#!/usr/bin/python # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cocos-console: command line tool manager for cocos2d-x # # Author: Ricardo Quesada # Copyright 2013 (C) Zynga, Inc # # License: MIT # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' Command line tool manager for cocos ''' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' # python import sys import os import subprocess from contextlib import contextmanager import cocos_project import shutil import string import locale import gettext import json import utils import re # FIXME: MultiLanguage should be deprecated in favor of gettext from MultiLanguage import MultiLanguage COCOS2D_CONSOLE_VERSION = '2.3' def dict_contains(dict,key): if(sys.version_info.major >= 3): return (key in dict) else: return dict.has_key(key) def encode_with(text,encoding): if(sys.version_info.major >= 3): return text else: return unicode(text, encoding) def str_join(s, v): if(sys.version_info.major >= 3): return s.join(v) else: return string.join(v, s) def isunicode(text): if(sys.version_info.major >= 3): return isinstance(text, str) else: return isinstance(text, unicode) def transcode(text,encoding): if(sys.version_info.major >= 3 and encoding=="utf-8"): return text else: return text.encode(encoding) def get_input(prompt): if(sys.version_info.major >= 3): return input(prompt) else: return raw_input(prompt) class Cocos2dIniParser: def __init__(self): if(sys.version_info.major >= 3): import configparser # import ConfigParser self._cp = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) else: import ConfigParser self._cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) self._cp.optionxform = str # read global config file self.cocos2d_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) self._cp.read(os.path.join(self.cocos2d_path, "cocos2d.ini")) # XXX: override with local config ??? why ??? self._cp.read("~/.cocos2d-js/cocos2d.ini") def parse_plugins(self): classes = {} for s in self._cp.sections(): if s == 'plugins': for classname in self._cp.options(s): plugin_class = get_class(classname) category = plugin_class.plugin_category() name = plugin_class.plugin_name() if name is None: print(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_PARSE_PLUGIN_WARNING_FMT', classname)) if len(category) == 0: key = name else: # combine category & name as key # eg. 'project_new' key = category + '_' + name classes[key] = plugin_class _check_dependencies(classes) return classes def _sanitize_path(self, path): if len(path) == 0: return None path = os.path.expanduser(path) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.cocos2d_path, path)) if not os.path.isdir(path): Logging.warning(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_WARNING_INVALID_DIR_IN_INI_FMT', path)) return None return path def get_plugins_path(self): path = self._cp.get('paths', 'plugins') if not os.path.isabs(path): path = os.path.join(get_current_path(), path) path = self._sanitize_path(path) return path def get_cocos2dx_path(self): cocos2d_x = self._cp.get('paths', 'cocos2d_x') cocos2d_x = self._sanitize_path(cocos2d_x) return cocos2d_x def get_templates_path(self): templates = self._cp.get('paths', 'templates') templates = self._sanitize_path(templates) return templates def get_cocos2dx_mode(self): mode = self._cp.get('global', 'cocos2d_x_mode') if mode is None or len(mode) == 0: mode = 'source' if mode not in ('source', 'precompiled', 'distro'): Logging.warning(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_WARNING_INVALID_MODE_FMT', mode)) mode = 'source' return mode def is_statistic_enabled(self): try: ret = self._cp.getboolean('global', 'enable_stat') except: ret = True return ret class Logging: # TODO maybe the right way to do this is to use something like colorama? RED = '\033[31m' GREEN = '\033[32m' YELLOW = '\033[33m' MAGENTA = '\033[35m' RESET = '\033[0m' @staticmethod def _print(s, color=None): if color and sys.stdout.isatty() and sys.platform != 'win32': print(color + s + Logging.RESET) else: print(s) @staticmethod def debug(s): Logging._print(s, Logging.MAGENTA) @staticmethod def info(s): Logging._print(s, Logging.GREEN) @staticmethod def warning(s): Logging._print(s, Logging.YELLOW) @staticmethod def error(s): Logging._print(s, Logging.RED) class CCPluginError(Exception): ERROR_WRONG_ARGS = 11 # wrong arguments ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND = 12 # path not found ERROR_BUILD_FAILED = 13 # build failed ERROR_RUNNING_CMD = 14 # error when running command ERROR_CMD_NOT_FOUND = 15 # command not found ERROR_ENV_VAR_NOT_FOUND = 16 # environment variable not found ERROR_TOOLS_NOT_FOUND = 17 # depend on tools not found ERROR_PARSE_FILE = 18 # error when parse files ERROR_WRONG_CONFIG = 19 # configuration is wrong ERROR_OTHERS = 101 # other errors def __init__(self, err_args, err_no=1): super(CCPluginError, self).