#ifndef __GMOVIECLIP_H__ #define __GMOVIECLIP_H__ #include "cocos2d.h" #include "FairyGUIMacros.h" #include "GObject.h" NS_FGUI_BEGIN class ActionMovieClip; class GMovieClip : public GObject { public: GMovieClip(); virtual ~GMovieClip(); CREATE_FUNC(GMovieClip); bool isPlaying() const { return _playing; } void setPlaying(bool value); int getFrame() const; void setFrame(int value); float getTimeScale() const; void setTimeScale(float value); void advance(float time); FlipType getFlip() const; void setFlip(FlipType value); ax::Color3B getColor() const { return _content->getColor(); } void setColor(const ax::Color3B& value); //from start to end(-1 means ending) repeat times(0 means infinite loop) when all is over, stopping at endAt(-1 means same value of end) void setPlaySettings(int start = 0, int end = -1, int times = 0, int endAt = -1, std::function completeCallback = nullptr); virtual void constructFromResource() override; virtual ax::Value getProp(ObjectPropID propId) override; virtual void setProp(ObjectPropID propId, const ax::Value& value) override; protected: virtual void handleInit() override; virtual void setup_beforeAdd(ByteBuffer* buffer, int beginPos) override; virtual void handleGrayedChanged() override; private: ax::Sprite* _content; ActionMovieClip* _playAction; bool _playing; }; class ActionMovieClip : public ax::Action { public: static ActionMovieClip* create(ax::Animation *animation, float repeatDelay = 0, bool swing =false); ActionMovieClip(); ~ActionMovieClip(); virtual bool isDone() const override; virtual void step(float dt) override; virtual void startWithTarget(ax::Node *target) override; virtual ActionMovieClip* reverse() const override; virtual ActionMovieClip* clone() const override; int getFrame() { return _frame; } void setFrame(int value); float getTimeScale() const { return _timeScale; } void setTimeScale(float value) { _timeScale = value; } void advance(float time); void setPlaySettings(int start, int end, int times, int endAt, std::function completeCallback = nullptr); void setAnimation(ax::Animation *animation, float repeatDelay = 0, bool swing = false); private: void drawFrame(); ax::Animation* _animation; int _frame; float _frameElapsed; int _repeatedCount; bool _reversed; float _timeScale; float _repeatDelay; bool _swing; std::function _completeCallback; int _displayFrame; int _start; int _end; int _times; int _endAt; int _status; //0-none, 1-next loop, 2-ending, 3-ended AX_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ActionMovieClip); }; NS_FGUI_END #endif