#include "CCBValue.h" using namespace cocos2d; NS_CC_EXT_BEGIN // Implementation of ccColor3BWapper ccColor3BWapper* ccColor3BWapper::create(const ccColor3B& color) { ccColor3BWapper *ret = new ccColor3BWapper(); if (ret) { ret->color.r = color.r; ret->color.g = color.g; ret->color.b = color.b; ret->autorelease(); } return ret; } const ccColor3B& ccColor3BWapper::getColor() const { return color; } // Implementation of CCBValue CCBValue* CCBValue::create(int nValue) { CCBValue *ret = new CCBValue(); if (ret) { ret->mValue.nValue = nValue; ret->mType = kIntValue; ret->autorelease(); } return ret; } CCBValue* CCBValue::create(float fValue) { CCBValue *ret = new CCBValue(); if (ret) { ret->mValue.fValue = fValue; ret->mType = kFloatValue; ret->autorelease(); } return ret; } CCBValue* CCBValue::create(bool vValue) { CCBValue *ret = new CCBValue(); if (ret) { ret->mValue.nValue = vValue ? 1 : 0; ret->mType = kBoolValue; ret->autorelease(); } return ret; } CCBValue* CCBValue::create(unsigned char byte) { CCBValue *ret = new CCBValue(); if (ret) { ret->mValue.nValue = byte; ret->mType = kUnsignedCharValue; ret->autorelease(); } return ret; } CCBValue* CCBValue::create(const char *pStringValue) { CCBValue *ret = new CCBValue(); if (ret) { ret->m_strValue = pStringValue; ret->mType = kStringValue; ret->autorelease(); } return ret; } int CCBValue::getIntValue() { assert(mType == kIntValue); return mValue.nValue; } float CCBValue::getFloatValue() { assert(mType == kFloatValue); return mValue.fValue; } bool CCBValue::getBoolValue() { assert(mType == kBoolValue); return mValue.nValue == 1 ? true : false; } unsigned char CCBValue::getByteValue() { assert(mType = kUnsignedCharValue); return (unsigned char)(mValue.nValue); } const char* CCBValue::getStringValue() { assert(mType == kStringValue); return m_strValue.c_str(); } int CCBValue::getType() { return mType; } NS_CC_EXT_END