/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Ricardo Quesada Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2011 Zynga Inc. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Chukong Technologies Inc. Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. Copyright (c) 2019-present Axmol Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). https://axmol.dev/ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "renderer/TextureCache.h" #include #include #include #include #include "renderer/Texture2D.h" #include "base/Macros.h" #include "base/UTF8.h" #include "base/Director.h" #include "base/Scheduler.h" #include "platform/FileUtils.h" #include "base/Utils.h" #include "base/NinePatchImageParser.h" #include "renderer/backend/DriverBase.h" using namespace std; NS_AX_BEGIN std::string TextureCache::s_etc1AlphaFileSuffix = "@alpha"; // implementation TextureCache void TextureCache::setETC1AlphaFileSuffix(std::string_view suffix) { s_etc1AlphaFileSuffix = suffix; } std::string TextureCache::getETC1AlphaFileSuffix() { return s_etc1AlphaFileSuffix; } TextureCache::TextureCache() : _loadingThread(nullptr), _needQuit(false), _asyncRefCount(0) {} TextureCache::~TextureCache() { AXLOGI("deallocing TextureCache: {}", fmt::ptr(this)); for (auto&& texture : _textures) texture.second->release(); AX_SAFE_DELETE(_loadingThread); } std::string TextureCache::getDescription() const { return StringUtils::format("", static_cast(_textures.size())); } struct TextureCache::AsyncStruct { public: AsyncStruct(std::string_view fn, const std::function& f, std::string_view key) : filename(fn) , callback(f) , callbackKey(key) , pixelFormat(Texture2D::getDefaultAlphaPixelFormat()) , loadSuccess(false) {} std::string filename; std::function callback; std::string callbackKey; Image image; Image imageAlpha; backend::PixelFormat pixelFormat; bool loadSuccess; }; /** The addImageAsync logic follow the steps: - find the image has been add or not, if not add an AsyncStruct to _requestQueue (GL thread) - get AsyncStruct from _requestQueue, load res and fill image data to AsyncStruct.image, then add AsyncStruct to _responseQueue (Load thread) - on schedule callback, get AsyncStruct from _responseQueue, convert image to texture, then delete AsyncStruct (GL thread) the Critical Area include these members: - _requestQueue: locked by _requestMutex - _responseQueue: locked by _responseMutex the object's life time: - AsyncStruct: construct and destruct in GL thread - image data: new in Load thread, delete in GL thread(by Image instance) Note: - all AsyncStruct referenced in _asyncStructQueue, for unbind function use. How to deal add image many times? - At first, this situation is abnormal, we only ensure the logic is correct. - If the image has been loaded, the after load image call will return immediately. - If the image request is in queue already, there will be more than one request in queue, - In addImageAsyncCallback, will deduplicate the request to ensure only create one texture. Does process all response in addImageAsyncCallback consume more time? - Convert image to texture faster than load image from disk, so this isn't a problem. Call unbindImageAsync(path) to prevent the call to the callback when the texture is loaded. */ void TextureCache::addImageAsync(std::string_view path, const std::function& callback) { addImageAsync(path, callback, path); } /** The addImageAsync logic follow the steps: - find the image has been add or not, if not add an AsyncStruct to _requestQueue (GL thread) - get AsyncStruct from _requestQueue, load res and fill image data to AsyncStruct.image, then add AsyncStruct to _responseQueue (Load thread) - on schedule callback, get AsyncStruct from _responseQueue, convert image to texture, then delete AsyncStruct (GL thread) the Critical Area include these members: - _requestQueue: locked by _requestMutex - _responseQueue: locked by _responseMutex the object's life time: - AsyncStruct: construct and destruct in GL thread - image data: new in Load thread, delete in GL thread(by Image instance) Note: - all AsyncStruct referenced in _asyncStructQueue, for unbind function use. How to deal add image many times? - At first, this situation is abnormal, we only ensure the logic is correct. - If the image has been loaded, the after load image call will return immediately. - If the image request is in queue already, there will be more than one