// // XMLHTTPRequest.cpp // XMLHttpRequest // // Created by Zynga 2013 // // Heavy based on: https://github.com/funkaster/FakeWebGL/blob/master/FakeWebGL/WebGL/XMLHTTPRequest.cpp // Copyright (c) 2012 Rolando Abarca. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #include "XMLHTTPRequest.h" #include using namespace std; //#pragma mark - MinXmlHttpRequest /** * @brief Implementation for header retrieving. * @param header */ void MinXmlHttpRequest::_gotHeader(string header) { // Get Header and Set StatusText // Split String into Tokens char * cstr = new char [header.length()+1]; // check for colon. unsigned found_header_field = header.find_first_of(":"); if (found_header_field != std::string::npos) { // Found a header field. string http_field; string http_value; http_field = header.substr(0,found_header_field); http_value = header.substr(found_header_field+1, header.length()); // Get rid of all \n if (!http_value.empty() && http_value[http_value.size() - 1] == '\n') { http_value.erase(http_value.size() - 1); } http_header[http_field] = http_value; } else { // Seems like we have the response Code! Parse it and check for it. char * pch; std::strcpy(cstr, header.c_str()); pch = strtok(cstr," "); while (pch != NULL) { stringstream ss; string val; ss << pch; val = ss.str(); unsigned found_http = val.find("HTTP"); // Check for HTTP Header to set statusText if (found_http != std::string::npos) { stringstream mystream; // Get Response Status pch = strtok (NULL, " "); mystream << pch; pch = strtok (NULL, " "); mystream << " " << pch; statusText = mystream.str(); } pch = strtok (NULL, " "); } } } /** * @brief Set Request header for next call. * @param field Name of the Header to be set. * @param value Value of the Headerfield */ void MinXmlHttpRequest::_setRequestHeader(const char* field, const char* value) { stringstream header_s; stringstream value_s; string header; map::iterator iter = request_header.find(field); // Concatenate values when header exists. if (iter != request_header.end() ) { value_s << iter->second << "," << value; } else { value_s << value; } request_header[field] = value_s.str(); return; } /** * @brief If headers has been set, pass them to curl. * */ void MinXmlHttpRequest::_setHttpRequestHeader() { std::vector header; for (std::map::iterator it = request_header.begin(); it != request_header.end(); ++it) { stringstream value_s; const char* value; value_s << it->first << ": " << it->second; value = value_s.str().c_str(); header.push_back(value); } if (!header.empty()) { cc_request->setHeaders(header); } } /** * @brief Callback for HTTPRequest. Handles the response and invokes Callback. * @param sender Object which initialized callback * @param respone Response object */ void MinXmlHttpRequest::handle_requestResponse(cocos2d::extension::CCHttpClient *sender, cocos2d::extension::CCHttpResponse *response) { if (0 != strlen(response->getHttpRequest()->getTag())) { CCLOG("%s completed", response->getHttpRequest()->getTag()); } int statusCode = response->getResponseCode(); char statusString[64] = {}; sprintf(statusString, "HTTP Status Code: %d, tag = %s", statusCode, response->getHttpRequest()->getTag()); if (!response->isSucceed()) { CCLOG("response failed"); CCLOG("error buffer: %s", response->getErrorBuffer()); return; } // set header std::vector *headers = response->getResponseHeader(); char* concatHeader = (char*) malloc(headers->size() + 1); std::string header(headers->begin(), headers->end()); strcpy(concatHeader, header.c_str()); std::istringstream stream(concatHeader); std::string line; while(std::getline(stream, line)) { _gotHeader(line); } /** get the response data **/ std::vector *buffer = response->getResponseData(); char* concatenated = (char*) malloc(buffer->size() + 1); std::string s2(buffer->begin(), buffer->end()); strcpy(concatenated, s2.c_str()); if (statusCode == 200) { //Succeeded status = 200; readyState = DONE; data << concatenated; } else { status = 0; } // Free Memory. free((void*) concatHeader); free((void*) concatenated); js_proxy_t * p; void* ptr = (void*)this; JS_GET_PROXY(p, ptr); if(p){ JSContext* cx = ScriptingCore::getInstance()->getGlobalContext(); if (onreadystateCallback) { //JS_IsExceptionPending(cx) && JS_ReportPendingException(cx); jsval fval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(onreadystateCallback); jsval out; JS_CallFunctionValue(cx, NULL, fval, 0, NULL, &out); } } } /** * @brief Send out request and fire callback when done. * @param cx Javascript context */ void MinXmlHttpRequest::_sendRequest(JSContext *cx) { cc_request->setResponseCallback(this, httpresponse_selector(MinXmlHttpRequest::handle_requestResponse)); cocos2d::extension::CCHttpClient::getInstance()->send(cc_request); cc_request->release(); } /** * @brief Constructor initializes cchttprequest and stuff * */ MinXmlHttpRequest::MinXmlHttpRequest() : onreadystateCallback(NULL), isNetwork(true) { http_header.clear(); request_header.clear(); cx = ScriptingCore::getInstance()->getGlobalContext(); cc_request = new cocos2d::extension::CCHttpRequest(); } /** * @brief Destructor cleans up cc_request and stuff * */ MinXmlHttpRequest::~MinXmlHttpRequest() { http_header.clear(); request_header.clear(); if (onreadystateCallback != NULL) { JS_RemoveObjectRoot(cx, &onreadystateCallback); } if (cc_request) { // We don't need to release cc_request here since it will be released in the http callback. // cc_request->release(); } } /** * @brief Initialize Object and needed properties. * */ JS_BINDED_CLASS_GLUE_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest); /** * @brief Implementation for the Javascript Constructor * */ JS_BINDED_CONSTRUCTOR_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest) { MinXmlHttpRequest* req = new MinXmlHttpRequest(); req->autorelease(); js_proxy_t *p; jsval out; JSObject *obj = JS_NewObject(cx, &MinXmlHttpRequest::js_class, MinXmlHttpRequest::js_proto, MinXmlHttpRequest::js_parent); if (obj) { JS_SetPrivate(obj, req); out = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj); } JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, out); JS_NEW_PROXY(p, req, obj); JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "XMLHttpRequest"); return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief get Callback function for Javascript * */ JS_BINDED_PROP_GET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, onreadystatechange) { if (onreadystateCallback) { JSString *tmpstr = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, "1"); jsval tmpval = STRING_TO_JSVAL(tmpstr); JS_SetProperty(cx, onreadystateCallback, "readyState", &tmpval); jsval out = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(onreadystateCallback); vp.set(out); } else { vp.set(JSVAL_NULL); } return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief Set Callback function coming from Javascript * * */ JS_BINDED_PROP_SET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, onreadystatechange) { jsval callback = vp.get(); if (callback != JSVAL_NULL) { onreadystateCallback = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(callback); JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &onreadystateCallback, "onreadystateCallback"); } return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief upload getter - TODO * * Placeholder for further implementations!! */ JS_BINDED_PROP_GET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, upload) { vp.set(JSVAL_NULL); return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief upload setter - TODO * * Placeholder for further implementations */ JS_BINDED_PROP_SET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, upload) { vp.set(JSVAL_NULL); return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief timeout getter - TODO * * Placeholder for further implementations */ JS_BINDED_PROP_GET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, timeout) { vp.set(INT_TO_JSVAL(timeout)); return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief timeout setter - TODO * * Placeholder for further implementations */ JS_BINDED_PROP_SET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, timeout) { jsval timeout_ms = vp.get(); timeout = JSVAL_TO_INT(timeout_ms); //curl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS, timeout); return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief get response type for actual XHR * * */ JS_BINDED_PROP_GET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, responseType) { JSString* str = JS_NewStringCopyN(cx, "", 0); vp.set(STRING_TO_JSVAL(str)); return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief responseXML getter - TODO * * Placeholder for further implementation. */ JS_BINDED_PROP_GET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, responseXML) { vp.set(JSVAL_NULL); return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief set response type for actual XHR * * */ JS_BINDED_PROP_SET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, responseType) { jsval type = vp.get(); if (type.isString()) { JSString* str = type.toString(); JSBool