/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /************************************************************ * * Constructors with built in init function * ************************************************************/ var _p; /************************ Layers *************************/ _p = cc.Layer.prototype; _p._ctor = function() { cc.Layer.prototype.init.call(this); }; _p = cc.LayerColor.prototype; _p._ctor = function(color, w, h) { color = color || cc.color(0, 0, 0, 255); w = w === undefined ? cc.winSize.width : w; h = h === undefined ? cc.winSize.height : h; cc.LayerColor.prototype.init.call(this, color, w, h); }; _p = cc.LayerGradient.prototype; _p._ctor = function(start, end, v, colorStops) { start = start || cc.color(0,0,0,255); end = end || cc.color(0,0,0,255); v = v || cc.p(0, -1); this.initWithColor(start, end, v); if (colorStops instanceof Array) { cc.log("Warning: Color stops parameter is not supported in JSB."); } }; _p = cc.LayerMultiplex.prototype; _p._ctor = function(layers) { if(layers != undefined){ if (layers instanceof Array) cc.LayerMultiplex.prototype.initWithArray.call(this, layers); else cc.LayerMultiplex.prototype.initWithArray.call(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); }else{ cc.LayerMultiplex.prototype.init.call(this); } }; /************************ Sprite *************************/ _p = cc.Sprite.prototype; _p._ctor = function(fileName, rect) { if (fileName === undefined) { cc.Sprite.prototype.init.call(this); } else if (typeof(fileName) === "string") { if (fileName[0] === "#") { //init with a sprite frame name var frameName = fileName.substr(1, fileName.length - 1); this.initWithSpriteFrameName(frameName); } else { // Create with filename and rect rect ? this.initWithFile(fileName, rect) : this.initWithFile(fileName); } } else if (typeof(fileName) === "object") { if (fileName instanceof cc.Texture2D) { //init with texture and rect rect ? this.initWithTexture(fileName, rect) : this.initWithTexture(fileName); } else if (fileName instanceof cc.SpriteFrame) { //init with a sprite frame this.initWithSpriteFrame(fileName); } else if (fileName instanceof jsb.PolygonInfo) { //init with a polygon info this.initWithPolygon(fileName); } } }; _p = cc.SpriteBatchNode.prototype; _p._ctor = function(fileImage, capacity) { capacity = capacity || cc.SpriteBatchNode.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; if (typeof(fileImage) == "string") this.initWithFile(fileImage, capacity); else this.initWithTexture(fileImage, capacity); }; _p = cc.SpriteFrame.prototype; _p._ctor = function(filename, rect, rotated, offset, originalSize){ if(originalSize != undefined){ if(filename instanceof cc.Texture2D) this.initWithTexture(filename, rect, rotated, offset, originalSize); else this.initWithTexture(filename, rect, rotated, offset, originalSize); }else if(rect != undefined){ if(filename instanceof cc.Texture2D) this.initWithTexture(filename, rect); else this.initWithTextureFilename(filename, rect); } }; /***************************** effect *******************************/ _p = cc.GridBase.prototype; _p._ctor = function(gridSize, texture, flipped){ if(gridSize !== undefined) this.initWithSize(gridSize, texture, flipped); }; _p = cc.Grid3D.prototype; _p._ctor = function(gridSize, texture, flipped){ if(gridSize !== undefined) this.initWithSize(gridSize, texture, flipped); }; _p = cc.TiledGrid3D.prototype; _p._ctor = function(gridSize, texture, flipped){ if(gridSize !== undefined) this.initWithSize(gridSize, texture, flipped); }; /************************ Menu and menu items *************************/ _p = cc.Menu.prototype; _p._ctor = function(menuItems) { if((arguments.length > 0) && (arguments[arguments.length-1] == null)) cc.log("parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript"); var argc = arguments.length, items = []; if (argc == 1) { if (menuItems instanceof Array) { items = menuItems; } else{ items.push(arguments[0]); } } else if (argc > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (arguments[i]) items.push(arguments[i]); } } if(items && items.length > 0) this.initWithArray(items); else this.init(); }; _p = cc.MenuItem.prototype; _p._ctor = function(callback, target) { callback && this.initWithCallback(callback.bind(target)); }; _p = cc.MenuItemLabel.prototype; _p._ctor = function(label, callback, target) { callback = callback ? callback.bind(target) : null; label && this.initWithLabel(label, callback); }; _p = cc.MenuItemAtlasFont.prototype; _p._ctor = function(value, charMapFile, itemWidth, itemHeight, startCharMap, callback, target) { callback = callback ? callback.bind(target) : null; value !