__init__(err_args) self.error_no = err_no def get_error_no(self): return self.error_no class CMDRunner(object): @staticmethod def run_cmd(command, verbose, cwd=None): if verbose: Logging.debug(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_DEBUG_RUNNING_CMD_FMT', ''.join(command))) else: log_path = CCPlugin._log_path() command += ' >"%s" 2>&1' % log_path sys.stdout.flush() ret = subprocess.call(command, shell=True, cwd=cwd) if ret != 0: message = MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_ERROR_RUNNING_CMD_RET_FMT', str(ret)) if not verbose: message += (MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_ERROR_CHECK_LOG_FMT', log_path)) raise CCPluginError(message, CCPluginError.ERROR_RUNNING_CMD) @staticmethod def output_for(command, verbose): if verbose: Logging.debug(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_DEBUG_RUNNING_CMD_FMT', command)) else: log_path = CCPlugin._log_path() try: return subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: output = e.output message = MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_ERROR_RUNNING_CMD') if not verbose: with open(log_path, 'w') as f: f.write(output) message += MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_ERROR_CHECK_LOG_FMT', log_path) else: Logging.error(output) raise CCPluginError(message, CCPluginError.ERROR_RUNNING_CMD) @staticmethod def convert_path_to_cmd(path): """ Escape paths which include spaces to correct style which bash(mac) and cmd(windows) can treat correctly. eg: on mac: convert '/usr/xxx/apache-ant 1.9.3' to '/usr/xxx/apache-ant\ 1.9.3' eg: on windows: convert '"c:\apache-ant 1.9.3"\bin' to '"c:\apache-ant 1.9.3\bin"' """ ret = path if os_is_mac(): ret = path.replace("\ ", " ").replace(" ", "\ ") if os_is_win32(): ret = "\"%s\"" % (path.replace("\"", "")) # print("!!!!! Convert %s to %s\n" % (path, ret)) return ret @staticmethod def convert_path_to_python(path): """ Escape paths which include spaces to correct style which python can treat correctly. eg: on mac: convert '/usr/xxx/apache-ant\ 1.9.3' to '/usr/xxx/apache-ant 1.9.3' eg: on windows: convert '"c:\apache-ant 1.9.3"\bin' to 'c:\apache-ant 1.9.3\bin' """ ret = path if os_is_mac(): ret = path.replace("\ ", " ") if os_is_win32(): ret = ret.replace("\"", "") # print("!!!!! Convert %s to %s\n" % (path, ret)) return ret class DataStatistic(object): ''' In order to improve cocos, we periodically send anonymous data about how you use cocos. You can turn off this function by change the value of "enable_stat" in cocos2d.ini. Information collected will be used to develop new features and improve cocos. Since no personally identifiable information is collected, the anonymous data will not be meaningful to anyone outside of Chukong Inc. ''' inited = False stat_obj = None key_last_state = 'last_stat_enabled' key_agreement_shown = 'agreement_shown' @classmethod def get_cfg_file_path(cls): return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/.cocos'), 'local_cfg.json') @classmethod def get_cfg_value(cls, key, default_value): local_cfg_file = cls.get_cfg_file_path() if not os.path.isfile(local_cfg_file): cur_info = None else: try: f = open(local_cfg_file) cur_info = json.load(f) f.close() except: cur_info = None ret = default_value if cur_info is not None: if key in cur_info: ret = cur_info[key] return ret @classmethod def set_cfg_value(cls, key, value): # get current local config info cfg_file = cls.get_cfg_file_path() if not os.path.isfile(cfg_file): cur_info = {} else: try: f = open(cfg_file) cur_info = json.load(f) f.close() except: cur_info = {} # set the value in config cur_info[key] = value # make config directory if it's not already there cfg_dir = os.path.dirname(cfg_file) if not os.path.exists(cfg_dir): os.makedirs(cfg_dir) # write the config f = open(cfg_file, 'w') json.dump(cur_info, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4) f.close() # get the stat agreed or not @classmethod def is_agreement_shown(cls): return cls.get_cfg_value(cls.key_agreement_shown, False) @classmethod def change_agree_stat(cls, agreed): cls.set_cfg_value(cls.key_agreement_shown, True) # write the config to ini ini_file = os.path.join(get_current_path(), "cocos2d.ini") f = open(ini_file) old_lines = f.readlines() f.close() new_str = 'enable_stat=%s' % ('true' if agreed else 'false') new_lines = [] for line in old_lines: new_line = re.sub('enable_stat[ \t]*=(.*)$', new_str, line) new_lines.append(new_line) f = open(ini_file, 'w') f.writelines(new_lines) f.close() @classmethod def show_stat_agreement(cls, skip_agree_value=None): if cls.is_agreement_shown(): return if skip_agree_value is None: # show the agreement input_value = get_input(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_AGREEMENT')) agreed = (input_value.lower() != 'n' and input_value.lower() != 'no') else: # --agreement is used to skip the input agreed = skip_agree_value cls.change_agree_stat(agreed) # change the last time statistics status in local config file. @classmethod def change_last_state(cls, enabled): cls.set_cfg_value(cls.key_last_state, enabled) # get the last time statistics status in local config file. @classmethod def get_last_state(cls): return cls.get_cfg_value(cls.key_last_state, True) @classmethod def init_stat_obj(cls): if cls.inited == False: # get the cocos_stat module m = None try: m = __import__("cocos_stat") except: pass if m is not None: stat_cls = getattr(m, "Statistic") cls.stat_obj = stat_cls(STAT_VERSION) # cocos_stat is found if cls.stat_obj is not None: # check config in cocos2d.ini parser = Cocos2dIniParser() cur_enabled = parser.is_statistic_enabled() # get last time is enabled or not last_enabled = cls.get_last_state() if not cur_enabled: # statistics is disabled if last_enabled: cls.stat_obj.send_event('switch', 'off', 'stat_closed') cls.stat_obj = None # update last time status if cur_enabled != last_enabled: cls.change_last_state(cur_enabled) # try to send the cached events if cls.stat_obj is not None: cls.stat_obj.send_cached_events() cls.inited = True return cls.stat_obj @classmethod def stat_event(cls, category, action, label): try: cls.init_stat_obj() if cls.stat_obj is None: return cls.stat_obj.send_event(category, action, label) except: pass @classmethod def terminate_stat(cls): try: if cls.stat_obj is None: return cls.stat_obj.terminate_stat() except: pass # # Plugins should be a sublass of CCPlugin # class CCPlugin(object): def _run_cmd(self, command, cwd=None): CMDRunner.run_cmd(command, self._verbose, cwd) def _output_for(self, command): return CMDRunner.output_for(command, self._verbose) @classmethod def get_cocos2d_path(cls): """returns the path where Cocos2d-x is installed""" # # 1: Check for config.ini # parser = Cocos2dIniParser() cocos2dx_path = parser.get_cocos2dx_path() if cocos2dx_path is not None: return cocos2dx_path # # 2: default engine path # # possible path of console # /Users/myself/cocos2d-x/tools/cocos2d-console/bin # if so, we have to remove the last 3 segments path = cls.get_console_path() path = os.path.abspath(path) cocos2dx_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( path, os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir)) if os.path.isdir(cocos2dx_path): return cocos2dx_path if cls.get_cocos2d_mode() != "distro": # if cls.get_cocos2d_mode() is not "distro": # In 'distro' mode this is not a warning since # the source code is not expected to be installed Logging.warning(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_WARNING_ENGINE_NOT_FOUND')) return None @classmethod def get_console_path(cls): """returns the path where cocos console is installed""" run_path = encode_with(get_current_path(), "utf-8") return run_path @classmethod def get_templates_paths(cls): """returns a set of paths where templates are installed""" parser = Cocos2dIniParser() templates_path = parser.get_templates_path() paths = [] # # 1: Check for config.ini # if templates_path is not None: paths.append(templates_path) # # 2: Path defined by