equal; JS_StringEqualsAscii(cx, str, "text", &equal); if (equal) { responseType = kRequestResponseTypeString; return JS_TRUE; } JS_StringEqualsAscii(cx, str, "arraybuffer", &equal); if (equal) { responseType = kRequestResponseTypeArrayBuffer; return JS_TRUE; } JS_StringEqualsAscii(cx, str, "json", &equal); if (equal) { responseType = kRequestResponseTypeJSON; return JS_TRUE; } // ignore the rest of the response types for now return JS_TRUE; } JS_ReportError(cx, "Invalid response type"); return JS_FALSE; } /** * @brief get readyState for actual XHR * * */ JS_BINDED_PROP_GET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, readyState) { vp.set(INT_TO_JSVAL(readyState)); return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief get status for actual XHR * * */ JS_BINDED_PROP_GET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, status) { vp.set(INT_TO_JSVAL(status)); return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief get statusText for actual XHR * * */ JS_BINDED_PROP_GET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, statusText) { JSString* str = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, statusText.c_str());//, dataSize); if (str) { vp.set(STRING_TO_JSVAL(str)); return JS_TRUE; } else { JS_ReportError(cx, "Error trying to create JSString from data"); return JS_FALSE; } } /** * @brief get value of withCredentials property. * */ JS_BINDED_PROP_GET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, withCredentials) { vp.set(BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL(withCredentialsValue)); return JS_TRUE; } /** * withCredentials - set value of withCredentials property. * */ JS_BINDED_PROP_SET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, withCredentials) { jsval credential = vp.get(); if (credential != JSVAL_NULL) { withCredentialsValue = JSVAL_TO_BOOLEAN(credential); } return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief get (raw) responseText * */ JS_BINDED_PROP_GET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, responseText) { JSString* str = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, data.str().c_str());//, dataSize); if (str) { vp.set(STRING_TO_JSVAL(str)); //JS_ReportError(cx, "Result: %s", data.str().c_str()); return JS_TRUE; } else { JS_ReportError(cx, "Error trying to create JSString from data"); return JS_FALSE; } } /** * @brief get response of latest XHR * */ JS_BINDED_PROP_GET_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, response) { if (responseType == kRequestResponseTypeJSON) { jsval outVal; JSString* str = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, data.str().c_str());//, dataSize); if (JS_ParseJSON(cx, JS_GetStringCharsZ(cx, str), dataSize, &outVal)) { vp.set(outVal); return JS_TRUE; } } else if (responseType == kRequestResponseTypeArrayBuffer) { JSObject* tmp = JS_NewArrayBuffer(cx, dataSize); uint8_t* tmpData = JS_GetArrayBufferData(tmp); data.read((char*)tmpData, dataSize); jsval outVal = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(tmp); vp.set(outVal); return JS_TRUE; } // by default, return text return _js_get_responseText(cx, id, vp); } /** * @brief initialize new xhr. * */ JS_BINDED_FUNC_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, open) { if (argc >= 2) { jsval* argv = JS_ARGV(cx, vp); const char* method; const char* urlstr; JSBool async = true; JSString* jsMethod = JS_ValueToString(cx, argv[0]); JSString* jsURL = JS_ValueToString(cx, argv[1]); if (argc > 2) { JS_ValueToBoolean(cx, argv[2], &async); } JSStringWrapper w1(jsMethod); JSStringWrapper w2(jsURL); method = w1; urlstr = w2; url = urlstr; meth = method; readyState = 1; isAsync = async; if (url.length() > 5 && url.compare(url.length() - 5, 5, ".json") == 0) { responseType = kRequestResponseTypeJSON; } if (meth.compare("post") == 0 || meth.compare("POST") == 0) { cc_request->setRequestType(cocos2d::extension::CCHttpRequest::kHttpPost); } else { cc_request->setRequestType(cocos2d::extension::CCHttpRequest::kHttpGet); } cc_request->setUrl(url.c_str()); isNetwork = true; readyState = OPENED; return JS_TRUE; } JS_ReportError(cx, "invalid call: %s", __FUNCTION__); return JS_FALSE; } /** * @brief send xhr * */ JS_BINDED_FUNC_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, send) { JSString *str; char *data; // Clean up header map. New request, new headers! http_header.clear(); if (argc == 2) { if (!JS_ConvertArguments(cx, argc, JS_ARGV(cx, vp), "S", &str)) { return JS_FALSE; }; data = JS_EncodeString(cx, str); } if (meth.compare("post") == 0 || meth.compare("POST") == 0) { cc_request->setRequestData(data, strlen(data)); } _setHttpRequestHeader(); _sendRequest(cx); return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief abort function Placeholder! * */ JS_BINDED_FUNC_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, abort) { return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief Get all response headers as a string * */ JS_BINDED_FUNC_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, getAllResponseHeaders) { stringstream responseheaders; string responseheader; for (std::map::iterator it=http_header.begin(); it!