#include "Application.h" #include "ssBackLightControl.h" #include "ssKeyLockControl.h" using namespace cocos2d; bool Application::initInstance() { CCXEGLView* pMainWnd = new CCXEGLView(this); bool bRet = false; do { CCX_BREAK_IF(! pMainWnd || ! pMainWnd->Create(320,480)); #ifndef _TRANZDA_VM_ // on uphone emulator, we copy resources files to Work7/TG3/APP/ folder instead of zip file cocos2d::CCFileUtils::setResource("HelloWorld.zip"); #endif bRet = true; } while (0); return bRet; } static const Int32 CCX_ON_APPLICATION_IDLE = (EVENT_FirstUser + EVENT_LastUser) / 2; #ifdef _TRANZDA_VM_ static LARGE_INTEGER s_nAnimationInterval; static LARGE_INTEGER s_nFreq; static LARGE_INTEGER s_nLast; #else #include static long long s_nAnimationInterval; static long long s_nLast; static long long getTimeOfDayMicroSecond() { timeval val; gettimeofday(&val, NULL); return (long long)val.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 + val.tv_usec; } #endif Application::Application() : m_bRunning(FALSE) , m_bNeedStop(FALSE) , m_bInBackground(FALSE) { memset(&m_tMsg, 0, sizeof(m_tMsg)); SS_GetCurrentGTID(&m_tMsg.gtid); m_tMsg.type = CCX_ON_APPLICATION_IDLE; Sys_RegisterMessageCallBack(CCX_ON_APPLICATION_IDLE, Application::_OnAppIdle, (UInt32)this); memset(m_AppDataPath, 0, sizeof(char) * EOS_FILE_MAX_PATH); do { TUChar AppID[EOS_FILE_MAX_PATH] = {0}; UInt32 nCmdType = 0; Int32 nRet = SS_AppRequest_GetAppName(AppID, &nCmdType); CCX_BREAK_IF(nRet < 0); TUChar AppPath[EOS_FILE_MAX_PATH] = {0}; SS_GetApplicationPath(AppID, SS_APP_PATH_TYPE_EXECUTABLE, AppPath); TUString::StrUnicodeToStrUtf8((Char*) m_AppDataPath, AppPath); } while (0); } Application::~Application() { Sys_RegisterMessageCallBack(CCX_ON_APPLICATION_IDLE, NULL, NULL); } Boolean Application::EventHandler(EventType* pEvent) { Boolean bHandled = FALSE; switch(pEvent->eType) { case EVENT_AppLoad: setSharedApplication(*this); if (! m_Delegate.applicationDidFinishLaunching()) { CCScheduler::purgeSharedScheduler(); SendStopEvent(); } #ifdef _TRANZDA_VM_ QueryPerformanceFrequency(&s_nFreq); QueryPerformanceCounter(&s_nLast); #else s_nLast = getTimeOfDayMicroSecond(); #endif bHandled = TRUE; break; case EVENT_AppStopNotify: break; case EVENT_AppActiveNotify: if (pEvent->sParam1 == 0) { if (!m_bInBackground) { m_Delegate.applicationDidEnterBackground(); m_bInBackground = true; } if (CCDirector::sharedDirector()->isPaused()) { StopMainLoop(); } CfgTurnOnBackLight(); EnableKeyLock(); } else if (pEvent->sParam1 > 0) { if (m_bInBackground) { m_Delegate.applicationWillEnterForeground(); m_bInBackground = false; } StartMainLoop(); CfgTurnOnBackLightDelay(0x7fffffff); // if KeyLock disactived, disable it. if (! CfgKeyLock_GetActive()) { DisableKeyLock(); } } break; } if (FALSE == bHandled) { return TApplication::EventHandler(pEvent); } return bHandled; } void Application::setAnimationInterval(double interval) { #ifdef _TRANZDA_VM_ LARGE_INTEGER nFreq; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&nFreq); s_nAnimationInterval.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)(interval * nFreq.QuadPart); #else s_nAnimationInterval = (long long)(interval * 1000 * 1000); #endif } Application::Orientation Application::setOrientation(Application::Orientation orientation) { return orientation; } void Application::statusBarFrame(CGRect * rect) { } const char* Application::getAppDataPath() { return m_AppDataPath; } void Application::switchNotify(int nTurnOn) { bool bInBack = isInBackground(); do { // if the app have be in background,don't handle this message CCX_BREAK_IF(bInBack); if (! nTurnOn) // turn off screen { // CCDirector::sharedDirector()->pause(); m_Delegate.applicationDidEnterBackground(); StopMainLoop(); } else { // CCDirector::sharedDirector()->resume(); m_Delegate.applicationWillEnterForeground(); StartMainLoop(); } } while (0); } bool Application::isInBackground() { return m_bInBackground; } void Application::StartMainLoop() { if (m_bRunning) { m_bNeedStop = FALSE; return; } Sys_PostMessage2(MESSAGE_PRIOR_LOWEST, &m_tMsg); m_bRunning = TRUE; } void Application::StopMainLoop() { m_bNeedStop = TRUE; } Int32 Application::_OnAppIdle(MESSAGE_t * pMsg, UInt32 uData) { Application& rThis = (Application&) Application::sharedApplication(); CCXEGLView * pView = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getOpenGLView(); if (pView && rThis.m_bRunning) { if (rThis.m_bNeedStop) { rThis.m_bNeedStop = FALSE; rThis.m_bRunning = FALSE; } else { #ifdef _TRANZDA_VM_ LARGE_INTEGER nNow; QueryPerformanceCounter(&nNow); if (nNow.QuadPart - s_nLast.QuadPart >= s_nAnimationInterval.QuadPart) { pView->UpdateWindow(0); s_nLast.QuadPart = nNow.QuadPart; } #else long long nNow = getTimeOfDayMicroSecond(); if (nNow - s_nLast >= s_nAnimationInterval) { pView->UpdateWindow(0); s_nLast = nNow; } #endif else { Sys_Sleep(0); } Sys_PostMessage2(MESSAGE_PRIOR_LOWEST, &rThis.m_tMsg); } } return 1; }