 then return nil end\n" " if code >= 100 and code < 200 then return nil end\n" " return 1\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- forward declarations\n" "local trequest, tredirect\n" "\n" "--[[local]] function tredirect(reqt, location)\n" " local result, code, headers, status = trequest {\n" " -- the RFC says the redirect URL has to be absolute, but some\n" " -- servers do not respect that\n" " url = url.absolute(reqt.url, location),\n" " source = reqt.source,\n" " sink = reqt.sink,\n" " headers = reqt.headers,\n" " proxy = reqt.proxy,\n" " nredirects = (reqt.nredirects or 0) + 1,\n" " create = reqt.create\n" " }\n" " -- pass location header back as a hint we redirected\n" " headers = headers or {}\n" " headers.location = headers.location or location\n" " return result, code, headers, status\n" "end\n" "\n" "--[[local]] function trequest(reqt)\n" " -- we loop until we get what we want, or\n" " -- until we are sure there is no way to get it\n" " local nreqt = adjustrequest(reqt)\n" " local h = _M.open(nreqt.host, nreqt.port, nreqt.create)\n" " -- send request line and headers\n" " h:sendrequestline(nreqt.method, nreqt.uri)\n" " h:sendheaders(nreqt.headers)\n" " -- if there is a body, send it\n" " if nreqt.source then\n" " h:sendbody(nreqt.headers, nreqt.source, nreqt.step)\n" " end\n" " local code, status = h:receivestatusline()\n" " -- if it is an HTTP/0.9 server, simply get the body and we are done\n" " if not code then\n" " h:receive09body(status, nreqt.sink, nreqt.step)\n" " return 1, 200\n" " end\n" " local headers\n" " -- ignore any 100-continue messages\n" " while code == 100 do\n" " headers = h:receiveheaders()\n" " code, status = h:receivestatusline()\n" " end\n" " headers = h:receiveheaders()\n" " -- at this point we should have a honest reply from the server\n" " -- we can't redirect if we already used the source, so we report the error\n" " if shouldredirect(nreqt, code, headers) and not nreqt.source then\n" " h:close()\n" " return tredirect(reqt, headers.location)\n" " end\n" " -- here we are finally done\n" " if shouldreceivebody(nreqt, code) then\n" " h:receivebody(headers, nreqt.sink, nreqt.step)\n" " end\n" " h:close()\n" " return 1, code, headers, status\n" "end\n" "\n" "local function srequest(u, b)\n" " local t = {}\n" " local reqt = {\n" " url = u,\n" " sink = ltn12.sink.table(t)\n" " }\n" " if b then\n" " reqt.source = ltn12.source.string(b)\n" " reqt.headers = {\n" " [\"content-length\"] = string.len(b),\n" " [\"content-type\"] = \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\"\n" " }\n" " reqt.method = \"POST\"\n" " end\n" " local code, headers, status = socket.skip(1, trequest(reqt))\n" " return table.concat(t), code, headers, status\n" "end\n" "\n" "_M.request = socket.protect(function(reqt, body)\n" " if base.type(reqt) == \"string\" then return srequest(reqt, body)\n" " else return trequest(reqt) end\n" "end)\n" "\n" "return _M\n" "\n"; /* socket.mbox */ static const char *lua_m_socket_mbox = "local _M = {}\n" "\n" "if module then\n" " mbox = _M\n" "end \n" "\n" "function _M.split_message(message_s)\n" " local message = {}\n" " message_s = string.gsub(message_s, \"\r\n\", \"\n\")\n" " string.gsub(message_s, \"^(.-\n)\n\", function (h) message.headers = h end)\n" " string.gsub(message_s, \"^.-\n\n(.*)\", function (b) message.body = b end)\n" " if not message.body then\n" " string.gsub(message_s, \"^\n(.*)\", function (b) message.body = b end)\n" " end\n" " if not message.headers and not message.body then\n" " message.headers = message_s\n" " end\n" " return message.headers or \"\", message.body or \"\"\n" "end\n" "\n" "function _M.split_headers(headers_s)\n" " local headers = {}\n" " headers_s = string.gsub(headers_s, \"\r\n\", \"\n\")\n" " headers_s = string.gsub(headers_s, \"\n[ ]+\", \" \")\n" " string.gsub(\"\n\" .. headers_s, \"\n([^\n]+)\", function (h) table.insert(headers, h) end)\n" " return headers\n" "end\n" "\n" "function _M.parse_header(header_s)\n" " header_s = string.gsub(header_s, \"\n[ ]+\", \" \")\n" " header_s = string.gsub(header_s, \"\n+\", \"\")\n" " local _, __, name, value = string.find(header_s, \"([^%s:]-):%s*(.