request in queue, - In addImageAsyncCallback, will deduplicate the request to ensure only create one texture. Does process all response in addImageAsyncCallback consume more time? - Convert image to texture faster than load image from disk, so this isn't a problem. The callbackKey allows to unbind the callback in cases where the loading of path is requested by several sources simultaneously. Each source can then unbind the callback independently as needed whilst a call to unbindImageAsync(path) would be ambiguous. */ void TextureCache::addImageAsync(std::string_view path, const std::function& callback, std::string_view callbackKey) { Texture2D* texture = nullptr; std::string fullpath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(path); auto it = _textures.find(fullpath); if (it != _textures.end()) texture = it->second; if (texture != nullptr) { if (callback) callback(texture); return; } // check if file exists if (fullpath.empty() || !FileUtils::getInstance()->isFileExist(fullpath)) { if (callback) callback(nullptr); return; } // lazy init if (_loadingThread == nullptr) { // create a new thread to load images _needQuit = false; _loadingThread = new std::thread(&TextureCache::loadImage, this); } if (0 == _asyncRefCount) { Director::getInstance()->getScheduler()->schedule(AX_SCHEDULE_SELECTOR(TextureCache::addImageAsyncCallBack), this, 0, false); } ++_asyncRefCount; // generate async struct AsyncStruct* data = new AsyncStruct(fullpath, callback, callbackKey); // add async struct into queue _asyncStructQueue.emplace_back(data); std::unique_lock ul(_requestMutex); _requestQueue.emplace_back(data); _sleepCondition.notify_one(); } void TextureCache::unbindImageAsync(std::string_view callbackKey) { if (_asyncStructQueue.empty()) { return; } for (auto&& asyncStruct : _asyncStructQueue) { if (asyncStruct->callbackKey == callbackKey) { asyncStruct->callback = nullptr; } } } void TextureCache::unbindAllImageAsync() { if (_asyncStructQueue.empty()) { return; } for (auto&& asyncStruct : _asyncStructQueue) { asyncStruct->callback = nullptr; } } void TextureCache::loadImage() { AsyncStruct* asyncStruct = nullptr; while (!_needQuit) { std::unique_lock ul(_requestMutex); // pop an AsyncStruct from request queue if (_requestQueue.empty()) { asyncStruct = nullptr; } else { asyncStruct = _requestQueue.front(); _requestQueue.pop_front(); } if (nullptr == asyncStruct) { if (_needQuit) { break; } _sleepCondition.wait(ul); continue; } ul.unlock(); // load image asyncStruct->loadSuccess = asyncStruct->image.initWithImageFileThreadSafe(asyncStruct->filename); // ETC1 ALPHA supports. if (asyncStruct->loadSuccess && asyncStruct->image.getFileType() == Image::Format::ETC1 && !s_etc1AlphaFileSuffix.empty()) { // check whether alpha texture exists & load it auto alphaFile = asyncStruct->filename + s_etc1AlphaFileSuffix; if (FileUtils::getInstance()->isFileExist(alphaFile)) asyncStruct->imageAlpha.initWithImageFileThreadSafe(alphaFile); } // push the asyncStruct to response queue _responseMutex.lock(); _responseQueue.emplace_back(asyncStruct); _responseMutex.unlock(); } } void TextureCache::addImageAsyncCallBack(float /*dt*/) { Texture2D* texture = nullptr; AsyncStruct* asyncStruct = nullptr; while (true) { // pop an AsyncStruct from response queue _responseMutex.lock(); if (_responseQueue.empty()) { asyncStruct = nullptr; } else { asyncStruct = _responseQueue.front(); _responseQueue.pop_front(); // the asyncStruct's sequence order in _asyncStructQueue must equal to the order in _responseQueue AX_ASSERT(asyncStruct == _asyncStructQueue.front()); _asyncStructQueue.pop_front(); } _responseMutex.unlock(); if (nullptr == asyncStruct) { break; } // check the image has been convert to texture or not auto it = _textures.find(asyncStruct->filename); if (it != _textures.end()) { texture = it->second; } else { // convert image to texture if (asyncStruct->loadSuccess) { Image* image = &(asyncStruct->image); // generate texture in render thread texture = new Texture2D(); texture->initWithImage(image, asyncStruct->pixelFormat); // parse 9-patch info this->parseNinePatchImage(image, texture, asyncStruct->filename); #if AX_ENABLE_CACHE_TEXTURE_DATA // cache the texture file name VolatileTextureMgr::addImageTexture(texture, asyncStruct->filename); #endif // cache the texture. retain it, since it is added in the map _textures.emplace(asyncStruct->filename, texture); texture->retain(); texture->autorelease(); // ETC1 