// // http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org // // Javascript + chipmunk tests // require("js/helper.js"); director = cc.Director.getInstance(); winSize = director.getWinSize(); centerPos = cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2 ); var scenes = [] var currentScene = 0; var nextSpriteTestAction = function () { currentScene = currentScene + 1; if( currentScene >= scenes.length ) currentScene = 0; loadScene(currentScene); }; var backSpriteTestAction = function () { currentScene = currentScene -1; if( currentScene < 0 ) currentScene = scenes.length -1; loadScene(currentScene); }; var restartSpriteTestAction = function () { loadScene( currentScene ); }; var loadScene = function (sceneIdx) { winSize = director.getWinSize(); centerPos = cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2 ); var scene = new cc.Scene(); scene.init(); var layer = new scenes[ sceneIdx ](); scene.addChild( layer ); // scene.walkSceneGraph(0); director.replaceScene( scene ); // __jsc__.garbageCollect(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // BaseLayer // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var BaseLayer = function() { // // VERY IMPORTANT // // Only subclasses of a native classes MUST call __associateObjectWithNative // Failure to do so, it will crash. // var parent = goog.base(this); __associateObjWithNative( this, parent ); this.init(); this.title = function () { return "No title"; } this.subtitle = function () { return "No Subtitle"; } } goog.inherits(BaseLayer, cc.Layer ); // // Instance 'base' methods // XXX: Should be defined after "goog.inherits" // BaseLayer.prototype.onEnter = function() { var label = cc.LabelTTF.create(this.title(), "Arial", 28); this.addChild(label, 1); label.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height - 50)); var strSubtitle = this.subtitle(); if (strSubtitle != "") { var l = cc.LabelTTF.create(strSubtitle, "Thonburi", 16); this.addChild(l, 1); l.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height - 80)); } // Menu var item1 = cc.MenuItemImage.create("Images/b1.png", "Images/b2.png", this, this.backCallback); var item2 = cc.MenuItemImage.create("Images/r1.png", "Images/r2.png", this, this.restartCallback); var item3 = cc.MenuItemImage.create("Images/f1.png", "Images/f2.png", this, this.nextCallback); var item4 = cc.MenuItemFont.create("back", this, function() { require("js/main.js"); } ); item4.setFontSize( 22 ); var menu = cc.Menu.create(item1, item2, item3, item4 ); menu.setPosition( cc.p(0,0) ); item1.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2 - 100, 30)); item2.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2, 30)); item3.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2 + 100, 30)); item4.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width - 60, winSize.height - 30 ) ); this.addChild(menu, 1); } BaseLayer.prototype.restartCallback = function (sender) { cc.log("restart called"); restartSpriteTestAction(); } BaseLayer.prototype.nextCallback = function (sender) { cc.log("next called"); nextSpriteTestAction(); } BaseLayer.prototype.backCallback = function (sender) { cc.log("back called"); backSpriteTestAction(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Chipmunk + Sprite // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var ChipmunkSpriteTest = function() { goog.base(this); this.addSprite = function( pos ) { var sprite = this.createPhysicsSprite( pos ); this.addChild( sprite ); } this.title = function() { return 'Chipmunk Sprite Test'; } this.subtitle = function() { return 'Chipmunk + cocos2d sprites tests. Tap screen.'; } this.initPhysics(); } goog.inherits( ChipmunkSpriteTest, BaseLayer ); // // Instance 'base' methods // XXX: Should be defined after "goog.inherits" // // init physics