*)\")\n" " return name, value\n" "end\n" "\n" "function _M.parse_headers(headers_s)\n" " local headers_t = _M.split_headers(headers_s)\n" " local headers = {}\n" " for i = 1, #headers_t do\n" " local name, value = _M.parse_header(headers_t[i])\n" " if name then\n" " name = string.lower(name)\n" " if headers[name] then\n" " headers[name] = headers[name] .. \", \" .. value\n" " else headers[name] = value end\n" " end\n" " end\n" " return headers\n" "end\n" "\n" "function _M.parse_from(from)\n" " local _, __, name, address = string.find(from, \"^%s*(.-)%s*%<(.-)%>\")\n" " if not address then\n" " _, __, address = string.find(from, \"%s*(.+)%s*\")\n" " end\n" " name = name or \"\"\n" " address = address or \"\"\n" " if name == \"\" then name = address end\n" " name = string.gsub(name, '\"', \"\")\n" " return name, address\n" "end\n" "\n" "function _M.split_mbox(mbox_s)\n" " mbox = {}\n" " mbox_s = string.gsub(mbox_s, \"\r\n\", \"\n\") ..\"\n\nFrom \n\"\n" " local nj, i, j = 1, 1, 1\n" " while 1 do\n" " i, nj = string.find(mbox_s, \"\n\nFrom .-\n\", j)\n" " if not i then break end\n" " local message = string.sub(mbox_s, j, i-1)\n" " table.insert(mbox, message)\n" " j = nj+1\n" " end\n" " return mbox\n" "end\n" "\n" "function _M.parse(mbox_s)\n" " local mbox = _M.split_mbox(mbox_s)\n" " for i = 1, #mbox do\n" " mbox[i] = _M.parse_message(mbox[i])\n" " end\n" " return mbox\n" "end\n" "\n" "function _M.parse_message(message_s)\n" " local message = {}\n" " message.headers, message.body = _M.split_message(message_s)\n" " message.headers = _M.parse_headers(message.headers)\n" " return message\n" "end\n" "\n" "return _M\n" "\n"; /* socket.smtp */ static const char *lua_m_socket_smtp = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- SMTP client support for the Lua language.\n" "-- LuaSocket toolkit.\n" "-- Author: Diego Nehab\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Declare module and import dependencies\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local base = _G\n" "local coroutine = require(\"coroutine\")\n" "local string = require(\"string\")\n" "local math = require(\"math\")\n" "local os = require(\"os\")\n" "local socket = require(\"socket.socket\")\n" "local tp = require(\"socket.tp\")\n" "local ltn12 = require(\"socket.ltn12\")\n" "local headers = require(\"socket.headers\")\n" "local mime = require(\"socket.mime\")\n" "\n" "socket.smtp = {}\n" "local _M = socket.smtp\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Program constants\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- timeout for connection\n" "_M.TIMEOUT = 60\n" "-- default server used to send e-mails\n" "_M.SERVER = \"localhost\"\n" "-- default port\n" "_M.PORT = 25\n" "-- domain used in HELO command and default sendmail\n" "-- If we are under a CGI, try to get from environment\n" "_M.DOMAIN = os.getenv(\"SERVER_NAME\") or \"localhost\"\n" "-- default time zone (means we don't know)\n" "_M.ZONE = \"-0000\"\n" "\n" "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Low level SMTP API\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local metat = { __index = {} }\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:greet(domain)\n" " self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\"))\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(\"EHLO\", domain or _M.DOMAIN))\n" " return socket.skip(1, self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\")))\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:mail(from)\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(\"MAIL\", \"FROM:\" .. from))\n" " return self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\"))\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:rcpt(to)\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(\"RCPT\", \"TO:\" .. to))\n" " return self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\"))\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:data(src, step)\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(\"DATA\"))\n" " self.try(self.tp:check(\"3..\"))\n" " self.try(self.tp:source(src, step))\n" " self.try(self.tp:send(\"\r\n.\r\n\"))\n" " return self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\"))\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:quit()\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(\"QUIT\"))\n" " return self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\"))\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:close()\n" " return self.tp:close()\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:login(user, password)\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(\"AUTH\", \"LOGIN\"))\n" " self.try(self.tp:check(\"3..