cocos2d-x-3.0beta2 ?.? ?
     [NEW]          Adds performance test for Containers(Vector<>, Array, Map<K,V>, Dictionary).
     [NEW]          DrawNode supports to draw triangle, quad bezier, cubic bezier.
     [NEW]          Console: added the 'textures', 'fileutils dump' and 'config' commands
     [NEW]          GLCache: glActiveTexture() is cached with GL::activeTexture(). All code MUST call the cached version in order to work correctly
     [NEW]          Label: Uses a struct of TTF configuration for Label::createWithTTF to reduce parameters and make this interface more easily to use.
     [NEW]          Label: Integrates LabelAtlas into new Label.
     [NEW]          Node: Added `setGlobalZOrder()`. Useful to change the Node's render order. Node::setZOrder() -> Node::setLocalZOrder()
     [NEW]          Renderer: Added BatchCommand. This command is not "batchable" with other commands, but improves performance in about 10%
     [NEW]          LuaBindings: Bindings-generator supports to bind namespace for lua.
     [FIX]          CocoStudio: TestColliderDetector in ArmatureTest can't work.
     [FIX]          Crash if file doesn't exist when using FileUtils::getStringFromFile.
     [FIX]          If setting a shorter string than before while using LabelAtlas, the effect will be wrong.
     [FIX]          Label: Crash when using unknown characters.
     [FIX]          Console: log(format, va_args) is private to prevent possible resolution errors
     [FIX]          Configuration: dumpInfo() -> getInfo()
     [FIX]          ControlSlider doesn't support to set selected thumb sprite.
     [FIX]          ControlButton doesn't support to set scale ratio of touchdown state.
     [FIX]          Particles: Crash was triggered if there is not `textureFileName`section in particle plist file.
     [FIX]          Renderer: Uses a float as key with only the depth. Viewport, opaque are not needed now
     [FIX]          Renderer Performance Fix: QuadCommand::init() does not copy the Quads, it only store a reference making the code faster
     [FIX]          Renderer Performance Fix: Sprite and SpriteBatchNode (and subclasses) has much better performance
     [FIX]          Renderer Performance Fix: When note using VAO, call glBufferData() instead of glBufferSubData().
     [FIX]          Renderer Performance Fix: Doesn't sort z=0 elements. It also uses sort() instead of stable_sort() for z!=0.
     [FIX]          Sprite: removed _hasChildren optimization. It uses !_children.empty() now which is super fast as well
     [FIX]          Tests: TestCpp works with CMake on Windows.
     [FIX]          Tests: Sprites Performance Test has 4 new tests
     [FIX]          TextureCache: getTextureForKey and removeTextureForKey work as expected
     [FIX]          TextureCache: dumpCachedTextureInfo() -> getCachedTextureInfo()
     [FIX]          Websocket doesn't support send/receive data which larger than 4096 bytes.
     [FIX]          Windows: There will be some compilation errors when using x64 target on Windows.

cocos2d-x-3.0beta Jan.7 2014
     [NEW]          New label: shadow, outline, glow support
     [NEW]          AngelCode binary file format support for LabelBMFont
     [NEW]          New spine runtime support
     [NEW]          Add templated containers, such as `cocos2d::Map<>` and `cocos2d::Vector<>`
     [NEW]          TextureCache::addImageAsync() uses std::function<> as call back
     [NEW]          Namespace changed: network -> cocos2d::network, gui -> cocos2d::gui
     [NEW]          Added more CocoStudioSceneTest samples.
     [NEW]          Added UnitTest for Vector<T>, Map<K, V>, Value.
     [NEW]          AngelCode binary file format support for LabelBMFont.
     [NEW]          New renderer: Scene graph and Renderer are decoupled now.
     [NEW]          Upgrated Box2D to 2.3.0
     [NEW]          SChedule::performFunctionInCocosThread()
     [NEW]          Added tga format support again.
     [NEW]          Adds UnitTest for Template container and Value class
     [FIX]          A Logic error in ControlUtils::RectUnion.
     [FIX]          Bug fixes for Armature, use Vector<T>, Map<K, V> instead of Array, Dictionary.
     [FIX]          Used c++11 range loop(highest performance) instead of other types of loop.
