#include "jsapi.h"
#include "ScriptingCore.h"

class JSScheduleWrapper;

// JSScheduleWrapper* --> Array* since one js function may correspond to many targets.
// To debug this, you could refer to JSScheduleWrapper::dump function.
// It will prove that i'm right. :)
typedef struct jsScheduleFunc_proxy {
    JSObject* jsfuncObj;
    Array*  targets; 
    UT_hash_handle hh;
} schedFunc_proxy_t;

typedef struct jsScheduleTarget_proxy {
    JSObject* jsTargetObj;
    Array*  targets;
    UT_hash_handle hh;
} schedTarget_proxy_t;

typedef struct jsCallFuncTarget_proxy {
    void * ptr;
    Array *obj;
    UT_hash_handle hh;
} callfuncTarget_proxy_t;

extern schedFunc_proxy_t *_schedFunc_target_ht;
extern schedTarget_proxy_t *_schedObj_target_ht;

extern callfuncTarget_proxy_t *_callfuncTarget_native_ht;

 * You don't need to manage the returned pointer. They live for the whole life of
 * the app.
template <class T>
inline js_type_class_t *js_get_type_from_native(T* native_obj) {
    js_type_class_t *typeProxy;
    long typeId = typeid(*native_obj).hash_code();
    HASH_FIND_INT(_js_global_type_ht, &typeId, typeProxy);
    if (!typeProxy) {
        typeId = typeid(T).hash_code();
        HASH_FIND_INT(_js_global_type_ht, &typeId, typeProxy);
    return typeProxy;

 * The returned pointer should be deleted using jsb_remove_proxy. Most of the
 * time you do that in the C++ destructor.
template<class T>
inline js_proxy_t *js_get_or_create_proxy(JSContext *cx, T *native_obj) {
    js_proxy_t *proxy;
    HASH_FIND_PTR(_native_js_global_ht, &native_obj, proxy);
    if (!proxy) {
        js_type_class_t *typeProxy = js_get_type_from_native<T>(native_obj);
        // Return NULL if can't find its type rather than making an assert.
//        assert(typeProxy);
        if (!typeProxy) {
            CCLOGINFO("Could not find the type of native object.");
            return NULL;
        JSObject* js_obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeProxy->jsclass, typeProxy->proto, typeProxy->parentProto);
        proxy = jsb_new_proxy(native_obj, js_obj);
#ifdef DEBUG
        JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj, typeid(*native_obj).name());
        JS_AddObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj);
        return proxy;
    } else {
        return proxy;
    return NULL;

jsval anonEvaluate(JSContext *cx, JSObject *thisObj, const char* string);
void register_cocos2dx_js_extensions(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj);

class JSCallbackWrapper: public Object {
    virtual ~JSCallbackWrapper();
    void setJSCallbackFunc(jsval obj);
    void setJSCallbackThis(jsval thisObj);
    void setJSExtraData(jsval data);
    const jsval& getJSCallbackFunc() const;
    const jsval& getJSCallbackThis() const;
    const jsval& getJSExtraData() const;
    jsval _jsCallback;
    jsval _jsThisObj;
    jsval _extraData;

class JSCallFuncWrapper: public JSCallbackWrapper {
    JSCallFuncWrapper() {}
    virtual ~JSCallFuncWrapper(void) {

    static void setTargetForNativeNode(Node *pNode, JSCallFuncWrapper *target);
    static Array * getTargetForNativeNode(Node *pNode);

    void callbackFunc(Node *node);

class JSScheduleWrapper: public JSCallbackWrapper {
    JSScheduleWrapper() : _pTarget(NULL), _pPureJSTarget(NULL), _priority(0), _isUpdateSchedule(false) {}
    virtual ~JSScheduleWrapper();

    static void setTargetForSchedule(jsval sched, JSScheduleWrapper *target);
    static Array * getTargetForSchedule(jsval sched);
    static void setTargetForJSObject(JSObject* jsTargetObj, JSScheduleWrapper *target);
    static Array * getTargetForJSObject(JSObject* jsTargetObj);
    // Remove all targets.
    static void removeAllTargets();
    // Remove all targets for priority.
    static void removeAllTargetsForMinPriority(int minPriority);
	// Remove all targets by js object from hash table(_schedFunc_target_ht and _schedObj_target_ht).	
    static void removeAllTargetsForJSObject(JSObject* jsTargetObj);
	// Remove the target by js object and the wrapper for native schedule.
    static void removeTargetForJSObject(JSObject* jsTargetObj, JSScheduleWrapper* target);
    static void dump();

    void pause();
    void scheduleFunc(float dt);
    virtual void update(float dt);
    Object* getTarget();
    void setTarget(Object* pTarget);
    void setPureJSTarget(JSObject* jstarget);
    JSObject* getPureJSTarget();
    void setPriority(int priority);
    int  getPriority();
    void setUpdateSchedule(bool isUpdateSchedule);
    bool isUpdateSchedule();
    Object* _pTarget;
    JSObject* _pPureJSTarget;
    int _priority;
    bool _isUpdateSchedule;

class JSTouchDelegate: public Object
	// Set the touch delegate to map by using the key (pJSObj).
    static void setDelegateForJSObject(JSObject* pJSObj, JSTouchDelegate* pDelegate);
    // Get the touch delegate by the key (pJSObj).
	static JSTouchDelegate* getDelegateForJSObject(JSObject* pJSObj);
	// Remove the delegate by the key (pJSObj).
    static void removeDelegateForJSObject(JSObject* pJSObj);

    void setJSObject(JSObject *obj);
    void registerStandardDelegate(int priority);
    void registerTargetedDelegate(int priority, bool swallowsTouches);
	// unregister touch delegate.
	// Normally, developer should invoke cc.unregisterTouchDelegate() in when the scene exits.
	// So this function need to be binded.
    void unregisterTouchDelegate();

    bool onTouchBegan(Touch *touch, Event *event);
    void onTouchMoved(Touch *touch, Event *event);
    void onTouchEnded(Touch *touch, Event *event);
    void onTouchCancelled(Touch *touch, Event *event);
    // optional
    void onTouchesBegan(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event *event);
    void onTouchesMoved(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event *event);
    void onTouchesEnded(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event *event);
    void onTouchesCancelled(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event *event);

    JSObject* _obj;
    typedef std::map<JSObject*, JSTouchDelegate*> TouchDelegateMap;
    typedef std::pair<JSObject*, JSTouchDelegate*> TouchDelegatePair;
    static TouchDelegateMap sTouchDelegateMap;
    bool _needUnroot;
    EventListenerTouch* _touchListener;