\"))\n" " self.try(self.tp:send(mime.b64(user) .. \"\r\n\"))\n" " self.try(self.tp:check(\"3..\"))\n" " self.try(self.tp:send(mime.b64(password) .. \"\r\n\"))\n" " return self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\"))\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:plain(user, password)\n" " local auth = \"PLAIN \" .. mime.b64(\"\0\" .. user .. \"\0\" .. password)\n" " self.try(self.tp:command(\"AUTH\", auth))\n" " return self.try(self.tp:check(\"2..\"))\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:auth(user, password, ext)\n" " if not user or not password then return 1 end\n" " if string.find(ext, \"AUTH[^\n]+LOGIN\") then\n" " return self:login(user, password)\n" " elseif string.find(ext, \"AUTH[^\n]+PLAIN\") then\n" " return self:plain(user, password)\n" " else\n" " self.try(nil, \"authentication not supported\")\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- send message or throw an exception\n" "function metat.__index:send(mailt)\n" " self:mail(mailt.from)\n" " if base.type(mailt.rcpt) == \"table\" then\n" " for i,v in base.ipairs(mailt.rcpt) do\n" " self:rcpt(v)\n" " end\n" " else\n" " self:rcpt(mailt.rcpt)\n" " end\n" " self:data(ltn12.source.chain(mailt.source, mime.stuff()), mailt.step)\n" "end\n" "\n" "function _M.open(server, port, create)\n" " local tp = socket.try(tp.connect(server or _M.SERVER, port or _M.PORT,\n" " _M.TIMEOUT, create))\n" " local s = base.setmetatable({tp = tp}, metat)\n" " -- make sure tp is closed if we get an exception\n" " s.try = socket.newtry(function()\n" " s:close()\n" " end)\n" " return s\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- convert headers to lowercase\n" "local function lower_headers(headers)\n" " local lower = {}\n" " for i,v in base.pairs(headers or lower) do\n" " lower[string.lower(i)] = v\n" " end\n" " return lower\n" "end\n" "\n" "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Multipart message source\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- returns a hopefully unique mime boundary\n" "local seqno = 0\n" "local function newboundary()\n" " seqno = seqno + 1\n" " return string.format('%s%05d==%05u', os.date('%d%m%Y%H%M%S'),\n" " math.random(0, 99999), seqno)\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- send_message forward declaration\n" "local send_message\n" "\n" "-- yield the headers all at once, it's faster\n" "local function send_headers(tosend)\n" " local canonic = headers.canonic\n" " local h = \"\r\n\"\n" " for f,v in base.pairs(tosend) do\n" " h = (canonic[f] or f) .. ': ' .. v .. \"\r\n\" .. h\n" " end\n" " coroutine.yield(h)\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- yield multipart message body from a multipart message table\n" "local function send_multipart(mesgt)\n" " -- make sure we have our boundary and send headers\n" " local bd = newboundary()\n" " local headers = lower_headers(mesgt.headers or {})\n" " headers['content-type'] = headers['content-type'] or 'multipart/mixed'\n" " headers['content-type'] = headers['content-type'] ..\n" " '; boundary=\"' .. bd .. '\"'\n" " send_headers(headers)\n" " -- send preamble\n" " if mesgt.body.preamble then\n" " coroutine.yield(mesgt.body.preamble)\n" " coroutine.yield(\"\r\n\")\n" " end\n" " -- send each part separated by a boundary\n" " for i, m in base.ipairs(mesgt.body) do\n" " coroutine.yield(\"\r\n--\" .. bd .. \"\r\n\")\n" " send_message(m)\n" " end\n" " -- send last boundary\n" " coroutine.yield(\"\r\n--\" .. bd .. \"--\r\n\r\n\")\n" " -- send epilogue\n" " if mesgt.body.epilogue then\n" " coroutine.yield(mesgt.body.epilogue)\n" " coroutine.yield(\"\r\n\")\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- yield message body from a source\n" "local function send_source(mesgt)\n" " -- make sure we have a content-type\n" " local headers = lower_headers(mesgt.headers or {})\n" " headers['content-type'] = headers['content-type'] or\n" " 'text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"'\n" " send_headers(headers)\n" " -- send body from source\n" " while true do\n" " local chunk, err = mesgt.body()\n" " if err then coroutine.yield(nil, err)\n" " elseif chunk then coroutine.yield(chunk)\n" " else break end\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- yield message