/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2012 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _ActionsTest_H_ #define _ActionsTest_H_ #include "../testBasic.h" #include "../BaseTest.h" ////----#include "cocos2d.h" USING_NS_CC; // the class inherit from TestScene // every Scene each test used must inherit from TestScene, // make sure the test have the menu item for back to main menu class ActionsTestScene : public TestScene { public: virtual void runThisTest(); }; class ActionsDemo : public BaseTest { protected: Sprite* _grossini; Sprite* _tamara; Sprite* _kathia; public: virtual void onEnter() override; virtual void onExit() override; void centerSprites(unsigned int numberOfSprites); void alignSpritesLeft(unsigned int numberOfSprites); virtual std::string title() const override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; void restartCallback(Ref* sender); void nextCallback(Ref* sender); void backCallback(Ref* sender); }; class ActionManual : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionManual); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionMove : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionMove); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionScale : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionScale); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionSkew : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionSkew); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionRotationalSkew : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionRotationalSkew); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionRotationalSkewVSStandardSkew : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionRotationalSkewVSStandardSkew); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionSkewRotateScale : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionSkewRotateScale); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionRotate : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionRotate); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionRotateBy3D : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionRotateBy3D); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionJump : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionJump); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionBezier : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionBezier); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionBlink : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionBlink); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionFade : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionFade); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionTint : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionTint); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionAnimate : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionAnimate); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual void onExit() override; virtual std::string title() const override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; private: EventListenerCustom* _frameDisplayedListener; }; class ActionSequence : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionSequence); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionSequence2 : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionSequence2); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; void callback1(); void callback2(Node* sender); void callback3(Node* sender, long data); }; class ActionSpawn : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionSpawn); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionReverse : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionReverse); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionRepeat : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionRepeat); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionDelayTime : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionDelayTime); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionReverseSequence : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionReverseSequence); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionReverseSequence2 : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionReverseSequence2); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionOrbit : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionOrbit); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual void onExit() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionRemoveSelf : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionRemoveSelf); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionRepeatForever : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionRepeatForever); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; void repeatForever(Node* pTarget); }; class ActionRotateToRepeat : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionRotateToRepeat); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionRotateJerk : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionRotateJerk); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionCallFuncN : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionCallFuncN); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string title() const override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; void callback(Node* sender); }; class ActionCallFuncND : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionCallFuncND); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string title() const override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; void doRemoveFromParentAndCleanup(Node* sender, bool cleanup); }; class ActionCallFuncO : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionCallFuncO); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string title() const override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; void callback(Node* object, bool cleanup); }; class ActionCallFunction : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionCallFunction); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; void callback1(); void callback2(Node* pTarget); void callback3(Node* pTarget, long data); }; class ActionFollow : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionFollow); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual void draw(Renderer *renderer, const Matrix &transform, bool transformUpdated) override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; protected: void onDraw(const Matrix &transform, bool transformUpdated); CustomCommand _customCommand; }; class ActionTargeted : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionTargeted); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string title() const override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionTargetedReverse : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionTargetedReverse); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string title() const override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class ActionStacked : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionStacked); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string title() const override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; virtual void addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vector2 p); virtual void runActionsInSprite(Sprite* sprite); void onTouchesEnded(const std::vector& touches, Event* event); }; class ActionMoveStacked : public ActionStacked { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionMoveStacked); virtual std::string title() const override; virtual void runActionsInSprite(Sprite* sprite); }; class ActionMoveJumpStacked : public ActionStacked { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionMoveJumpStacked); virtual std::string title() const override; virtual void runActionsInSprite(Sprite* sprite); }; class ActionMoveBezierStacked : public ActionStacked { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionMoveBezierStacked); virtual std::string title() const override; virtual void runActionsInSprite(Sprite* sprite); }; class ActionCatmullRomStacked : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionCatmullRomStacked); virtual ~ActionCatmullRomStacked(); virtual void draw(Renderer *renderer, const Matrix &transform, bool transformUpdated) override; virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string title() const override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; protected: void onDraw(const Matrix &transform, bool transformUpdated); //cached data and callback Matrix _modelViewMV1; Matrix _modelViewMV2; PointArray* _array1; PointArray* _array2; CustomCommand _customCommand; }; class ActionCardinalSplineStacked : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionCardinalSplineStacked); virtual ~ActionCardinalSplineStacked(); virtual void draw(Renderer *renderer, const Matrix &transform, bool transformUpdated); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string title() const override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; protected: void onDraw(const Matrix &transform, bool transformUpdated); Matrix _modelViewMV1; Matrix _modelViewMV2; CustomCommand _customCommand; PointArray* _array; }; class Issue1305 : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(Issue1305); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual void onExit() override; void log(Node* sender); void addSprite(float dt); virtual std::string title() const override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; private: Sprite* _spriteTmp; }; class Issue1305_2 : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(Issue1305_2); virtual void onEnter() override; void printLog1(); void printLog2(); void printLog3(); void printLog4(); virtual std::string title() const override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class Issue1288 : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(Issue1288); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string title() const override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class Issue1288_2 : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(Issue1288_2); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string title() const override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; }; class Issue1327 : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(Issue1327); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; virtual std::string title() const override; void logSprRotation(Sprite* sender); }; class Issue1398 : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(Issue1398); void incrementInteger(); void incrementIntegerCallback(void* data); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; virtual std::string title() const override; private: int _testInteger; }; class ActionCatmullRom : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionCatmullRom); ~ActionCatmullRom(); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual void draw(Renderer *renderer, const Matrix &transform, bool transformUpdated) override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; virtual std::string title() const override; protected: void onDraw(const Matrix &transform, bool transformUpdated); Matrix _modelViewMV1; Matrix _modelViewMV2; CustomCommand _customCommand; PointArray *_array1; PointArray *_array2; }; class ActionCardinalSpline : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(ActionCardinalSpline); ~ActionCardinalSpline(); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual void draw(Renderer *renderer, const Matrix &transform, bool transformUpdated) override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; virtual std::string title() const override; protected: void onDraw(const Matrix &transform, bool transformUpdated); PointArray *_array; Matrix _modelViewMV1; Matrix _modelViewMV2; CustomCommand _customCommand; }; class PauseResumeActions : public ActionsDemo { public: CREATE_FUNC(PauseResumeActions); PauseResumeActions(); virtual ~PauseResumeActions(); virtual void onEnter() override; virtual std::string subtitle() const override; virtual std::string title() const override; void pause(float dt); void resume(float dt); private: Vector _pausedTargets; }; #endif