== undefined && this.initWithString(value, charMapFile, itemWidth, itemHeight, startCharMap, callback); }; _p = cc.MenuItemFont.prototype; _p._ctor = function(value, callback, target) { callback = callback ? callback.bind(target) : null; value !== undefined && this.initWithString(value, callback); }; _p = cc.MenuItemSprite.prototype; _p._ctor = function(normalSprite, selectedSprite, three, four, five) { if (selectedSprite) { normalSprite = normalSprite; selectedSprite = selectedSprite; var disabledSprite, target, callback; if (five) { disabledSprite = three; callback = four; target = five; } else if (four && typeof four === "function") { disabledSprite = three; callback = four; } else if (four && typeof three === "function") { target = four; callback = three; disabledSprite = normalSprite; } else if (three === undefined) { disabledSprite = normalSprite; } callback = callback ? callback.bind(target) : null; this.initWithNormalSprite(normalSprite, selectedSprite, disabledSprite, callback); } }; _p = cc.MenuItemImage.prototype; _p._ctor = function(normalImage, selectedImage, three, four, five) { var disabledImage = null, callback = null, target = null; if (normalImage === undefined) { cc.MenuItemImage.prototype.init.call(this); } else { if (four === undefined) { callback = three; } else if (five === undefined) { if (typeof three === "function") { callback = three; target = four; } else { disabledImage = three; callback = four; } } else if (five) { disabledImage = three; callback = four; target = five; } callback = callback ? callback.bind(target) : null; this.initWithNormalSprite(new cc.Sprite(normalImage), new cc.Sprite(selectedImage), disabledImage ? new cc.Sprite(disabledImage) : new cc.Sprite(normalImage), callback); } }; _p = cc.MenuItemToggle.prototype; _p._ctor = function() { var argc = arguments.length, callback, target; // passing callback. if (typeof arguments[argc-2] === 'function') { callback = arguments[argc-2]; target = arguments[argc-1]; argc = argc - 2; } else if(typeof arguments[argc-1] === 'function'){ callback = arguments[argc-1]; argc = argc - 1; } if(argc > 0) { this.initWithItem(arguments[0]); for (var i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (arguments[i]) this.addSubItem(arguments[i]); } if (callback) target ? this.setCallback(callback, target) : this.setCallback(callback); } else { callback = callback ? callback.bind(target) : null; this.initWithCallback(callback); } }; /************************ motion-streak *************************/ _p = cc.MotionStreak.prototype; _p._ctor = function(fade, minSeg, stroke, color, texture){ if(texture !== undefined) this.initWithFade(fade, minSeg, stroke, color, texture); }; /************************ Particle *************************/ _p = cc.ParticleBatchNode.prototype; _p._ctor = function(fileImage, capacity){ capacity = capacity || cc.PARTICLE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY; if (typeof(fileImage) == "string") { cc.ParticleBatchNode.prototype.init.call(this, fileImage, capacity); } else if (fileImage instanceof cc.Texture2D) { this.initWithTexture(fileImage, capacity); } }; _p = cc.ParticleSystem.prototype; _p._ctor = function(plistFile){ if (!plistFile || typeof(plistFile) === "number") { var ton = plistFile || 100; this.initWithTotalParticles(ton); } else if ( typeof plistFile === "string") { this.initWithFile(plistFile); } else if(plistFile){ this.initWithDictionary(plistFile); } }; cc.ParticleFire.prototype._ctor = cc.ParticleFireworks.prototype._ctor = cc.ParticleSun.prototype._ctor = cc.ParticleGalaxy.prototype._ctor = cc.ParticleMeteor.prototype._ctor = cc.ParticleFlower.prototype._ctor = cc.ParticleSpiral.prototype._ctor = cc.ParticleExplosion.prototype._ctor = cc.ParticleSmoke.prototype._ctor = cc.ParticleRain.prototype._ctor = cc.ParticleSnow.prototype._ctor = function(){ this.init(); }; /************************ ProgressTimer *************************/ _p = cc.ProgressTimer.prototype; _p._ctor = function(sprite){ sprite !