body from a string\n" "local function send_string(mesgt)\n" " -- make sure we have a content-type\n" " local headers = lower_headers(mesgt.headers or {})\n" " headers['content-type'] = headers['content-type'] or\n" " 'text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"'\n" " send_headers(headers)\n" " -- send body from string\n" " coroutine.yield(mesgt.body)\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- message source\n" "function send_message(mesgt)\n" " if base.type(mesgt.body) == \"table\" then send_multipart(mesgt)\n" " elseif base.type(mesgt.body) == \"function\" then send_source(mesgt)\n" " else send_string(mesgt) end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- set defaul headers\n" "local function adjust_headers(mesgt)\n" " local lower = lower_headers(mesgt.headers)\n" " lower[\"date\"] = lower[\"date\"] or\n" " os.date(\"!%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S \") .. (mesgt.zone or _M.ZONE)\n" " lower[\"x-mailer\"] = lower[\"x-mailer\"] or socket._VERSION\n" " -- this can't be overriden\n" " lower[\"mime-version\"] = \"1.0\"\n" " return lower\n" "end\n" "\n" "function _M.message(mesgt)\n" " mesgt.headers = adjust_headers(mesgt)\n" " -- create and return message source\n" " local co = coroutine.create(function() send_message(mesgt) end)\n" " return function()\n" " local ret, a, b = coroutine.resume(co)\n" " if ret then return a, b\n" " else return nil, a end\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- High level SMTP API\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "_M.send = socket.protect(function(mailt)\n" " local s = _M.open(mailt.server, mailt.port, mailt.create)\n" " local ext = s:greet(mailt.domain)\n" " s:auth(mailt.user, mailt.password, ext)\n" " s:send(mailt)\n" " s:quit()\n" " return s:close()\n" "end)\n" "\n" "return _M\n" "\n"; /* socket.tp */ static const char *lua_m_socket_tp = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Unified SMTP/FTP subsystem\n" "-- LuaSocket toolkit.\n" "-- Author: Diego Nehab\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Declare module and import dependencies\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local base = _G\n" "local string = require(\"string\")\n" "local socket = require(\"socket.socket\")\n" "local ltn12 = require(\"socket.ltn12\")\n" "\n" "socket.tp = {}\n" "local _M = socket.tp\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Program constants\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "_M.TIMEOUT = 60\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Implementation\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- gets server reply (works for SMTP and FTP)\n" "local function get_reply(c)\n" " local code, current, sep\n" " local line, err = c:receive()\n" " local reply = line\n" " if err then return nil, err end\n" " code, sep = socket.skip(2, string.find(line, \"^(%d%d%d)(.?)\"))\n" " if not code then return nil, \"invalid server reply\" end\n" " if sep == \"-\" then -- reply is multiline\n" " repeat\n" " line, err = c:receive()\n" " if err then return nil, err end\n" " current, sep = socket.skip(2, string.find(line, \"^(%d%d%d)(.?)\"))\n" " reply = reply .. \"\n\" .. line\n" " -- reply ends with same code\n" " until code == current and sep == \" \"\n" " end\n" " return code, reply\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- metatable for sock object\n" "local metat = { __index = {} }\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:check(ok)\n" " local code, reply = get_reply(self.c)\n" " if not code then return nil, reply end\n" " if base.type(ok) ~= \"function\" then\n" " if base.type(ok) == \"table\" then\n" " for i, v in base.ipairs(ok) do\n" " if string.find(code, v) then\n" " return base.tonumber(code), reply\n" " end\n" " end\n" " return nil, reply\n" " else\n" " if string.find(code, ok) then return base.tonumber(code), reply\n" " else return nil, reply end\n" " end\n" " else return ok(base.tonumber(code), reply) end\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:command(cmd, arg)\n" " cmd = string.upper(cmd)\n" " if arg then\n" " return self.c:send(cmd .. \" \" .. arg.. \"\r\n\")\n" " else\n" " return self.c:send(cmd .. \"\r\n\")\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:sink(snk, pat)\n" " local chunk, err = c:receive(pat)\n" " return snk(chunk, err)\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:send(data)\n" " return self.c:send(data)\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:receive(pat)\n" " return self.c:receive(pat)\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:getfd()\n" " return self.c:getfd()\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:dirty()\n" " return self.c:dirty()\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:getcontrol()\n" " return self.c\n" "end\n" "\n" "function metat.