/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. https://axmol.dev/ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "TextInputTest.h" USING_NS_AX; #define FONT_NAME "fonts/Thonburi.ttf" #define FONT_SIZE 36 TextInputTests::TextInputTests() { ADD_TEST_CASE(TextFieldTTFDefaultTest); ADD_TEST_CASE(TextFieldTTFActionTest); ADD_TEST_CASE(TextFieldTTFSecureTextEntryTest); ADD_TEST_CASE(TextFieldTTSetCursorFromPoint); } static Rect getRect(Node* node) { Rect rc; rc.origin = node->getPosition(); rc.size = node->getContentSize(); rc.origin.x -= rc.size.width / 2; rc.origin.y -= rc.size.height / 2; return rc; } std::string KeyboardNotificationLayer::title() const { return "text input test"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // implement KeyboardNotificationLayer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// KeyboardNotificationLayer::KeyboardNotificationLayer() : _trackNode(0) { // Register Touch Event auto listener = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create(); listener->onTouchBegan = AX_CALLBACK_2(KeyboardNotificationLayer::onTouchBegan, this); listener->onTouchEnded = AX_CALLBACK_2(KeyboardNotificationLayer::onTouchEnded, this); _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this); } void KeyboardNotificationLayer::keyboardWillShow(IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo& info) { AXLOGD("TextInputTest:keyboardWillShowAt(origin:{},{}, size:{},{})", info.end.origin.x, info.end.origin.y, info.end.size.width, info.end.size.height); if (!_trackNode) { return; } auto rectTracked = getRect(_trackNode); AXLOGD("TextInputTest:trackingNodeAt(origin:{},{}, size:{},{})", rectTracked.origin.x, rectTracked.origin.y, rectTracked.size.width, rectTracked.size.height); // if the keyboard area doesn't intersect with the tracking node area, nothing need to do. if (!rectTracked.intersectsRect(info.end)) { return; } // assume keyboard at the bottom of screen, calculate the vertical adjustment. float adjustVert = info.end.getMaxY() - rectTracked.getMinY(); AXLOGD("TextInputTest:needAdjustVerticalPosition({})", adjustVert); // move all the children node of KeyboardNotificationLayer auto& children = getChildren(); Node* node = 0; ssize_t count = children.size(); Vec2 pos; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { node = children.at(i); pos = node->getPosition(); pos.y += adjustVert; node->setPosition(pos); } } // Layer function bool KeyboardNotificationLayer::onTouchBegan(Touch* touch, Event* event) { AXLOGD("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); _beginPos = touch->getLocation(); return true; } void KeyboardNotificationLayer::onTouchEnded(Touch* touch, Event* event) { if (!_trackNode) { return; } auto endPos = touch->getLocation(); float delta = 5.0f; if (std::abs(endPos.x - _beginPos.x) > delta || std::abs(endPos.y - _beginPos.y) > delta) { // not click _beginPos.x = _beginPos.y = -1; return; } // decide the trackNode is clicked. Rect rect; rect.size = _trackNode->getContentSize(); auto clicked = isScreenPointInRect(endPos, Camera::getVisitingCamera(), _trackNode->getWorldToNodeTransform(), rect, nullptr); this->onClickTrackNode(clicked, endPos); AXLOGD("----------------------------------"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // implement TextFieldTTFDefaultTest ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string TextFieldTTFDefaultTest::subtitle() const { return "TextFieldTTF with default behavior test"; } void TextFieldTTFDefaultTest::onClickTrackNode(bool bClicked, const Vec2& touchPos) { auto pTextField = (TextFieldTTF*)_trackNode; if (bClicked) { // TextFieldTTFTest be clicked AXLOGD("TextFieldTTFDefaultTest:TextFieldTTF attachWithIME"); pTextField->attachWithIME(); } else { // TextFieldTTFTest not be clicked AXLOGD("TextFieldTTFDefaultTest:TextFieldTTF detachWithIME"); pTextField->detachWithIME(); } } void TextFieldTTFDefaultTest::onEnter() { KeyboardNotificationLayer::onEnter(); // add TextFieldTTF auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto pTextField = TextFieldTTF::textFieldWithPlaceHolder("", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE); addChild(pTextField); #if (AX_TARGET_PLATFORM == AX_PLATFORM_ANDROID) // on android, TextFieldTTF cannot auto adjust its position when soft-keyboard pop up // so we had to set a higher position to make it visible pTextField->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height / 2 + 50)); #else pTextField->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height / 2)); #endif _trackNode = pTextField; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // implement TextFieldTTFActionTest ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string TextFieldTTFActionTest::subtitle() const { return "CCTextFieldTTF with action and char limit test"; } void TextFieldTTFActionTest::onClickTrackNode(bool bClicked, const Vec2& touchPos) { auto pTextField = (TextFieldTTF*)_trackNode; if (bClicked) { // TextFieldTTFTest be clicked AXLOGD("TextFieldTTFActionTest:TextFieldTTF attachWithIME"); pTextField->attachWithIME(); } else { // TextFieldTTFTest not be clicked AXLOGD("TextFieldTTFActionTest:TextFieldTTF detachWithIME"); pTextField->detachWithIME(); } } void TextFieldTTFActionTest::onEnter() { KeyboardNotificationLayer::onEnter(); _charLimit = 12; _textFieldAction = RepeatForever::create(Sequence::create(FadeOut::create(0.25), FadeIn::create(0.25), nullptr)); _textFieldAction->retain(); _action = false; // add TextFieldTTF auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); _textField = TextFieldTTF::textFieldWithPlaceHolder("", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE); addChild(_textField); _textField->setDelegate(this); #if (AX_TARGET_PLATFORM == AX_PLATFORM_ANDROID) // on android, TextFieldTTF cannot auto adjust its position when soft-keyboard pop up // so we had to set a higher position _textField->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height / 2 + 50)); #else _textField->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height / 2)); #endif _trackNode = _textField; } void TextFieldTTFActionTest::onExit() { KeyboardNotificationLayer::onExit(); _textFieldAction->release(); } // TextFieldDelegate protocol bool TextFieldTTFActionTest::onTextFieldAttachWithIME(TextFieldTTF* sender) { if (!