== undefined && this.initWithSprite(sprite); }; /************************ TextFieldTTF *************************/ _p = cc.TextFieldTTF.prototype; _p._ctor = function(placeholder, dimensions, alignment, fontName, fontSize){ if(fontSize !== undefined){ this.initWithPlaceHolder("", dimensions, alignment, fontName, fontSize); if(placeholder) this._placeHolder = placeholder; } else if(fontName === undefined && alignment !== undefined){ fontName = arguments[1]; fontSize = arguments[2]; this.initWithString("", fontName, fontSize); if(placeholder) this._placeHolder = placeholder; } }; /************************ RenderTexture *************************/ _p = cc.RenderTexture.prototype; _p._ctor = function(width, height, format, depthStencilFormat){ if(width !== undefined && height !== undefined){ format = format || cc.Texture2D.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA8888; depthStencilFormat = depthStencilFormat || 0; this.initWithWidthAndHeight(width, height, format, depthStencilFormat); } }; /************************ Tile Map *************************/ _p = cc.TileMapAtlas.prototype; _p._ctor = function(tile, mapFile, tileWidth, tileHeight){ if(tileHeight !== undefined) this.initWithTileFile(tile, mapFile, tileWidth, tileHeight); }; _p = cc.TMXLayer.prototype; _p._ctor = function(tilesetInfo, layerInfo, mapInfo){ if(mapInfo !== undefined) this.initWithTilesetInfo(tilesetInfo, layerInfo, mapInfo); }; _p = cc.TMXTiledMap.prototype; _p._ctor = function(tmxFile,resourcePath){ if(resourcePath !== undefined){ this.initWithXML(tmxFile,resourcePath); }else if(tmxFile !== undefined){ this.initWithTMXFile(tmxFile); } }; _p = cc.TMXMapInfo.prototype; _p._ctor = function(tmxFile, resourcePath){ if (resourcePath !== undefined) { this.initWithXML(tmxFile,resourcePath); }else if(tmxFile !== undefined){ this.initWithTMXFile(tmxFile); } }; /************************ TransitionScene *************************/ _p = cc.TransitionScene.prototype; _p._ctor = function(t, scene){ if(t !== undefined && scene !== undefined) this.initWithDuration(t, scene); }; _p = cc.TransitionSceneOriented.prototype; _p._ctor = function(t, scene, orientation){ orientation != undefined && this.initWithDuration(t, scene, orientation); }; _p = cc.TransitionPageTurn.prototype; _p._ctor = function(t, scene, backwards){ backwards != undefined && this.initWithDuration(t, scene, backwards); }; /************************ Actions *************************/ cc.Speed.prototype._ctor = function(action, speed) { speed !== undefined && this.initWithAction(action, speed); }; cc.Follow.prototype._ctor = function (followedNode, rect) { if(followedNode) rect ? ret.initWithTarget(followedNode, rect) : ret.initWithTarget(followedNode); }; cc.OrbitCamera.prototype._ctor = function (t, radius, deltaRadius, angleZ, deltaAngleZ, angleX, deltaAngleX) { deltaAngleX !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(t, radius, deltaRadius, angleZ, deltaAngleZ, angleX, deltaAngleX); }; cc.CardinalSplineTo.prototype._ctor = cc.CardinalSplineBy.prototype._ctor = function(duration, points, tension) { tension !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, points, tension); }; cc.CatmullRomTo.prototype._ctor = cc.CatmullRomBy.prototype._ctor = function(dt, points) { points !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(dt, points); }; _p = cc.ActionEase.prototype; _p._ctor = function(action) { action !== undefined && this.initWithAction(action); }; cc.EaseExponentialIn._ctor = cc.EaseExponentialOut._ctor = cc.EaseExponentialInOut._ctor = cc.EaseSineIn._ctor = cc.EaseSineOut._ctor = cc.EaseSineInOut._ctor = cc.EaseBounce._ctor = cc.EaseBounceIn._ctor = cc.EaseBounceOut._ctor = cc.EaseBounceInOut._ctor = cc.EaseBackIn._ctor = cc.EaseBackOut._ctor = cc.EaseBackInOut._ctor = _p._ctor; _p = cc.EaseRateAction.prototype; _p._ctor = function(action, rate) { rate !