/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2010 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __CCSYNC_TASK_POOL_H_ #define __CCSYNC_TASK_POOL_H_ #include "platform/CCPlatformMacros.h" #include "base/CCRef.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include NS_CC_BEGIN ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class AsyncTaskPool { public: typedef std::function TaskCallBack; enum class TaskType { TASK_IO, TASK_NETWORK, TASK_OTHER, TASK_MAX_TYPE, }; /** * get instance */ static AsyncTaskPool* getInstance(); /** * destroy instance */ static void destoryInstance(); /** * get max number of call back per process, -1 means unlimited (-1 is the default value) */ static int getMaxTaskCallBackPerProcess(); /** * set max number of call back per process, -1 means unlimited */ static void setMaxTaskCallBackPerProcess(int numTaskCallBack); /** * process the call back after task, this should be called in the main thread */ void processTaskCallBack() { _taskcallbackDispatcher.update(); } /** * enqueue a asynchronous task * @param type task type is io task, network task or others, each type of task has a thread to deal with it. * @param callback callback when the task is finished. The callback is called in the main thread instead of task thread * @param callbackParam parameter used by the callback * @param f task can be lambda function * @param args task parameters */ template inline void enqueue(TaskType type, const TaskCallBack& callback, void* callbackParam, F&& f, Args&&... args); CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS: AsyncTaskPool(); ~AsyncTaskPool(); protected: struct AsyncTaskCallBack { TaskCallBack callback; void* callbackParam; }; // thread tasks internally used class ThreadTasks { friend class AsyncTaskPool; public: ThreadTasks() : _stop(false) { _thread = std::thread( [this] { for(;;) { std::function task; AsyncTaskCallBack callback; { std::unique_lock lock(this->_queue_mutex); this->_condition.wait(lock, [this]{ return this->_stop || !this->_tasks.empty(); }); if(this->_stop && this->_tasks.empty()) return; task = std::move(this->_tasks.front()); callback = std::move(this->_taskCallBacks.front()); this->_tasks.pop(); this->_taskCallBacks.pop(); } task(); AsyncTaskPool::getInstance()->_taskcallbackDispatcher.enqueue(callback); //task(); } } ); } ~ThreadTasks() { { std::unique_lock lock(_queue_mutex); _stop = true; while(_tasks.size())_tasks.pop(); while (_taskCallBacks.size()) { _taskCallBacks.pop(); } } _condition.notify_all(); _thread.join(); } private: // need to keep track of thread so we can join them std::thread _thread; // the task queue std::queue< std::function > _tasks; std::queue _taskCallBacks; // std::queue< AsyncTask > _tasks; // synchronization std::mutex _queue_mutex; std::condition_variable _condition; bool _stop; }; class AfterAsyncTaskDispatcher { public: void update() { if (_callBacks.empty()) return; std::unique_lock lock(_queue_mutex); int numCallBack = 0; for (auto& it : _callBacks) { numCallBack++; if (s_maxCallBackPerProcess != -1 && numCallBack > s_maxCallBackPerProcess) break; if (it.callback) { it.callback(it.callbackParam); } } _callBacks.erase(_callBacks.begin(), _callBacks.begin() + numCallBack); } AfterAsyncTaskDispatcher() {} ~AfterAsyncTaskDispatcher() {} void enqueue(const AsyncTaskCallBack& callback) { std::unique_lock lock(_queue_mutex); _callBacks.push_back(callback); } protected: std::vector _callBacks; std::mutex _queue_mutex; }; //tasks //ThreadTasks _threadTasks[int(TaskType::TASK_MAX_TYPE)]; ThreadTasks *_threadTasks; //deal task call back AfterAsyncTaskDispatcher _taskcallbackDispatcher; static AsyncTaskPool* s_asyncTaskPool; static int s_maxCallBackPerProcess; }; template inline void AsyncTaskPool::enqueue(AsyncTaskPool::TaskType type, const TaskCallBack& callback, void* callbackParam, F&& f, Args&&... args) { auto& threadTask = _threadTasks[(int)type]; //return _threadTasks[taskType].enqueue(f, args); using return_type = typename std::result_of::type; auto task = std::bind(std::forward(f), std::forward(args)...); auto& queue_mutex = threadTask._queue_mutex; auto& stop = threadTask._stop; auto& tasks = threadTask._tasks; auto& condition = threadTask._condition; auto& taskcallbacks = threadTask._taskCallBacks; { std::unique_lock lock(queue_mutex); // don't allow enqueueing after stopping the pool if(stop) { CC_ASSERT(0 && "already stop"); return; } AsyncTaskCallBack taskCallBack; taskCallBack.callback = callback; taskCallBack.callbackParam = callbackParam; tasks.emplace([task](){ task(); }); taskcallbacks.emplace(taskCallBack); } condition.notify_one(); } NS_CC_END #endif //__CCSYNC_TASK_POOL_H_