__index:source(source, step)\n" " local sink = socket.sink(\"keep-open\", self.c)\n" " local ret, err = ltn12.pump.all(source, sink, step or ltn12.pump.step)\n" " return ret, err\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- closes the underlying c\n" "function metat.__index:close()\n" " self.c:close()\n" " return 1\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- connect with server and return c object\n" "function _M.connect(host, port, timeout, create)\n" " local c, e = (create or socket.tcp)()\n" " if not c then return nil, e end\n" " c:settimeout(timeout or _M.TIMEOUT)\n" " local r, e = c:connect(host, port)\n" " if not r then\n" " c:close()\n" " return nil, e\n" " end\n" " return base.setmetatable({c = c}, metat)\n" "end\n" "\n" "return _M\n" "\n"; /* socket.url */ static const char *lua_m_socket_url = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- URI parsing, composition and relative URL resolution\n" "-- LuaSocket toolkit.\n" "-- Author: Diego Nehab\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Declare module\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local string = require(\"string\")\n" "local base = _G\n" "local table = require(\"table\")\n" "local socket = require(\"socket.socket\")\n" "\n" "socket.url = {}\n" "local _M = socket.url\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Module version\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "_M._VERSION = \"URL 1.0.3\"\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Encodes a string into its escaped hexadecimal representation\n" "-- Input\n" "-- s: binary string to be encoded\n" "-- Returns\n" "-- escaped representation of string binary\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "function _M.escape(s)\n" " return (string.gsub(s, \"([^A-Za-z0-9_])\", function(c)\n" " return string.format(\"%%%02x\", string.byte(c))\n" " end))\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Protects a path segment, to prevent it from interfering with the\n" "-- url parsing.\n" "-- Input\n" "-- s: binary string to be encoded\n" "-- Returns\n" "-- escaped representation of string binary\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local function make_set(t)\n" " local s = {}\n" " for i,v in base.ipairs(t) do\n" " s[t[i]] = 1\n" " end\n" " return s\n" "end\n" "\n" "-- these are allowed withing a path segment, along with alphanum\n" "-- other characters must be escaped\n" "local segment_set = make_set {\n" " \"-\", \"_\", \".\", \"!\", \"~\", \"*\", \"'\", \"(\",\n" " \")\", \":\", \"@\", \"&\", \"=\", \"+\", \"$\", \",\",\n" "}\n" "\n" "local function protect_segment(s)\n" " return string.gsub(s, \"([^A-Za-z0-9_])\", function (c)\n" " if segment_set[c] then return c\n" " else return string.format(\"%%%02x\", string.byte(c)) end\n" " end)\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Encodes a string into its escaped hexadecimal representation\n" "-- Input\n" "-- s: binary string to be encoded\n" "-- Returns\n" "-- escaped representation of string binary\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "function _M.unescape(s)\n" " return (string.gsub(s, \"%%(%x%x)\", function(hex)\n" " return string.char(base.tonumber(hex, 16))\n" " end))\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Builds a path from a base path and a relative path\n" "-- Input\n" "-- base_path\n" "-- relative_path\n" "-- Returns\n" "-- corresponding absolute path\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local function absolute_path(base_path, relative_path)\n" " if string.sub(relative_path, 1, 1) == \"/\" then return relative_path end\n" " local path = string.gsub(base_path, \"[^/]*$\", \"\")\n" " path = path .. relative_path\n" " path = string.gsub(path, \"([^/]*%./)\", function (s)\n" " if s ~= \"./\" then return s else return \"\" end\n" " end)\n" " path = string.gsub(path, \"/%.