== undefined && this.initWithAction(action, rate); }; cc.EaseIn.prototype._ctor = cc.EaseOut.prototype._ctor = cc.EaseInOut.prototype._ctor = _p._ctor; _p = cc.EaseElastic.prototype; _p._ctor = function(action, period) { if( action ) { period !== undefined ? this.initWithAction(action, period) : this.initWithAction(action); } }; cc.EaseElasticIn._ctor = cc.EaseElasticOut._ctor = cc.EaseElasticInOut._ctor = _p._ctor; cc.ReuseGrid.prototype._ctor = function(times) { times !== undefined && this.initWithTimes(times); }; cc.GridAction.prototype._ctor = cc.Grid3DAction.prototype._ctor = cc.TiledGrid3DAction.prototype._ctor = cc.PageTurn3D.prototype._ctor = cc.FadeOutTRTiles.prototype._ctor = cc.FadeOutBLTiles.prototype._ctor = cc.FadeOutUpTiles.prototype._ctor = cc.FadeOutDownTiles.prototype._ctor = function(duration, gridSize) { gridSize && this.initWithDuration(duration, gridSize); }; cc.Twirl.prototype._ctor = function(duration, gridSize, position, twirls, amplitude) { amplitude !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, gridSize, position, twirls, amplitude); }; cc.Waves.prototype._ctor = function(duration, gridSize, waves, amplitude, horizontal, vertical) { vertical !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, gridSize, waves, amplitude, horizontal, vertical); }; cc.Liquid.prototype._ctor = function(duration, gridSize, waves, amplitude) { amplitude !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, gridSize, waves, amplitude); }; cc.Shaky3D.prototype._ctor = function(duration, gridSize, range, shakeZ) { shakeZ !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, gridSize, range, shakeZ); }; cc.Ripple3D.prototype._ctor = function(duration, gridSize, position, radius, waves, amplitude) { amplitude !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, gridSize, position, radius, waves, amplitude); }; cc.Lens3D.prototype._ctor = function(duration, gridSize, position, radius) { radius !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, gridSize, position, radius); }; cc.FlipY3D.prototype._ctor = cc.FlipX3D.prototype._ctor = function(duration) { duration !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, cc.size(1, 1)); }; cc.Waves3D.prototype._ctor = function(duration, gridSize, waves, amplitude) { amplitude !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, gridSize, waves, amplitude); }; cc.RemoveSelf.prototype._ctor = function(isNeedCleanUp) { isNeedCleanUp !== undefined && cc.RemoveSelf.prototype.init.call(this, isNeedCleanUp); }; cc.FlipX.prototype._ctor = function(flip) { flip !== undefined && this.initWithFlipX(flip); }; cc.FlipY.prototype._ctor = function(flip) { flip !== undefined && this.initWithFlipY(flip); }; cc.Place.prototype._ctor = function(pos, y) { if (pos !== undefined) { if (pos.x !== undefined) { y = pos.y; pos = pos.x; } this.initWithPosition(pos, y); } }; cc.CallFunc.prototype._ctor = function(selector, selectorTarget, data) { if(selector !== undefined){ if(selectorTarget === undefined) this.initWithFunction(selector); else this.initWithFunction(selector, selectorTarget, data); } }; cc.ActionInterval.prototype._ctor = function(d) { d !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(d); }; cc.Sequence.prototype._ctor = function(tempArray) { var paramArray = (tempArray instanceof Array) ? tempArray : arguments; var last = paramArray.length - 1; if ((last >= 0) && (paramArray[last] == null)) cc.log("parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript"); if (last >= 0) { var prev = paramArray[0]; for (var i = 1; i < last; i++) { if (paramArray[i]) { prev = cc.Sequence.create(prev, paramArray[i]); } } this.initWithTwoActions(prev, paramArray[last]); } }; cc.Repeat.prototype._ctor = function(action, times) { times !== undefined && this.initWithAction(action, times); }; cc.RepeatForever.prototype._ctor = function(action) { action !