/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Ricardo Quesada Copyright (c) 2009 Matt Oswald Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2011 Zynga Inc. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "2d/CCSpriteBatchNode.h" #include "2d/CCSprite.h" #include "base/CCDirector.h" #include "renderer/CCTextureCache.h" #include "renderer/CCRenderer.h" #include "renderer/CCQuadCommand.h" #include "deprecated/CCString.h" // For StringUtils::format NS_CC_BEGIN /* * creation with Texture2D */ SpriteBatchNode* SpriteBatchNode::createWithTexture(Texture2D* tex, ssize_t capacity/* = DEFAULT_CAPACITY*/) { SpriteBatchNode *batchNode = new (std::nothrow) SpriteBatchNode(); batchNode->initWithTexture(tex, capacity); batchNode->autorelease(); return batchNode; } /* * creation with File Image */ SpriteBatchNode* SpriteBatchNode::create(const std::string& fileImage, ssize_t capacity/* = DEFAULT_CAPACITY*/) { SpriteBatchNode *batchNode = new (std::nothrow) SpriteBatchNode(); batchNode->initWithFile(fileImage, capacity); batchNode->autorelease(); return batchNode; } /* * init with Texture2D */ bool SpriteBatchNode::initWithTexture(Texture2D *tex, ssize_t capacity/* = DEFAULT_CAPACITY*/) { CCASSERT(capacity>=0, "Capacity must be >= 0"); _blendFunc = BlendFunc::ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED; if(!tex->hasPremultipliedAlpha()) { _blendFunc = BlendFunc::ALPHA_NON_PREMULTIPLIED; } _textureAtlas = new (std::nothrow) TextureAtlas(); if (capacity == 0) { capacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY; } _textureAtlas->initWithTexture(tex, capacity); updateBlendFunc(); _children.reserve(capacity); _descendants.reserve(capacity); setGLProgramState(GLProgramState::getOrCreateWithGLProgramName(GLProgram::SHADER_NAME_POSITION_TEXTURE_COLOR)); return true; } bool SpriteBatchNode::init() { Texture2D * texture = new (std::nothrow) Texture2D(); texture->autorelease(); return this->initWithTexture(texture, 0); } /* * init with FileImage */ bool SpriteBatchNode::initWithFile(const std::string& fileImage, ssize_t capacity/* = DEFAULT_CAPACITY*/) { Texture2D *texture2D = Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->addImage(fileImage); return initWithTexture(texture2D, capacity); } SpriteBatchNode::SpriteBatchNode() : _textureAtlas(nullptr) { } SpriteBatchNode::~SpriteBatchNode() { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_textureAtlas); } // override visit // don't call visit on it's children void SpriteBatchNode::visit(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &parentTransform, uint32_t parentFlags) { CC_PROFILER_START_CATEGORY(kProfilerCategoryBatchSprite, "CCSpriteBatchNode - visit"); // CAREFUL: // This visit is almost identical to CocosNode#visit // with the exception that it doesn't call visit on it's children // // The alternative is to have a void Sprite#visit, but // although this is less maintainable, is faster // if (! _visible) { return; } sortAllChildren(); uint32_t flags = processParentFlags(parentTransform, parentFlags); if (isVisitableByVisitingCamera()) { // IMPORTANT: // To ease the migration to v3.0, we still support the Mat4 stack, // but it is deprecated and your code should not rely on it Director* director = Director::getInstance(); director->pushMatrix(MATRIX_STACK_TYPE::MATRIX_STACK_MODELVIEW); director->loadMatrix(MATRIX_STACK_TYPE::MATRIX_STACK_MODELVIEW, _modelViewTransform); draw(renderer, _modelViewTransform, flags); director->popMatrix(MATRIX_STACK_TYPE::MATRIX_STACK_MODELVIEW); // FIX ME: Why need to set _orderOfArrival to 0?? // Please refer to https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/6920 // setOrderOfArrival(0); CC_PROFILER_STOP_CATEGORY(kProfilerCategoryBatchSprite, "CCSpriteBatchNode - visit"); } } void SpriteBatchNode::addChild(Node *child, int zOrder, int tag) { CCASSERT(child != nullptr, "child should not be null"); CCASSERT(dynamic_cast<Sprite*>(child) != nullptr, "CCSpriteBatchNode only supports Sprites as children"); Sprite *sprite = static_cast<Sprite*>(child); // check Sprite is using the same texture id CCASSERT(sprite->getTexture()->getName() == _textureAtlas->getTexture()->getName(), "CCSprite