# Can runs on Windows,Linux $myRoot = $PSScriptRoot $isWin = $IsWindows -or ("$env:OS" -eq 'Windows_NT') $pwsh_ver = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() $AX_ROOT = (Resolve-Path $myRoot/../..) function mkdirs([string]$path) { if (!(Test-Path $path)) { New-Item $path -ItemType Directory 1>$null } } function download_file($url, $out) { if($b1k.isfile($out)) { return } $b1k.println("Downloading $url to $out ...") if ($pwsh_ver -ge '7.0') { curl -L $url -o $out } else { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $out } } function download_zip_expand($url, $out, $dest) { download_file $url $out Expand-Archive -Path $out -DestinationPath $dest } $prefix = Join-Path $AX_ROOT 'tools/external' if (!(Test-Path "$prefix" -PathType Container)) { mkdirs $prefix } function setup_doxygen() { $doxygen_ver = '1.9.7' $doxygen_pkg_name = if ($isWin) {"doxygen-$doxygen_ver.windows.x64.bin.zip"} else {"doxygen-$doxygen_ver.linux.bin.tar.gz"} $doxygen_pkg_path = Join-Path $prefix $doxygen_pkg_name if (!(Test-Path $doxygen_pkg_path -PathType Leaf)) { $doxygen_ver_ul = $doxygen_ver.Replace('.', '_') Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen/releases/download/Release_$doxygen_ver_ul/$doxygen_pkg_name" -OutFile $doxygen_pkg_path | Out-Host } $doxygen_root = Join-Path $prefix "doxygen-$doxygen_ver" $doxygen_bin = $doxygen_root if (!(Test-Path $doxygen_root -PathType Container)) { if ($isWin) { mkdirs $doxygen_root Expand-Archive -Path $doxygen_pkg_path -DestinationPath $doxygen_root } else { tar xvf $doxygen_pkg_path -C $prefix } } if (!$isWin) { $doxygen_bin += '/bin' } if ($env:PATH.IndexOf($doxygen_bin) -eq -1) { $envPathSep = if($isWin) {';'} else {':'} $env:PATH = "$doxygen_bin$envPathSep$env:PATH" } } setup_doxygen Write-Host "Using doxygen $(doxygen --version)" function query_axmol_latest() { $axver_file = (Resolve-Path $AX_ROOT/core/axmolver.h.in).Path $content = ($(Get-Content -Path $axver_file) | Select-String 'AX_VERSION_STR') $axver = $content[0].Line.Split(' ')[2].Replace('"', '') $git_prog = (Get-Command 'git' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Source if($git_prog) { Write-Host "Found git: $git_prog" $branchName = $(git -C $AX_ROOT branch --show-current) if ($branchName -eq 'dev') { $commitHash = $(git -C $AX_ROOT rev-parse --short=7 HEAD) $axver += "-$commitHash" } } return $axver } $site_src = (Resolve-Path "$myRoot/../../docs").Path $site_dist = Join-Path $site_src 'dist' mkdirs $site_dist $store_cwd = (Get-Location).Path Set-Location $site_src function configure_file($infile, $outfile, $vars) { $content = $(Get-Content $infile -raw) foreach($var in $vars.GetEnumerator()) { $content = [Regex]::Replace($content, $var.Key, $var.Value) } Set-Content -Path $outfile -Value "$content" } # query version map to build docs $release_tags = $(git tag) $verMap = @{'latest' = $null; } foreach($item in $release_tags) { if ([Regex]::Match($item, '^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$').Success) { $docVer = $($item.Split('.')[0..1] -join '.').TrimStart('v') $verMap[$docVer] = $item } } $strVerList = "'$($verMap.Keys -join "','")'" Write-Host "$(Out-String -InputObject $verMap)" foreach($item in $verMap.GetEnumerator()) { $ver = $item.Key $html_out = Join-Path $site_dist "manual/$ver" mkdirs $html_out $release_tag = $item.Value if ($ver -eq 'latest') { git checkout dev $release_tag = query_axmol_latest } elseif($ver -eq '1.0') { git checkout '1.x' # 1.x branch now for v1.0 } else { git checkout $release_tag } configure_file './Doxyfile.in' './Doxyfile' @{'@VERSION@'=$release_tag; '@HTML_OUTPUT@' = "manual/$ver"} Write-Host "Generating docs for $ver ..." -NoNewline doxygen "./Doxyfile" # 1>$null 2>$null Write-Host "done" Copy-Item './hacks.js' $html_out Copy-Item './doc_style.css' "$html_out/stylesheet.css" configure_file './menu_version.js.in' "$html_out/menu_version.js" @{'@VERLIST@' = $strVerList; '@VERSION@' = $ver} } # set default doc ver to 'latest' configure_file './doc_index.html.in' "$site_dist/manual/index.html" @{'@VERSION@' = 'latest'} # build home site mkdirs "$site_dist/assets/css" Copy-Item './style.css' "$site_dist/assets/css/style.css" Copy-Item './index.html' "$site_dist/index.html" function download_appveyor_artifact($dest) { $apiUrl = 'https://ci.appveyor.com/api' $token = ${env:AX_DOCS_TOKEN} $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer ${env:AX_DOCS_TOKEN}" "Content-type" = "application/json" } $accountName = 'halx99' $projectSlug = 'axmol' # get project with last build details $project = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$apiUrl/projects/$accountName/$projectSlug" -Headers $headers # we assume here that build has a single job # get this job id $jobId = $project.build.jobs[0].jobId # get job artifacts (just to see what we've got) $artifacts = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$apiUrl/buildjobs/$jobId/artifacts" -Headers $headers # here we just take the first artifact, but you could specify its file name # $artifactFileName = 'MyWebApp.zip' $artifactFileName = $artifacts[0].fileName # artifact will be downloaded as mkdirs $dest $localArtifactPath = Join-Path $dest $artifactFileName if (!(Test-Path $localArtifactPath -PathType Leaf)) { # download artifact # -OutFile - is local file name where artifact will be downloaded into # the Headers in this call should only contain the bearer token, and no Content-type, otherwise it will fail! Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$apiUrl/buildjobs/$jobId/artifacts/$artifactFileName" ` -OutFile $localArtifactPath -Headers @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $token" } } Expand-Archive -Path $localArtifactPath -DestinationPath $dest } # deploy wasm cpp_tests demo download_appveyor_artifact $(Join-Path $AX_ROOT 'tmp') $wasm_dist = Join-Path $site_dist 'wasm/' mkdirs $wasm_dist Copy-Item $(Join-Path $AX_ROOT 'tmp/build_wasm/bin/cpp_tests') $wasm_dist -Container -Recurse Set-Location $store_cwd