/* * Copyright (c) 2012 cocos2d-x.org * http://www.cocos2d-x.org * * Copyright 2011 Yannick Loriot. * http://yannickloriot.com * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * * converted to c++ / cocos2d-x by Angus C */ #include "CCControl.h" #include "CCDirector.h" #include "touch_dispatcher/CCTouchDispatcher.h" #include "menu_nodes/CCMenu.h" #include "touch_dispatcher/CCTouch.h" NS_CC_EXT_BEGIN CCControl::CCControl() : _isOpacityModifyRGB(false) , _state(CCControlStateNormal) , _hasVisibleParents(false) , _enabled(false) , _selected(false) , _highlighted(false) , _dispatchTable(NULL) { } CCControl* CCControl::create() { CCControl* pRet = new CCControl(); if (pRet && pRet->init()) { pRet->autorelease(); return pRet; } else { CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet); return NULL; } } bool CCControl::init() { if (CCLayer::init()) { //this->setTouchEnabled(true); //_isTouchEnabled=true; // Initialise instance variables _state=CCControlStateNormal; setEnabled(true); setSelected(false); setHighlighted(false); // Set the touch dispatcher priority by default to 1 this->setTouchPriority(1); // Initialise the tables _dispatchTable = new CCDictionary(); // Initialise the mapHandleOfControlEvents _mapHandleOfControlEvent.clear(); return true; } else { return false; } } CCControl::~CCControl() { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_dispatchTable); } //Menu - Events void CCControl::registerWithTouchDispatcher() { CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getTouchDispatcher()->addTargetedDelegate(this, getTouchPriority(), true); } void CCControl::onEnter() { CCLayer::onEnter(); } void CCControl::onExit() { CCLayer::onExit(); } void CCControl::sendActionsForControlEvents(CCControlEvent controlEvents) { // For each control events for (int i = 0; i < kControlEventTotalNumber; i++) { // If the given controlEvents bitmask contains the curent event if ((controlEvents & (1 << i))) { // Call invocations // CCArray* invocationList = this->dispatchListforControlEvent(1<invoke(this); } //Call ScriptFunc if (kScriptTypeNone != _scriptType) { int nHandler = this->getHandleOfControlEvent(controlEvents); if (-1 != nHandler) { CCScriptEngineManager::sharedManager()->getScriptEngine()->executeEvent(nHandler,"",this); } } } } } void CCControl::addTargetWithActionForControlEvents(CCObject* target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvents) { // For each control events for (int i = 0; i < kControlEventTotalNumber; i++) { // If the given controlEvents bitmask contains the curent event if ((controlEvents & (1 << i))) { this->addTargetWithActionForControlEvent(target, action, 1<dispatchListforControlEvent(controlEvent); eventInvocationList->addObject(invocation); } void CCControl::removeTargetWithActionForControlEvents(CCObject* target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvents) { // For each control events for (int i = 0; i < kControlEventTotalNumber; i++) { // If the given controlEvents bitmask contains the curent event if ((controlEvents & (1 << i))) { this->removeTargetWithActionForControlEvent(target, action, 1 << i); } } } void CCControl::removeTargetWithActionForControlEvent(CCObject* target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvent) { // Retrieve all invocations for the given control event // CCArray *eventInvocationList = this->dispatchListforControlEvent(controlEvent); //remove all invocations if the target and action are null //TODO: should the invocations be deleted, or just removed from the array? Won't that cause issues if you add a single invocation for multiple events? bool bDeleteObjects=true; if (!target && !action) { //remove objects eventInvocationList->removeAllObjects(); } else { //normally we would use a predicate, but this won't work here. Have to do it manually CCObject* pObj = NULL; CCARRAY_FOREACH(eventInvocationList, pObj) { CCInvocation *invocation = (CCInvocation*)pObj; bool shouldBeRemoved=true; if (target) { shouldBeRemoved=(target==invocation->getTarget()); } if (action) { shouldBeRemoved=(shouldBeRemoved && (action==invocation->getAction())); } // Remove the corresponding invocation object if (shouldBeRemoved) { eventInvocationList->removeObject(invocation, bDeleteObjects); } } } } //CRGBA protocol void CCControl::setOpacityModifyRGB(bool bOpacityModifyRGB) { _isOpacityModifyRGB=bOpacityModifyRGB; CCObject* child; CCArray* children=getChildren(); CCARRAY_FOREACH(children, child) { CCRGBAProtocol* pNode = dynamic_cast(child); if (pNode) { pNode->setOpacityModifyRGB(bOpacityModifyRGB); } } } bool CCControl::isOpacityModifyRGB() { return _isOpacityModifyRGB; } CCPoint CCControl::getTouchLocation(CCTouch* touch) { CCPoint touchLocation = touch->getLocation(); // Get the touch position touchLocation = this->convertToNodeSpace(touchLocation); // Convert to the node space of this class return touchLocation; } bool CCControl::isTouchInside(CCTouch* touch) { CCPoint touchLocation = touch->getLocation(); // Get the touch position touchLocation = this->getParent()->convertToNodeSpace(touchLocation); CCRect bBox=boundingBox(); return bBox.containsPoint(touchLocation); } CCArray* CCControl::dispatchListforControlEvent(CCControlEvent controlEvent) { CCArray* invocationList = (CCArray*)_dispatchTable->objectForKey(controlEvent); // If the invocation list does not exist for the dispatch table, we create it if (invocationList == NULL) { invocationList = CCArray::createWithCapacity(1); _dispatchTable->setObject(invocationList, controlEvent); } return invocationList; } void CCControl::needsLayout() { } void CCControl::setEnabled(bool bEnabled) { _enabled = bEnabled; if(_enabled) { _state = CCControlStateNormal; } else { _state = CCControlStateDisabled; } this->needsLayout(); } bool CCControl::isEnabled() { return _enabled; } void CCControl::setSelected(bool bSelected) { _selected = bSelected; this->needsLayout(); } bool CCControl::isSelected() { return _selected; } void CCControl::setHighlighted(bool bHighlighted) { _highlighted = bHighlighted; this->needsLayout(); } bool CCControl::isHighlighted() { return _highlighted; } bool CCControl::hasVisibleParents() { CCNode* pParent = this->getParent(); for( CCNode *c = pParent; c != NULL; c = c->getParent() ) { if( !c->isVisible() ) { return false; } } return true; } void CCControl::addHandleOfControlEvent(int nFunID,CCControlEvent controlEvent) { _mapHandleOfControlEvent[controlEvent] = nFunID; } void CCControl::removeHandleOfControlEvent(CCControlEvent controlEvent) { std::map::iterator Iter = _mapHandleOfControlEvent.find(controlEvent); if (_mapHandleOfControlEvent.end() != Iter) { _mapHandleOfControlEvent.erase(Iter); } } int CCControl::getHandleOfControlEvent(CCControlEvent controlEvent) { std::map::iterator Iter = _mapHandleOfControlEvent.find(controlEvent); if (_mapHandleOfControlEvent.end() != Iter) return Iter->second; return -1; } NS_CC_EXT_END