$\", \"/\")\n" " local reduced\n" " while reduced ~= path do\n" " reduced = path\n" " path = string.gsub(reduced, \"([^/]*/%.%./)\", function (s)\n" " if s ~= \"../../\" then return \"\" else return s end\n" " end)\n" " end\n" " path = string.gsub(reduced, \"([^/]*/%.%.)$\", function (s)\n" " if s ~= \"../..\" then return \"\" else return s end\n" " end)\n" " return path\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Parses a url and returns a table with all its parts according to RFC 2396\n" "-- The following grammar describes the names given to the URL parts\n" "-- ::= :///;?#\n" "-- ::= @:\n" "-- ::= [:]\n" "-- :: = {/}\n" "-- Input\n" "-- url: uniform resource locator of request\n" "-- default: table with default values for each field\n" "-- Returns\n" "-- table with the following fields, where RFC naming conventions have\n" "-- been preserved:\n" "-- scheme, authority, userinfo, user, password, host, port,\n" "-- path, params, query, fragment\n" "-- Obs:\n" "-- the leading '/' in {/} is considered part of \n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "function _M.parse(url, default)\n" " -- initialize default parameters\n" " local parsed = {}\n" " for i,v in base.pairs(default or parsed) do parsed[i] = v end\n" " -- empty url is parsed to nil\n" " if not url or url == \"\" then return nil, \"invalid url\" end\n" " -- remove whitespace\n" " -- url = string.gsub(url, \"%s\", \"\")\n" " -- get fragment\n" " url = string.gsub(url, \"#(.*)$\", function(f)\n" " parsed.fragment = f\n" " return \"\"\n" " end)\n" " -- get scheme\n" " url = string.gsub(url, \"^([%w][%w%+%-%.]*)%:\",\n" " function(s) parsed.scheme = s; return \"\" end)\n" " -- get authority\n" " url = string.gsub(url, \"^//([^/]*)\", function(n)\n" " parsed.authority = n\n" " return \"\"\n" " end)\n" " -- get query string\n" " url = string.gsub(url, \"%?(.*)\", function(q)\n" " parsed.query = q\n" " return \"\"\n" " end)\n" " -- get params\n" " url = string.gsub(url, \"%;(.*)\", function(p)\n" " parsed.params = p\n" " return \"\"\n" " end)\n" " -- path is whatever was left\n" " if url ~= \"\" then parsed.path = url end\n" " local authority = parsed.authority\n" " if not authority then return parsed end\n" " authority = string.gsub(authority,\"^([^@]*)@\",\n" " function(u) parsed.userinfo = u; return \"\" end)\n" " authority = string.gsub(authority, \":([^:%]]*)$\",\n" " function(p) parsed.port = p; return \"\" end)\n" " if authority ~= \"\" then\n" " -- IPv6?\n" " parsed.host = string.match(authority, \"^%[(.+)%]$\") or authority\n" " end\n" " local userinfo = parsed.userinfo\n" " if not userinfo then return parsed end\n" " userinfo = string.gsub(userinfo, \":([^:]*)$\",\n" " function(p) parsed.password = p; return \"\" end)\n" " parsed.user = userinfo\n" " return parsed\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Rebuilds a parsed URL from its components.\n" "-- Components are protected if any reserved or unallowed characters are found\n" "-- Input\n" "-- parsed: parsed URL, as returned by parse\n" "-- Returns\n" "-- a stringing with the corresponding URL\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "function _M.build(parsed)\n" " local ppath = _M.parse_path(parsed.path or \"\")\n" " local url = _M.build_path(ppath)\n" " if parsed.params then url = url .. \";\" .. parsed.params end\n" " if parsed.query then url = url .. \"?\" .. parsed.query end\n" " local authority = parsed.authority\n" " if parsed.host then\n" " authority = parsed.host\n" " if string.find(authority, \":\") then -- IPv6?\n" " authority = \"[\" .. authority .. \"]\"\n" " end\n" " if parsed.port then authority = authority .. \":\" .. parsed.port end\n" " local userinfo = parsed.userinfo\n" " if parsed.user then\n" " userinfo = parsed.user\n" " if parsed.password then\n" " userinfo = userinfo .. \":\" .. parsed.password\n" " end\n" " end\n" " if userinfo then authority = userinfo .. \"@\" .. authority end\n" " end\n" " if authority then url = \"//\" .. authority .. url end\n" " if parsed.scheme then url = parsed.scheme .. \":\" .. url end\n" " if parsed.fragment then url = url .. \"#\" .. parsed.fragment end\n" " -- url = string.gsub(url, \"%s\", \"\")\n" " return url\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Builds a absolute URL from a base and a relative URL according to RFC 2396\n" "-- Input\n" "-- base_url\n" "-- relative_url\n" "-- Returns\n" "-- corresponding