// // Bug-422 test case by lhunath // http://code.google.com/p/cocos2d-iphone/issues/detail?id=422 // #include "Bug-422.h" bool Bug422Layer::init() { if (BugsTestBaseLayer::init()) { reset(); return true; } return false; } void Bug422Layer::reset() { static int localtag = 0; localtag++; // TO TRIGGER THE BUG: // remove the itself from parent from an action // The menu will be removed, but the instance will be alive // and then a new node will be allocated occupying the memory. // => CRASH BOOM BANG Node *node = getChildByTag(localtag-1); CCLog("Menu: %p", node); removeChild(node, false); // [self removeChildByTag:localtag-1 cleanup:NO]; MenuItem *item1 = MenuItemFont::create("One", CC_CALLBACK_1(Bug422Layer::menuCallback, this) ); CCLog("MenuItemFont: %p", item1); MenuItem *item2 = MenuItemFont::create("Two", CC_CALLBACK_1(Bug422Layer::menuCallback, this) ); Menu *menu = Menu::create(item1, item2, NULL); menu->alignItemsVertically(); float x = CCRANDOM_0_1() * 50; float y = CCRANDOM_0_1() * 50; menu->setPosition(ccpAdd( menu->getPosition(), ccp(x,y))); addChild(menu, 0, localtag); //[self check:self]; } void Bug422Layer::check(Node* t) { Array *array = t->getChildren(); Object* pChild = NULL; CCARRAY_FOREACH(array, pChild) { CC_BREAK_IF(! pChild); Node* pNode = static_cast(pChild); CCLog("%p, rc: %d", pNode, pNode->retainCount()); check(pNode); } } void Bug422Layer::menuCallback(Object* sender) { reset(); }