     [FIX]          Removed most hungarian notations.
     [FIX]          Merged NodeRGBA to Node.
     [FIX]          Potential hash collision fix.
     [FIX]          Updates spine runtime to the latest version.
     [FIX]          Uses `const std::string&` instead of `const char*`.
     [FIX]          LabelBMFont string can't be shown integrally.
     [FIX]          Deprecates FileUtils::getFileData, adds FileUtils::getStringFromFile/getDataFromFile.
     [FIX]          GUI refactoring: Removes UI prefix, Widget is inherited from Node, uses new containers(Vector<T>, Map<K,V>).
     [FIX]          String itself is also modified in `String::componentsSeparatedByString`.
     [FIX]          Sprites with PhysicsBody move to a wrong position when game resume from background.
     [FIX]          Crash if connection breaks during download using AssetManager.   
     [FIX]          OpenAL context isn't destroyed correctly on mac and ios.
     [FIX]          Useless conversion in ScrollView::onTouchBegan.
     [FIX]          Two memory leak fixes in EventDispatcher::removeEventListener(s).  
     [FIX]          CCTMXMap doesn't support TMX files reference external TSX files
     [FIX]          Logical error in `CallFuncN::clone()`   
     [FIX]          Child's opacity will not be changed when its parent's cascadeOpacityEnabled was set to true and opacity was changed
     [FIX]          Disallow copy and assign for Scene Graph + Actions objects
     [FIX]          XMLHttpRequest receives wrong binary array
     [FIX]          XMLHttpRequest.status needs to be assigned even when connection fails
     [FIX]          TextureCache::addImageAsync may load a image even it is loaded in GL thread
     [FIX]          EventCustom shouldn't use std::hash to generate unique ID, because the result is not unique 
     [FIX]          CC_USE_PHYSICS is actually impossible to turn it off
     [FIX]          Crash if connection breaks during download using AssetManager
     [FIX]          Project_creator supports creating project at any folder and supports UI
     [NEW]          build/ add supporting to generate .apk file
     [NEW]          Bindings-generator supports to bind 'unsigned long'.
     [FIX]          XMLHttpRequest receives wrong binary array.
     [FIX]          'Test Frame Event' of TestJavascript/CocoStudioArmatureTest Crashes.
     [FIX]          UserDefault::getDoubleForKey() doesn't pass default value to Java.
     [FIX]          Infinite loop in UserDefault's destructor
     [NEW]          CMake support for windows.
     [NEW]          Support CocoStudio v1.2
     [NEW]          Adds spine JS binding support.
     [FIX]          Don't bind override functions for JSB and LuaBining since they aren't needed at all.
     [FIX]          The order of onEnter and onExit is wrong.
     [FIX]          The setBlendFunc method of some classes wasn't exposed to LUA.
     [FIX]          Bindings-generator doesn't support 'unsigned long'
     [FIX]          Potential hash collision by using typeid(T).hash_code() in JSB and LuaBinding
[Lua binding]
     [NEW]          New label support
     [NEW]          Physcis integrated support
     [NEW]          EventDispatcher support
     [FIX]          CallFuncND + auto remove lua test case have no effect
     [FIX]          Lua gc will cause correcsponding c++ object been released
     [FIX]          Some lua manual binding functions don't remove unneeded element in the lua stack
     [FIX]          The setBlendFunc method of some classes wasn't exposed to LUA
[Javascript binding]
     [FIX]          `onEnter` event is triggered after children's `onEnter` event
cocos2d-x-3.0alpha1 Nov.19 2013
[all platforms]
     [DOC]          Added RELEASE_NOTES and files
     [FIX]          Texture: use CCLOG to log when a texture is being decoded in software
     [FIX]          Spine: fix memory leaks
     [FIX]          fixed a memory leak in XMLHTTPRequest.cpp
     [FIX]          removeSpriteFramesFromFile() crashes if file doesn't exist.
     [FIX]          Avoid unnecessary object duplication for Scale9Sprite.
     [FIX] does not rename/replace template projects completely.
     [FIX]          Could not set next animation in CCBAnimationCompleted callback.
     [FIX]          The Node's anchor point was changed after being added to ScrollView.