walking the cocos2d path # path = cls.get_cocos2d_path() if path is not None: # Try one: cocos2d-x/templates (assuming it is using cocos2d-x's setup.py) # Try two: cocos2d-x/../../templates possible_paths = [['templates'], ['..', '..', 'templates']] for p in possible_paths: p = str_join(os.sep, p) template_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, p)) try: if os.path.isdir(template_path): paths.append(template_path) except Exception as e: Logging.info(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_INFO_CHECK_TEMPLATE_PATH_FAILED_FMT', template_path)) Logging.info("%s" % e) pass # # 3: Templates can be in ~/.cocos2d/templates as well # user_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.cocos/templates") if os.path.isdir(user_path): paths.append(user_path) if len(paths) == 0: raise CCPluginError(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_ERROR_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND'), CCPluginError.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) # remove duplicates from collections import OrderedDict ordered = OrderedDict.fromkeys(paths) paths = ordered.keys() return paths @classmethod def get_cocos2d_mode(cls): parser = Cocos2dIniParser() return parser.get_cocos2dx_mode() @staticmethod def _log_path(): log_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.cocos") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.mkdir(log_dir) return os.path.join(log_dir, "cocos.log") # the list of plugins this plugin needs to run before itself. # ie: if it returns ('a', 'b'), the plugin 'a' will run first, then 'b' # and after that, the plugin itself. # they all share the same command line arguments @staticmethod def depends_on(): return None # returns the plugin category, # default is empty string. @staticmethod def plugin_category(): return "" # returns the plugin name @staticmethod def plugin_name(): pass # returns help @staticmethod def brief_description(): pass # Constructor def __init__(self): pass # Setup common options. If a subclass needs custom options, # override this method and call super. def init(self, args): self._verbose = (not args.quiet) self._platforms = cocos_project.Platforms(self._project, args.platform, args.proj_dir) if self._platforms.none_active(): self._platforms.select_one() # Run it def run(self, argv, dependencies): pass # If a plugin needs to add custom parameters, override this method. # There's no need to call super def _add_custom_options(self, parser): pass # If a plugin needs to check custom parameters values after parsing them, # override this method. # There's no need to call super def _check_custom_options(self, args): pass def parse_args(self, argv): from argparse import ArgumentParser # FIXME: # CCPlugin should not parse any argument. Plugins are responsoble for doing it parser = ArgumentParser(prog="cocos %s" % self.__class__.plugin_name(), description=self.__class__.brief_description()) parser.add_argument("-s", "--src", dest="src_dir", help=MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_HELP_ARG_SRC')) parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", help=MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_HELP_ARG_QUIET')) platform_list = cocos_project.Platforms.list_for_display() parser.add_argument("-p", "--platform", dest="platform", help=MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_HELP_ARG_PLATFORM')) parser.add_argument("--list-platforms", action="store_true", dest="listplatforms", help=_("List available platforms")) parser.add_argument("--proj-dir", dest="proj_dir", help=MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_HELP_ARG_PROJ_DIR')) self._add_custom_options(parser) (args, unkonw) = parser.parse_known_args(argv) if args.src_dir is None: self._project = cocos_project.Project(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())) else: self._project = cocos_project.Project( os.path.abspath(args.src_dir)) args.src_dir = self._project.get_project_dir() if args.src_dir is None: raise CCPluginError(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_ERROR_PROJECT_NOT_FOUND'), CCPluginError.ERROR_WRONG_ARGS) if args.platform: args.platform = args.platform.lower() if args.platform not in platform_list: raise