is not using the same texture id"); Node::addChild(child, zOrder, tag); appendChild(sprite); } void SpriteBatchNode::addChild(Node * child, int zOrder, const std::string &name) { CCASSERT(child != nullptr, "child should not be null"); CCASSERT(dynamic_cast<Sprite*>(child) != nullptr, "CCSpriteBatchNode only supports Sprites as children"); Sprite *sprite = static_cast<Sprite*>(child); // check Sprite is using the same texture id CCASSERT(sprite->getTexture()->getName() == _textureAtlas->getTexture()->getName(), "CCSprite is not using the same texture id"); Node::addChild(child, zOrder, name); appendChild(sprite); } // override reorderChild void SpriteBatchNode::reorderChild(Node *child, int zOrder) { CCASSERT(child != nullptr, "the child should not be null"); CCASSERT(_children.contains(child), "Child doesn't belong to Sprite"); if (zOrder == child->getLocalZOrder()) { return; } //set the z-order and sort later Node::reorderChild(child, zOrder); } // override remove child void SpriteBatchNode::removeChild(Node *child, bool cleanup) { Sprite *sprite = static_cast<Sprite*>(child); // explicit null handling if (sprite == nullptr) { return; } CCASSERT(_children.contains(sprite), "sprite batch node should contain the child"); // cleanup before removing removeSpriteFromAtlas(sprite); Node::removeChild(sprite, cleanup); } void SpriteBatchNode::removeChildAtIndex(ssize_t index, bool doCleanup) { CCASSERT(index>=0 && index < _children.size(), "Invalid index"); removeChild(_children.at(index), doCleanup); } void SpriteBatchNode::removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool doCleanup) { // Invalidate atlas index. issue #569 // useSelfRender should be performed on all descendants. issue #1216 for(const auto &sprite: _descendants) { sprite->setBatchNode(nullptr); } Node::removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(doCleanup); _descendants.clear(); _textureAtlas->removeAllQuads(); } //override sortAllChildren void SpriteBatchNode::sortAllChildren() { if (_reorderChildDirty) { std::sort(std::begin(_children), std::end(_children), nodeComparisonLess); //sorted now check all children if (!_children.empty()) { //first sort all children recursively based on zOrder for(const auto &child: _children) { child->sortAllChildren(); } ssize_t index=0; //fast dispatch, give every child a new atlasIndex based on their relative zOrder (keep parent -> child relations intact) // and at the same time reorder descendants and the quads to the right index for(const auto &child: _children) { Sprite* sp = static_cast<Sprite*>(child); updateAtlasIndex(sp, &index); } } _reorderChildDirty=false; } } void SpriteBatchNode::updateAtlasIndex(Sprite* sprite, ssize_t* curIndex) { auto& array = sprite->getChildren(); auto count = array.size(); ssize_t oldIndex = 0; if( count == 0 ) { oldIndex = sprite->getAtlasIndex(); sprite->setAtlasIndex(*curIndex); if (oldIndex != *curIndex){ swap(oldIndex, *curIndex); } (*curIndex)++; } else { bool needNewIndex=true; if (array.at(0)->getLocalZOrder() >= 0) { //all children are in front of the parent oldIndex = sprite->getAtlasIndex(); sprite->setAtlasIndex(*curIndex); if (oldIndex != *curIndex) { swap(oldIndex, *curIndex); } (*curIndex)++; needNewIndex = false; } for(const auto &child: array) { Sprite* sp = static_cast<Sprite*>(child); if (needNewIndex && sp->getLocalZOrder() >= 0) { oldIndex = sprite->getAtlasIndex(); sprite->setAtlasIndex(*curIndex); if (oldIndex != *curIndex) { this->swap(oldIndex, *curIndex); } (*curIndex)++; needNewIndex = false; } updateAtlasIndex(sp, curIndex); } if (needNewIndex) {//all children have a zOrder < 0) oldIndex = sprite->getAtlasIndex(); sprite->setAtlasIndex(*curIndex); if (oldIndex != *curIndex) { swap(oldIndex, *curIndex); } (*curIndex)++; } } } void SpriteBatchNode::swap(ssize_t oldIndex, ssize_t newIndex) { CCASSERT(oldIndex>=0 && oldIndex < (int)_descendants.size() && newIndex >=0 && newIndex < (int)_descendants.size(), "Invalid index"); V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quads = _textureAtlas->getQuads(); std::swap( quads[oldIndex], quads[newIndex] ); //update