/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013, Esoteric Software * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "Json.h" #include #include #include namespace spine { typedef struct { SkeletonJson super; int ownsLoader; } _Internal; SkeletonJson* SkeletonJson_createWithLoader (AttachmentLoader* attachmentLoader) { SkeletonJson* self = SUPER(NEW(_Internal)); self->scale = 1; self->attachmentLoader = attachmentLoader; return self; } SkeletonJson* SkeletonJson_create (Atlas* atlas) { AtlasAttachmentLoader* attachmentLoader = AtlasAttachmentLoader_create(atlas); SkeletonJson* self = SkeletonJson_createWithLoader(SUPER(attachmentLoader)); SUB_CAST(_Internal, self) ->ownsLoader = 1; return self; } void SkeletonJson_dispose (SkeletonJson* self) { if (SUB_CAST(_Internal, self) ->ownsLoader) AttachmentLoader_dispose(self->attachmentLoader); FREE(self->error); FREE(self); } void _SkeletonJson_setError (SkeletonJson* self, Json* root, const char* value1, const char* value2) { char message[256]; size_t length; FREE(self->error); strcpy(message, value1); length = strlen(value1); if (value2) strncat(message + length, value2, 256 - length); MALLOC_STR(self->error, message); if (root) Json_dispose(root); } static float toColor (const char* value, int index) { char digits[3]; char *error; if (strlen(value) != 8) return -1; value += index * 2; digits[0] = *value; digits[1] = *(value + 1); digits[2] = '\0'; auto color = strtoul(digits, &error, 16); if (*error != 0) return -1; return color / (float)255; } static void readCurve (CurveTimeline* timeline, int frameIndex, Json* frame) { Json* curve = Json_getItem(frame, "curve"); if (!curve) return; if (curve->type == Json_String && strcmp(curve->valuestring, "stepped") == 0) CurveTimeline_setStepped(timeline, frameIndex); else if (curve->type == Json_Array) { CurveTimeline_setCurve(timeline, frameIndex, Json_getItemAt(curve, 0)->valuefloat, Json_getItemAt(curve, 1)->valuefloat, Json_getItemAt(curve, 2)->valuefloat, Json_getItemAt(curve, 3)->valuefloat); } } static Animation* _SkeletonJson_readAnimation (SkeletonJson* self, Json* root, SkeletonData *skeletonData) { Animation* animation; Json* bones = Json_getItem(root, "bones"); int boneCount = bones ? Json_getSize(bones) : 0; Json* slots = Json_getItem(root, "slots"); int slotCount = slots ? Json_getSize(slots) : 0; int timelineCount = 0; int i, ii, iii; for (i = 0; i < boneCount; ++i) timelineCount += Json_getSize(Json_getItemAt(bones, i)); for (i = 0; i < slotCount; ++i) timelineCount += Json_getSize(Json_getItemAt(slots, i)); animation = Animation_create(root->name, timelineCount); animation->timelineCount = 0; skeletonData->animations[skeletonData->animationCount] = animation; skeletonData->animationCount++; for (i = 0; i < boneCount; ++i) { timelineCount = 0; Json* boneMap = Json_getItemAt(bones, i); const char* boneName = boneMap->name; int boneIndex = SkeletonData_findBoneIndex(skeletonData, boneName); if (boneIndex == -1) { Animation_dispose(animation); _SkeletonJson_setError(self, root, "Bone not found: ", boneName); return 0; } timelineCount = Json_getSize(boneMap); for (ii = 0; ii < timelineCount; ++ii) { float duration; Json* timelineArray = Json_getItemAt(boneMap, ii); int frameCount = Json_getSize(timelineArray); const char* timelineType = timelineArray->name; if (strcmp(timelineType, "rotate") == 0) { RotateTimeline *timeline = RotateTimeline_create(frameCount); timeline->boneIndex = boneIndex; for (iii = 0; iii < frameCount; ++iii) { Json* frame = Json_getItemAt(timelineArray, iii); RotateTimeline_setFrame(timeline, iii, Json_getFloat(frame, "time", 0), Json_getFloat(frame, "angle", 0)); readCurve(SUPER(timeline), iii, frame); } animation->timelines[animation->timelineCount++] = (Timeline*)timeline; duration = timeline->frames[frameCount * 2 - 2]; if (duration > animation->duration) animation->duration = duration; } else { int isScale = strcmp(timelineType, "scale") == 0; if (isScale || strcmp(timelineType, "translate") == 0) { float scale = isScale ? 