#version 310 es precision highp float; precision highp int; layout(location = COLOR0) in vec4 v_color; layout(location = TEXCOORD0) in vec2 v_texCoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D u_tex0; layout(std140) uniform fs_ub { vec4 u_effectColor; vec4 u_textColor; int u_effectType; }; layout(location = SV_Target0) out vec4 FragColor; void main() { vec4 texColor = texture(u_tex0, v_texCoord); // fontAlpha == 1 means the area of solid text (without edge) // fontAlpha == 0 means the area outside text, including outline area // fontAlpha == (0, 1) means the edge of text #ifndef GLES2 float fontAlpha = texColor.y; #else float fontAlpha = texColor.w; #endif // outlineAlpha == 1 means the area of 'solid text' and 'solid outline' // outlineAlpha == 0 means the transparent area outside text and outline // outlineAlpha == (0, 1) means the edge of outline float outlineAlpha = texColor.x; if (u_effectType == 0) // draw text { FragColor = v_color * vec4(u_textColor.rgb, u_textColor.a * fontAlpha); } else if (u_effectType == 1) // draw outline { // multipy (1.0 - fontAlpha) to make the inner edge of outline smoother and make the text itself transparent. FragColor = v_color * vec4(u_effectColor.rgb, u_effectColor.a * outlineAlpha * (1.0 - fontAlpha)); } else // draw shadow { FragColor = v_color * vec4(u_effectColor.rgb, u_effectColor.a * outlineAlpha); } }