ChipmunkSpriteTest.prototype.initPhysics = function() { this.space = cp.spaceNew(); var staticBody = cp.spaceGetStaticBody( this.space ); // Walls var walls = [cp.segmentShapeNew( staticBody, cp.v(0,0), cp.v(winSize.width,0), 0 ), // bottom cp.segmentShapeNew( staticBody, cp.v(0,winSize.height), cp.v(winSize.width,winSize.height), 0), // top cp.segmentShapeNew( staticBody, cp.v(0,0), cp.v(0,winSize.height), 0), // left cp.segmentShapeNew( staticBody, cp.v(winSize.width,0), cp.v(winSize.width,winSize.height), 0) // right ]; for( var i=0; i < walls.length; i++ ) { var wall = walls[i]; cp.shapeSetElasticity(wall, 1); cp.shapeSetFriction(wall, 1); cp.spaceAddStaticShape( this.space, wall ); } // Gravity cp.spaceSetGravity( this.space, cp.v(0, -100) ); } ChipmunkSpriteTest.prototype.createPhysicsSprite = function( pos ) { var body = cp.bodyNew(1, cp.momentForBox(1, 48, 108) ); cp.bodySetPos( body, pos ); cp.spaceAddBody( this.space, body ); var shape = cp.boxShapeNew( body, 48, 108); cp.shapeSetElasticity( shape, 0.5 ); cp.shapeSetFriction( shape, 0.5 ); cp.spaceAddShape( this.space, shape ); var sprite = cc.PhysicsSprite.create("Images/grossini.png"); sprite.setBody( body ); return sprite; } ChipmunkSpriteTest.prototype.onEnter = function () { goog.base(this, 'onEnter'); this.scheduleUpdate(); for(var i=0; i<10; i++) { this.addSprite( cp.v(winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2) ); } var platform = __getPlatform(); if( platform.substring(0,7) == 'desktop' ) { this.setMouseEnabled( true ); } else if( platform.substring(0,6) == 'mobile' ) { this.setTouchEnabled( true ); } } ChipmunkSpriteTest.prototype.update = function( delta ) { cp.spaceStep( this.space, delta ); } ChipmunkSpriteTest.prototype.onMouseDown = function( event ) { this.addSprite( event.getLocation() ); } ChipmunkSpriteTest.prototype.onTouchesEnded = function( touches, event ) { var l = touches.length; for( var i=0; i < l; i++) { this.addSprite( touches[i].getLocation() ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Chipmunk + Sprite + Batch // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var ChipmunkSpriteBatchTest = function() { goog.base(this); // batch node this.batch = cc.SpriteBatchNode.create('Images/grossini.png', 50 ); this.addChild( this.batch ); this.addSprite = function( pos ) { var sprite = this.createPhysicsSprite( pos ); this.batch.addChild( sprite ); } this.title = function() { return 'Chipmunk SpriteBatch Test'; } this.subtitle = function() { return 'Chipmunk + cocos2d sprite batch tests. Tap screen.'; } } goog.inherits( ChipmunkSpriteBatchTest, ChipmunkSpriteTest ); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Chipmunk Collision Test // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var ChipmunkCollisionTest = function() { goog.base(this); this.messageDisplayed = false; this.title = function() { return 'Chipmunk Collision Test'; } this.subtitle = function() { return 'Testing collision callback'; } // init physics this.initPhysics = function() { this.space = cp.spaceNew(); var staticBody = cp.spaceGetStaticBody( this.space ); // Walls var walls = [cp.segmentShapeNew( staticBody, cp.v(0,0), cp.v(winSize.width,0), 0 ), // bottom cp.segmentShapeNew( staticBody, cp.v(0,winSize.height), cp.v(winSize.width,winSize.height), 0), // top cp.segmentShapeNew( staticBody, cp.v(0,0), cp.v(0,winSize.height), 0), // left cp.segmentShapeNew( staticBody, cp.v(winSize.width,0), cp.v(winSize.width,winSize.height), 0) // right ]; for( var i=0; i < walls.length; i++ ) { var wall = walls[i]; cp.shapeSetElasticity(wall, 1); cp.shapeSetFriction(wall, 1); cp.spaceAddStaticShape( this.space, wall ); } // Gravity cp.spaceSetGravity( this.space, cp.v(0, -30) ); } this.createPhysicsSprite = function( pos, file, collision_type ) { var body = cp.bodyNew(1, cp.momentForBox(1, 