1 : self->scale; TranslateTimeline *timeline = isScale ? ScaleTimeline_create(frameCount) : TranslateTimeline_create(frameCount); timeline->boneIndex = boneIndex; for (iii = 0; iii < frameCount; ++iii) { Json* frame = Json_getItemAt(timelineArray, iii); TranslateTimeline_setFrame(timeline, iii, Json_getFloat(frame, "time", 0), Json_getFloat(frame, "x", 0) * scale, Json_getFloat(frame, "y", 0) * scale); readCurve(SUPER(timeline), iii, frame); } animation->timelines[animation->timelineCount++] = (Timeline*)timeline; duration = timeline->frames[frameCount * 3 - 3]; if (duration > animation->duration) animation->duration = duration; } else { Animation_dispose(animation); _SkeletonJson_setError(self, 0, "Invalid timeline type for a bone: ", timelineType); return 0; } } } } for (i = 0; i < slotCount; ++i) { timelineCount = 0; Json* slotMap = Json_getItemAt(slots, i); const char* slotName = slotMap->name; int slotIndex = SkeletonData_findSlotIndex(skeletonData, slotName); if (slotIndex == -1) { Animation_dispose(animation); _SkeletonJson_setError(self, root, "Slot not found: ", slotName); return 0; } timelineCount = Json_getSize(slotMap); for (ii = 0; ii < timelineCount; ++ii) { float duration; Json* timelineArray = Json_getItemAt(slotMap, ii); int frameCount = Json_getSize(timelineArray); const char* timelineType = timelineArray->name; if (strcmp(timelineType, "color") == 0) { ColorTimeline *timeline = ColorTimeline_create(frameCount); timeline->slotIndex = slotIndex; for (iii = 0; iii < frameCount; ++iii) { Json* frame = Json_getItemAt(timelineArray, iii); const char* s = Json_getString(frame, "color", 0); ColorTimeline_setFrame(timeline, iii, Json_getFloat(frame, "time", 0), toColor(s, 0), toColor(s, 1), toColor(s, 2), toColor(s, 3)); readCurve(SUPER(timeline), iii, frame); } animation->timelines[animation->timelineCount++] = (Timeline*)timeline; duration = timeline->frames[frameCount * 5 - 5]; if (duration > animation->duration) animation->duration = duration; } else if (strcmp(timelineType, "attachment") == 0) { AttachmentTimeline *timeline = AttachmentTimeline_create(frameCount); timeline->slotIndex = slotIndex; for (iii = 0; iii < frameCount; ++iii) { Json* frame = Json_getItemAt(timelineArray, iii); Json* name = Json_getItem(frame, "name"); AttachmentTimeline_setFrame(timeline, iii, Json_getFloat(frame, "time", 0), name->type == Json_NULL ? 0 : name->valuestring); } animation->timelines[animation->timelineCount++] = (Timeline*)timeline; duration = timeline->frames[frameCount - 1]; if (duration > animation->duration) animation->duration = duration; } else { Animation_dispose(animation); _SkeletonJson_setError(self, 0, "Invalid timeline type for a slot: ", timelineType); return 0; } } } return animation; } SkeletonData* SkeletonJson_readSkeletonDataFile (SkeletonJson* self, const char* path) { ssize_t length; SkeletonData* skeletonData; const char* json = _Util_readFile(path, &length); if (!json) { _SkeletonJson_setError(self, 0, "Unable to read skeleton file: ", path); return 0; } skeletonData = SkeletonJson_readSkeletonData(self, json); FREE(json); return skeletonData; } SkeletonData* SkeletonJson_readSkeletonData (SkeletonJson* self, const char* json) { SkeletonData* skeletonData; Json *root, *bones; int i, ii, iii, boneCount; Json* slots; Json* skinsMap; Json* animations; FREE(self->error); CONST_CAST(char*, self->error) = 0; root = Json_create(json); if (!root) { _SkeletonJson_setError(self, 0, "Invalid skeleton JSON: ", Json_getError()); return 0; } skeletonData = SkeletonData_create(); bones = Json_getItem(root, "bones"); boneCount = Json_getSize(bones); skeletonData->bones = MALLOC(BoneData*, boneCount); for (i = 0; i < boneCount; ++i) { Json* boneMap = Json_getItemAt(bones, i); BoneData* boneData; const char* boneName = Json_getString(boneMap, "name", 0); BoneData* parent = 0; const char* parentName = Json_getString(boneMap, "parent", 0); if (parentName) { parent = SkeletonData_findBone(skeletonData, parentName); if (!parent) { SkeletonData_dispose(skeletonData); _SkeletonJson_setError(self, root, "Parent bone not found: ", parentName); return 0; } } boneData = BoneData_create(boneName, parent); boneData->length = Json_getFloat(boneMap, "length", 0) * self->scale; boneData->x = Json_getFloat(boneMap, "x", 0) * self->scale; boneData->y = Json_getFloat(boneMap, "y", 0) * self->scale; boneData->rotation = Json_getFloat(boneMap, "rotation", 0); boneData->scaleX = Json_getFloat(boneMap, "scaleX", 1); boneData->scaleY = Json_getFloat(boneMap, "scaleY", 1); skeletonData->bones[i] = boneData; skeletonData->boneCount++; } slots = Json_getItem(root, "slots"); if (slots) { int slotCount = Json_getSize(slots); skeletonData->slots = MALLOC(SlotData*, slotCount); for (i = 0; i < slotCount; ++i) { SlotData* slotData; const char* color; Json *attachmentItem; Json* slotMap = Json_getItemAt(slots, i); const char* slotName = Json_getString(slotMap, "name", 0); const char* boneName = Json_getString(slotMap, "bone", 0); BoneData* boneData = SkeletonData_findBone(skeletonData, boneName); if (!boneData) { SkeletonData_dispose(skeletonData); _SkeletonJson_setError(self, root, "Slot bone not found: ", boneName); return 0; } slotData = SlotData_create(slotName, boneData); color = Json_getString(slotMap, "color", 0); if (color) { slotData->r = toColor(color, 0); slotData->g = toColor(color, 1); slotData->b = toColor(color, 2); slotData->a = toColor(color, 3); } attachmentItem = Json_getItem(slotMap, "attachment"); if (attachmentItem) SlotData_setAttachmentName(slotData, attachmentItem->valuestring); skeletonData->slots[i] = slotData; skeletonData->slotCount++; } } skinsMap = Json_getItem(root, "skins"); if (skinsMap) { int skinCount = Json_getSize(skinsMap); skeletonData->skins = MALLOC(Skin*, skinCount); for (i = 0; i < skinCount; ++i) { Json* slotMap = Json_getItemAt(skinsMap, i); const char* skinName = slotMap->name; Skin *skin = Skin_create(skinName); int slotNameCount; skeletonData->skins[i] = skin; skeletonData->skinCount++; if (strcmp(skinName, "default") == 0) skeletonData->defaultSkin = skin; slotNameCount = Json_getSize(slotMap); for (ii = 0; ii < slotNameCount; ++ii) { Json* attachmentsMap = Json_getItemAt(slotMap, ii); const char* slotName = attachmentsMap->name; int slotIndex = SkeletonData_findSlotIndex(skeletonData, slotName); int attachmentCount = Json_getSize(attachmentsMap); for (iii = 0; iii < attachmentCount; ++iii) { Attachment* attachment; Json* attachmentMap = Json_getItemAt(attachmentsMap, iii); const char* skinAttachmentName = attachmentMap->name; const char* attachmentName = Json_getString(attachmentMap, "name", skinAttachmentName); const char* typeString = Json_getString(attachmentMap, "type", "region"); AttachmentType type; if (strcmp(typeString, "region") == 0) type = ATTACHMENT_REGION; else if (strcmp(typeString, "regionSequence") == 0) type = ATTACHMENT_REGION_SEQUENCE; else { SkeletonData_dispose(skeletonData); _SkeletonJson_setError(self, root, "Unknown attachment type: ", typeString); return 0; } attachment = AttachmentLoader_newAttachment(self->attachmentLoader, skin, type, attachmentName); if (!attachment) { if (self->attachmentLoader->error1) { SkeletonData_dispose(skeletonData); _SkeletonJson_setError(self, root, self->attachmentLoader->error1, self->attachmentLoader->error2); return 0; } continue; } if (attachment->type == ATTACHMENT_REGION || attachment->type == ATTACHMENT_REGION_SEQUENCE) { RegionAttachment* regionAttachment = (RegionAttachment*)attachment; regionAttachment->x = Json_getFloat(attachmentMap, "x", 0) * self->scale; regionAttachment->y = Json_getFloat(attachmentMap, "y", 0) * self->scale; regionAttachment->scaleX = Json_getFloat(attachmentMap, "scaleX", 1); regionAttachment->scaleY = Json_getFloat(attachmentMap, "scaleY", 1); regionAttachment->rotation = Json_getFloat(attachmentMap, "rotation", 0); regionAttachment->width = Json_getFloat(attachmentMap, "width", 32) * self->scale; regionAttachment->height = Json_getFloat(attachmentMap, "height", 32) * self->scale; RegionAttachment_updateOffset(regionAttachment); } Skin_addAttachment(skin, slotIndex, skinAttachmentName, attachment); } } } } animations = Json_getItem(root, "animations"); if (animations) { int animationCount = Json_getSize(animations); skeletonData->animations = MALLOC(Animation*, animationCount); for (i = 0; i < animationCount; ++i) { Json* animationMap = Json_getItemAt(animations, i); _SkeletonJson_readAnimation(self, animationMap, skeletonData); } } Json_dispose(root); return skeletonData; } } // namespace spine {