/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2012 greathqy Copyright (c) 2012 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "HttpClient.h" #include #include #include #include #import "HttpAsynConnection.h" #include "HttpCookie.h" #include "base/CCVector.h" #include "base/CCDirector.h" #include "base/CCScheduler.h" #include "platform/CCFileUtils.h" NS_CC_BEGIN namespace network { static std::mutex s_requestQueueMutex; static std::mutex s_responseQueueMutex; static std::condition_variable_any s_SleepCondition; static Vector* s_requestQueue = nullptr; static Vector* s_responseQueue = nullptr; static HttpClient *s_HttpClient = nullptr; // pointer to singleton static HttpCookie *s_cookie = nullptr; static const int ERROR_SIZE = 256; static char s_errorBuffer[ERROR_SIZE] = {0}; static std::string s_cookieFilename = ""; static std::string s_sslCaFilename = ""; static int processTask(HttpRequest *request, NSString *requestType, void *stream, long *errorCode, void *headerStream, char *errorBuffer); static void processResponse(HttpResponse* response, char* errorBuffer); static HttpRequest *s_requestSentinel = new HttpRequest; // Worker thread void HttpClient::networkThread() { auto scheduler = Director::getInstance()->getScheduler(); while (true) { HttpRequest *request; // step 1: send http request if the requestQueue isn't empty { std::lock_guard lock(s_requestQueueMutex); while (s_requestQueue->empty()) { s_SleepCondition.wait(s_requestQueueMutex); } request = s_requestQueue->at(0); s_requestQueue->erase(0); } if (request == s_requestSentinel) { break; } // Create a HttpResponse object, the default setting is http access failed HttpResponse *response = new (std::nothrow) HttpResponse(request); processResponse(response, s_errorBuffer); // add response packet into queue s_responseQueueMutex.lock(); s_responseQueue->pushBack(response); s_responseQueueMutex.unlock(); if (nullptr != s_HttpClient) { scheduler->performFunctionInCocosThread(CC_CALLBACK_0(HttpClient::dispatchResponseCallbacks, this)); } } // cleanup: if worker thread received quit signal, clean up un-completed request queue s_requestQueueMutex.lock(); s_requestQueue->clear(); s_requestQueueMutex.unlock(); if (s_requestQueue != nullptr) { delete s_requestQueue; s_requestQueue = nullptr; delete s_responseQueue; s_responseQueue = nullptr; } } // Worker thread void HttpClient::networkThreadAlone(HttpRequest* request) { // Create a HttpResponse object, the default setting is http access failed HttpResponse *response = new (std::nothrow) HttpResponse(request); char errorBuffer[ERROR_SIZE] = { 0 }; processResponse(response, errorBuffer); auto scheduler = Director::getInstance()->getScheduler(); scheduler->performFunctionInCocosThread([response, request]{ const ccHttpRequestCallback& callback = request->getCallback(); Ref* pTarget = request->getTarget(); SEL_HttpResponse pSelector = request->getSelector(); if (callback != nullptr) { callback(s_HttpClient, response); } else if (pTarget && pSelector) { (pTarget->*pSelector)(s_HttpClient, response); } response->release(); // do not release in other thread request->release(); }); } //Process Request static int processTask(HttpRequest *request, NSString* requestType, void *stream, long *responseCode, void *headerStream, char *errorBuffer) { //create request with url NSString* urlstring = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:request->getUrl()]; NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlstring]; NSMutableURLRequest *nsrequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalAndRemoteCacheData timeoutInterval:HttpClient::getInstance()->getTimeoutForConnect()]; //set request type [nsrequest setHTTPMethod:requestType]; //if request type is post or put,set header and data if([requestType isEqual: @"POST"] || [requestType isEqual: @"PUT"]) { /* get custom header data (if set) */ std::vector headers=request->getHeaders(); if(!headers.empty()) { /* append custom headers one by one */ for (std::vector::iterator it = headers.begin(); it != headers.end(); ++it) { unsigned long i = it->find(':', 0); unsigned long length = it->size(); std::string field = it->substr(0, i); std::string value = it->substr(i+1, length-i); NSString *headerField = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:field.c_str()]; NSString *headerValue = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:value.c_str()]; [nsrequest setValue:headerValue forHTTPHeaderField:headerField]; } } NSString* requestData = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:request->getRequestData()]; NSData *postData = [requestData dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [nsrequest setHTTPBody:postData]; } //read cookie propertities from file and set cookie if(!s_cookieFilename.empty()) { const CookiesInfo* cookieInfo = s_cookie->getMatchCookie(request->getUrl()); if(cookieInfo != nullptr) { NSString *domain = [NSString stringWithCString:cookieInfo->domain.c_str() encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]]; NSString *path = [NSString stringWithCString:cookieInfo->path.c_str() encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]]; NSString *value = [NSString stringWithCString:cookieInfo->value.c_str() encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]]; NSString *name = [NSString stringWithCString:cookieInfo->name.c_str() encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]]; // create the properties for a cookie NSDictionary *properties = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: name,NSHTTPCookieName, value, NSHTTPCookieValue, path, NSHTTPCookiePath, domain, NSHTTPCookieDomain, nil]; // create the cookie from the properties NSHTTPCookie *cookie = [NSHTTPCookie cookieWithProperties:properties]; // add the cookie to the cookie storage [[NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage] setCookie:cookie]; } } HttpAsynConnection *httpAsynConn = [HttpAsynConnection new]; httpAsynConn.srcURL = urlstring; httpAsynConn.sslFile = nil; NSString *sslFile = nil; if(!s_sslCaFilename.empty()) { long len = s_sslCaFilename.length(); long pos = s_sslCaFilename.rfind('.', len-1); [sslFile initWithUTF8String:s_sslCaFilename.substr(0, pos-1).c_str()]; httpAsynConn.sslFile = sslFile; } [httpAsynConn startRequest:nsrequest]; while( httpAsynConn.finish != true) { [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]]; } //if http connection return error if (httpAsynConn.responseError != nil) { NSString* errorString = [httpAsynConn.responseError localizedDescription]; strcpy(errorBuffer, [errorString UTF8String]); return 0; } *responseCode = httpAsynConn.responseCode; //add cookie to cookies vector if(!s_cookieFilename.empty()) { NSArray *cookies = [NSHTTPCookie cookiesWithResponseHeaderFields:httpAsynConn.responseHeader forURL:url]; for (NSHTTPCookie *cookie in cookies) { //NSLog(@"Cookie: %@", cookie); NSString *domain = cookie.domain; //BOOL session = cookie.sessionOnly; NSString *path = cookie.path; BOOL secure = cookie.isSecure; NSDate *date = cookie.expiresDate; NSString *name = cookie.name; NSString *value = cookie.value; CookiesInfo cookieInfo; cookieInfo.domain = [domain cStringUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; cookieInfo.path = [path cStringUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; cookieInfo.secure = (secure == YES) ? true : false; cookieInfo.expires = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", (long)[date timeIntervalSince1970]] cStringUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; cookieInfo.name = [name cStringUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; cookieInfo.value = [value cStringUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; cookieInfo.tailmatch = true; s_cookie->updateOrAddCookie(&cookieInfo); } } //handle response header NSMutableString *header = [NSMutableString new]; for (id key in httpAsynConn.responseHeader) { [header appendFormat:@"%@: %@\n", key, [httpAsynConn.responseHeader objectForKey:key]]; } if (header.length > 0) { NSRange range = NSMakeRange(header.length-1, 1); [header deleteCharactersInRange:range]; } NSData *headerData = [header dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; std::vector *headerBuffer = (std::vector*)headerStream; const void* headerptr = [headerData bytes]; long headerlen = [headerData length]; headerBuffer->insert(headerBuffer->end(), (char*)headerptr, (char*)headerptr+headerlen); //handle