/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2007 Scott Lembcke http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "ccCArray.h" #include "cocoa/CCObject.h" NS_CC_BEGIN const int CC_INVALID_INDEX = -1; /** Allocates and initializes a new array with specified capacity */ ccArray* ccArrayNew(int capacity) { if (capacity == 0) capacity = 7; ccArray *arr = (ccArray*)malloc( sizeof(ccArray) ); arr->num = 0; arr->arr = (Object**)calloc(capacity, sizeof(Object*)); arr->max = capacity; return arr; } /** Frees array after removing all remaining objects. Silently ignores NULL arr. */ void ccArrayFree(ccArray*& arr) { if( arr == NULL ) { return; } ccArrayRemoveAllObjects(arr); free(arr->arr); free(arr); arr = NULL; } void ccArrayDoubleCapacity(ccArray *arr) { arr->max *= 2; Object** newArr = (Object**)realloc( arr->arr, arr->max * sizeof(Object*) ); // will fail when there's not enough memory CCASSERT(newArr != 0, "ccArrayDoubleCapacity failed. Not enough memory"); arr->arr = newArr; } void ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(ccArray *arr, int extra) { while (arr->max < arr->num + extra) { // CCLOG("cocos2d: ccCArray: resizing ccArray capacity from [%lu] to [%lu].", // (long) arr->max, // (long) arr->max*2); ccArrayDoubleCapacity(arr); } } void ccArrayShrink(ccArray *arr) { int newSize = 0; //only resize when necessary if (arr->max > arr->num && !(arr->num==0 && arr->max==1)) { if (arr->num!=0) { newSize=arr->num; arr->max=arr->num; } else {//minimum capacity of 1, with 0 elements the array would be free'd by realloc newSize=1; arr->max=1; } arr->arr = (Object**)realloc(arr->arr,newSize * sizeof(Object*) ); CCASSERT(arr->arr!=NULL,"could not reallocate the memory"); } } /** Returns index of first occurrence of object, CC_INVALID_INDEX if object not found. */ int ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object) { const int arrNum = arr->num; Object** ptr = arr->arr; for(int i = 0; i < arrNum; ++i, ++ptr) { if( *ptr == object ) return i; } return CC_INVALID_INDEX; } /** Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether object is present in array. */ bool ccArrayContainsObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object) { return ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(arr, object) != CC_INVALID_INDEX; } /** Appends an object. Behavior undefined if array doesn't have enough capacity. */ void ccArrayAppendObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object) { CCASSERT(object != NULL, "Invalid parameter!"); object->retain(); arr->arr[arr->num] = object; arr->num++; } /** Appends an object. Capacity of arr is increased if needed. */ void ccArrayAppendObjectWithResize(ccArray *arr, Object* object) { ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(arr, 1); ccArrayAppendObject(arr, object); } /** Appends objects from plusArr to arr. Behavior undefined if arr doesn't have enough capacity. */ void ccArrayAppendArray(ccArray *arr, ccArray *plusArr) { for(int i = 0; i < plusArr->num; i++) { ccArrayAppendObject(arr, plusArr->arr[i]); } } /** Appends objects from plusArr to arr. Capacity of arr is increased if needed. */ void ccArrayAppendArrayWithResize(ccArray *arr, ccArray *plusArr) { ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(arr, plusArr->num); ccArrayAppendArray(arr, plusArr); } /** Inserts an object at index */ void ccArrayInsertObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, Object* object, int index) { CCASSERT(index<=arr->num, "Invalid index. Out of bounds"); CCASSERT(object != NULL, "Invalid parameter!"); ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(arr, 1); int remaining = arr->num - index; if( remaining > 0) { memmove((void *)&arr->arr[index+1], (void *)&arr->arr[index], sizeof(Object*) * remaining ); } object->retain(); arr->arr[index] = object; arr->num++; } /** Swaps two objects */ void ccArraySwapObjectsAtIndexes(ccArray *arr, int index1, int index2) { CCASSERT(index1>=0 && index1 < arr->num, "(1) Invalid index. Out of bounds"); CCASSERT(index2>=0 && index2 < arr->num, "(2) Invalid index. Out of bounds"); Object* object1 = arr->arr[index1]; arr->arr[index1] = arr->arr[index2]; arr->arr[index2] = object1; } /** Removes all objects from arr */ void ccArrayRemoveAllObjects(ccArray *arr) { while( arr->num > 0 ) { (arr->arr[--arr->num])->release(); } } /** Removes object at specified index and pushes back all subsequent objects. Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1]. */ void ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, int index, bool bReleaseObj/* = true*/) { CCASSERT(arr && arr->num > 0 && index>=0 && index < arr->num, "Invalid index. Out of bounds"); if (bReleaseObj) { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(arr->arr[index]); } arr->num--; int remaining = arr->num - index; if(remaining>0) { memmove((void *)&arr->arr[index], (void *)&arr->arr[index+1], remaining * sizeof(Object*)); } } /** Removes object at specified index and fills the gap with the last object, thereby avoiding the need to push back subsequent objects. Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1]. */ void ccArrayFastRemoveObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, int index) { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(arr->arr[index]); int last = --arr->num; arr->arr[index] = arr->arr[last]; } void ccArrayFastRemoveObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object) { int index = ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(arr, object); if (index != CC_INVALID_INDEX) { ccArrayFastRemoveObjectAtIndex(arr, index); } } /** Searches for the first occurrence of object and removes it. If object is not found the function has no effect. */ void ccArrayRemoveObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object, bool bReleaseObj/* = true*/) { int index = ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(arr, object); if (index != CC_INVALID_INDEX) { ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(arr, index, bReleaseObj); } } /** Removes from arr all objects in minusArr. For each object in minusArr, the first matching instance in arr will be removed. */ void ccArrayRemoveArray(ccArray *arr, ccArray *minusArr) { for(int i = 0; i < minusArr->num; i++) { ccArrayRemoveObject(arr, minusArr->arr[i]); } } /** Removes from arr all objects in minusArr. For each object in minusArr, all matching instances in arr will be removed. */ void ccArrayFullRemoveArray(ccArray *arr, ccArray *minusArr) { int back = 0; int i = 0; for( i = 0; i < arr->num; i++) { if( ccArrayContainsObject(minusArr, arr->arr[i]) ) { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(arr->arr[i]); back++; } else { arr->arr[i - back] = arr->arr[i]; } } arr->num -= back; } // #pragma mark - // #pragma mark ccCArray for Values (c structures) /** Allocates and initializes a new C array with specified capacity */ ccCArray* ccCArrayNew(int capacity) { if (capacity == 0) { capacity = 7; } ccCArray *arr = (ccCArray*)malloc( sizeof(ccCArray) ); arr->num = 0; arr->arr = (void**)malloc( capacity * sizeof(void*) ); arr->max = capacity; return arr; } /** Frees C array after removing all remaining values. Silently ignores NULL arr. */ void ccCArrayFree(ccCArray *arr) { if( arr == NULL ) { return; } ccCArrayRemoveAllValues(arr); free(arr->arr); free(arr); } /** Doubles C array capacity */ void ccCArrayDoubleCapacity(ccCArray *arr) { ccArrayDoubleCapacity((ccArray*)arr); } /** Increases array capacity such that max >= num + extra. */ void ccCArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(ccCArray *arr, int extra) { ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity((ccArray*)arr,extra); } /** Returns index of first occurrence of value, CC_INVALID_INDEX if value not found. */ int ccCArrayGetIndexOfValue(ccCArray *arr, void* value) { for( int i = 0; i < arr->num; i++) { if( arr->arr[i] == value ) return i; } return CC_INVALID_INDEX; } /** Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether value is present in the C array. */ bool ccCArrayContainsValue(ccCArray *arr, void* value) { return ccCArrayGetIndexOfValue(arr, value) != CC_INVALID_INDEX; } /** Inserts a value at a certain position. Behavior undefined if array doesn't have enough capacity */ void ccCArrayInsertValueAtIndex( ccCArray *arr, void* value, int index) { CCASSERT( index < arr->max, "ccCArrayInsertValueAtIndex: invalid index"); int remaining = arr->num - index; // make sure it has enough capacity if (arr->num + 1 == arr->max) { ccCArrayDoubleCapacity(arr); } // last Value doesn't need to be moved if( remaining > 0) { // tex coordinates memmove((void *)&arr->arr[index+1], (void *)&arr->arr[index], sizeof(void*) * remaining ); } arr->num++; arr->arr[index] = value; } /** Appends an value. Behavior undefined if array doesn't have enough capacity. */ void ccCArrayAppendValue(ccCArray *arr, void* value) { arr->arr[arr->num] = value; arr->num++; // double the capacity for the next append action // if the num >= max if (arr->num >= arr->max) { ccCArrayDoubleCapacity(arr); } } /** Appends an value. Capacity of arr is increased if needed. */ void ccCArrayAppendValueWithResize(ccCArray *arr, void* value) { ccCArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(arr, 1); ccCArrayAppendValue(arr, value); } /** Appends values from plusArr to arr. Behavior undefined if arr doesn't have enough capacity. */ void ccCArrayAppendArray(ccCArray *arr, ccCArray *plusArr) { for( int i = 0; i < plusArr->num; i++) { ccCArrayAppendValue(arr, plusArr->arr[i]); } } /** Appends values from plusArr to arr. Capacity of arr is increased if needed. */ void ccCArrayAppendArrayWithResize(ccCArray *arr, ccCArray *plusArr) { ccCArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(arr, plusArr->num); ccCArrayAppendArray(arr, plusArr); } /** Removes all values from arr */ void ccCArrayRemoveAllValues(ccCArray *arr) { arr->num = 0; } /** Removes value at specified index and pushes back all subsequent values. Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1]. @since v0.99.4 */ void ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(ccCArray *arr, int index) { for( int last = --arr->num; index < last; index++) { arr->arr[index] = arr->arr[index + 1]; } } /** Removes value at specified index and fills the gap with the last value, thereby avoiding the need to push back subsequent values. Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1]. @since v0.99.4 */ void ccCArrayFastRemoveValueAtIndex(ccCArray *arr, int index) { int last = --arr->num; arr->arr[index] = arr->arr[last]; } /** Searches for the first occurrence of value and removes it. If value is not found the function has no effect. @since v0.99.4 */ void ccCArrayRemoveValue(ccCArray *arr, void* value) { int index = ccCArrayGetIndexOfValue(arr, value); if (index != CC_INVALID_INDEX) { ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(arr, index); } } /** Removes from arr all values in minusArr. For each Value in minusArr, the first matching instance in arr will be removed. @since v0.99.4 */ void ccCArrayRemoveArray(ccCArray *arr, ccCArray *minusArr) { for(int i = 0; i < minusArr->num; i++) { ccCArrayRemoveValue(arr, minusArr->arr[i]); } } /** Removes from arr all values in minusArr. For each value in minusArr, all matching instances in arr will be removed. @since v0.99.4 */ void ccCArrayFullRemoveArray(ccCArray *arr, ccCArray *minusArr) { int back = 0; for(int i = 0; i < arr->num; i++) { if( ccCArrayContainsValue(minusArr, arr->arr[i]) ) { back++; } else { arr->arr[i - back] = arr->arr[i]; } } arr->num -= back; } NS_CC_END