== undefined && this.initWithAction(action); }; cc.Spawn.prototype._ctor = function(tempArray) { var paramArray = (tempArray instanceof Array) ? tempArray : arguments; var last = paramArray.length - 1; if ((last >= 0) && (paramArray[last] == null)) cc.log("parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript"); if (last >= 0) { var prev = paramArray[0]; for (var i = 1; i < last; i++) { if (paramArray[i]) { prev = cc.Spawn.create(prev, paramArray[i]); } } this.initWithTwoActions(prev, paramArray[last]); } }; cc.RotateTo.prototype._ctor = cc.RotateBy.prototype._ctor = function(duration, deltaAngleX, deltaAngleY) { if (deltaAngleX !== undefined) { if (deltaAngleY !== undefined) this.initWithDuration(duration, deltaAngleX, deltaAngleY); else this.initWithDuration(duration, deltaAngleX); } }; cc.MoveBy.prototype._ctor = cc.MoveTo.prototype._ctor = function(duration, pos, y) { if (pos !== undefined) { if(pos.x === undefined) { pos = cc.p(pos, y); } this.initWithDuration(duration, pos); } }; cc.SkewTo.prototype._ctor = cc.SkewBy.prototype._ctor = function(t, sx, sy) { sy !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(t, sx, sy); }; cc.JumpBy.prototype._ctor = cc.JumpTo.prototype._ctor = function(duration, position, y, height, jumps) { if (height !== undefined) { if (jumps !== undefined) { position = cc.p(position, y); } else { jumps = height; height = y; } this.initWithDuration(duration, position, height, jumps); } }; cc.BezierBy.prototype._ctor = cc.BezierTo.prototype._ctor = function(t, c) { c !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(t, c); }; cc.ScaleTo.prototype._ctor = cc.ScaleBy.prototype._ctor = function(duration, sx, sy) { if (sx !== undefined) { if (sy !== undefined) this.initWithDuration(duration, sx, sy); else this.initWithDuration(duration, sx); } }; cc.Blink.prototype._ctor = function(duration, blinks) { blinks !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, blinks); }; cc.FadeTo.prototype._ctor = function(duration, opacity) { opacity !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, opacity); }; cc.FadeIn.prototype._ctor = function(duration) { duration !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, 255); }; cc.FadeOut.prototype._ctor = function(duration) { duration !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, 0); }; cc.TintTo.prototype._ctor = cc.TintBy.prototype._ctor = function(duration, red, green, blue) { blue !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, red, green, blue); }; cc.DelayTime.prototype._ctor = function(duration) { duration !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration); }; /* cc.ReverseTime.prototype._ctor = function(action) { action && this.initWithAction(action); };*/ cc.Animate.prototype._ctor = function(animation) { animation && this.initWithAnimation(animation); }; cc.TargetedAction.prototype._ctor = function(target, action) { action && this.initWithTarget(target, action); }; cc.ProgressTo.prototype._ctor = function(duration, percent) { percent !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, percent); }; cc.ProgressFromTo.prototype._ctor = function(duration, fromPercentage, toPercentage) { toPercentage !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, fromPercentage, toPercentage); }; cc.SplitCols.prototype._ctor = cc.SplitRows.prototype._ctor = function(duration, rowsCols) { rowsCols !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, rowsCols); }; cc.JumpTiles3D.prototype._ctor = function(duration, gridSize, numberOfJumps, amplitude) { amplitude !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, gridSize, numberOfJumps, amplitude); }; cc.WavesTiles3D.prototype._ctor = function(duration, gridSize, waves, amplitude) { amplitude !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, gridSize, waves, amplitude); }; cc.TurnOffTiles.prototype._ctor = function(duration, gridSize, seed) { if (gridSize !== undefined) { seed = seed || 0; this.initWithDuration(duration, gridSize, seed); } }; cc.ShakyTiles3D.prototype._ctor = function(duration, gridSize, range, shakeZ) { shakeZ !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, gridSize, range, shakeZ); }; cc.ShatteredTiles3D.prototype._ctor = function(duration, gridSize, range, shatterZ) { shatterZ !