--[[ Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Chukong Technologies Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] local display = {} local director = cc.Director:getInstance() local view = director:getGLView() if not view then local width = 960 local height = 640 if AX_DESIGN_RESOLUTION then if AX_DESIGN_RESOLUTION.width then width = AX_DESIGN_RESOLUTION.width end if AX_DESIGN_RESOLUTION.height then height = AX_DESIGN_RESOLUTION.height end end view = cc.GLViewImpl:createWithRect("Axmol-Lua", cc.rect(0, 0, width, height)) director:setGLView(view) end local framesize = view:getFrameSize() local textureCache = director:getTextureCache() local spriteFrameCache = cc.SpriteFrameCache:getInstance() local animationCache = cc.AnimationCache:getInstance() -- auto scale local function checkResolution(r) r.width = checknumber(r.width) r.height = checknumber(r.height) r.autoscale = string.upper(r.autoscale) assert(r.width > 0 and r.height > 0, string.format("display - invalid design resolution size %d, %d", r.width, r.height)) end local function setDesignResolution(r, framesize) if r.autoscale == "FILL_ALL" then view:setDesignResolutionSize(framesize.width, framesize.height, cc.ResolutionPolicy.FILL_ALL) else local scaleX, scaleY = framesize.width / r.width, framesize.height / r.height local width, height = framesize.width, framesize.height if r.autoscale == "FIXED_WIDTH" then width = framesize.width / scaleX height = framesize.height / scaleX view:setDesignResolutionSize(width, height, cc.ResolutionPolicy.NO_BORDER) elseif r.autoscale == "FIXED_HEIGHT" then width = framesize.width / scaleY height = framesize.height / scaleY view:setDesignResolutionSize(width, height, cc.ResolutionPolicy.NO_BORDER) elseif r.autoscale == "EXACT_FIT" then view:setDesignResolutionSize(r.width, r.height, cc.ResolutionPolicy.EXACT_FIT) elseif r.autoscale == "NO_BORDER" then view:setDesignResolutionSize(r.width, r.height, cc.ResolutionPolicy.NO_BORDER) elseif r.autoscale == "SHOW_ALL" then view:setDesignResolutionSize(r.width, r.height, cc.ResolutionPolicy.SHOW_ALL) else printError(string.format("display - invalid r.autoscale \"%s\"", r.autoscale)) end end end local function setConstants() local sizeInPixels = view:getFrameSize() display.sizeInPixels = {width = sizeInPixels.width, height = sizeInPixels.height} local viewsize = director:getWinSize() display.contentScaleFactor = director:getContentScaleFactor() display.size = {width = viewsize.width, height = viewsize.height} display.width = display.size.width display.height = display.size.height display.cx = display.width / 2 display.cy = display.height / 2 display.c_left = -display.width / 2 display.c_right = display.width / 2 display.c_top = display.height / 2 display.c_bottom = -display.height / 2 display.left = 0 display.right = display.width display.top = display.height display.bottom = 0 display.center = cc.p(display.cx, display.cy) display.left_top = cc.p(display.left, display.top) display.left_bottom = cc.p(display.left, display.bottom) display.left_center = cc.p(display.left, display.cy) display.right_top = cc.p(display.right, display.top) display.right_bottom = cc.p(display.right, display.bottom) display.right_center = cc.p(display.right, display.cy) display.top_center = cc.p(display.cx, display.top) display.top_bottom = cc.p(display.cx, display.bottom) printInfo(string.format("# display.sizeInPixels = {width = %0.2f, height = %0.2f}", display.sizeInPixels.width, display.sizeInPixels.height)) printInfo(string.format("# display.size = {width = %0.2f, height = %0.2f}", display.size.width, display.size.height)) printInfo(string.format("# display.contentScaleFactor = %0.2f", display.contentScaleFactor)) printInfo(string.format("# display.width = %0.2f", display.width)) printInfo(string.format("# display.height = %0.2f", display.height)) printInfo(string.format("# display.cx = %0.2f", display.cx)) printInfo(string.format("# display.cy = %0.2f", display.cy)) printInfo(string.format("# display.left = %0.2f", display.left)) printInfo(string.format("# display.right = %0.2f", display.right)) printInfo(string.format("# display.top = %0.2f", display.top)) printInfo(string.format("# display.bottom = %0.2f", display.bottom)) printInfo(string.format("# display.c_left = %0.2f", display.c_left)) printInfo(string.format("# display.c_right = %0.2f", display.c_right)) printInfo(string.format("# display.c_top = %0.2f", display.c_top)) printInfo(string.format("# display.c_bottom = %0.2f", display.c_bottom)) printInfo(string.format("# display.center = {x = %0.2f, y = %0.2f}", display.center.x, display.center.y)) printInfo(string.format("# display.left_top = {x = %0.2f, y = %0.2f}", display.left_top.x, display.left_top.y)) printInfo(string.format("# display.left_bottom = {x = %0.2f, y = %0.2f}", display.left_bottom.x, display.left_bottom.y)) printInfo(string.format("# display.left_center = {x = %0.2f, y = %0.2f}", display.left_center.x, display.left_center.y)) printInfo(string.format("# display.right_top = {x = %0.2f, y = %0.2f}", display.right_top.x, display.right_top.y)) printInfo(string.format("# display.right_bottom = {x = %0.2f, y = %0.2f}", display.right_bottom.x, display.right_bottom.y)) printInfo(string.format("# display.right_center = {x = %0.2f, y = %0.2f}", display.right_center.x, display.right_center.y)) printInfo(string.format("# display.top_center = {x = %0.2f, y = %0.2f}", display.top_center.x, display.top_center.y)) printInfo(string.format("# display.top_bottom = {x = %0.2f, y = %0.2f}", display.top_bottom.x, display.top_bottom.y)) printInfo("#") end function display.setAutoScale(configs) if type(configs) ~= "table" then return end checkResolution(configs) if type(configs.callback) == "function" then local c = configs.callback(framesize) for k, v in pairs(c or {}) do configs[k] = v end checkResolution(configs) end setDesignResolution(configs, framesize) printInfo(string.format("# design resolution size = {width = %0.2f, height = %0.2f}", configs.width, configs.height)) printInfo(string.format("# design resolution autoscale = %s", configs.autoscale)) setConstants() end if type(AX_DESIGN_RESOLUTION) == "table" then display.setAutoScale(AX_DESIGN_RESOLUTION) end display.COLOR_WHITE = cc.c3b(255, 255, 255) display.COLOR_BLACK = cc.c3b(0, 0, 0) display.COLOR_RED = cc.c3b(255, 0, 0) display.COLOR_GREEN = cc.c3b(0, 255, 0) display.COLOR_BLUE = cc.c3b(0, 0, 255) display.AUTO_SIZE = 0 display.FIXED_SIZE = 1 display.LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 0 display.RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 1 display.TOP_TO_BOTTOM = 2 display.BOTTOM_TO_TOP = 3 display.CENTER = cc.p(0.5, 0.5) display.LEFT_TOP = cc.p(0, 1) display.LEFT_BOTTOM = cc.p(0, 0) display.LEFT_CENTER = cc.p(0, 0.5) display.RIGHT_TOP = cc.p(1, 1) display.RIGHT_BOTTOM = cc.p(1, 0) display.RIGHT_CENTER = cc.p(1, 0.5) display.CENTER_TOP = cc.p(0.5, 1) display.CENTER_BOTTOM = cc.p(0.5, 0) display.SCENE_TRANSITIONS = { CROSSFADE = {cc.TransitionCrossFade}, FADE = {cc.TransitionFade, cc.c3b(0, 0, 0)}, FADEBL = {cc.TransitionFadeBL}, FADEDOWN = {cc.TransitionFadeDown}, FADETR = {cc.TransitionFadeTR}, FADEUP = {cc.TransitionFadeUp}, FLIPANGULAR = {cc.TransitionFlipAngular, cc.TRANSITION_ORIENTATION_LEFT_OVER}, FLIPX = {cc.TransitionFlipX, cc.TRANSITION_ORIENTATION_LEFT_OVER}, FLIPY = {cc.TransitionFlipY, cc.TRANSITION_ORIENTATION_UP_OVER}, JUMPZOOM = {cc.TransitionJumpZoom}, MOVEINB = {cc.TransitionMoveInB}, MOVEINL = {cc.TransitionMoveInL}, MOVEINR = {cc.TransitionMoveInR}, MOVEINT = {cc.TransitionMoveInT}, PAGETURN = {cc.TransitionPageTurn, false}, ROTOZOOM = {cc.TransitionRotoZoom}, SHRINKGROW = {cc.TransitionShrinkGrow}, SLIDEINB = {cc.TransitionSlideInB}, SLIDEINL = {cc.TransitionSlideInL}, SLIDEINR = {cc.TransitionSlideInR}, SLIDEINT = {cc.TransitionSlideInT}, SPLITCOLS = {cc.TransitionSplitCols}, SPLITROWS = {cc.TransitionSplitRows}, TURNOFFTILES = {cc.TransitionTurnOffTiles}, ZOOMFLIPANGULAR = {cc.TransitionZoomFlipAngular}, ZOOMFLIPX = {cc.TransitionZoomFlipX, cc.TRANSITION_ORIENTATION_LEFT_OVER}, ZOOMFLIPY = {cc.TransitionZoomFlipY, cc.TRANSITION_ORIENTATION_UP_OVER}, } display.TEXTURES_PIXEL_FORMAT = {} display.DEFAULT_TTF_FONT = "Arial" display.DEFAULT_TTF_FONT_SIZE = 32 local PARAMS_EMPTY = {} local RECT_ZERO = cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0) local sceneIndex = 0 function display.newScene(name, params) params = params or PARAMS_EMPTY sceneIndex = sceneIndex + 1 local scene if not params.physics then scene = cc.Scene:create() else scene = cc.Scene:createWithPhysics() end scene.name_ = string.format("%s:%d", name or "", sceneIndex) if