CCPluginError(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PLATFORM_FMT', args.platform), CCPluginError.ERROR_WRONG_ARGS) if args.listplatforms and self._project is not None: platforms = cocos_project.Platforms(self._project, args.platform, args.proj_dir) p = platforms.get_available_platforms().keys() print('{"platforms":' + json.dumps(p) + '}') sys.exit(0) self.init(args) self._check_custom_options(args) def get_current_path(): if getattr(sys, 'frozen', None): ret = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)) else: ret = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) return ret # get_class from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/452981 def get_class(kls): parts = kls.split('.') module = ".".join(parts[:-1]) if len(parts) == 1: m = sys.modules[__name__] m = getattr(m, parts[0]) else: m = __import__(module) for comp in parts[1:]: m = getattr(m, comp) return m def _check_dependencies_exist(dependencies, classes, plugin_name): for dep in dependencies: if dep not in classes: raise CCPluginError(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_ERROR_INVALID_DEPENDENCY_FMT', (plugin_name, dep)), CCPluginError.ERROR_CMD_NOT_FOUND) def _check_dependencies(classes): for k in classes: plugin = classes[k] dependencies = plugin.depends_on() if dependencies is not None: _check_dependencies_exist(dependencies, classes, k) # common functions def check_environment_variable(var): ''' Checking the environment variable, if found then return it's value, else raise error ''' try: value = os.environ[var] except Exception: raise CCPluginError(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_ERROR_ENV_NOT_DEFINED_FMT', var), CCPluginError.ERROR_ENV_VAR_NOT_FOUND) return value def get_xcode_version(): commands = [ "xcodebuild", "-version" ] child = subprocess.Popen(commands, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) xcode = None version = None for line in child.stdout: if 'Xcode' in line: xcode, version = str.split(line, ' ') child.wait() if xcode is None: raise CCPluginError(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_ERROR_XCODE_NOT_INSTALLED'), CCPluginError.ERROR_TOOLS_NOT_FOUND) return version def app_is_installed(adb_cmd, pack_name): list_pack_cmd = "%s shell 'pm list packages'" % (adb_cmd) desired_name = "package:%s" % (pack_name) child = subprocess.Popen(list_pack_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) for line in child.stdout: if desired_name == line.strip(): return True return False def version_compare(a, op, b): '''Compares two version numbers to see if a op b is true op is operator op can be ">", "<", "==", "!=", ">=", "<=" a and b are version numbers (dot separated) a and b can be string, float or int Please note that: 3 == 3.0 == 3.0.0 ... ("==" is not a simple string cmp) ''' allowed = [">", "<", "==", "!=", ">=", "<="] if op not in allowed: raise ValueError("op must be one of {}".format(allowed)) # Use recursion to simplify operators: if op[0] == "<": # Reverse args and inequality sign: return version_compare(b, op.replace("<",">"), a) if op == ">=": return version_compare(a,"==",b) or version_compare(a,">",b) if op == "!=": return not version_compare(a,"==",b) # We now have 1 of 2 base cases, "==" or ">": assert op in ["==", ">"] a = [int(x) for x in str(a).split(".")] b = [int(x) for x in str(b).split(".")] for i in range(max(len(a), len(b))): ai, bi = 0, 0 # digits if len(a) > i: ai = a[i] if len(b) > i: bi = b[i] if ai > bi: if op == ">": return True else: # op "==" return False if ai < bi: # Both "==" and ">" are False: return False if op == ">": return False # op ">" and all digits were equal return True # op "==" and all digits were equal def copy_files_in_dir(src, dst): for item in os.listdir(src): path = os.path.join(src, item) if os.path.isfile(path): path = add_path_prefix(path) copy_dst = add_path_prefix(dst) shutil.copy(path, copy_dst) if os.path.isdir(path): new_dst = os.path.join(dst, item) if not os.path.isdir(new_dst): os.makedirs(add_path_prefix(new_dst)) copy_files_in_dir(path, new_dst) def copy_files_with_config(config, src_root, dst_root): src_dir = config["from"] dst_dir = config["to"] src_dir = os.path.join(src_root, src_dir) dst_dir = os.path.join(dst_root, dst_dir) include_rules = None if "include" in config: include_rules = config["include"] include_rules = convert_rules(include_rules) exclude_rules = None if "exclude" in config: exclude_rules = config["exclude"] exclude_rules = convert_rules(exclude_rules) copy_files_with_rules( src_dir, src_dir, dst_dir, include_rules, exclude_rules) def copy_files_with_rules(src_rootDir, src, dst, include=None, exclude=None): if os.path.isfile(src): if not os.path.exists(dst): os.makedirs(add_path_prefix(dst)) copy_src = add_path_prefix(src) copy_dst = add_path_prefix(dst) shutil.copy(copy_src, copy_dst) return if (include is None) and (exclude is None): if not os.path.exists(dst): os.makedirs(add_path_prefix(dst)) copy_files_in_dir(src, dst) elif (include is not None): # have include for name in os.listdir(src): abs_path = os.path.join(src, name) rel_path = os.path.relpath(abs_path, src_rootDir) if os.path.isdir(abs_path): sub_dst = os.path.join(dst, name) copy_files_with_rules( src_rootDir, abs_path, sub_dst, include=include) elif os.path.isfile(abs_path): if _in_rules(rel_path, include): if not os.path.exists(dst): os.makedirs(add_path_prefix(dst)) abs_path = add_path_prefix(abs_path) copy_dst = add_path_prefix(dst) shutil.copy(abs_path, copy_dst) elif (exclude is not None): # have exclude for name in os.listdir(src): abs_path = os.path.join(src, name) rel_path = os.path.relpath(abs_path, src_rootDir) if os.path.isdir(abs_path): sub_dst = os.path.join(dst, name) copy_files_with_rules( src_rootDir, abs_path, sub_dst, exclude=exclude) elif os.path.isfile(abs_path): if not _in_rules(rel_path, exclude): if not os.path.exists(dst): os.makedirs(add_path_prefix(dst)) abs_path = add_path_prefix(abs_path) copy_dst = add_path_prefix(dst) shutil.copy(abs_path, copy_dst) def _in_rules(rel_path, rules): ret = False path_str = rel_path.replace("\\", "/") for rule in rules: if re.match(rule, path_str): ret = True return ret def convert_rules(rules): ret_rules = [] for rule in rules: ret = rule.replace('.', '\\.') ret = ret.replace('*', '.*') ret = "%s" % ret ret_rules.append(ret) return ret_rules def os_is_win32(): return sys.platform == 'win32' def os_is_32bit_windows(): if not os_is_win32(): return False arch = os.environ['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'].lower() archw = "PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432" in os.environ return (arch == "x86" and not archw) def os_is_mac(): return sys.platform == 'darwin' def os_is_linux(): return 'linux' in sys.platform def add_path_prefix(path_str): if not os_is_win32(): return path_str if path_str.startswith("\\\\?\\"): return path_str ret = "\\\\?\\" + os.path.abspath(path_str) ret = ret.replace("/", "\\") return ret # get from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6194499/python-os-system-pushd @contextmanager def pushd(newDir): previousDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(newDir) yield os.chdir(previousDir) def help(): print(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_HELP_BRIEF_FMT', (sys.argv[0], COCOS2D_CONSOLE_VERSION))) print(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_HELP_AVAILABLE_CMD')) parse = Cocos2dIniParser() classes = parse.parse_plugins() max_name = max(len(classes[key].plugin_name( ) + classes[key].plugin_category()) for key in classes.keys()) max_name += 4 for key in classes.keys(): plugin_class = classes[key] category = plugin_class.plugin_category() category = (category + ' ') if len(category) > 0 else '' name = plugin_class.plugin_name() print("\t%s%s%s%s" % (category, name, ' ' * (max_name - len(name + category)), plugin_class.brief_description())) print(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_HELP_AVAILABLE_ARGS_FMT', MultiLanguage.get_available_langs())) print(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_HELP_EXAMPLE')) def show_version(): print(COCOS_ENGINE_VERSION) print("Cocos Console %s" % COCOS2D_CONSOLE_VERSION) def run_plugin(command, argv, plugins): run_directly = False if len(argv) > 0: if argv[0] in ['--help', '-h']: run_directly = True plugin = plugins[command]() if run_directly: plugin.run(argv, None) else: dependencies = plugin.depends_on() dependencies_objects = {} if dependencies is not None: for dep_name in dependencies: # FIXME check there's not circular dependencies dependencies_objects[dep_name] = run_plugin( dep_name, argv, plugins) # don't print this info. Not useful to users, and generates noise when parsing output # Logging.info(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_INFO_RUNNING_PLUGIN_FMT', plugin.