/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ // FIXME: hack, must be included before ziputils #ifdef MINIZIP_FROM_SYSTEM #include <minizip/unzip.h> #else // from our embedded sources #include "unzip.h" #endif #include "base/ZipUtils.h" #include <zlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "base/CCData.h" #include "base/ccMacros.h" #include "platform/CCFileUtils.h" #include <map> // FIXME: Other platforms should use upstream minizip like mingw-w64 #ifdef MINIZIP_FROM_SYSTEM #define unzGoToFirstFile64(A,B,C,D) unzGoToFirstFile2(A,B,C,D, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) #define unzGoToNextFile64(A,B,C,D) unzGoToNextFile2(A,B,C,D, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) #endif NS_CC_BEGIN unsigned int ZipUtils::s_uEncryptedPvrKeyParts[4] = {0,0,0,0}; unsigned int ZipUtils::s_uEncryptionKey[1024]; bool ZipUtils::s_bEncryptionKeyIsValid = false; // --------------------- ZipUtils --------------------- inline void ZipUtils::decodeEncodedPvr(unsigned int *data, ssize_t len) { const int enclen = 1024; const int securelen = 512; const int distance = 64; // check if key was set // make sure to call caw_setkey_part() for all 4 key parts CCASSERT(s_uEncryptedPvrKeyParts[0] != 0, "Cocos2D: CCZ file is encrypted but key part 0 is not set. Did you call ZipUtils::setPvrEncryptionKeyPart(...)?"); CCASSERT(s_uEncryptedPvrKeyParts[1] != 0, "Cocos2D: CCZ file is encrypted but key part 1 is not set. Did you call ZipUtils::setPvrEncryptionKeyPart(...)?"); CCASSERT(s_uEncryptedPvrKeyParts[2] != 0, "Cocos2D: CCZ file is encrypted but key part 2 is not set. Did you call ZipUtils::setPvrEncryptionKeyPart(...)?"); CCASSERT(s_uEncryptedPvrKeyParts[3] != 0, "Cocos2D: CCZ file is encrypted but key part 3 is not set. Did you call ZipUtils::setPvrEncryptionKeyPart(...)?"); // create long key if(!s_bEncryptionKeyIsValid) { unsigned int y, p, e; unsigned int rounds = 6; unsigned int sum = 0; unsigned int z = s_uEncryptionKey[enclen-1]; do { #define DELTA 0x9e3779b9 #define MX (((z>>5^y<<2) + (y>>3^z<<4)) ^ ((sum^y) + (s_uEncryptedPvrKeyParts[(p&3)^e] ^ z))) sum += DELTA; e = (sum >> 2) & 3; for (p = 0; p < enclen - 1; p++) { y = s_uEncryptionKey[p + 1]; z = s_uEncryptionKey[p] += MX; } y = s_uEncryptionKey[0]; z = s_uEncryptionKey[enclen - 1] += MX; } while (--rounds); s_bEncryptionKeyIsValid = true; } int b = 0; int i = 0; // encrypt first part completely for(; i < len && i < securelen; i++) { data[i] ^= s_uEncryptionKey[b++]; if(b >= enclen) { b = 0; } } // encrypt second section partially for(; i < len; i += distance) { data[i] ^= s_uEncryptionKey[b++]; if(b >= enclen) { b = 0; } } } inline unsigned int ZipUtils::checksumPvr(const unsigned int *data, ssize_t len) { unsigned int cs = 0; const int cslen = 128; len = (len < cslen) ? len : cslen; for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { cs = cs ^ data[i]; } return cs; } // memory in iPhone is precious // Should buffer factor be 1.5 instead of 2 ? #define BUFFER_INC_FACTOR (2) int ZipUtils::inflateMemoryWithHint(unsigned char *in, ssize_t inLength, unsigned char **out, ssize_t *outLength, ssize_t outLenghtHint) { /* ret value */ int err = Z_OK; ssize_t bufferSize = outLenghtHint; *out = (unsigned char*)malloc(bufferSize); z_stream d_stream; /* decompression stream */ d_stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0; d_stream.zfree = (free_func)0; d_stream.opaque = (voidpf)0; d_stream.next_in = in; d_stream.avail_in = static_cast<unsigned int>(inLength); d_stream.next_out = *out; d_stream.avail_out = static_cast<unsigned int>(bufferSize); /* window size to hold 256k */ if( (err = inflateInit2(&d_stream, 15 + 32)) != Z_OK ) return err; for (;;) { err = inflate(&d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); if (err == Z_STREAM_END) { break; } switch (err) { case Z_NEED_DICT: err = Z_DATA_ERROR; case Z_DATA_ERROR: case Z_MEM_ERROR: inflateEnd(&d_stream); return err; } // not enough memory ? if (err != Z_STREAM_END) { *out = (unsigned char*)realloc(*out, bufferSize * BUFFER_INC_FACTOR); /* not enough memory, ouch */ if (! *out ) { CCLOG("cocos2d: ZipUtils: realloc failed"); inflateEnd(&d_stream); return Z_MEM_ERROR; } d_stream.next_out = *out + bufferSize; d_stream.avail_out = static_cast<unsigned int>(bufferSize); bufferSize *= BUFFER_INC_FACTOR; } } *outLength = bufferSize - d_stream.avail_out; err = inflateEnd(&d_stream); return err; } ssize_t ZipUtils::inflateMemoryWithHint(unsigned char *in, ssize_t inLength, unsigned char **out, ssize_t outLengthHint) { ssize_t outLength = 0; int err = inflateMemoryWithHint(in, inLength, out, &outLength, outLengthHint); if (err != Z_OK || *out == nullptr) { if (err == Z_MEM_ERROR) { CCLOG("cocos2d: ZipUtils: Out of memory while decompressing map data!"); } else if (err == Z_VERSION_ERROR) { CCLOG("cocos2d: ZipUtils: Incompatible zlib version!"); } else if (err == Z_DATA_ERROR) { CCLOG("cocos2d: ZipUtils: Incorrect zlib compressed data!"); } else { CCLOG("cocos2d: ZipUtils: Unknown error while decompressing map data!"); } if(*out) { free(*out); *out = nullptr; } outLength = 0; } return outLength; } ssize_t ZipUtils::inflateMemory(unsigned char *in, ssize_t inLength, unsigned char **out) { // 256k for hint return inflateMemoryWithHint(in, inLength, out, 256 * 1024); } int ZipUtils::inflateGZipFile(const char *path, unsigned char **out) { int len; unsigned int offset = 0; CCASSERT(out, "out can't be nullptr."); CCASSERT(&*out, "&*out can't be nullptr."); gzFile inFile = gzopen(path, "rb"); if( inFile == nullptr ) { CCLOG("cocos2d: ZipUtils: error open gzip file: %s", path); return -1; } /* 512k initial decompress buffer */ unsigned int bufferSize = 512 * 1024; unsigned int totalBufferSize = bufferSize; *out = (unsigned char*)malloc( bufferSize ); if( ! out ) { CCLOG("cocos2d: ZipUtils: out of memory"); return -1; } for (;;) { len = gzread(inFile, *out + offset, bufferSize); if (len < 0) { CCLOG("cocos2d: ZipUtils: error in gzread"); free( *out ); *out = nullptr; return -1; } if (len == 0) { break; } offset += len; // finish reading the file if( (unsigned int)len < bufferSize ) { break; } bufferSize *= BUFFER_INC_FACTOR; totalBufferSize += bufferSize; unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char*)realloc(*out, totalBufferSize ); if( ! tmp ) { CCLOG("cocos2d: ZipUtils: out of memory"); free( *out ); *out = nullptr; return -1; } *out = tmp; } if (gzclose(inFile) != Z_OK) { CCLOG("cocos2d: ZipUtils: gzclose failed"); } return offset; } bool ZipUtils::isCCZFile(const char *path) { // load file into memory Data compressedData = FileUtils::getInstance()->getDataFromFile(path); if (compressedData.isNull()) { CCLOG("cocos2d: ZipUtils: loading file failed"); return false; } return isCCZBuffer(compressedData.getBytes(), compressedData.getSize()); } bool ZipUtils::isCCZBuffer(const unsigned char *buffer, ssize_t len) { if (static_cast<size_t>(len) < sizeof(struct CCZHeader)) { return false; } struct CCZHeader *header = (struct CCZHeader*) buffer; return header->sig[0] == 'C' && header->sig[1] == 'C' && header->sig[2] == 'Z' && (header->sig[3] == '!' || header->sig[3] == 'p'); } bool ZipUtils::isGZipFile(const char *path) { // load file into memory Data compressedData = FileUtils::getInstance()->getDataFromFile(path); if (compressedData.isNull()) { CCLOG("cocos2d: ZipUtils: loading file failed"); return false; } return isGZipBuffer(compressedData.getBytes(), compressedData.getSize()); } bool ZipUtils::isGZipBuffer(const unsigned char *buffer, ssize_t len) { if (len < 