response data std::vector *recvBuffer = (std::vector*)stream; const void* ptr = [httpAsynConn.responseData bytes]; long len = [httpAsynConn.responseData length]; recvBuffer->insert(recvBuffer->end(), (char*)ptr, (char*)ptr+len); return 1; } // Process Response static void processResponse(HttpResponse* response, char* errorBuffer) { auto request = response->getHttpRequest(); long responseCode = -1; int retValue = 0; NSString* requestType = nil; // Process the request -> get response packet switch (request->getRequestType()) { case HttpRequest::Type::GET: // HTTP GET requestType = @"GET"; break; case HttpRequest::Type::POST: // HTTP POST requestType = @"POST"; break; case HttpRequest::Type::PUT: requestType = @"PUT"; break; case HttpRequest::Type::DELETE: requestType = @"DELETE"; break; default: CCASSERT(true, "CCHttpClient: unkown request type, only GET and POSt are supported"); break; } retValue = processTask(request, requestType, response->getResponseData(), &responseCode, response->getResponseHeader(), errorBuffer); // write data to HttpResponse response->setResponseCode(responseCode); if (retValue != 0) { response->setSucceed(true); } else { response->setSucceed(false); response->setErrorBuffer(errorBuffer); } } // HttpClient implementation HttpClient* HttpClient::getInstance() { if (s_HttpClient == nullptr) { s_HttpClient = new (std::nothrow) HttpClient(); } return s_HttpClient; } void HttpClient::destroyInstance() { CC_SAFE_DELETE(s_HttpClient); } void HttpClient::enableCookies(const char* cookieFile) { if (cookieFile) { s_cookieFilename = std::string(cookieFile); s_cookieFilename = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(s_cookieFilename); } else { s_cookieFilename = (FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath() + "cookieFile.txt"); } s_cookie = new(std::nothrow)HttpCookie; s_cookie->setCookieFileName(s_cookieFilename); s_cookie->readFile(); } void HttpClient::setSSLVerification(const std::string& caFile) { s_sslCaFilename = caFile; } HttpClient::HttpClient() : _timeoutForConnect(30) , _timeoutForRead(60) { } HttpClient::~HttpClient() { if (s_requestQueue != nullptr) { { std::lock_guard lock(s_requestQueueMutex); s_requestQueue->pushBack(s_requestSentinel); } s_SleepCondition.notify_one(); } s_HttpClient = nullptr; if(!s_cookieFilename.empty()) { s_cookie->writeFile(); //delete s_cookie; } //s_cookie = nullptr; } //Lazy create semaphore & mutex & thread bool HttpClient::lazyInitThreadSemphore() { if (s_requestQueue != nullptr) { return true; } else { s_requestQueue = new (std::nothrow) Vector(); s_responseQueue = new (std::nothrow) Vector(); auto t = std::thread(CC_CALLBACK_0(HttpClient::networkThread, this)); t.detach(); } return true; } //Add a get task to queue void HttpClient::send(HttpRequest* request) { if (false == lazyInitThreadSemphore()) { return; } if (!request) { return; } request->retain(); if (nullptr != s_requestQueue) { s_requestQueueMutex.lock(); s_requestQueue->pushBack(request); s_requestQueueMutex.unlock(); // Notify thread start to work s_SleepCondition.notify_one(); } } void HttpClient::sendImmediate(HttpRequest* request) { if(!request) { return; } request->retain(); auto t = std::thread(&HttpClient::networkThreadAlone, this, request); t.detach(); } // Poll and notify main thread if responses exists in queue void HttpClient::dispatchResponseCallbacks() { // log("CCHttpClient::dispatchResponseCallbacks is running"); //occurs when cocos thread fires but the network thread has already quited if (nullptr == s_responseQueue) { return; } HttpResponse* response = nullptr; s_responseQueueMutex.lock(); if (!s_responseQueue->empty()) { response = s_responseQueue->at(0); s_responseQueue->erase(0); } s_responseQueueMutex.unlock(); if (response) { HttpRequest *request = response->getHttpRequest(); const ccHttpRequestCallback& callback = request->getCallback(); Ref* pTarget = request->getTarget(); SEL_HttpResponse pSelector = request->getSelector(); if (callback != nullptr) { callback(this, response); } else if (pTarget && pSelector) { (pTarget->*pSelector)(this, response); } response->release(); // do not release in other thread request->release(); } } } NS_CC_END