#include "CCDictionary.h" #include "CCString.h" #include "CCInteger.h" using namespace std; NS_CC_BEGIN CCDictionary::CCDictionary() : m_pElements(NULL) , m_eDictType(kCCDictUnknown) , m_eOldDictType(kCCDictUnknown) { } CCDictionary::~CCDictionary() { removeAllObjects(); } unsigned int CCDictionary::count() { return HASH_COUNT(m_pElements); } CCArray* CCDictionary::allKeys() { int iKeyCount = this->count(); if (iKeyCount <= 0) return NULL; CCArray* pArray = CCArray::createWithCapacity(iKeyCount); CCDictElement *pElement, *tmp; if (m_eDictType == kCCDictStr) { HASH_ITER(hh, m_pElements, pElement, tmp) { CCString* pOneKey = new CCString(pElement->m_szKey); pOneKey->autorelease(); pArray->addObject(pOneKey); } } else if (m_eDictType == kCCDictInt) { HASH_ITER(hh, m_pElements, pElement, tmp) { CCInteger* pOneKey = new CCInteger(pElement->m_iKey); pOneKey->autorelease(); pArray->addObject(pOneKey); } } return pArray; } CCArray* CCDictionary::allKeysForObject(CCObject* object) { int iKeyCount = this->count(); if (iKeyCount <= 0) return NULL; CCArray* pArray = CCArray::create(); CCDictElement *pElement, *tmp; if (m_eDictType == kCCDictStr) { HASH_ITER(hh, m_pElements, pElement, tmp) { if (object == pElement->m_pObject) { CCString* pOneKey = new CCString(pElement->m_szKey); pArray->addObject(pOneKey); pOneKey->release(); } } } else if (m_eDictType == kCCDictInt) { HASH_ITER(hh, m_pElements, pElement, tmp) { if (object == pElement->m_pObject) { CCInteger* pOneKey = new CCInteger(pElement->m_iKey); pArray->addObject(pOneKey); pOneKey->release(); } } } return pArray; } CCObject* CCDictionary::objectForKey(const std::string& key) { // if dictionary wasn't initialized, return NULL directly. if (m_eDictType == kCCDictUnknown) return NULL; // CCDictionary only supports one kind of key, string or integer. // This method uses string as key, therefore we should make sure that the key type of this CCDictionary is string. CCAssert(m_eDictType == kCCDictStr, "this dictionary does not use string as key."); CCObject* pRetObject = NULL; CCDictElement *pElement = NULL; HASH_FIND_STR(m_pElements, key.c_str(), pElement); if (pElement != NULL) { pRetObject = pElement->m_pObject; } return pRetObject; } CCObject* CCDictionary::objectForKey(int key) { // if dictionary wasn't initialized, return NULL directly. if (m_eDictType == kCCDictUnknown) return NULL; // CCDictionary only supports one kind of key, string or integer. // This method uses integer as key, therefore we should make sure that the key type of this CCDictionary is integer. CCAssert(m_eDictType == kCCDictInt, "this dictionary does not use integer as key."); CCObject* pRetObject = NULL; CCDictElement *pElement = NULL; HASH_FIND_INT(m_pElements, &key, pElement); if (pElement != NULL) { pRetObject = pElement->m_pObject; } return pRetObject; } const CCString* CCDictionary::valueForKey(const std::string& key) { CCString* pStr = (CCString*)objectForKey(key); if (pStr == NULL) { pStr = CCString::create(""); } return pStr; } const CCString* CCDictionary::valueForKey(int key) { CCString* pStr = (CCString*)objectForKey(key); if (pStr == NULL) { pStr = CCString::create(""); } return pStr; } void CCDictionary::setObject(CCObject* pObject, const std::string& key) { CCAssert(key.length() > 0 && pObject != NULL, "Invalid Argument!"); if (m_eOldDictType == kCCDictUnknown) { m_eOldDictType = kCCDictStr; } m_eDictType = kCCDictStr; CCAssert(m_eDictType == m_eOldDictType, "this dictionary does not use string as key."); CCDictElement *pElement = NULL; HASH_FIND_STR(m_pElements, key.c_str(), pElement); if (pElement == NULL) { setObjectUnSafe(pObject, key); } else if (pElement->m_pObject != pObject) { CCObject* pTmpObj = pElement->m_pObject; pTmpObj->retain(); removeObjectForElememt(pElement); setObjectUnSafe(pObject, key); pTmpObj->release(); } } void CCDictionary::setObject(CCObject* pObject, int key) { CCAssert(pObject != NULL, "Invalid Argument!"); if (m_eOldDictType == kCCDictUnknown) { m_eOldDictType = kCCDictInt; } m_eDictType = kCCDictInt; CCAssert(m_eDictType == m_eOldDictType, "this dictionary does not use integer as key."); CCDictElement *pElement = NULL; HASH_FIND_INT(m_pElements, &key, pElement); if (pElement == NULL) { setObjectUnSafe(pObject, key); } else if (pElement->m_pObject != pObject) { CCObject* pTmpObj = pElement->m_pObject; pTmpObj->retain(); removeObjectForElememt(pElement); setObjectUnSafe(pObject, key); pTmpObj->release(); } } void CCDictionary::removeObjectForKey(const std::string& key) { if (m_eOldDictType == kCCDictUnknown) { return; } CCAssert(m_eDictType == kCCDictStr, "this dictionary does not use string as its key"); CCAssert(key.length() > 0, "Invalid Argument!"); CCDictElement *pElement = NULL; HASH_FIND_STR(m_pElements, key.c_str(), pElement); removeObjectForElememt(pElement); } void CCDictionary::removeObjectForKey(int key) { if (m_eOldDictType == kCCDictUnknown) { return; } CCAssert(m_eDictType == kCCDictInt, "this dictionary does not use integer as its key"); CCDictElement *pElement = NULL; HASH_FIND_INT(m_pElements, &key, pElement); removeObjectForElememt(pElement); } void CCDictionary::setObjectUnSafe(CCObject* pObject, const std::string& key) { pObject->retain(); CCDictElement* pElement = new CCDictElement(key.c_str(), pObject); HASH_ADD_STR(m_pElements, m_szKey, pElement); } void CCDictionary::setObjectUnSafe(CCObject* pObject, const int key) { pObject->retain(); CCDictElement* pElement = new CCDictElement(key, pObject); HASH_ADD_INT(m_pElements, m_iKey, pElement); } void CCDictionary::removeObjectsForKeys(CCArray* pKeyArray) { CCObject* pObj = NULL; CCARRAY_FOREACH(pKeyArray, pObj) { CCString* pStr = (CCString*)pObj; removeObjectForKey(pStr->getCString()); } } void CCDictionary::removeObjectForElememt(CCDictElement* pElement) { if (pElement != NULL) { HASH_DEL(m_pElements, pElement); pElement->m_pObject->release(); CC_SAFE_DELETE(pElement); } } void CCDictionary::removeAllObjects() { CCDictElement *pElement, *tmp; HASH_ITER(hh, m_pElements, pElement, tmp) { HASH_DEL(m_pElements, pElement); pElement->m_pObject->release(); CC_SAFE_DELETE(pElement); } } CCObject* CCDictionary::copyWithZone(CCZone* pZone) { CCAssert(pZone == NULL, "CCDictionary should not be inherited."); CCDictionary* pNewDict = new CCDictionary(); CCDictElement* pElement = NULL; CCObject* pTmpObj = NULL; if (m_eDictType == kCCDictInt) { CCDICT_FOREACH(this, pElement) { pTmpObj = pElement->getObject()->copy(); pNewDict->setObject(pTmpObj, pElement->getIntKey()); pTmpObj->release(); } } else if (m_eDictType == kCCDictStr) { CCDICT_FOREACH(this, pElement) { pTmpObj = pElement->getObject()->copy(); pNewDict->setObject(pTmpObj, pElement->getStrKey()); pTmpObj->release(); } } return pNewDict; } CCObject* CCDictionary::randomObject() { if (m_eDictType == kCCDictUnknown) { return NULL; } CCObject* key = allKeys()->randomObject(); if (m_eDictType == kCCDictInt) { return objectForKey(((CCInteger*)key)->getValue()); } else if (m_eDictType == kCCDictStr) { return objectForKey(((CCString*)key)->getCString()); } else { return NULL; } } CCDictionary* CCDictionary::create() { CCDictionary* pRet = new CCDictionary(); if (pRet != NULL) { pRet->autorelease(); } return pRet; } CCDictionary* CCDictionary::createWithDictionary(CCDictionary* srcDict) { CCDictionary* pNewDict = (CCDictionary*)srcDict->copy(); pNewDict->autorelease(); return pNewDict; } extern CCDictionary* ccFileUtils_dictionaryWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe(const char *pFileName); CCDictionary* CCDictionary::createWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe(const char *pFileName) { return ccFileUtils_dictionaryWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe(pFileName); } CCDictionary* CCDictionary::createWithContentsOfFile(const char *pFileName) { CCDictionary* pRet = createWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe(pFileName); pRet->autorelease(); return pRet; } NS_CC_END