params.transition then scene = display.wrapSceneWithTransition(scene, params.transition, params.time, params.more) end return scene end function display.wrapScene(scene, transition, time, more) local key = string.upper(tostring(transition)) if key == "RANDOM" then local keys = table.keys(display.SCENE_TRANSITIONS) key = keys[math.random(1, #keys)] end if display.SCENE_TRANSITIONS[key] then local t = display.SCENE_TRANSITIONS[key] local cls = t[1] time = time or 0.2 more = more or t[2] if more ~= nil then scene = cls:create(time, scene, more) else scene = cls:create(time, scene) end else error(string.format("display.wrapScene() - invalid transition %s", tostring(transition))) end return scene end function display.runScene(newScene, transition, time, more) if director:getRunningScene() then if transition then newScene = display.wrapScene(newScene, transition, time, more) end director:replaceScene(newScene) else director:runWithScene(newScene) end end function display.getRunningScene() return director:getRunningScene() end function display.newNode() return cc.Node:create() end function display.newLayer(...) local params = {...} local c = #params local layer if c == 0 then -- /** creates a fullscreen black layer */ -- static Layer *create(); layer = cc.Layer:create() elseif c == 1 then -- /** creates a Layer with color. Width and height are the window size. */ -- static LayerColor * create(const Color4B& color); layer = cc.LayerColor:create(cc.convertColor(params[1], "4b")) elseif c == 2 then -- /** creates a Layer with color, width and height in Points */ -- static LayerColor * create(const Color4B& color, const Size& size); -- -- /** Creates a full-screen Layer with a gradient between start and end. */ -- static LayerGradient* create(const Color4B& start, const Color4B& end); local color1 = cc.convertColor(params[1], "4b") local p2 = params[2] assert(type(p2) == "table" and (p2.width or p2.r), "display.newLayer() - invalid paramerter 2") if p2.r then layer = cc.LayerGradient:create(color1, cc.convertColor(p2, "4b")) else layer = cc.LayerColor:create(color1, p2.width, p2.height) end elseif c == 3 then -- /** creates a Layer with color, width and height in Points */ -- static LayerColor * create(const Color4B& color, GLfloat width, GLfloat height); -- -- /** Creates a full-screen Layer with a gradient between start and end in the direction of v. */ -- static LayerGradient* create(const Color4B& start, const Color4B& end, const Vec2& v); local color1 = cc.convertColor(params[1], "4b") local p2 = params[2] local p2type = type(p2) if p2type == "table" then layer = cc.LayerGradient:create(color1, cc.convertColor(p2, "4b"), params[3]) else layer = cc.LayerColor:create(color1, p2, params[3]) end end return layer end function display.newSprite(source, x, y, params) local spriteClass = cc.Sprite local scale9 = false if type(x) == "table" and not x.x then -- x is params params = x x = nil y = nil end local params = params or PARAMS_EMPTY if params.scale9 or params.capInsets then spriteClass = ccui.Scale9Sprite scale9 = true params.capInsets = params.capInsets or RECT_ZERO params.rect = params.rect or RECT_ZERO end local sprite while true do -- create sprite if not source then sprite = spriteClass:create() break end local sourceType = type(source) if sourceType == "string" then if string.byte(source) == 35 then -- first char is # -- create sprite from spriteFrame if not scale9 then sprite = spriteClass:createWithSpriteFrameName(string.sub(source, 2)) else sprite = spriteClass:createWithSpriteFrameName(string.sub(source, 2), params.capInsets) end break end -- create sprite from image file if display.TEXTURES_PIXEL_FORMAT[source] then cc.Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(display.TEXTURES_PIXEL_FORMAT[source]) end if not scale9 then sprite = spriteClass:create(source) else sprite = spriteClass:create(source, params.rect, params.capInsets) end if display.TEXTURES_PIXEL_FORMAT[source] then cc.Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(cc.TEXTURE_PF_BGRA8) end break elseif sourceType ~= "userdata" then error(string.format("display.newSprite() - invalid source type \"%s\"", sourceType), 0) else sourceType = tolua.type(source) if sourceType == "ax.SpriteFrame" then if not scale9 then sprite = spriteClass:createWithSpriteFrame(source) else sprite = spriteClass:createWithSpriteFrame(source, params.capInsets) end elseif sourceType == "ax.Texture2D" then sprite = spriteClass:createWithTexture(source) else error(string.format("display.newSprite() - invalid source type \"%s\"", sourceType), 0) end end break end if sprite then if x and y then sprite:setPosition(x, y) end if params.size then sprite:setContentSize(params.size) end else error(string.format("display.newSprite() - create sprite failure, source \"%s\"", tostring(source)), 0) end return sprite end function display.newSpriteFrame(source, ...) local frame if type(source) == "string" then if string.byte(source) == 35 then -- first char is # source = string.sub(source, 2) end frame = spriteFrameCache:getSpriteFrame(source) if not frame then error(string.format("display.newSpriteFrame() - invalid frame name \"%s\"", tostring(source)), 0) end elseif tolua.type(source) == "ax.Texture2D" then frame = cc.SpriteFrame:createWithTexture(source, ...) else error("display.newSpriteFrame() - invalid parameters", 0) end return frame end function display.newFrames(pattern, begin, length, isReversed) local frames = {} local step = 1 local last = begin + length - 1 if isReversed then last, begin = begin, last step = -1 end for index = begin, last, step do local frameName = string.format(pattern, index) local frame = spriteFrameCache:getSpriteFrame(frameName) if not frame then error(string.format("display.newFrames() - invalid frame name %s", tostring(frameName)), 0) end frames[#frames + 1] = frame end return frames end local function newAnimation(frames, time) local count = #frames assert(count > 0, "display.newAnimation() - invalid frames") time = time or 1.0 / count return cc.Animation:createWithSpriteFrames(frames, time), cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrame(frames[1]) end function display.newAnimation(...) local params = {...} local c = #params if c == 2 then -- frames, time return newAnimation(params[1], params[2]) elseif c == 4 then -- pattern, begin, length, time local frames = display.newFrames(params[1], params[2], params[3]) return newAnimation(frames, params[4]) elseif c == 5 then -- pattern, begin, length, isReversed, time local frames = display.newFrames(params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4]) return newAnimation(frames, params[5]) else error("display.newAnimation() - invalid parameters") end end function display.loadImage(imageFilename, callback) if not callback then return textureCache:addImage(imageFilename) else textureCache:addImageAsync(imageFilename, callback) end end local fileUtils = cc.FileUtils:getInstance() function display.getImage(imageFilename) local fullpath = fileUtils:fullPathForFilename(imageFilename) return textureCache:getTextureForKey(fullpath) end function display.removeImage(imageFilename) textureCache:removeTextureForKey(imageFilename) end function display.loadSpriteFrames(dataFilename, imageFilename, callback) if display.TEXTURES_PIXEL_FORMAT[imageFilename] then cc.Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(display.TEXTURES_PIXEL_FORMAT[imageFilename]) end if not callback then spriteFrameCache:addSpriteFrames(dataFilename, imageFilename) else spriteFrameCache:addSpriteFramesAsync(dataFilename, imageFilename, callback) end if display.TEXTURES_PIXEL_FORMAT[imageFilename] then cc.Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat(cc.TEXTURE_PF_BGRA8) end end function display.removeSpriteFrames(dataFilename, imageFilename) spriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFramesFromFile(dataFilename) if imageFilename then display.removeImage(imageFilename) end end function display.removeSpriteFrame(imageFilename) spriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFrameByName(imageFilename) end function display.setTexturePixelFormat(imageFilename, format) display.TEXTURES_PIXEL_FORMAT[imageFilename] = format end function display.setAnimationCache(name, animation) animationCache:addAnimation(animation, name) end function display.getAnimationCache(name) return animationCache:getAnimation(name) end function display.removeAnimationCache(name) animationCache:removeAnimation(name) end function display.removeUnusedSpriteFrames() spriteFrameCache:removeUnusedSpriteFrames() textureCache:removeUnusedTextures() end return display