absolute url\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "function _M.absolute(base_url, relative_url)\n" " if base.type(base_url) == \"table\" then\n" " base_parsed = base_url\n" " base_url = _M.build(base_parsed)\n" " else\n" " base_parsed = _M.parse(base_url)\n" " end\n" " local relative_parsed = _M.parse(relative_url)\n" " if not base_parsed then return relative_url\n" " elseif not relative_parsed then return base_url\n" " elseif relative_parsed.scheme then return relative_url\n" " else\n" " relative_parsed.scheme = base_parsed.scheme\n" " if not relative_parsed.authority then\n" " relative_parsed.authority = base_parsed.authority\n" " if not relative_parsed.path then\n" " relative_parsed.path = base_parsed.path\n" " if not relative_parsed.params then\n" " relative_parsed.params = base_parsed.params\n" " if not relative_parsed.query then\n" " relative_parsed.query = base_parsed.query\n" " end\n" " end\n" " else\n" " relative_parsed.path = absolute_path(base_parsed.path or \"\",\n" " relative_parsed.path)\n" " end\n" " end\n" " return _M.build(relative_parsed)\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Breaks a path into its segments, unescaping the segments\n" "-- Input\n" "-- path\n" "-- Returns\n" "-- segment: a table with one entry per segment\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "function _M.parse_path(path)\n" " local parsed = {}\n" " path = path or \"\"\n" " --path = string.gsub(path, \"%s\", \"\")\n" " string.gsub(path, \"([^/]+)\", function (s) table.insert(parsed, s) end)\n" " for i = 1, #parsed do\n" " parsed[i] = _M.unescape(parsed[i])\n" " end\n" " if string.sub(path, 1, 1) == \"/\" then parsed.is_absolute = 1 end\n" " if string.sub(path, -1, -1) == \"/\" then parsed.is_directory = 1 end\n" " return parsed\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Builds a path component from its segments, escaping protected characters.\n" "-- Input\n" "-- parsed: path segments\n" "-- unsafe: if true, segments are not protected before path is built\n" "-- Returns\n" "-- path: corresponding path stringing\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "function _M.build_path(parsed, unsafe)\n" " local path = \"\"\n" " local n = #parsed\n" " if unsafe then\n" " for i = 1, n-1 do\n" " path = path .. parsed[i]\n" " path = path .. \"/\"\n" " end\n" " if n > 0 then\n" " path = path .. parsed[n]\n" " if parsed.is_directory then path = path .. \"/\" end\n" " end\n" " else\n" " for i = 1, n-1 do\n" " path = path .. protect_segment(parsed[i])\n" " path = path .. \"/\"\n" " end\n" " if n > 0 then\n" " path = path .. protect_segment(parsed[n])\n" " if parsed.is_directory then path = path .. \"/\" end\n" " end\n" " end\n" " if parsed.is_absolute then path = \"/\" .. path end\n" " return path\n" "end\n" "\n" "return _M\n" "\n"; /* socket */ static const char *lua_m_socket = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- LuaSocket helper module\n" "-- Author: Diego Nehab\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Declare module and import dependencies\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "local base = _G\n" "local string = require(\"string\")\n" "local math = require(\"math\")\n" "local socket = require(\"socket.core\")\n" "\n" "local _M = socket\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Exported auxiliar functions\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "function _M.connect4(address, port, laddress, lport)\n" " return socket.connect(address, port, laddress, lport, \"inet\")\n" "end\n" "\n" "function _M.connect6(address, port, laddress, lport)\n" " return socket.connect(address, port, laddress, lport, \"inet6\")\n" "end\n" "\n" "function _M.bind(host, port, backlog)\n" " if host == \"*\" then host = \"\" end\n" " local addrinfo, err = socket.dns.getaddrinfo(host);\n" " if not addrinfo then return nil, err end\n" " local sock, res\n" " err = \"no info on address\"\n" " for i, alt in base.ipairs(addrinfo) do\n" " if alt.family == \"inet\" then\n" " sock, err = socket.tcp()\n" " else\n" " sock, err = socket.tcp6()\n" " end\n" " if not sock then return nil, err end\n" " sock:setoption(\"reuseaddr\", true)\n" " res, err = sock:bind(alt.addr, port)\n" " if not res then \n" " sock:close()\n" " else \n" " res, err = sock:listen(backlog)\n" " if not res then \n" " sock:close()\n" " else\n" " return sock\n" " end\n" " end \n" " end\n" " return nil, err\n" "end\n" "\n" "_M.try = _M.newtry()\n" "\n" "function _M.choose(table)\n" " return function(name, opt1, opt2)\n" " if base.type(name) ~= \"string\" then\n" " name, opt1, opt2 = \"default\", name, opt1\n" " end\n" " local f = table[name or \"nil\"]\n" " if not f then base.error(\"unknown key (\".. base.tostring(name) ..