     [FIX]          Refactored and improved EventDispatcher.
     [FIX]          EventListeners can't be removed sometimes.
     [FIX]          When parsing XML using TinyXML, the data size has to be specified.
     [FIX]          Parameter type: const char* -> const string&
     [FIX]          Armature: many bug fixed, add more samples, add function to skip some frames when playing animation
     [FIX]          Configuration of VAO in runtime
     [FIX]          Webp Test Crashes.
     [FIX]          TransitionScenePageTurn: z fighting
     [FIX]          AssetsManager: Adding test whether the file directory exists when uncompressing file entry,if does not exist then create directory
     [FIX]          CCBReader: To set anchor point to 0,0 when loading Scale9Sprite
     [FIX]          OpenGL Error 502 in Hole Demo
     [FIX]          AssetsManager: downloading progress is not synchronized with actual download
     [FIX]          SpriteFrameCache: memory leak when loading a plist file
     [FIX]          removeSpriteFramesFromFile() crashes if file doesn't exist
     [FIX]          EditBox: can't click the area that outside of keyboard to close keyboard
     [FIX]          CCBReader: can not set next animation in AnimationCompleted callback
     [FIX]          Node's anchor point was changed after being added to ScrollView
     [FIX]          EventDispather: refactor method and fix some bugs
     [FIX]          EventListner: cann't be removed sometimes
     [FIX]          UserDefault: didn't set data size when parsing XML using TinyXML
     [FIX]          Webp test crashed
     [FIX]          CCHttpClient: The subthread of CCHttpClient interrupts main thread if timeout signal comes.
     [NEW]          Arm64 support.
     [NEW]          Added Mouse Support For Desktop Platforms.
     [NEW]          Point: Adds ANCHOR_XXX constants like ANCHOR_MIDDLE, ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT, etc.
     [NEW]          Sprite: Override setScale(float scaleX, float scaleY)
     [NEW]          External: added | operator for Control::EventType
     [NEW]          Android & iOS screen size change support
     [NEW]          GLProgram: setUniformLocationWithMatrix2fv, setUniformLocationWithMatrix3fv
     [NEW]          Color[3|4][B|F]: comparable and explicit convertible
     [NEW]          Contorl::EventType add | operation
     [NEW]          Performance Test: Sprite drawing
     [NEW]          Adjusted folder structure
     [NEW]          Added tools to simplify upgrading game codes from v2.x to v3.x
     [FIX]          Added virtual destructors on Interfaces
     [FIX]          Added EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE to OpenGL attributes
     [FIX]          Fixed application will crash when pause and resume.
     [FIX]          Clear NoSuchMethodError Exception when JniHelper fails to find method id
     [FIX]          Fixed crash when backging from background
     [FIX]          LabelTTF: crashed when setting dimension input height value less than the height of the font and the input width value is 0
     [FIX]          Changed data type of 'char' to signed as default
     [NEW]          Added xlargeScreens="true" to supports-screens
     [NEW]          Added build/ to build all Android samples, and remove all
     [NEW]          Added to build template projects, and remove
     [NEW]          Added Cocos2dxHelper.runOnGLThread(Runnable) again
     [NEW]          Added support for orientation changed
     [NEW]          Disabled CDT Builder on Eclipse
     [FIX]          Removed unused CCLOG() from GL initialization
     [FIX]          HttpClientTest: crash
     [FIX]          Can't click the area that outside of keyboard to close keyboard when using EditBox.
     [NEW]          Added support for orientation changed
     [NEW]          Used CMake to build linux projects.
     [FIX]          Closed X display after getting DPI on Linux.
     [FIX]          Last test case of OpenglTest crashed
     [FIX]          Trigger onKeyReleased only after the key has been released.
     [NEW]          Added mouse support
[Javascript binding]
     [FIX]          Fixed a memory leak in ScriptingCore::runScript()
     [FIX]          sys.localStorage.getItem() does not support non-ascii string.
     [FIX]          cc.Scheduler.schedule(target, func) without repeat argument couldn't repeat schedule forever on device.
     [FIX]          CCBReader can't play sequence automatically in JSB.