48, 108) ); cp.bodySetPos( body, pos ); cp.spaceAddBody( this.space, body ); var shape = cp.boxShapeNew( body, 48, 108); cp.shapeSetElasticity( shape, 0.5 ); cp.shapeSetFriction( shape, 0.5 ); cp.shapeSetCollisionType( shape, collision_type ); cp.spaceAddShape( this.space, shape ); var sprite = cc.PhysicsSprite.create(file); sprite.setBody( body ); return sprite; } this.onEnter = function () { goog.base(this, 'onEnter'); this.initPhysics(); this.scheduleUpdate(); var sprite1 = this.createPhysicsSprite( cc.p(winSize.width/2, winSize.height-20), "Images/grossini.png", 1); var sprite2 = this.createPhysicsSprite( cc.p(winSize.width/2, 50), "Images/grossinis_sister1.png", 2); this.addChild( sprite1 ); this.addChild( sprite2 ); cp.spaceAddCollisionHandler( this.space, 1, 2, this, this.collisionBegin, this.collisionPre, this.collisionPost, this.collisionSeparate ); } this.onExit = function() { cp.spaceRemoveCollisionHandler( this.space, 1, 2 ); cp.spaceFree( this.space ); } this.update = function( delta ) { cp.spaceStep( this.space, delta ); } this.collisionBegin = function ( arbiter, space ) { if( ! this.messageDisplayed ) { var label = cc.LabelBMFont.create("Collision Detected", "Fonts/bitmapFontTest5.fnt"); this.addChild( label ); label.setPosition( centerPos ); this.messageDisplayed = true; } cc.log('collision begin'); var bodies = cp.arbiterGetBodies( arbiter ); var shapes = cp.arbiterGetShapes( arbiter ); var collTypeA = cp.shapeGetCollisionType( shapes[0] ); var collTypeB = cp.shapeGetCollisionType( shapes[1] ); cc.log( 'Collision Type A:' + collTypeA ); cc.log( 'Collision Type B:' + collTypeB ); return true } this.collisionPre = function ( arbiter, space ) { cc.log('collision pre'); return true; } this.collisionPost = function ( arbiter, space ) { cc.log('collision post'); } this.collisionSeparate = function ( arbiter, space ) { cc.log('collision separate'); } } goog.inherits( ChipmunkCollisionTest, BaseLayer ); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Chipmunk Collision Memory Leak Test // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var ChipmunkCollisionMemoryLeakTest = function() { goog.base(this); this.title = function() { return 'Chipmunk Memory Leak Test'; } this.subtitle = function() { return 'Testing possible memory leak on the collision handler. No visual feedback'; } this.collisionBegin = function ( arbiter, space ) { return true } this.collisionPre = function ( arbiter, space ) { return true; } this.collisionPost = function ( arbiter, space ) { cc.log('collision post'); } this.collisionSeparate = function ( arbiter, space ) { cc.log('collision separate'); } this.onEnter = function() { goog.base(this, 'onEnter'); this.space = cp.spaceNew(); for( var i=1 ; i < 100 ; i++ ) cp.spaceAddCollisionHandler( this.space, i, i+1, this, this.collisionBegin, this.collisionPre, this.collisionPost, this.collisionSeparate ); } this.onExit = function() { for( var i=1 ; i < 100 ; i++ ) cp.spaceRemoveCollisionHandler( this.space, i, i+1 ); cp.spaceFree( this.space ); } } goog.inherits( ChipmunkCollisionMemoryLeakTest, BaseLayer ); // // Instance 'base' methods // XXX: Should be defined after "goog.inherits" // // // Order of tests // scenes.push( ChipmunkSpriteTest ); scenes.push( ChipmunkSpriteBatchTest ); scenes.push( ChipmunkCollisionTest ); scenes.push( ChipmunkCollisionMemoryLeakTest ); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Main entry point // //------------------------------------------------------------------ function run() { var scene = cc.Scene.create(); var layer = new scenes[currentScene](); scene.addChild( layer ); var runningScene = director.getRunningScene(); if( runningScene == null ) director.runWithScene( scene ); else director.replaceScene( cc.TransitionFade.create(0.5, scene ) ); } run();