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, gridSize, range, shatterZ); }; cc.ShuffleTiles.prototype._ctor = function(duration, gridSize, seed) { seed !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, gridSize, seed); }; cc.ActionTween.prototype._ctor = function(duration, key, from, to) { to !== undefined && this.initWithDuration(duration, key, from, to); }; cc.Animation.prototype._ctor = function(frames, delay, loops) { if (frames === undefined) { this.init(); } else { var frame0 = frames[0]; delay = delay === undefined ? 0 : delay; loops = loops === undefined ? 1 : loops; if(frame0){ if (frame0 instanceof cc.SpriteFrame) { //init with sprite frames , delay and loops. this.initWithSpriteFrames(frames, delay, loops); }else if(frame0 instanceof cc.AnimationFrame) { //init with sprite frames , delay and loops. this.initWithAnimationFrames(frames, delay, loops); } } } }; cc.AnimationFrame.prototype._ctor = function(spriteFrame, delayUnits, userInfo) { delayUnits !== undefined && this.initWithSpriteFrame(spriteFrame, delayUnits, userInfo); }; /************************ Nodes *************************/ cc.AtlasNode.prototype._ctor = function(tile, tileWidth, tileHeight, itemsToRender) { itemsToRender !== undefined && this.initWithTileFile(tile, tileWidth, tileHeight, itemsToRender); }; cc.ClippingNode.prototype._ctor = function(stencil) { if(stencil != undefined) cc.ClippingNode.prototype.init.call(this, stencil); else cc.ClippingNode.prototype.init.call(this); }; cc.DrawNode.prototype._ctor = function() { cc.DrawNode.prototype.init.call(this); }; cc.LabelAtlas.prototype._ctor = function(strText, charMapFile, itemWidth, itemHeight, startCharMap) { if(startCharMap != undefined){ startCharMap = startCharMap.charCodeAt(0); cc.LabelAtlas.prototype.initWithString.call(this, strText, charMapFile, itemWidth, itemHeight, startCharMap); }else if(charMapFile != undefined){ this.initWithString(strText, charMapFile); } }; cc.LabelBMFont.prototype._ctor = function(str, fntFile, width, alignment, imageOffset) { str = str || ""; if( fntFile ) { width = width || 0; alignment = alignment === undefined ? cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT : alignment; imageOffset = imageOffset || cc.p(0, 0); cc.LabelBMFont.prototype.initWithString.call(this, str, fntFile, width, alignment, imageOffset); } }; cc.LabelTTF.prototype._ctor = function(text, fontName, fontSize, dimensions, hAlignment, vAlignment) { text = text || ""; if (fontName && fontName instanceof cc.FontDefinition) { this.initWithStringAndTextDefinition(text, fontName); } else { fontName = fontName || ""; fontSize = fontSize || 16; dimensions = dimensions || cc.size(0,0); hAlignment = hAlignment === undefined ? cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT : hAlignment; vAlignment = vAlignment === undefined ? cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP : vAlignment; this.initWithString(text, fontName, fontSize, dimensions, hAlignment, vAlignment); } }; /************************ Other classes *************************/ cc.EventTouch.prototype._ctor = function(touches) { touches !== undefined && cc.EventTouch.prototype.setTouches.call(this, touches); }; cc.Touch.prototype._ctor = function(x, y, id) { id !== undefined && cc.Touch.prototype.setTouchInfo.call(this, x, y, id); }; cc.GLProgram.prototype._ctor = function(vShaderFileName, fShaderFileName) { if(vShaderFileName !== undefined && fShaderFileName !