@echo off echo./* echo.* Check VC++ environment... echo.*/ echo. if defined VS90COMNTOOLS ( set VSVARS="%VS90COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat" set VC_VER=90 ) else if defined VS100COMNTOOLS ( set VSVARS="%VS100COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat" set VC_VER=100 ) if not defined VSVARS ( echo Can't find VC2008 or VC2010 installed! goto ERROR ) echo./* echo.* Building cocos2d-x library binary, please wait a while... echo.*/ echo. call %VSVARS% if %VC_VER%==90 ( vcbuild cocos2d-win32.vc2008.sln $ALL ) else if %VC_VER%==100 ( msbuild cocos2d-win32.vc2010.sln /p:Configuration="Debug" /p:Configuration="Release" ) else ( echo Script error. goto ERROR ) echo./* echo.* Check the cocos2d-win32 application "tests.exe" ... echo.*/ echo. set CC_TEST_PATH=".\Release.win32\tests.exe" if not exist %CC_TEST_PATH% ( echo Can't find the binary "tests.exe", is there build error? goto ERROR ) echo./* echo.* Install Cocos2d-win32 application wizard... echo.*/ echo. set SCRIPT_LOG=InstallWizardLog.txt set SCRIPT_DIR=.\template\CCApplicationWizard.vs\ if exist %SCRIPT_LOG% del /Q %SCRIPT_LOG% cscript "%SCRIPT_DIR%InstallWizardForVC2008Express.js" /quiet cscript "%SCRIPT_DIR%InstallWizardForVC2010Express.js" /quiet cscript "%SCRIPT_DIR%InstallWizardForVS2008.js" /quiet cscript "%SCRIPT_DIR%InstallWizardForVS2010.js" /quiet if exist %SCRIPT_LOG% more %SCRIPT_LOG% if exist %SCRIPT_LOG% del /Q %SCRIPT_LOG% echo./* echo.* Run cocos2d-win32 tests.exe and view Cocos2d-x Application Wizard for Visual Studio User Guide. echo.*/ echo. call %CC_TEST_PATH% start http://www.cocos2d-x.org/projects/cocos2d-x/wiki/Cocos2d-x_Application_Wizard_for_Visual_Studio_User_Guide goto EOF :ERROR pause :EOF