ALPHA supports. if (asyncStruct->imageAlpha.getFileType() == Image::Format::ETC1) { texture->updateWithImage(&asyncStruct->imageAlpha, asyncStruct->pixelFormat, 1); } } else { texture = nullptr; AXLOGW("axmol: failed to call TextureCache::addImageAsync({})", asyncStruct->filename); } } // call callback function if (asyncStruct->callback) { (asyncStruct->callback)(texture); } // release the asyncStruct delete asyncStruct; --_asyncRefCount; } if (0 == _asyncRefCount) { Director::getInstance()->getScheduler()->unschedule(AX_SCHEDULE_SELECTOR(TextureCache::addImageAsyncCallBack), this); } } Texture2D* TextureCache::getWhiteTexture() { constexpr std::string_view key = "/white-texture"sv; return getWhiteTexture(key, 0xFF); } Texture2D* TextureCache::getWhiteTexture(std::string_view key, uint8_t luma) { // Gets the texture by key firstly. auto texture = this->getTextureForKey(key); if (texture) return texture; // If texture wasn't in cache, create it from RAW data. unsigned char texls[] = { // RGBA8888 luma, luma, luma, 0xFF, luma, luma, luma, 0xFF, luma, luma, luma, 0xFF, luma, luma, luma, 0xFF}; Image* image = new Image(); // Notes: andorid: VolatileTextureMgr traits image as dynmaic object bool AX_UNUSED isOK = image->initWithRawData(texls, sizeof(texls), 2, 2, 8); AXASSERT(isOK, "The 2x2 empty texture was created unsuccessfully."); texture = this->addImage(image, key); image->release(); return texture; } Texture2D* TextureCache::getDummyTexture() { constexpr std::string_view key = "/dummy-texture"sv; // Gets the texture by key firstly. auto texture = this->getTextureForKey(key); if (texture) return texture; // If texture wasn't in cache, create it from RAW data. #ifdef NDEBUG unsigned char texls[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; // 1*1 transparent picture #else unsigned char texls[] = {255, 0, 0, 255}; // 1*1 red picture #endif Image* image = new Image(); // Notes: andorid: VolatileTextureMgr traits image as dynmaic object bool AX_UNUSED isOK = image->initWithRawData(texls, sizeof(texls), 1, 1, sizeof(unsigned char)); texture = this->addImage(image, key); image->release(); return texture; } Texture2D* TextureCache::addImage(std::string_view path) { return addImage(path, Texture2D::getDefaultAlphaPixelFormat()); } Texture2D* TextureCache::addImage(std::string_view path, PixelFormat format) { Texture2D* texture = nullptr; Image* image = nullptr; // Split up directory and filename // MUTEX: // Needed since addImageAsync calls this method from a different thread std::string fullpath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(path); if (fullpath.empty()) { return nullptr; } auto it = _textures.find(fullpath); if (it != _textures.end()) texture = it->second; if (!texture) { // all images are handled by UIImage except PVR extension that is handled by our own handler do { image = new Image(); bool bRet = image->initWithImageFile(fullpath); AX_BREAK_IF(!bRet); texture = new Texture2D(); if (texture->initWithImage(image, format)) { #if AX_ENABLE_CACHE_TEXTURE_DATA // cache the texture file name VolatileTextureMgr::addImageTexture(texture, fullpath); #endif // texture already retained, no need to re-retain it _textures.emplace(fullpath, texture); //-- ANDROID ETC1 ALPHA SUPPORTS. std::string alphaFullPath{path}; alphaFullPath += s_etc1AlphaFileSuffix; if (image->getFileType() == Image::Format::ETC1 && !s_etc1AlphaFileSuffix.empty() && FileUtils::getInstance()->isFileExist(alphaFullPath)) { Image imageAlpha; if (imageAlpha.initWithImageFile(alphaFullPath)) { texture->updateWithImage(&imageAlpha, format, 1); } } // parse 9-patch info this->parseNinePatchImage(image, texture, path); } else { AXLOGW("Couldn't create texture for file:{} in TextureCache", path); AX_SAFE_RELEASE(texture); texture = nullptr; } } while (0); } AX_SAFE_RELEASE(image); return texture; } void TextureCache::parseNinePatchImage(ax::Image* image, ax::Texture2D* texture, std::string_view path) { if (NinePatchImageParser::isNinePatchImage(path)) { Rect frameRect = Rect(0, 0, image->getWidth(), image->getHeight()); NinePatchImageParser parser(image, frameRect, false); texture->addSpriteFrameCapInset(nullptr, parser.parseCapInset()); } } Texture2D* TextureCache::addImage(Image* image, std::string_view key) { return addImage(image, key, Texture2D::getDefaultAlphaPixelFormat()); } Texture2D* TextureCache::addImage(Image* image, std::string_view