== undefined){ cc.GLProgram.prototype.init.call(this, vShaderFileName, fShaderFileName); cc.GLProgram.prototype.link.call(this); cc.GLProgram.prototype.updateUniforms.call(this); } }; /************************************************************ * * Unified create function * ************************************************************/ cc.Sprite._create = cc.Sprite.create; /** * Create a sprite with image path or frame name or texture or spriteFrame. * @constructs * @param {String|cc.Texture2D|cc.SpriteFrame} fileName The string which indicates a path to image file, e.g., "scene1/monster.png". * @param {cc.Rect} rect Only the contents inside rect of pszFileName's texture will be applied for this sprite. * @return {cc.Sprite} A valid sprite object * @example * * 1.Create a sprite with image path and rect * var sprite1 = cc.Sprite.create("res/HelloHTML5World.png"); * var sprite2 = cc.Sprite.create("res/HelloHTML5World.png",cc.rect(0,0,480,320)); * * 2.Create a sprite with a sprite frame name. Must add "#" before frame name. * var sprite = cc.Sprite.create('#grossini_dance_01.png'); * * 3.Create a sprite with a sprite frame * var spriteFrame = cc.spriteFrameCache.getSpriteFrame("grossini_dance_01.png"); * var sprite = cc.Sprite.create(spriteFrame); * * 4.Create a sprite with an exsiting texture contained in a CCTexture2D object * After creation, the rect will be the size of the texture, and the offset will be (0,0). * var texture = cc.textureCache.addImage("HelloHTML5World.png"); * var sprite1 = cc.Sprite.create(texture); * var sprite2 = cc.Sprite.create(texture, cc.rect(0,0,480,320)); * */ cc.Sprite.create = function (fileName, rect) { var sprite; if (arguments.length == 0) { sprite = cc.Sprite._create(); return sprite; } if (typeof(fileName) === "string") { if (fileName[0] === "#") { //init with a sprite frame name var frameName = fileName.substr(1, fileName.length - 1); var spriteFrame = cc.spriteFrameCache.getSpriteFrame(frameName); sprite = cc.Sprite.createWithSpriteFrame(spriteFrame); } else { // Create with filename and rect sprite = rect ? cc.Sprite._create(fileName, rect) : cc.Sprite._create(fileName); } if (sprite) return sprite; else return null; } if (typeof(fileName) === "object") { if (fileName instanceof cc.Texture2D) { //init with texture and rect sprite = rect ? cc.Sprite.createWithTexture(fileName, rect) : cc.Sprite.createWithTexture(fileName); } else if (fileName instanceof cc.SpriteFrame) { //init with a sprite frame sprite = cc.Sprite.createWithSpriteFrame(fileName); } if (sprite) return sprite; else return null; } return null; }; cc.LabelTTF._create = cc.LabelTTF.create; /** * creates a cc.LabelTTF from a font name, alignment, dimension and font size * @param {String} text * @param {String|cc.FontDefinition} fontName * @param {Number} fontSize * @param {cc.Size} [dimensions=cc.size(0,0)] * @param {Number} [hAlignment=] * @param {Number} [vAlignment=cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP] * @return {cc.LabelTTF|Null} * @example * // Example * 1. * var myLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create('label text', 'Times New Roman', 32, cc.size(320,32), cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT); * 2. * var fontDef = new cc.FontDefinition(); * fontDef.fontName = "Arial"; * fontDef.fontSize = "32"; * var myLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create('label text', fontDef); */ cc.LabelTTF.create = function (text, fontName, fontSize, dimensions, hAlignment, vAlignment) { var label; if (fontName && fontName instanceof cc.FontDefinition) { label = cc.LabelTTF.createWithFontDefinition(text, fontName); } else { fontName = fontName || ""; fontSize = fontSize || 16; dimensions = dimensions || cc.size(0, 0); hAlignment = hAlignment == undefined ? cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER : hAlignment; vAlignment = vAlignment == undefined ? cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP : vAlignment; label = cc.LabelTTF._create(text, fontName, fontSize, dimensions, hAlignment, vAlignment); } if (label) return label; else return null; }; cc.SpriteBatchNode._create = cc.SpriteBatchNode.create; /** *
* creates a cc.SpriteBatchNodeCanvas with a file image (.png, .jpg etc) with a default capacity of 29 children.
* The capacity will be increased in 33% in runtime if it run out of space.
* The file will be loaded using the TextureMgr.
* Create a cc.SpriteFrame with a texture filename, rect, rotated, offset and originalSize in pixels.
* The originalSize is the size in pixels of the frame before being trimmed.
return the string found by key in dict.
* This plist files can be create manually or with Particle Designer:
* http://particledesigner.71squared.com/