$myRoot = $PSScriptRoot $AX_ROOT = $myRoot function mkdirs([string]$path) { if (!(Test-Path $path -PathType Container)) { New-Item $path -ItemType Directory 1>$null } } $build1kPath = Join-Path $myRoot '1k/build1k.ps1' $prefix = Join-Path $myRoot 'tools/external' if (!(Test-Path $prefix -PathType Container)) { mkdirs $prefix } # setup toolchains: glslcc, cmake, ninja, ndk, jdk, ... . $build1kPath -setupOnly -prefix $prefix $AX_CONSOLE_ROOT = Join-Path $AX_ROOT 'tools/console' # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_environment_variables $IsWin = $IsWindows -or ("$env:OS" -eq 'Windows_NT') if ($IsWin) { if ($env:AX_ROOT -ne $AX_ROOT) { [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('AX_ROOT', $AX_ROOT, 'User') } $pathList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]$env:PATH.Split(';') if ($pathList.IndexOf($AX_CONSOLE_ROOT) -eq -1) { $pathList = [System.Collections.ArrayList][Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', 'User').Split(';') $pathList.Insert(0, $AX_CONSOLE_ROOT) $PATH = $pathList -join ';' [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', $PATH, 'User') } } else { # update pwsh profile if (Test-Path $PROFILE -PathType Leaf) { $profileContent = Get-Content $PROFILE -raw } else { $profileContent = '' } $profileMods = 0 $matchRet = [Regex]::Match($profileContent,"env\:AX_ROOT\s+\=\s+.*") if (!$matchRet.Success) { $profileContent += "# Add environment variable AX_ROOT for axmol`n" $profileContent += '$env:AX_ROOT = "{0}"{1}' -f $AX_ROOT, "`n" ++$profileMods } elseif($env:AX_ROOT -ne $AX_ROOT) { # contains AX_ROOT statement, but not equal us Write-Host "Updating env AX_ROOT from ${env:AX_ROOT} to $AX_ROOT" $profileContent = [Regex]::Replace($profileContent,"env\:AX_ROOT\s+\=\s+.*", "env:AX_ROOT = '$AX_ROOT'") ++$profileMods } if ($profileContent.IndexOf('$env:PATH = ') -eq -1 -or !($axmolCmdInfo = (Get-Command axmol -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) -or $axmolCmdInfo.Source -ne "$AX_CONSOLE_ROOT/axmol") { $profileContent += "# Add axmol console tool to PATH`n" $profileContent += '$env:PATH = "${env:AX_ROOT}/tools/console:${env:PATH}"' $profileContent += "`n" ++$profileMods } $profileDir = Split-Path $PROFILE -Parent if (!(Test-Path $profileDir -PathType Container)) { mkdirs $profileDir } if ($profileMods) { Set-Content $PROFILE -Value $profileContent } # update ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc function updateUnixProfile($profileFile) { $profileMods = 0 $profileContent = Get-Content $profileFile -raw $matchRet = [Regex]::Match($profileContent,"export AX_ROOT\=.*") if (!$matchRet.Success) { $profileContent += "# Add environment variable AX_ROOT for axmol`n" $profileContent += 'export AX_ROOT="{0}"{1}' -f $AX_ROOT, "`n" ++$profileMods } else { $stmtLine = 'export AX_ROOT="{0}"' -f $AX_ROOT if($matchRet.Value -ne $stmtLine) { $profileContent = [Regex]::Replace($profileContent,"export AX_ROOT\=.*", $stmtLine) } } if($profileContent.IndexOf('export PATH=$AX_ROOT/tools/console:')) { $profileContent += "# Add axmol console tool to PATH`n" $profileContent += 'export PATH=$AX_ROOT/tools/console:$PATH' -f "`n" ++$profileMods } if ($profileMods) { Set-Content $profileFile -Value $profileContent } } if (Test-Path ~/.bashrc -PathType Leaf) { updateUnixProfile ~/.bashrc } if(Test-Path ~/.zshrc -PathType Leaf) { updateUnixProfile ~/.zshrc } # update macos launchctl if ($IsMacOS) { # for GUI app, android studio can find AX_ROOT launchctl setenv AX_ROOT $env:AX_ROOT } } if ($IsLinux) { Write-Host "Are you continue install linux dependencies for axmol? (y/n) " -NoNewline $answer = Read-Host if ($answer -like 'y*') { if ($(Get-Command 'dpkg' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $b1k.println("It will take few minutes") sudo apt update # for vm, libxxf86vm-dev also required $DEPENDS = @() $DEPENDS += 'libx11-dev' $DEPENDS += 'automake' $DEPENDS += 'libtool' $DEPENDS += 'cmake' $DEPENDS += 'libxmu-dev' $DEPENDS += 'libglu1-mesa-dev' $DEPENDS += 'libgl2ps-dev' $DEPENDS += 'libxi-dev' $DEPENDS += 'libzip-dev' $DEPENDS += 'libpng-dev' $DEPENDS += 'libfontconfig1-dev' $DEPENDS += 'libgtk-3-dev' $DEPENDS += 'binutils' # $DEPENDS += 'libbsd-dev' $DEPENDS += 'libasound2-dev' $DEPENDS += 'libxxf86vm-dev' $DEPENDS += 'libvlc-dev', 'libvlccore-dev', 'vlc' # if vlc encouter codec error, install # sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras sudo apt install --allow-unauthenticated --yes $DEPENDS > /dev/null b1k_print "Installing latest freetype for linux ..." git clone 'https://github.com/freetype/freetype.git' "$AX_ROOT/tmp/freetype" Set-Location "$AX_ROOT/tmp/freetype" git checkout 'VER-2-13-0' sh autogen.sh ./configure '--prefix=/usr' '--enable-freetype-config' '--disable-static' sudo make install Set-Location - } elseif($(Get-Command 'pacman' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $DEPENDS = @( 'git', 'cmake', 'make', 'libx11', 'libxrandr', 'libxinerama', 'libxcursor', 'libxi', 'fontconfig', 'gtk3', 'vlc' ) sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm @DEPENDS } else { $b1k.println("Skipped dependencies installation, because current Linux distro isn't officially supported by axmol community") } } } $b1k.pause("setup successfully, please restart the terminal to make added system variables take effect")