key, PixelFormat format) { AXASSERT(image != nullptr, "TextureCache: image MUST not be nil"); AXASSERT(image->getData() != nullptr, "TextureCache: image MUST not be nil"); Texture2D* texture = nullptr; do { auto it = _textures.find(key); if (it != _textures.end()) { texture = it->second; break; } texture = new Texture2D(); if (texture->initWithImage(image, format)) { _textures.emplace(key, texture); } else { AX_SAFE_RELEASE(texture); texture = nullptr; AXLOGD("initWithImage failed!"); } } while (0); #if AX_ENABLE_CACHE_TEXTURE_DATA VolatileTextureMgr::addImage(texture, image); #endif return texture; } Texture2D* TextureCache::addImage(const Data& imageData, std::string_view key) { AXASSERT(!imageData.isNull() && !key.empty(), "TextureCache: imageData MUST not be empty and key not empty"); Texture2D * texture = nullptr; do { auto it = _textures.find(key); if (it != _textures.end()) { texture = it->second; break; } Image* image = new Image(); AX_BREAK_IF(nullptr == image); bool bRet = image->initWithImageData(imageData.getBytes(), imageData.getSize()); AX_BREAK_IF(!bRet); texture = new Texture2D(); if (texture) { if (texture->initWithImage(image)) { #if CC_ENABLE_CACHE_TEXTURE_DATA VolatileTextureMgr::addImage(texture, image); #endif _textures.emplace(key, texture); } else { AX_SAFE_RELEASE(texture); texture = nullptr; AXLOGW("initWithImage failed!"); } } else { AXLOGW("Allocating memory for Texture2D failed!"); } AX_SAFE_RELEASE(image); } while (0); return texture; } bool TextureCache::reloadTexture(std::string_view fileName) { Texture2D* texture = nullptr; std::string fullpath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(fileName); if (fullpath.empty()) { return false; } auto it = _textures.find(fullpath); if (it != _textures.end()) { texture = it->second; } bool ret = false; if (!texture) { texture = this->addImage(fullpath); ret = (texture != nullptr); } else { do { Image image; bool bRet = image.initWithImageFile(fullpath); AX_BREAK_IF(!bRet); ret = texture->initWithImage(&image); } while (0); } return ret; } // TextureCache - Remove void TextureCache::removeAllTextures() { for (auto&& texture : _textures) { texture.second->release(); } _textures.clear(); } void TextureCache::removeUnusedTextures() { for (auto it = _textures.cbegin(); it != _textures.cend(); /* nothing */) { Texture2D* tex = it->second; if (tex->getReferenceCount() == 1) { AXLOGD("TextureCache: removing unused texture: {}", it->first); tex->release(); it = _textures.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } void TextureCache::removeTexture(Texture2D* texture) { if (!texture) { return; } for (auto it = _textures.cbegin(); it != _textures.cend(); /* nothing */) { if (it->second == texture) { it->second->release(); it = _textures.erase(it); break; } else ++it; } } void TextureCache::removeTextureForKey(std::string_view textureKeyName) { auto it = _textures.find(textureKeyName); if (it == _textures.end()) { auto key = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(textureKeyName); it = _textures.find(key); } if (it != _textures.end()) { it->second->release(); _textures.erase(it); } } Texture2D* TextureCache::getTextureForKey(std::string_view textureKeyName) const { auto it = _textures.find(textureKeyName); if (it == _textures.end()) { auto key = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(textureKeyName); it = _textures.find(key); } if (it != _textures.end()) return it->second; return nullptr; } std::string TextureCache::getTextureFilePath(ax::Texture2D* texture) const { for (auto&& item : _textures) { if (item.second == texture) { return item.first; break; } } return ""; } void TextureCache::waitForQuit() { // notify sub thread to quick std::unique_lock ul(_requestMutex); _needQuit = true; _sleepCondition.notify_one(); ul.unlock(); if (_loadingThread) _loadingThread->join(); } std::string TextureCache::getCachedTextureInfo() const { std::string buffer; char buftmp[4096]; unsigned int count = 0; unsigned int totalBytes = 0; for (auto&& texture : _textures) { memset(buftmp, 0, sizeof(buftmp)); Texture2D* tex = texture.second; unsigned int bpp = tex->getBitsPerPixelForFormat(); // Each texture takes up width * height * bytesPerPixel bytes. auto bytes = tex->getPixelsWide() * tex->getPixelsHigh() * bpp / 8; totalBytes += bytes; count++; snprintf(buftmp, sizeof(buftmp) - 1, "\"%s\" rc=%d