__class__.plugin_name())) plugin.run(argv, dependencies_objects) return plugin def _check_python_version(): major_ver = sys.version_info[0] minor_ver = sys.version_info[1] ret = True if major_ver < 2: ret = False elif minor_ver < 7: ret = False if not ret: print(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_PYTHON_VERSION_TIP_FMT') % (major_ver, minor_ver)) return ret # gettext language = None encoding = None try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') # use user's preferred locale language, encoding = locale.getlocale() except: pass if language is not None: filename = "language_%s.mo" % language[0:2] try: trans = gettext.GNUTranslations(open(filename, "rb")) except IOError: trans = gettext.NullTranslations() trans.install() _ = trans.gettext else: _ = MultiLanguage.get_string if __name__ == "__main__": # Parse the arguments, specify the language language_arg = '--ol' if language_arg in sys.argv: idx = sys.argv.index(language_arg) if idx == (len(sys.argv) - 1): Logging.error(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_ERROR_OL_NO_VALUE')) sys.exit(CCPluginError.ERROR_WRONG_ARGS) # set specified language MultiLanguage.set_language(sys.argv[idx+1]) # remove the argument '--ol' & the value sys.argv.pop(idx) sys.argv.pop(idx) agreement_arg = '--agreement' skip_agree_value = None if agreement_arg in sys.argv: idx = sys.argv.index(agreement_arg) if idx == (len(sys.argv) - 1): Logging.error(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_ERROR_AGREEMENT_NO_VALUE')) sys.exit(CCPluginError.ERROR_WRONG_ARGS) # get the argument value agree_value = sys.argv[idx+1] if agree_value.lower() == 'n': skip_agree_value = False else: skip_agree_value = True # remove the argument '--agreement' & the value sys.argv.pop(idx) sys.argv.pop(idx) # Get the engine version for the DataStat cur_path = get_current_path() engine_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cur_path, '../../../')) COCOS_ENGINE_VERSION = utils.get_engine_version(engine_path) STAT_VERSION = COCOS_ENGINE_VERSION ver_pattern = r"cocos2d-x-(.*)" match = re.match(ver_pattern, COCOS_ENGINE_VERSION) if match: STAT_VERSION = match.group(1) DataStatistic.show_stat_agreement(skip_agree_value) DataStatistic.stat_event('cocos', 'start', 'invoked') if not _check_python_version(): DataStatistic.terminate_stat() sys.exit(CCPluginError.ERROR_TOOLS_NOT_FOUND) parser = Cocos2dIniParser() plugins_path = parser.get_plugins_path() sys.path.append(plugins_path) if len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1] in ('-h', '--help'): help() DataStatistic.terminate_stat() sys.exit(0) if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] in ('-v', '--version'): show_version() DataStatistic.terminate_stat() sys.exit(0) try: plugins = parser.parse_plugins() command = sys.argv[1] argv = sys.argv[2:] # try to find plugin by name if command in plugins: DataStatistic.stat_event('cocos', 'running_command', command) run_plugin(command, argv, plugins) else: # try to find plugin by category_name, so the len(sys.argv) at # least 3. if len(sys.argv) > 2: # combine category & name as key # eg. 'project_new' command = sys.argv[1] + '_' + sys.argv[2] argv = sys.argv[3:] if command in plugins: DataStatistic.stat_event('cocos', 'running_command', command) run_plugin(command, argv, plugins) else: raise CCPluginError(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_ERROR_CMD_NOT_FOUND_FMT', ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])), CCPluginError.ERROR_CMD_NOT_FOUND) else: raise CCPluginError(MultiLanguage.get_string('COCOS_ERROR_CMD_NOT_FOUND_FMT', command), CCPluginError.ERROR_CMD_NOT_FOUND) except Exception as e: # FIXME don't know how to handle this. Can't catch cocos2d.CCPluginError # as it's not defined that way in this file, but the plugins raise it # with that name. if e.__class__.__name__ == 'CCPluginError': Logging.error(' '.join(e.args)) # import traceback # print '-' * 60 # traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) # print '-' * 60 err_no = e.get_error_no() sys.exit(err_no) else: raise finally: DataStatistic.terminate_stat()