#!/bin/sh # This script should be called by create-android-project.bat # or should be runned in linux shell. It can not be runned under # cygwin. # Don't modify the script until you know what you do. # set environment paramters NDK_ROOT="/workspace/android-dev/android-ndk-r5" ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="/workspace/android-dev/android-sdk-mac_86" # check if it was called by .bat file if [ $# -eq 5 ];then if [ $5 = "windows" ];then # called by .bat file sh $1/template/android/copy_files.sh $1 $2 $3 $4 exit fi fi # the bash file should not be called by cygwin UNIX_NAME=`uname -o` if [ $UNIX_NAME = "Cygwin" ];then echo "Error!!!" echo "Don't run in cygwin. You should run corresponding bat." exit fi # ok, it was run under linux # check it was runned in cocos2d-x root check_path(){ if [ ! -f create-android-project.sh ];then echo Error!!! echo Please run in cocos2dx root exit fi } create_android_project(){ echo "input package path" read PACHAGE_PATH echo "Now cocos2d-x suppurts Android 2.1-update1 and Android 2.2" echo "Other versions have not tested." $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/tools/android list targets echo "input target id:" read TARGET_ID echo "input your project name:" read PROJECT_NAME PROJECT_DIR=`pwd`/$PROJECT_NAME $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/tools/android create project -n $PROJECT_NAME -t $TARGET_ID -k $PACHAGE_PATH -a $PROJECT_NAME -p $PROJECT_DIR } check_path create_android_project # invoke template/android/copy_files.sh sh `pwd`/template/android/copy_files.sh `pwd` $PROJECT_NAME $NDK_ROOT $PACHAGE_PATH