_action) { _textField->runAction(_textFieldAction); _action = true; } return false; } bool TextFieldTTFActionTest::onTextFieldDetachWithIME(TextFieldTTF* sender) { if (_action) { _textField->stopAction(_textFieldAction); _textField->setOpacity(255); _action = false; } return false; } bool TextFieldTTFActionTest::onTextFieldInsertText(TextFieldTTF* sender, const char* text, size_t nLen) { // if insert enter, treat as default to detach with ime if ('\n' == *text) { return false; } // if the textfield's char count more than _charLimit, doesn't insert text anymore. if (sender->getCharCount() >= _charLimit) { return true; } // create a insert text sprite and do some action auto label = Label::createWithSystemFont(text, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE); this->addChild(label); Color3B color(226, 121, 7); label->setColor(color); // move the sprite from top to position auto endPos = sender->getPosition(); if (sender->getCharCount()) { endPos.x += sender->getContentSize().width / 2; } auto inputTextSize = label->getContentSize(); Vec2 beginPos(endPos.x, Director::getInstance()->getWinSize().height - inputTextSize.height * 2); float duration = 0.5; label->setPosition(beginPos); label->setScale(8); auto seq = Sequence::create( Spawn::create(MoveTo::create(duration, endPos), ScaleTo::create(duration, 1), FadeOut::create(duration), nullptr), CallFuncN::create(AX_CALLBACK_1(TextFieldTTFActionTest::callbackRemoveNodeWhenDidAction, this)), nullptr); label->runAction(seq); return false; } bool TextFieldTTFActionTest::onTextFieldDeleteBackward(TextFieldTTF* sender, const char* delText, size_t nLen) { // create a delete text sprite and do some action auto label = Label::createWithSystemFont(delText, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE); this->addChild(label); // move the sprite to fly out auto beginPos = sender->getPosition(); auto textfieldSize = sender->getContentSize(); auto labelSize = label->getContentSize(); beginPos.x += (textfieldSize.width - labelSize.width) / 2.0f; auto winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); Vec2 endPos(-winSize.width / 4.0f, winSize.height * (0.5 + (float)rand() / (2.0f * RAND_MAX))); float duration = 1; float rotateDuration = 0.2f; int repeatTime = 5; label->setPosition(beginPos); auto seq = Sequence::create( Spawn::create(MoveTo::create(duration, endPos), Repeat::create(RotateBy::create(rotateDuration, (rand() % 2) ? 360 : -360), repeatTime), FadeOut::create(duration), nullptr), CallFuncN::create(AX_CALLBACK_1(TextFieldTTFActionTest::callbackRemoveNodeWhenDidAction, this)), nullptr); label->runAction(seq); return false; } bool TextFieldTTFActionTest::onDraw(TextFieldTTF* sender) { return false; } void TextFieldTTFActionTest::callbackRemoveNodeWhenDidAction(Node* node) { this->removeChild(node, true); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // implement TextFieldTTFSecureTextEntryTest ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string TextFieldTTFSecureTextEntryTest::subtitle() const { return "TextFieldTTF with SecureTextEntry test"; } void TextFieldTTFSecureTextEntryTest::onEnter() { KeyboardNotificationLayer::onEnter(); // add TextFieldTTF auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto pTextField = TextFieldTTF::textFieldWithPlaceHolder("", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE); addChild(pTextField); #if (AX_TARGET_PLATFORM == AX_PLATFORM_ANDROID) // on android, TextFieldTTF cannot auto adjust its position when soft-keyboard pop up // so we had to set a higher position to make it visible pTextField->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height / 2 + 50)); #else pTextField->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height / 2)); #endif pTextField->setSecureTextEntry(true); _trackNode = pTextField; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // implement TextFieldTTSetCursorFromPoint ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string TextFieldTTSetCursorFromPoint::subtitle() const { return "TextFieldTTF with setCursorFromPoint test"; } void TextFieldTTSetCursorFromPoint::onClickTrackNode(bool bClicked, const Vec2& touchPos) { auto pTextField = (TextFieldTTF*)_trackNode; if (bClicked) { // TextFieldTTFTest be clicked AXLOGD("TextFieldTTSetCursorFromPoint:TextFieldTTF attachWithIME"); pTextField->attachWithIME(); // Set new position cursor pTextField->setCursorFromPoint(touchPos, Camera::getVisitingCamera()); } else { // TextFieldTTFTest not be clicked AXLOGD("TextFieldTTSetCursorFromPoint:TextFieldTTF detachWithIME"); pTextField->detachWithIME(); } } void TextFieldTTSetCursorFromPoint::onEnter() { KeyboardNotificationLayer::onEnter(); // add TextFieldTTF auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto pTextField = TextFieldTTF::textFieldWithPlaceHolder("", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE); addChild(pTextField); #if (AX_TARGET_PLATFORM == AX_PLATFORM_ANDROID) // on android, TextFieldTTF cannot auto adjust its position when soft-keyboard pop up // so we had to set a higher position to make it visible pTextField->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height / 2 + 50)); #else pTextField->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height / 2)); #endif _trackNode = pTextField; }