/* * cocos2d-x http://www.cocos2d-x.org * * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 - cocos2d-x community * * Portions Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. * All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "platform/CCPlatformConfig.h" #if CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT #include "AudioEngine-winrt.h" using namespace cocos2d; using namespace cocos2d::experimental; AudioEngineImpl::AudioEngineImpl() : _lazyInitLoop(true) , _currentAudioID(0) { } AudioEngineImpl::~AudioEngineImpl() { _audioCaches.clear(); } bool AudioEngineImpl::init() { bool ret = false; ret = true; return ret; } AudioCache* AudioEngineImpl::preload(const std::string& filePath, std::function callback) { AudioCache* audioCache = nullptr; do { auto it = _audioCaches.find(filePath); if (it == _audioCaches.end()) { FileFormat fileFormat = FileFormat::UNKNOWN; std::string fileExtension = FileUtils::getInstance()->getFileExtension(filePath); if (fileExtension == ".wav") { fileFormat = FileFormat::WAV; } else if (fileExtension == ".ogg") { fileFormat = FileFormat::OGG; } else if (fileExtension == ".mp3") { fileFormat = FileFormat::MP3; } else { log("Unsupported media type file: %s\n", filePath.c_str()); break; } audioCache = &_audioCaches[filePath]; audioCache->_fileFormat = fileFormat; std::string fullPath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(filePath); audioCache->_fileFullPath = fullPath; AudioEngine::addTask(std::bind(&AudioCache::readDataTask, audioCache)); } else { audioCache = &it->second; } } while (false); if (callback) { if (audioCache) { audioCache->addLoadCallback(callback); } else { callback(false); } } return audioCache; } int AudioEngineImpl::play2d(const std::string &filePath, bool loop, float volume) { auto audioCache = preload(filePath, nullptr); if (audioCache == nullptr) { return AudioEngine::INVALID_AUDIO_ID; } auto player = &_audioPlayers[_currentAudioID]; player->_loop = loop; player->_volume = volume; audioCache->addPlayCallback(std::bind(&AudioEngineImpl::_play2d, this, audioCache, _currentAudioID)); if (_lazyInitLoop) { _lazyInitLoop = false; auto scheduler = cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getScheduler(); scheduler->schedule(schedule_selector(AudioEngineImpl::update), this, 0.05f, false); } return _currentAudioID++; } void AudioEngineImpl::_play2d(AudioCache *cache, int audioID) { if (cache->_isReady){ auto playerIt = _audioPlayers.find(audioID); if (playerIt != _audioPlayers.end()) { if (playerIt->second.play2d(cache)) { AudioEngine::_audioIDInfoMap[audioID].state = AudioEngine::AudioState::PLAYING; } else{ _threadMutex.lock(); _toRemoveAudioIDs.push_back(audioID); _threadMutex.unlock(); } } } else { _threadMutex.lock(); _toRemoveCaches.push_back(cache); _toRemoveAudioIDs.push_back(audioID); _threadMutex.unlock(); } } void AudioEngineImpl::setVolume(int audioID, float volume) { auto& player = _audioPlayers[audioID]; if (player._ready){ player.setVolume(volume); } if (player.isInError()) { log("%s: audio id = %d, error.\n", __FUNCTION__, audioID); } } void AudioEngineImpl::setLoop(int audioID, bool loop) { auto& player = _audioPlayers[audioID]; if (player._ready) { player._loop = loop; } if (player.isInError()) { log("%s: audio id = %d, error.\n", __FUNCTION__, audioID); } } bool AudioEngineImpl::pause(int audioID) { bool ret = false; auto& player = _audioPlayers[audioID]; if (player._ready) { player.pause(); AudioEngine::_audioIDInfoMap[audioID].state = AudioEngine::AudioState::PAUSED; } ret = !player.isInError(); if (!ret) { log("%s: audio id = %d, error.\n", __FUNCTION__, audioID); } return ret; } bool AudioEngineImpl::resume(int audioID) { bool ret = false; auto& player = _audioPlayers[audioID]; if (player._ready) { player.resume(); AudioEngine::_audioIDInfoMap[audioID].state = AudioEngine::AudioState::PLAYING; } ret = !player.isInError(); if (!ret) { log("%s: audio id = %d, error.\n", __FUNCTION__, audioID); } return ret; } bool AudioEngineImpl::stop(int audioID) { bool ret = false; auto& player = _audioPlayers[audioID]; if (player._ready) { player.stop(); ret = !player.isInError(); } if (!ret) { log("%s: audio id = %d, error.\n", __FUNCTION__, audioID); } _audioPlayers.erase(audioID); return ret; } void AudioEngineImpl::stopAll() { for (auto &player : _audioPlayers) { player.second.stop(); } _audioPlayers.clear(); } float AudioEngineImpl::getDuration(int audioID) { auto& player = _audioPlayers[audioID]; if (player._ready) { return player.getDuration(); } else { return AudioEngine::TIME_UNKNOWN; } } float AudioEngineImpl::getCurrentTime(int audioID) { float ret = 0.0f; auto& player = _audioPlayers[audioID]; if (player._ready) { ret = player.getCurrentTime(); } return ret; } bool AudioEngineImpl::setCurrentTime(int audioID, float time) { bool ret = false; auto& player = _audioPlayers[audioID]; if (player._ready) { ret = player.setTime(time); } if (!ret) { log("%s: audio id = %d, error.\n", __FUNCTION__, audioID); } return ret; } void AudioEngineImpl::setFinishCallback(int audioID, const std::function &callback) { _audioPlayers[audioID]._finishCallback = callback; } void AudioEngineImpl::update(float dt) { int audioID; if (_threadMutex.try_lock()) { size_t removeAudioCount = _toRemoveAudioIDs.size(); for (size_t index = 0; index < removeAudioCount; ++index) { audioID = _toRemoveAudioIDs[index]; auto playerIt = _audioPlayers.find(audioID); if (playerIt != _audioPlayers.end()) { if (playerIt->second._finishCallback) { auto& audioInfo = AudioEngine::_audioIDInfoMap[audioID]; playerIt->second._finishCallback(audioID, *audioInfo.filePath); } _audioPlayers.erase(audioID); AudioEngine::remove(audioID); } } size_t removeCacheCount = _toRemoveCaches.size(); for (size_t index = 0; index < removeCacheCount; ++index) { auto itEnd = _audioCaches.end(); for (auto it = _audioCaches.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it) { if (&it->second == _toRemoveCaches[index]) { _audioCaches.erase(it); break; } } } _threadMutex.unlock(); } for (auto it = _audioPlayers.begin(); it != _audioPlayers.end();) { audioID = it->first; auto& player = it->second; if (player._ready && player._state == AudioPlayerState::STOPPED) { if (player._finishCallback) { auto& audioInfo = AudioEngine::_audioIDInfoMap[audioID]; player._finishCallback(audioID, *audioInfo.filePath); } AudioEngine::remove(audioID); it = _audioPlayers.erase(it); } else{ player.update(); ++it; } } if (_audioPlayers.empty()){ _lazyInitLoop = true; auto scheduler = cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getScheduler(); scheduler->unschedule(schedule_selector(AudioEngineImpl::update), this); } } void AudioEngineImpl::uncache(const std::string &filePath) { _audioCaches.erase(filePath); } void AudioEngineImpl::uncacheAll() { _audioCaches.clear(); } #endif