\")\", 3)\n" " else return f(opt1, opt2) end\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Socket sources and sinks, conforming to LTN12\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- create namespaces inside LuaSocket namespace\n" "local sourcet, sinkt = {}, {}\n" "_M.sourcet = sourcet\n" "_M.sinkt = sinkt\n" "\n" "_M.BLOCKSIZE = 2048\n" "\n" "sinkt[\"close-when-done\"] = function(sock)\n" " return base.setmetatable({\n" " getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end,\n" " dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end\n" " }, {\n" " __call = function(self, chunk, err)\n" " if not chunk then\n" " sock:close()\n" " return 1\n" " else return sock:send(chunk) end\n" " end\n" " })\n" "end\n" "\n" "sinkt[\"keep-open\"] = function(sock)\n" " return base.setmetatable({\n" " getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end,\n" " dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end\n" " }, {\n" " __call = function(self, chunk, err)\n" " if chunk then return sock:send(chunk)\n" " else return 1 end\n" " end\n" " })\n" "end\n" "\n" "sinkt[\"default\"] = sinkt[\"keep-open\"]\n" "\n" "_M.sink = _M.choose(sinkt)\n" "\n" "sourcet[\"by-length\"] = function(sock, length)\n" " return base.setmetatable({\n" " getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end,\n" " dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end\n" " }, {\n" " __call = function()\n" " if length <= 0 then return nil end\n" " local size = math.min(socket.BLOCKSIZE, length)\n" " local chunk, err = sock:receive(size)\n" " if err then return nil, err end\n" " length = length - string.len(chunk)\n" " return chunk\n" " end\n" " })\n" "end\n" "\n" "sourcet[\"until-closed\"] = function(sock)\n" " local done\n" " return base.setmetatable({\n" " getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end,\n" " dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end\n" " }, {\n" " __call = function()\n" " if done then return nil end\n" " local chunk, err, partial = sock:receive(socket.BLOCKSIZE)\n" " if not err then return chunk\n" " elseif err == \"closed\" then\n" " sock:close()\n" " done = 1\n" " return partial\n" " else return nil, err end\n" " end\n" " })\n" "end\n" "\n" "\n" "sourcet[\"default\"] = sourcet[\"until-closed\"]\n" "\n" "_M.source = _M.choose(sourcet)\n" "\n" "return _M\n" "\n"; int luaopen_lua_m_ltn12(lua_State *L) { luaL_loadstring(L, lua_m_ltn12); return 1; } int luaopen_lua_m_mime(lua_State *L) { luaL_loadstring(L, lua_m_mime); return 1; } int luaopen_lua_m_socket_ftp(lua_State *L) { luaL_loadstring(L, lua_m_socket_ftp); return 1; } int luaopen_lua_m_socket_headers(lua_State *L) { luaL_loadstring(L, lua_m_socket_headers); return 1; } int luaopen_lua_m_socket_http(lua_State *L) { luaL_loadstring(L, lua_m_socket_http); return 1; } int luaopen_lua_m_socket_mbox(lua_State *L) { luaL_loadstring(L, lua_m_socket_mbox); return 1; } int luaopen_lua_m_socket_smtp(lua_State *L) { luaL_loadstring(L, lua_m_socket_smtp); return 1; } int luaopen_lua_m_socket_tp(lua_State *L) { luaL_loadstring(L, lua_m_socket_tp); return 1; } int luaopen_lua_m_socket_url(lua_State *L) { luaL_loadstring(L, lua_m_socket_url); return 1; } int luaopen_lua_m_socket(lua_State *L) { luaL_loadstring(L, lua_m_socket); return 1; } static luaL_Reg luasocket_scripts_modules[] = { {"ltn12", luaopen_lua_m_ltn12}, {"mime", luaopen_lua_m_mime}, {"socket.ftp", luaopen_lua_m_socket_ftp}, {"socket.headers", luaopen_lua_m_socket_headers}, {"socket.http", luaopen_lua_m_socket_http}, {"socket.mbox", luaopen_lua_m_socket_mbox}, {"socket.smtp", luaopen_lua_m_socket_smtp}, {"socket.tp", luaopen_lua_m_socket_tp}, {"socket.url", luaopen_lua_m_socket_url}, {"socket", luaopen_lua_m_socket}, {NULL, NULL} }; void luaopen_luasocket_scripts(lua_State* L) { luaL_Reg* lib = luasocket_scripts_modules; lua_getglobal(L, "package"); lua_getfield(L, -1, "preload"); for (; lib->func; lib++) { lib->func(L); lua_setfield(L, -2, lib->name); } lua_pop(L, 2); }