     [FIX]          Wrong convention to jsval in cccolor4f_to_jsval and cccolor3b_to_jsval
     [FIX]          sys.localStorage: doesn't support non-ascii string
     [FIX]          BuilderReader: can't play sequence  automatically
     [FIX]          Wrong conversion to javal in cccolor4f_to_jsval and cccolor3b_to_jsval
     [NEW]          main.js -> cocos2d-jsb.js
     [NEW]          Remote debugging using Firefox, "step into" can not work
     [NEW]          Added binding for Node::setScale(float, float)
     [NEW]          Impvoved armature binding
     [NEW]          Added CocoStudio releated binding codes: gui, scene parser, and add corresponding samples
[Lua Binding]
     [NEW]          Added Armature lua binding and added test samples.
     [NEW]          Added LuaObjectBridge & LuaJavaBridge to simplify invoking objective-c codes and java codes from lua
     [NEW]          Added CocoStudio releated binding codes: gui, scene parser, and add corresponding samples
     [NEW]          Added AssetsManager binding and corresponding sample
     [NEW]          Added XMLHttpRequest lua binding and corresponding sample

cocos2d-x-3.0alpha0 @Sep.19 2013
[all platforms]
     [FIX]          TargetAction::reverse() works as expected
     [FIX]          Fixed crash in OpenGLTest
     [FIX]          Fixed logic when passing an empty std::vector to WebSocket::init()
     [FIX]          Fixed crash in ParticleSystemQuad due to improper deletion of VBO and VAO
     [FIX]          Point::isSegmentIntersect() returns correct value
     [FIX]          Improved UTF8 response code in XmlHttpRequest
     [FIX]          Observers with the same target and name but different sender are the same observer in NotificationCenter
     [NEW]          Added ATITC format support
     [NEW]          Better integration with physics engine
     [NEW]          New Event Dispatcher: supports Keybaord, Touches, Accelerometer, Custom events. Added Tests as well
     [NEW]          New Label code: Faster and more efficient than previous code
     [NEW]          Added S3TC support
     [NEW]          Added a method to get duration of timeline for CCBAnimationManager class
     [NEW]          Array is compatible with STL containers.
     [3RD]          Upgraded SpiderMonkey to Firefox v23
     [FIX]          Fixed When lock screen or entering background and resume the application textures from pvr.ccz file become black
     [FIX]          Fixed Stroke font color
     [NEW]          Uses Native Activity
     [FIX]          Status bar can be hidden on iOS 7
     [FIX]          Added iOS7 icons to templates and tests
[Mac OS X]
     [NEW]          iOS and Mac tempaltes were merged into one single Xcode project file.
     [NEW]          Added Lua template
[JavaScript bindings]
     [FIX]          CCBReader is able to set properties to owner if 'owner var' is setted
     [FIX]          Fixed crash when extending cc.ScrollView in JS
     [FIX]          cc.registerTargettedDelegate supports pure js object as its target
     [FIX]          Fixed memory leak in the binding glue code of cc.FileUtils.getStringFromFile(getByteArrayFromFile)
     [NEW]          Added bindigns for Sprite::getDisplayFrame(), ControlButton callback and RemoveSelf
[Lua bindings]
     [NEW]          Bind Sprite::getDisplayFrame()

cocos2d-x-3.0alpha0-pre @Jul.30 2013
[all platforms]
     [FIX]      #2124: Image::initWithImageFileThreadSafe is not thread safe
     [FIX]      #2230: Node::onEnterTransitionDidFinish was called twice when a node is added in Node::onEnter
     [FIX]      #2237: calculation offset in font rendering
     [FIX]      #2303: missing precision when getting strokeColor and fontFillColor
     [FIX]      #2312: WebSocket can not parse url like "ws://"
     [FIX]      #2327: implement Node::isScheduled
     [FIX]      #2338: ccbRootPath is not passed to sub ccb nodes
     [FIX]      #2346: OpenGL error 0x0502 in  TextureAtlas::drawNumberOfQuads
     [FIX]      #2359: Sprite will become white block when using ControlSwitch
