#include "CCSpriteBatchNode.h" namespace cocos2d{ struct _KerningHashElement; typedef struct _BMFontDef { unsigned int charID; CCRect rect; int xOffset; //! The Y amount the image should be offset when drawing the image (in pixels) int yOffset; //! The amount to move the current position after drawing the character (in pixels) int xAdvance; } ccBMFontDef; typedef struct _BMFontPadding { /// padding left int left; /// padding top int top; /// padding right int right; /// padding bottom int bottom; } ccBMFontPadding; class CCBMFontConfiguration : public CCObject { CCBMFontConfiguration(); char * description(); static CCBMFontConfiguration * configurationWithFNTFile(const char *FNTfile); bool initWithFNTfile(const char *FNTfile); }; class CCLabelBMFont : public CCSpriteBatchNode, public CCLabelProtocol, public CCRGBAProtocol { CCLabelBMFont(); static void purgeCachedData(); static CCLabelBMFont * labelWithString(const char *str, const char *fntFile); bool initWithString(const char *str, const char *fntFile); void createFontChars(); void setString(const char *label); const char* getString(void); void setCString(const char *label); void setAnchorPoint(CCPoint var); void draw(); }; CCBMFontConfiguration * FNTConfigLoadFile( const char *file ); void FNTConfigRemoveCache( void ); }// namespace cocos2d