/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ // const { ActorPool, appendExtraActors, createExtraActors } = require("devtools/server/actors/common"); // const { RootActor } = require("devtools/server/actors/root"); // const { ThreadActor } = require("devtools/server/actors/script"); // const { DebuggerServer } = require("devtools/server/main"); // const { TabSources } = require("devtools/server/actors/utils/TabSources"); // const promise = require("promise"); // const makeDebugger = require("devtools/server/actors/utils/make-debugger"); let gTestGlobals = []; let needToSendNavigation = false; let testTab = null; // A mock tab list, for use by tests. This simply presents each global in // gTestGlobals as a tab, and the list is fixed: it never calls its // onListChanged handler. // // As implemented now, we consult gTestGlobals when we're constructed, not // when we're iterated over, so tests have to add their globals before the // root actor is created. function TestTabList(aConnection) { this.conn = aConnection; // An array of actors for each global added with // DebuggerServer.addTestGlobal. this._tabActors = []; // A pool mapping those actors' names to the actors. this._tabActorPool = new ActorPool(aConnection); for (let global of gTestGlobals) { let actor = new TestTabActor(aConnection, global); testTab = actor; actor.selected = false; this._tabActors.push(actor); this._tabActorPool.addActor(actor); } if (this._tabActors.length > 0) { this._tabActors[0].selected = true; } aConnection.addActorPool(this._tabActorPool); } TestTabList.prototype = { constructor: TestTabList, getList: function () { return resolve([...this._tabActors]); } }; function createRootActor(aConnection) { let root = new RootActor(aConnection, { tabList: new TestTabList(aConnection), globalActorFactories: DebuggerServer.globalActorFactories, }); // root.applicationType = "xpcshell-tests"; return root; } function TestTabActor(aConnection, aGlobal) { this.makeDebugger = function() { let dbg = new Debugger(); dbg.addDebuggee(this._global); return dbg; }; this.conn = aConnection; this._global = aGlobal; this._global.wrappedJSObject = aGlobal; this.threadActor = new ThreadActor(this, this._global); this.conn.addActor(this.threadActor); this.consoleActor = new WebConsoleActor(this.conn, this); this.conn.addActor(this.consoleActor); this._attached = false; this._extraActors = {}; // this.makeDebugger = makeDebugger.bind(null, { // findDebuggees: () => [this._global], // shouldAddNewGlobalAsDebuggee: g => g.hostAnnotations && // g.hostAnnotations.type == "document" && // g.hostAnnotations.element === this._global // }); } TestTabActor.prototype = { constructor: TestTabActor, actorPrefix: "TestTabActor", get window() { return this._global; }, get url() { // return "http://cocos2d-x.org"; return "about:cehome"; }, get sources() { if (!this._sources) { this._sources = new TabSources(this.threadActor); } return this._sources; }, form: function() { let response = { actor: this.actorID, title: "cocos project", 'consoleActor': this.consoleActor.actorID }; // Walk over tab actors added by extensions and add them to a new ActorPool. let actorPool = new ActorPool(this.conn); // this._createExtraActors(DebuggerServer.tabActorFactories, actorPool); if (!actorPool.isEmpty()) { this._tabActorPool = actorPool; this.conn.addActorPool(this._tabActorPool); } // this._appendExtraActors(response); return response; }, onAttach: function(aRequest) { this._attached = true; let response = { type: "tabAttached", threadActor: this.threadActor.actorID}; // this._appendExtraActors(response); needToSendNavigation = true; return response; }, onDetach: function(aRequest) { if (!this._attached) { return { "error":"wrongState" }; } return { type: "detached" }; }, onReload: function(aRequest) { this.sources.reset({ sourceMaps: true }); this.threadActor.clearDebuggees(); this.threadActor.dbg.addDebuggees(); return {}; }, removeActorByName: function(aName) { const actor = this._extraActors[aName]; if (this._tabActorPool) { this._tabActorPool.removeActor(actor); } delete this._extraActors[aName]; }, /* Support for DebuggerServer.addTabActor. */ // _createExtraActors: createExtraActors, // _appendExtraActors: appendExtraActors }; TestTabActor.prototype.requestTypes = { "attach": TestTabActor.prototype.onAttach, "detach": TestTabActor.prototype.onDetach, "reload": TestTabActor.prototype.onReload }; let conn = null; let transport = null; this.processInput = function (inputstr) { if (!inputstr) { if (needToSendNavigation) { transport.send({ from: testTab.actorID, type: 'frameUpdate', frames: [{ url: 'about:cehome', title: 'cocos', id: 10 }] }); needToSendNavigation = false; } return; } if (inputstr === "connected") { DebuggerServer.init(); DebuggerServer.setRootActor(createRootActor); conn = DebuggerServer._onConnection(transport); return; } /** * Process incoming packets. Returns true if a packet has been received, either * if it was properly parsed or not. Returns false if the incoming stream does * not contain a full packet yet. After a proper packet is parsed, the dispatch * handler DebuggerTransport.hooks.onPacket is called with the packet as a * parameter. */ function _processIncoming(inputString) { // Well this is ugly. let sep = inputString.indexOf(':'); if (sep < 0) { // Incoming packet length is too big anyway - drop the connection. if (inputString.length > 20) { } return false; } let count = inputString.substring(0, sep); // Check for a positive number with no garbage afterwards. if (!/^[0-9]+$/.exec(count)) { return false; } count = +count; if (inputString.length - (sep + 1) < count) { // Don't have a complete request yet. return false; } // We have a complete request, pluck it out of the data and parse it. inputString = inputString.substring(sep + 1); let packet = inputString.substring(0, count); inputString = inputString.substring(count); try { // packet = this._converter.ConvertToUnicode(packet); packet = DevToolsUtils.utf8to16(packet); var parsed = JSON.parse(packet); } catch(e) { let msg = "Error parsing incoming packet: " + packet + " (" + e + " - " + e.stack + ")"; // if (Cu.reportError) { // Cu.reportError(msg); // } return true; } conn.onPacket(parsed); } // log('receive: ' + inputstr); _processIncoming(inputstr); }; let globalDebuggee = null; this._prepareDebugger = function (global) { globalDebuggee = global; require = global.require; cc = global.cc; // exports = global; // load all functions exported in DevToolsUtils to global(exports) require('script/debugger/DevToolsUtils.js', 'debug'); require('script/debugger/event-emitter.js', 'debug'); require('script/debugger/actors/utils/ScriptStore.js', 'debug'); require('script/debugger/actors/common.js', 'debug'); require('script/debugger/core/promise.js', 'debug'); require('script/debugger/transport.js', 'debug'); require('script/debugger/main.js', 'debug'); require('script/debugger/actors/object.js', 'debug'); require('script/debugger/actors/root.js', 'debug'); require('script/debugger/actors/script.js', 'debug'); require('script/debugger/actors/webconsole.js', 'debug') require('script/debugger/actors/utils/TabSources.js', 'debug'); //DebuggerServer.addTestGlobal = function(aGlobal) { gTestGlobals.push(global); //}; transport = new DebuggerTransport(); };