::This script is used to finish a android automated compiler. ::You should make sure have finished the environment setting. ::You should add %ANDROID_HOME%\tools and %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools to Path ::Copy monkeyrunner python script to tools directory. cd ..\.. copy %cd%\Monkeyrunner_TestsCpp.py %ANDROID_HOME%\tools cd ..\.. cd samples\TestCpp\proj.android\bin ::Copy test apk to tools directory. copy %cd%\Tests-debug-14.apk %ANDROID_HOME%\tools copy %cd%\Tests-debug-15.apk %ANDROID_HOME%\tools ::Enter tools directory. set ANDROID_ROOT=%ANDROID_HOME:~0,2% %ANDROID_ROOT% cd %ANDROID_HOME%\tools ::If monkeyrunner test failed,it automatically exit and make ERRORLEVEL nonzero. ::Running monkeyrunner test(debug,API level:14). ren Tests-debug-14.apk Tests-debug.apk monkeyrunner Monkeyrunner_TestCpp.py rm Tests-debug.apk ::Running monkeyrunner test(debug,API level:15). ren Tests-debug-15.apk Tests-debug.apk monkeyrunner Monkeyrunner_TestCpp.py rm Tests-debug.apk rm Monkeyrunner_TestCpp.py ::Monkeyrunner success! echo Monkeyrunner Test Success! git checkout -f git clean -df -x exit 0 ::End