=http_header.end(); ++it) { responseheaders << it->first << ": " << it->second << "\n"; } responseheader = responseheaders.str(); JSString* str = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, responseheader.c_str()); if (str) { JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, STRING_TO_JSVAL(str)); return JS_TRUE; } else { JS_ReportError(cx, "Error trying to create JSString from data"); return JS_FALSE; } return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief Get all response headers as a string * */ JS_BINDED_FUNC_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, getResponseHeader) { JSString *header_value; if (!JS_ConvertArguments(cx, argc, JS_ARGV(cx, vp), "S", &header_value)) { return JS_FALSE; }; char *data = JS_EncodeString(cx, header_value); stringstream streamdata; streamdata << data; string value = streamdata.str(); map::iterator iter = http_header.find(value); if (iter != http_header.end() ) { JSString *js_ret_val = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, iter->second.c_str()); // iter->second JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, STRING_TO_JSVAL(js_ret_val)); return JS_TRUE; } else { JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, JSVAL_NULL); return JS_TRUE; } } /** * @brief Set the given Fields to request Header. * * */ JS_BINDED_FUNC_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, setRequestHeader) { if (argc >= 2) { jsval* argv = JS_ARGV(cx, vp); const char* field; const char* value; JSString* jsField = JS_ValueToString(cx, argv[0]); JSString* jsValue = JS_ValueToString(cx, argv[1]); JSStringWrapper w1(jsField); JSStringWrapper w2(jsValue); field = w1; value = w2; // Populate the request_header map. _setRequestHeader(field, value); return JS_TRUE; } return JS_FALSE; } /** * @brief overrideMimeType function - TODO! * * Just a placeholder for further implementations. */ JS_BINDED_FUNC_IMPL(MinXmlHttpRequest, overrideMimeType) { return JS_TRUE; } /** * @brief destructor for Javascript * */ static void basic_object_finalize(JSFreeOp *freeOp, JSObject *obj) { CCLOG("basic_object_finalize %p ...", obj); } /** * @brief Register XMLHttpRequest to be usable in JS and add properties and Mehtods. * @param cx Global Spidermonkey JS Context. * @param global Global Spidermonkey Javascript object. */ void MinXmlHttpRequest::_js_register(JSContext *cx, JSObject *global) { JSClass js_class = { "XMLHttpRequest", JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE, JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub, JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub, JS_ConvertStub, basic_object_finalize, JSCLASS_NO_OPTIONAL_MEMBERS }; MinXmlHttpRequest::js_class = js_class; static JSPropertySpec props[] = { JS_BINDED_PROP_DEF_ACCESSOR(MinXmlHttpRequest, onreadystatechange), JS_BINDED_PROP_DEF_ACCESSOR(MinXmlHttpRequest, responseType), JS_BINDED_PROP_DEF_ACCESSOR(MinXmlHttpRequest, withCredentials), JS_BINDED_PROP_DEF_GETTER(MinXmlHttpRequest, readyState), JS_BINDED_PROP_DEF_GETTER(MinXmlHttpRequest, status), JS_BINDED_PROP_DEF_GETTER(MinXmlHttpRequest, statusText), JS_BINDED_PROP_DEF_GETTER(MinXmlHttpRequest, responseText), JS_BINDED_PROP_DEF_GETTER(MinXmlHttpRequest, responseXML), JS_BINDED_PROP_DEF_GETTER(MinXmlHttpRequest, response), {0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; static JSFunctionSpec funcs[] = { JS_BINDED_FUNC_FOR_DEF(MinXmlHttpRequest, open), JS_BINDED_FUNC_FOR_DEF(MinXmlHttpRequest, abort), JS_BINDED_FUNC_FOR_DEF(MinXmlHttpRequest, send), JS_BINDED_FUNC_FOR_DEF(MinXmlHttpRequest, setRequestHeader), JS_BINDED_FUNC_FOR_DEF(MinXmlHttpRequest, getAllResponseHeaders), JS_BINDED_FUNC_FOR_DEF(MinXmlHttpRequest, getResponseHeader), JS_BINDED_FUNC_FOR_DEF(MinXmlHttpRequest, overrideMimeType), JS_FS_END }; MinXmlHttpRequest::js_parent = NULL; MinXmlHttpRequest::js_proto = JS_InitClass(cx, global, NULL, &MinXmlHttpRequest::js_class , MinXmlHttpRequest::_js_constructor, 0, props, funcs, NULL, NULL); }