-------------------------------- -- @module PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment -- @extend PhysicsShape -- @parent_module cc -------------------------------- -- Get this edge's end position.
-- return A Vec2 object. -- @function [parent=#PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment] getPointB -- @param self -- @return vec2_table#vec2_table ret (return value: vec2_table) -------------------------------- -- Get this edge's begin position.
-- return A Vec2 object. -- @function [parent=#PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment] getPointA -- @param self -- @return vec2_table#vec2_table ret (return value: vec2_table) -------------------------------- -- Creates a PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment with specified value.
-- param a It's the edge's begin position.
-- param b It's the edge's end position.
-- param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.
-- param border It's a edge's border width.
-- return An autoreleased PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment object pointer. -- @function [parent=#PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment] create -- @param self -- @param #vec2_table a -- @param #vec2_table b -- @param #cc.PhysicsMaterial material -- @param #float border -- @return PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment#PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment ret (return value: cc.PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment) -------------------------------- -- Get this edge's center position.
-- return A Vec2 object. -- @function [parent=#PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment] getCenter -- @param self -- @return vec2_table#vec2_table ret (return value: vec2_table) return nil