the index of other swapped item auto oldIt = std::next( _descendants.begin(), oldIndex ); auto newIt = std::next( _descendants.begin(), newIndex ); (*newIt)->setAtlasIndex(oldIndex); // (*oldIt)->setAtlasIndex(newIndex); std::swap( *oldIt, *newIt ); } void SpriteBatchNode::reorderBatch(bool reorder) { _reorderChildDirty=reorder; } void SpriteBatchNode::draw(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &transform, uint32_t flags) { // Optimization: Fast Dispatch if( _textureAtlas->getTotalQuads() == 0 ) { return; } for (const auto &child : _children) { child->updateTransform(); } _batchCommand.init(_globalZOrder, getGLProgram(), _blendFunc, _textureAtlas, transform, flags); renderer->addCommand(&_batchCommand); } void SpriteBatchNode::increaseAtlasCapacity() { // if we're going beyond the current TextureAtlas's capacity, // all the previously initialized sprites will need to redo their texture coords // this is likely computationally expensive ssize_t quantity = (_textureAtlas->getCapacity() + 1) * 4 / 3; CCLOG("cocos2d: SpriteBatchNode: resizing TextureAtlas capacity from [%d] to [%d].", static_cast<int>(_textureAtlas->getCapacity()), static_cast<int>(quantity)); if (! _textureAtlas->resizeCapacity(quantity)) { // serious problems CCLOGWARN("cocos2d: WARNING: Not enough memory to resize the atlas"); CCASSERT(false, "Not enough memory to resize the atlas"); } } ssize_t SpriteBatchNode::rebuildIndexInOrder(Sprite *parent, ssize_t index) { CCASSERT(index>=0 && index < _children.size(), "Invalid index"); auto& children = parent->getChildren(); for(const auto &child: children) { Sprite* sp = static_cast<Sprite*>(child); if (sp && (sp->getLocalZOrder() < 0)) { index = rebuildIndexInOrder(sp, index); } } // ignore self (batch node) if (parent != static_cast<Ref*>(this)) { parent->setAtlasIndex(index); index++; } for(const auto &child: children) { Sprite* sp = static_cast<Sprite*>(child); if (sp && (sp->getLocalZOrder() >= 0)) { index = rebuildIndexInOrder(sp, index); } } return index; } ssize_t SpriteBatchNode::highestAtlasIndexInChild(Sprite *sprite) { auto& children = sprite->getChildren(); if (children.size() == 0) { return sprite->getAtlasIndex(); } else { return highestAtlasIndexInChild( static_cast<Sprite*>(children.back())); } } ssize_t SpriteBatchNode::lowestAtlasIndexInChild(Sprite *sprite) { auto& children = sprite->getChildren(); if (children.size() == 0) { return sprite->getAtlasIndex(); } else { return lowestAtlasIndexInChild(static_cast<Sprite*>(children.at(0))); } } ssize_t SpriteBatchNode::atlasIndexForChild(Sprite *sprite, int nZ) { auto& siblings = sprite->getParent()->getChildren(); auto childIndex = siblings.getIndex(sprite); // ignore parent Z if parent is spriteSheet bool ignoreParent = (SpriteBatchNode*)(sprite->getParent()) == this; Sprite *prev = nullptr; if (childIndex > 0 && childIndex != -1) { prev = static_cast<Sprite*>(siblings.at(childIndex - 1)); } // first child of the sprite sheet if (ignoreParent) { if (childIndex == 0) { return 0; } return highestAtlasIndexInChild(prev) + 1; } // parent is a Sprite, so, it must be taken into account // first child of an Sprite ? if (childIndex == 0) { Sprite *p = static_cast<Sprite*>(sprite->getParent()); // less than parent and brothers if (nZ < 0) { return p->getAtlasIndex(); } else { return p->getAtlasIndex() + 1; } } else { // previous & sprite belong to the same branch if ((prev->getLocalZOrder() < 0 && nZ < 0) || (prev->getLocalZOrder() >= 0 && nZ >= 0)) { return highestAtlasIndexInChild(prev) + 1; } // else (previous < 0 and sprite >= 0 ) Sprite *p = static_cast<Sprite*>(sprite->getParent()); return p->getAtlasIndex() + 1; } // Should not happen. Error calculating Z on SpriteSheet CCASSERT(0, "should not run here"); return 0; } // addChild helper, faster than insertChild void SpriteBatchNode::appendChild(Sprite* sprite) { _reorderChildDirty=true; sprite->setBatchNode(this); sprite->setDirty(true); if(_textureAtlas->getTotalQuads() == _textureAtlas->getCapacity()) { increaseAtlasCapacity(); } _descendants.push_back(sprite); int index = static_cast<int>(_descendants.size()-1); sprite->setAtlasIndex(index); V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quad = sprite->getQuad(); _textureAtlas->insertQuad(&quad, index); // add children recursively auto& children = sprite->getChildren(); for(const auto &child: children) { appendChild(static_cast<Sprite*>(child)); } } void SpriteBatchNode::removeSpriteFromAtlas(Sprite *sprite) { // remove from TextureAtlas _textureAtlas->removeQuadAtIndex(sprite->getAtlasIndex()); // Cleanup sprite. It might be reused (issue #569) sprite->setBatchNode(nullptr); auto it = std::find(_descendants.begin(), _descendants.end(), sprite ); if( it != _descendants.end() ) { auto next = std::next(it); Sprite *spr = nullptr; for(; next != _descendants.end(); ++next) { spr = *next; spr->setAtlasIndex( spr->getAtlasIndex() - 1 ); } _descendants.erase(it); } // remove children recursively auto& children = sprite->getChildren(); for(const auto &obj: children) { Sprite* child = static_cast<Sprite*>(obj); if (child) { removeSpriteFromAtlas(child); } } } void SpriteBatchNode::updateBlendFunc() { if (! _textureAtlas->getTexture()->hasPremultipliedAlpha()) { _blendFunc = BlendFunc::ALPHA_NON_PREMULTIPLIED; setOpacityModifyRGB(false); } else { _blendFunc = BlendFunc::ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED; setOpacityModifyRGB(true); } } // CocosNodeTexture protocol void SpriteBatchNode::setBlendFunc(const BlendFunc &blendFunc) { _blendFunc = blendFunc; } const BlendFunc& SpriteBatchNode::getBlendFunc() const { return _blendFunc; } Texture2D* SpriteBatchNode::getTexture() const { return _textureAtlas->getTexture(); } void SpriteBatchNode::setTexture(Texture2D *texture) { _textureAtlas->setTexture(texture); updateBlendFunc(); } // SpriteSheet Extension //implementation SpriteSheet (TMXTiledMapExtension) void SpriteBatchNode::insertQuadFromSprite(Sprite *sprite, ssize_t index) { CCASSERT( sprite != nullptr, "Argument must be non-nullptr"); CCASSERT( dynamic_cast<Sprite*>(sprite), "CCSpriteBatchNode only supports Sprites as children"); // make needed room while(index >= _textureAtlas->getCapacity() || _textureAtlas->getCapacity() == _textureAtlas->getTotalQuads()) { this->increaseAtlasCapacity(); } // // update the quad directly. Don't add the sprite to the scene graph // sprite->setBatchNode(this); sprite->setAtlasIndex(index); V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quad = sprite->getQuad(); _textureAtlas->insertQuad(&quad, index); // FIXME:: updateTransform will update the textureAtlas too, using updateQuad. // FIXME:: so, it should be AFTER the insertQuad sprite->setDirty(true); sprite->updateTransform(); } void SpriteBatchNode::updateQuadFromSprite(Sprite *sprite, ssize_t index) { CCASSERT(sprite != nullptr, "Argument must be non-nil"); CCASSERT(dynamic_cast<Sprite*>(sprite) != nullptr, "CCSpriteBatchNode only supports Sprites as children"); // make needed room while (index >= _textureAtlas->getCapacity() || _textureAtlas->getCapacity() == _textureAtlas->getTotalQuads()) { this->increaseAtlasCapacity(); } // // update the quad directly. Don't add the sprite to the scene graph // sprite->setBatchNode(this); sprite->setAtlasIndex(index); sprite->setDirty(true); // UpdateTransform updates the textureAtlas quad sprite->updateTransform(); } SpriteBatchNode * SpriteBatchNode::addSpriteWithoutQuad(Sprite*child, int z, int aTag) { CCASSERT( child != nullptr, "Argument must be non-nullptr"); CCASSERT( dynamic_cast<Sprite*>(child), "CCSpriteBatchNode only supports Sprites as children"); // quad index is Z child->setAtlasIndex(z); // FIXME:: optimize with a binary search auto it = _descendants.begin(); for (; it != _descendants.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->getAtlasIndex() >= z) break; } _descendants.insert(it, child); // IMPORTANT: Call super, and not self. Avoid adding it to the texture atlas array Node::addChild(child, z, aTag); //#issue 1262 don't use lazy sorting, tiles are added as quads not as sprites, so sprites need to be added in order reorderBatch(false); return this; } std::string SpriteBatchNode::getDescription() const { return StringUtils::format("<SpriteBatchNode | tag = %d>", _tag); } NS_CC_END