/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2013 Zynga Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <vector> #include <string> #include "cocos2d.h" #include "CCTextImage.h" #include "CCFontFreeType.h" #include "CCFont.h" NS_CC_BEGIN TextLineDef::TextLineDef(float x, float y, float width, float height) :_x(x), _y(y), _width(width), _height(height) { } TextPageDef::TextPageDef(int pageNum, int width, int height): _pageNum(pageNum), _width(width), _height(height), _pageData(0), _pageTexture(0) { } TextPageDef::~TextPageDef() { size_t numLines = _lines.size(); for( size_t c = 0; c<numLines; ++c ) { delete _lines[c]; } _lines.clear(); if (_pageData) { delete [] _pageData; } if (_pageTexture) { _pageTexture->release(); } } bool TextPageDef::generatePageTexture(bool releasePageData) { if (!_pageData) return false; if (_pageTexture) { _pageTexture->release(); _pageTexture = 0; } Size imageSize = Size((float)(_width), (float)(_height)); if((imageSize.width <= 0) || (imageSize.height <= 0)) return false; _pageTexture = new Texture2D(); if (!_pageTexture) return false; int dataLenght = (_width * _height * 1); bool textureCreated = _pageTexture->initWithData(_pageData, dataLenght, Texture2D::PixelFormat::A8, _width, _height, imageSize); // release the page data if requested if (releasePageData && textureCreated) { delete [] _pageData; _pageData = 0; } return textureCreated; } void TextPageDef::preparePageTexture(bool releaseRAWData) { generatePageTexture(releaseRAWData); } Texture2D *TextPageDef::getPageTexture() { if (!_pageTexture) { generatePageTexture(); } return _pageTexture; } TextFontPagesDef::TextFontPagesDef() { } TextFontPagesDef::~TextFontPagesDef() { size_t numPages = _pages.size(); for( size_t c = 0; c < numPages; ++c ) { if (_pages[c]) delete _pages[c]; } } TextImage::TextImage(): _fontPages(0), _font(0) { } TextImage::~TextImage() { if (_fontPages) delete _fontPages; if (_font) _font->release(); } bool TextImage::initWithString(const char *text, int width, int height, cocos2d::Font* font, bool releaseRAWData) { bool textIsUTF16 = false; if (_font) { _font->release(); _font = 0; } // carloX _font = font; // generate the glyphs for the requested text (glyphs are latter's bounding boxes) if (!generateTextGlyphs(text)) return false; Size constrainSize; unsigned short int *strUTF16 = 0; int stringNumChars; if (textIsUTF16) { strUTF16 = (unsigned short int *)text; stringNumChars = cc_wcslen(strUTF16); } else { // string needs to go to unicode strUTF16 = _font->getUTF16Text(text, stringNumChars); } if (!strUTF16 || !stringNumChars) return false; // create all the needed pages if (!createPageDefinitions(strUTF16, width, height, _font->getFontMaxHeight())) return false; // release the original string if needed if (!textIsUTF16) delete [] strUTF16; // actually create the needed images return createImageDataFromPages(_fontPages, releaseRAWData); return true; } bool TextImage::createPageDefinitions(unsigned short int *inText, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int lineHeight) { bool needToReleaseText = false; int delta = 0; int currentPage = 0; float currentY = 0.0; // unsigned short int *strUTF16 = inText; if (_fontPages) delete _fontPages; // create pages for the font _fontPages = new TextFontPagesDef(); if (!_fontPages) return false; // create the first page (ther is going to be at least one page) TextPageDef *currentPageDef = new TextPageDef(currentPage, imageWidth, imageHeight); if (!currentPageDef) return false; // add the current page _fontPages->addPage(currentPageDef); // work out creating pages do { // choose texture page if ((currentY + lineHeight) > imageHeight) { currentY = 0; currentPage += 1; // create a new page and add currentPageDef = new TextPageDef(currentPage, imageWidth, imageHeight); if (!currentPageDef) return false; _fontPages->addPage(currentPageDef); } // get the new fitting string Size tempSize; tempSize.width = imageWidth; tempSize.height = imageHeight; // figure out how many glyphs fit in this line int newLineSize = 0; int numFittingChar = getNumGlyphsFittingInSize(_textGlyphs, strUTF16, _font, &tempSize, newLineSize); // crete the temporary new string unsigned short int *pTempString = 0; pTempString = _font->trimUTF16Text(strUTF16, 0, (numFittingChar - 1)); // create the new line and add to the current page TextLineDef *newLine = new TextLineDef(0.0, currentY, newLineSize, lineHeight); if (!newLine) return false; // add all the glyphs to this line addGlyphsToLine(newLine, (const char *)pTempString, true); // add the line the to current page currentPageDef->addLine(newLine); // can now release the string delete [] pTempString; // create the new string int stringLenght = _font->getUTF16TextLenght(strUTF16); delta = (stringLenght - numFittingChar); // there is still some leftover, need to work on it if (delta) { // create the new string unsigned short int *tempS = _font->trimUTF16Text(strUTF16, numFittingChar, (stringLenght - 1)); if (needToReleaseText) delete [] strUTF16; // a copy of the string has been created, so next time I'll need to release it needToReleaseText = true; // assign pointer strUTF16 = tempS; } // go to next line currentY += lineHeight; } while(delta); if (needToReleaseText) delete [] strUTF16; return true; } int TextImage::getNumGlyphsFittingInSize(std::map<unsigned short int, GlyphDef> &glyphDefs, unsigned short int *strUTF8, Font *font, Size *constrainSize, int &outNewSize) { if (!strUTF8) return 0; float widthWithBBX = 0.0f; float lastWidth = 0.0f; // get the string to UTF8 int numChar = cc_wcslen(strUTF8); for (int c = 0; c < numChar; ++c) { widthWithBBX += (glyphDefs[strUTF8[c]].getRect().size.width + glyphDefs[strUTF8[c]].getPadding()); if (widthWithBBX >= constrainSize->width) { outNewSize = lastWidth; return c; } lastWidth = widthWithBBX; } outNewSize = constrainSize->width; return numChar; } bool TextImage::addGlyphsToLine(TextLineDef *line, const char *lineText, bool textIsUTF16) { if (!_font) return false; int numLetters = 0; unsigned short int *UTF16string = 0; if (textIsUTF16) { UTF16string = (unsigned short int *)lineText; numLetters = cc_wcslen(UTF16string); } else { UTF16string = _font->getUTF16Text(lineText, numLetters); } for (int c = 0; c < numLetters; ++c) { _textGlyphs[UTF16string[c]].setCommonHeight(line->getHeight()); line->addGlyph(_textGlyphs[UTF16string[c]] ); } if(!textIsUTF16) delete [] UTF16string; return true; } bool TextImage::generateTextGlyphs(const char * text) { if (!_font) return false; int numGlyphs = 0; GlyphDef *newGlyphs = _font->getGlyphDefintionsForText(text, numGlyphs); if (!newGlyphs) return false; if (!_textGlyphs.empty()) _textGlyphs.clear(); for (int c = 0; c < numGlyphs; ++c) _textGlyphs[newGlyphs[c].getUTF8Letter()] = newGlyphs[c]; delete [] newGlyphs; return true; } bool TextImage::createImageDataFromPages(TextFontPagesDef *thePages, bool releaseRAWData) { int numPages = thePages->getNumPages(); if (!numPages) return false; for (int c = 0; c < numPages; ++c) { unsigned char *pageData = 0; pageData = preparePageGlyphData(thePages->getPageAt(c)); if (pageData) { // set the page data thePages->getPageAt(c)->setPageData(pageData); // crete page texture and relase RAW data thePages->getPageAt(c)->preparePageTexture(releaseRAWData); } else { return false; } } return true; } unsigned char * TextImage::preparePageGlyphData(TextPageDef *thePage) { return renderGlyphData(thePage); } unsigned char * TextImage::renderGlyphData(TextPageDef *thePage) { if (!thePage) return 0; if (!_font) return 0; if (thePage->getNumLines() == 0) return nullptr; int pageWidth = thePage->getWidth(); int pageHeight = thePage->getHeight(); // prepare memory and clean to 0 int sizeInBytes = (pageWidth * pageHeight * 1); unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[sizeInBytes]; if (!data) return 0; memset(data, 0, sizeInBytes); int numLines = thePage->getNumLines(); for (int c = 0; c < numLines; ++c) { TextLineDef *currentLine = thePage->getLineAt(c); float origX = _font->getLetterPadding(); float origY = currentLine->getY(); int numGlyphToRender = currentLine->getNumGlyph(); for (int cglyph = 0; cglyph < numGlyphToRender; ++cglyph) { GlyphDef currGlyph = currentLine->getGlyphAt(cglyph); _font->renderCharAt(currGlyph.getUTF8Letter(), origX, origY, data, pageWidth); origX += (currGlyph.getRect().size.width + _font->getLetterPadding()); } } #ifdef _DEBUG_FONTS_ static int counter = 0; char outFilename[512]; sprintf(outFilename,"testIMG%d", counter); ++counter; Image *image = new Image; image->initWithRawData(data, (pageWidth * pageWidth * 4), 1024, 1024, 8, false); image->saveToFile(outFilename); #endif // we are done here return data; } NS_CC_END