 * AudioPlayer.h
 *  Created on: Aug 18, 2011
 *      Author: laschweinski


namespace CocosDenshion {

class AudioPlayer {
	virtual void close() = 0;

	 @brief Preload background music
	 @param pszFilePath The path of the background music file,or the FileName of T_SoundResInfo
	virtual void preloadBackgroundMusic(const char* pszFilePath) = 0;

	 @brief Play background music
	 @param pszFilePath The path of the background music file,or the FileName of T_SoundResInfo
	 @param bLoop Whether the background music loop or not
	virtual void playBackgroundMusic(const char* pszFilePath, bool bLoop = false) = 0;

	 @brief Stop playing background music
	 @param bReleaseData If release the background music data or not.As default value is false
	virtual void stopBackgroundMusic(bool bReleaseData = false) = 0;

	 @brief Pause playing background music
	virtual void pauseBackgroundMusic() = 0;

	 @brief Resume playing background music
	virtual void resumeBackgroundMusic() = 0;

	 @brief Rewind playing background music
	virtual void rewindBackgroundMusic() = 0;

	virtual bool willPlayBackgroundMusic() = 0;

	 @brief Whether the background music is playing
	 @return If is playing return true,or return false
	virtual bool isBackgroundMusicPlaying() = 0;

	// properties
	 @brief The volume of the background music max value is 1.0,the min value is 0.0
	virtual float getBackgroundMusicVolume() = 0;

	 @brief set the volume of background music
	 @param volume must be in 0.0~1.0
	virtual void setBackgroundMusicVolume(float volume) = 0;

	 @brief The volume of the effects max value is 1.0,the min value is 0.0
	virtual float getEffectsVolume() = 0;

	 @brief set the volume of sound effecs
	 @param volume must be in 0.0~1.0
	virtual void setEffectsVolume(float volume) = 0;

	// for sound effects
	 @brief Play sound effect
	 @param pszFilePath The path of the effect file,or the FileName of T_SoundResInfo
	 @bLoop Whether to loop the effect playing, default value is false
	virtual unsigned int playEffect(const char* pszFilePath, bool bLoop = false) = 0;

	 @brief Stop playing sound effect
	 @param nSoundId The return value of function playEffect
	virtual void stopEffect(unsigned int nSoundId) = 0;

	 @brief  		preload a compressed audio file
	 @details	    the compressed audio will be decode to wave, then write into an
	 internal buffer in SimpleaudioEngine
	virtual void preloadEffect(const char* pszFilePath) = 0;

	 @brief  		unload the preloaded effect from internal buffer
	 @param[in]		pszFilePath		The path of the effect file,or the FileName of T_SoundResInfo
	virtual void unloadEffect(const char* pszFilePath) = 0;

#endif /* AUDIOPLAYER_H_ */