2) { return false; } return buffer[0] == 0x1F && buffer[1] == 0x8B; } int ZipUtils::inflateCCZBuffer(const unsigned char *buffer, ssize_t bufferLen, unsigned char **out) { struct CCZHeader *header = (struct CCZHeader*) buffer; // verify header if( header->sig[0] == 'C' && header->sig[1] == 'C' && header->sig[2] == 'Z' && header->sig[3] == '!' ) { // verify header version unsigned int version = CC_SWAP_INT16_BIG_TO_HOST( header->version ); if( version > 2 ) { CCLOG("cocos2d: Unsupported CCZ header format"); return -1; } // verify compression format if( CC_SWAP_INT16_BIG_TO_HOST(header->compression_type) != CCZ_COMPRESSION_ZLIB ) { CCLOG("cocos2d: CCZ Unsupported compression method"); return -1; } } else if( header->sig[0] == 'C' && header->sig[1] == 'C' && header->sig[2] == 'Z' && header->sig[3] == 'p' ) { // encrypted ccz file header = (struct CCZHeader*) buffer; // verify header version unsigned int version = CC_SWAP_INT16_BIG_TO_HOST( header->version ); if( version > 0 ) { CCLOG("cocos2d: Unsupported CCZ header format"); return -1; } // verify compression format if( CC_SWAP_INT16_BIG_TO_HOST(header->compression_type) != CCZ_COMPRESSION_ZLIB ) { CCLOG("cocos2d: CCZ Unsupported compression method"); return -1; } // decrypt unsigned int* ints = (unsigned int*)(buffer+12); ssize_t enclen = (bufferLen-12)/4; decodeEncodedPvr(ints, enclen); #if COCOS2D_DEBUG > 0 // verify checksum in debug mode unsigned int calculated = checksumPvr(ints, enclen); unsigned int required = CC_SWAP_INT32_BIG_TO_HOST( header->reserved ); if(calculated != required) { CCLOG("cocos2d: Can't decrypt image file. Is the decryption key valid?"); return -1; } #endif } else { CCLOG("cocos2d: Invalid CCZ file"); return -1; } unsigned int len = CC_SWAP_INT32_BIG_TO_HOST( header->len ); *out = (unsigned char*)malloc( len ); if(! *out ) { CCLOG("cocos2d: CCZ: Failed to allocate memory for texture"); return -1; } unsigned long destlen = len; size_t source = (size_t) buffer + sizeof(*header); int ret = uncompress(*out, &destlen, (Bytef*)source, bufferLen - sizeof(*header) ); if( ret != Z_OK ) { CCLOG("cocos2d: CCZ: Failed to uncompress data"); free( *out ); *out = nullptr; return -1; } return len; } int ZipUtils::inflateCCZFile(const char *path, unsigned char **out) { CCASSERT(out, "Invalid pointer for buffer!"); // load file into memory Data compressedData = FileUtils::getInstance()->getDataFromFile(path); if (compressedData.isNull()) { CCLOG("cocos2d: Error loading CCZ compressed file"); return -1; } return inflateCCZBuffer(compressedData.getBytes(), compressedData.getSize(), out); } void ZipUtils::setPvrEncryptionKeyPart(int index, unsigned int value) { CCASSERT(index >= 0, "Cocos2d: key part index cannot be less than 0"); CCASSERT(index <= 3, "Cocos2d: key part index cannot be greater than 3"); if(s_uEncryptedPvrKeyParts[index] != value) { s_uEncryptedPvrKeyParts[index] = value; s_bEncryptionKeyIsValid = false; } } void ZipUtils::setPvrEncryptionKey(unsigned int keyPart1, unsigned int keyPart2, unsigned int keyPart3, unsigned int keyPart4) { setPvrEncryptionKeyPart(0, keyPart1); setPvrEncryptionKeyPart(1, keyPart2); setPvrEncryptionKeyPart(2, keyPart3); setPvrEncryptionKeyPart(3, keyPart4); } // --------------------- ZipFile --------------------- // from unzip.cpp #define UNZ_MAXFILENAMEINZIP 256 static const std::string emptyFilename(""); struct ZipEntryInfo { unz_file_pos pos; uLong uncompressed_size; }; class ZipFilePrivate { public: unzFile zipFile; // std::unordered_map is faster if available on the platform typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, struct ZipEntryInfo> FileListContainer; FileListContainer fileList; }; ZipFile *ZipFile::createWithBuffer(const void* buffer, uLong size) { ZipFile *zip = new ZipFile(); if (zip && zip->initWithBuffer(buffer, size)) { return zip; } else { if (zip) delete zip; return nullptr; } } ZipFile::ZipFile() : _data(new ZipFilePrivate) { _data->zipFile = nullptr; } ZipFile::ZipFile(const std::string &zipFile, const std::string &filter) : _data(new ZipFilePrivate) { _data->zipFile = unzOpen(zipFile.c_str()); setFilter(filter); } ZipFile::~ZipFile() { if (_data && _data->zipFile) { unzClose(_data->zipFile); } CC_SAFE_DELETE(_data); } bool ZipFile::setFilter(const std::string &filter) { bool ret = false; do { CC_BREAK_IF(!