-- @module NodeGrid
-- @extend Node
-- @parent_module cc
-- Set the Grid Target.
-- param target A Node is used to set the Grid Target.
-- @function [parent=#NodeGrid] setTarget
-- @param self
-- @param #cc.Node target
-- @return NodeGrid#NodeGrid self (return value: cc.NodeGrid)
-- @overload self
-- @overload self
-- @function [parent=#NodeGrid] getGrid
-- @param self
-- @return GridBase#GridBase ret (return value: cc.GridBase)
-- Changes a grid object that is used when applying effects.
-- param grid A Grid object that is used when applying effects.
-- @function [parent=#NodeGrid] setGrid
-- @param self
-- @param #cc.GridBase grid
-- @return NodeGrid#NodeGrid self (return value: cc.NodeGrid)
-- Create a Grid Node.
-- return An autorelease Grid Node.
-- @function [parent=#NodeGrid] create
-- @param self
-- @return NodeGrid#NodeGrid ret (return value: cc.NodeGrid)
-- @function [parent=#NodeGrid] visit
-- @param self
-- @param #cc.Renderer renderer
-- @param #mat4_table parentTransform
-- @param #unsigned int parentFlags
-- @return NodeGrid#NodeGrid self (return value: cc.NodeGrid)
return nil