#ifndef __PLATFORM_AIRPLAY_CCFILE_UTILS_H__ #define __PLATFORM_AIRPLAY_CCFILE_UTILS_H__ #include "string.h" #include "CCMutableDictionary.h" #include "FileUtils.h" NS_CC_BEGIN; //! @brief Helper class to handle file operations class CC_DLL CCFileUtils : public FileUtils { public: /** @brief Generate the absolute path of the file. @param pszRelativePath The relative path of the file. @return The absolute path of the file. @warning We only add the ResourcePath before the relative path of the file. If you have not set the ResourcePath,the function add "/NEWPLUS/TDA_DATA/UserData/" as default. You can set ResourcePath by function void setResourcePath(const char *pszResourcePath); */ static const char* fullPathFromRelativePath(const char *pszRelativePath); /// @cond static const char* fullPathFromRelativeFile(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszRelativeFile); /// @endcond /** @brief Generate a NSDictionary pointer by file @param pFileName The file name of *.plist file @return The NSDictionary pointer generated from the file */ static CCDictionary *dictionaryWithContentsOfFile(const char *pFileName); /** @brief Get resource file data @param[in] pszFileName The resource file name which contain the path @param[in] pszMode The read mode of the file @param[out] pSize If get the file data succeed the it will be the data size,or it will be 0 @return if success,the pointer of data will be returned,or NULL is returned @warning If you get the file data succeed,you must delete it after used. */ static unsigned char* getFileData(const char* pszFileName, const char* pszMode, unsigned long * pSize); private: // static std::string m_sRelativePath; // static std::string m_sResourcePath; }; NS_CC_END; #endif // __PLATFORM_UPHONE_CCFILE_UTILS_H__