id=%p %d x %d @ %d bpp => %d KB\n", texture.first.c_str(), (int32_t)tex->getReferenceCount(), tex->getBackendTexture(), (int32_t)tex->getPixelsWide(), (int32_t)tex->getPixelsHigh(), (int32_t)bpp, (int32_t)bytes / 1024); buffer += buftmp; } snprintf(buftmp, sizeof(buftmp) - 1, "TextureCache dumpDebugInfo: %ld textures, for %lu KB (%.2f MB)\n", (long)count, (long)totalBytes / 1024, totalBytes / (1024.0f * 1024.0f)); buffer += buftmp; return buffer; } void TextureCache::renameTextureWithKey(std::string_view srcName, std::string_view dstName) { auto it = _textures.find(srcName); if (it == _textures.end()) { auto key = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(srcName); it = _textures.find(key); } if (it != _textures.end()) { std::string fullpath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(dstName); Texture2D* tex = it->second; Image image; bool ret = image.initWithImageFile(dstName); if (ret) { tex->initWithImage(&image); _textures.emplace(fullpath, tex); _textures.erase(it); } } } #if AX_ENABLE_CACHE_TEXTURE_DATA std::list VolatileTextureMgr::_textures; bool VolatileTextureMgr::_isReloading = false; VolatileTexture::VolatileTexture(Texture2D* t) : _texture(t) , _uiImage(nullptr) , _cashedImageType(kInvalid) , _textureData(nullptr) , _pixelFormat(backend::PixelFormat::RGBA8) , _fileName("") , _text("") {} VolatileTexture::~VolatileTexture() { AX_SAFE_RELEASE(_uiImage); } void VolatileTextureMgr::addImageTexture(Texture2D* tt, std::string_view imageFileName) { if (_isReloading) { return; } VolatileTexture* vt = findVolotileTexture(tt); vt->_cashedImageType = VolatileTexture::kImageFile; vt->_fileName = imageFileName; vt->_pixelFormat = tt->getPixelFormat(); } void VolatileTextureMgr::addImage(Texture2D* tt, Image* image) { if (tt == nullptr || image == nullptr) return; VolatileTexture* vt = findVolotileTexture(tt); image->retain(); vt->_uiImage = image; vt->_cashedImageType = VolatileTexture::kImage; vt->_pixelFormat = tt->getPixelFormat(); } VolatileTexture* VolatileTextureMgr::findVolotileTexture(Texture2D* tt) { VolatileTexture* vt = nullptr; for (const auto& texture : _textures) { VolatileTexture* v = texture; if (v->_texture == tt) { vt = v; break; } } if (!vt) { vt = new VolatileTexture(tt); _textures.emplace_back(vt); } return vt; } void VolatileTextureMgr::addDataTexture(Texture2D* tt, void* data, int dataLen, backend::PixelFormat pixelFormat, const Vec2& contentSize) { if (_isReloading) { return; } VolatileTexture* vt = findVolotileTexture(tt); vt->_cashedImageType = VolatileTexture::kImageData; vt->_textureData = data; vt->_dataLen = dataLen; vt->_pixelFormat = pixelFormat; vt->_textureSize = contentSize; } void VolatileTextureMgr::addStringTexture(Texture2D* tt, std::string_view text, const FontDefinition& fontDefinition) { if (_isReloading) { return; } VolatileTexture* vt = findVolotileTexture(tt); vt->_cashedImageType = VolatileTexture::kString; vt->_text = text; vt->_fontDefinition = fontDefinition; } void VolatileTextureMgr::removeTexture(Texture2D* t) { for (auto&& item : _textures) { VolatileTexture* vt = item; if (vt->_texture == t) { _textures.remove(vt); delete vt; break; } } } void VolatileTextureMgr::reloadAllTextures() { _isReloading = true; AXLOGD("reload all texture"); for (auto&& texture : _textures) { VolatileTexture* vt = texture; switch (vt->_cashedImageType) { case VolatileTexture::kImageFile: { reloadTexture(vt->_texture, vt->_fileName, vt->_pixelFormat); // etc1 support check whether alpha texture exists & load it Image image; if (image.initWithImageFile(vt->_fileName + TextureCache::getETC1AlphaFileSuffix())) { vt->_texture->updateWithImage(&image, vt->_pixelFormat, 1); } } break; case VolatileTexture::kImageData: { vt->_texture->initWithData(vt->_textureData, vt->_dataLen, vt->_pixelFormat, vt->_textureSize.width, vt->_textureSize.height); } break; case VolatileTexture::kString: { vt->_texture->initWithString(vt->_text, vt->_fontDefinition); } break; case VolatileTexture::kImage: { vt->_texture->initWithImage(vt->_uiImage, vt->_pixelFormat); } break; default: break; } } _isReloading = false; } void VolatileTextureMgr::reloadTexture(Texture2D* texture, std::string_view filename, backend::PixelFormat pixelFormat) { if (!texture) return; Image image; if (image.initWithImageFile(filename)) texture->initWithImage(&image, pixelFormat); } #endif // AX_ENABLE_CACHE_TEXTURE_DATA NS_AX_END