_data); CC_BREAK_IF(!_data->zipFile); // clear existing file list _data->fileList.clear(); // UNZ_MAXFILENAMEINZIP + 1 - it is done so in unzLocateFile char szCurrentFileName[UNZ_MAXFILENAMEINZIP + 1]; unz_file_info64 fileInfo; // go through all files and store position information about the required files int err = unzGoToFirstFile64(_data->zipFile, &fileInfo, szCurrentFileName, sizeof(szCurrentFileName) - 1); while (err == UNZ_OK) { unz_file_pos posInfo; int posErr = unzGetFilePos(_data->zipFile, &posInfo); if (posErr == UNZ_OK) { std::string currentFileName = szCurrentFileName; // cache info about filtered files only (like 'assets/') if (filter.empty() || currentFileName.substr(0, filter.length()) == filter) { ZipEntryInfo entry; entry.pos = posInfo; entry.uncompressed_size = (uLong)fileInfo.uncompressed_size; _data->fileList[currentFileName] = entry; } } // next file - also get the information about it err = unzGoToNextFile64(_data->zipFile, &fileInfo, szCurrentFileName, sizeof(szCurrentFileName) - 1); } ret = true; } while(false); return ret; } bool ZipFile::fileExists(const std::string &fileName) const { bool ret = false; do { CC_BREAK_IF(!_data); ret = _data->fileList.find(fileName) != _data->fileList.end(); } while(false); return ret; } unsigned char *ZipFile::getFileData(const std::string &fileName, ssize_t *size) { unsigned char * buffer = nullptr; if (size) *size = 0; do { CC_BREAK_IF(!_data->zipFile); CC_BREAK_IF(fileName.empty()); ZipFilePrivate::FileListContainer::const_iterator it = _data->fileList.find(fileName); CC_BREAK_IF(it == _data->fileList.end()); ZipEntryInfo fileInfo = it->second; int nRet = unzGoToFilePos(_data->zipFile, &fileInfo.pos); CC_BREAK_IF(UNZ_OK != nRet); nRet = unzOpenCurrentFile(_data->zipFile); CC_BREAK_IF(UNZ_OK != nRet); buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(fileInfo.uncompressed_size); int CC_UNUSED nSize = unzReadCurrentFile(_data->zipFile, buffer, static_cast<unsigned int>(fileInfo.uncompressed_size)); CCASSERT(nSize == 0 || nSize == (int)fileInfo.uncompressed_size, "the file size is wrong"); if (size) { *size = fileInfo.uncompressed_size; } unzCloseCurrentFile(_data->zipFile); } while (0); return buffer; } std::string ZipFile::getFirstFilename() { if (unzGoToFirstFile(_data->zipFile) != UNZ_OK) return emptyFilename; std::string path; unz_file_info info; getCurrentFileInfo(&path, &info); return path; } std::string ZipFile::getNextFilename() { if (unzGoToNextFile(_data->zipFile) != UNZ_OK) return emptyFilename; std::string path; unz_file_info info; getCurrentFileInfo(&path, &info); return path; } int ZipFile::getCurrentFileInfo(std::string *filename, unz_file_info *info) { char path[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; int ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(_data->zipFile, info, path, sizeof(path), nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0); if (ret != UNZ_OK) { *filename = emptyFilename; } else { filename->assign(path); } return ret; } bool ZipFile::initWithBuffer(const void *buffer, uLong size) { if (!buffer || size == 0) return false; _data->zipFile = unzOpenBuffer(buffer, size); if (!_data->zipFile) return false; setFilter(emptyFilename); return true; } NS_CC_END