     [FIX]      #2361: some bug fixed of the Set class
     [FIX]      #2366: text shadow
     [FIX]      #2367: ClippingNode works differently on different platforms
     [FIX]      #2370: Pivotjoint constructor and pointQueryFirst in Space class will return false instead of invalid shape object
     [FIX]      #2381: ControlSwitch wasn't displayed correctly when adding more than one switch
     [FIX]      #2384: The submenu of ExtensionTest in TestCpp can't scroll
     [FIX]      #2386: ClippingNode works wrongly when being set as a child
     [FIX]      #2396: Scale9Sprite::setInsetLeft/XXX can't work for rotated sprite frame
     [FIX]      #2401: LabelBMFont crashes in glDrawElements of CCTextureAtlas::drawNumberOfQuads randombly
     [FIX]      #2410: Black screen appears on android randomly
     [FIX]      #2411: Opacity option for shadow in CCLabelTTF is not working
     [FIX]      #2406: Color and Opacity of Scale9Sprite will not be changed when it's added to NodeRGBA and run with FadeIn/Out actions
     [FIX]      #2415: Warning of AL_INVALID_NAME and AL_INVALID_OPERATION in SimpleAudioEngineOpenAL.cpp
     [FIX]      #2418: Unused spriteframes also need to be removed when purgeCachedData
     [FIX]      #2431: Potential crash when loading js files
     [FIX]      #2229: Explicitly initialising CCAcceleration structure
     [FIX]      #2234: Add destructor to CCGLBufferedNode
     [Feature]  #2232: adding Norwegian language support
     [Feature]  #2235: Ability to save/retrieve CCData into/from CCUserDefault
     [Feature]  #2250: add support for std::function<> in CCMemuItem and CCCallFunc
     [Feature]  #2273: Hardware keyboard support
     [Feature]  #2278: Adds CALLBACK_0, CALLBACK_1 and CALLBACK_2 macros for MenuItems
     [Feature]  #2279: Updates chipmunk2d to v6.1.5
     [Feature]  #2283: Adds Polish language support
     [Feature]  #2289: Uses clone() pattern for actions
     [Feature]  #2332: Adding project for QtCreator
     [Feature]  #2364: Adds DrawPrimitives::DrawSolidCircle
     [Feature]  #2365: Adds Rect::unionWithRect
     [Feature]  #2385: Implemented pitch, pan and gain for SimpleAudioEngine
     [Feature]  #2389: Adding cookie support for HttpClient
     [Feature]  #2392: Adds append() function for String class
     [Feature]  #2395: Adds Scale9SpriteTest for TestCpp
     [Feature]  #2399: Adds SocketIO support
     [Feature]  #2408: Adds String::componentsSeparatedByString function for splitting string
     [Feature]  #2414: Bindings-generator could bind std::function<> argument
     [Refactor] #2129: Removes Hungarian notation from ivars. Removes CC and cc prefixes from name classes and free functions.
     [Refactor] #2242: Enables c++11
     [Refactor] #2300: Using clone() pattern instead of 'copyWithZone' pattern
     [Refactor] #2305: Use std::thread instead of pthread
     [Refactor] #2328: ETC support for all platforms
     [Refactor] #2373: Change some member functions to const
     [Refactor] #2378: Remove the usage of CC_PROPERTY_XXX in engine code
     [Refactor] #2388: Creating a default texture for CCSprite if setTexture(nullptr) is invoked
     [Refactor] #2397: Singleton refactor, sharedXXX --> getInstance, purgeXXX --> destroyInstance
     [Refactor] #2404: Move all deprecated global functions and variables into CCDeprecated.h
     [Refactor] #2430: Uses strongly typed enums (enum class) instead of simple enums
     [FIX]      #2274: compile and run for iOS7 and Xcode5
     [Refactor] #2371: use one single Xcode project for iOS and Mac projects
     [FIX]      #2306: CCLabelTTF::setString crash
     [Refactor] #2329: use Android "asset manager" to improve file system read performance
     [Refactor] #2400: use onWindowFocusChanged(bool) instead of onResume()/onPause()
[OS X]
     [FIX]      #2275: LabelTTF vertical alignment
     [FIX]      #2398: Add support for initializing Image with raw data
     [FIX]      #2322: link error becasue of using multiply inheritance
[JavaScript bindings]
     [FIX]      #2307: PhysicsSprite::getCPBody return wrong type
     [FIX]      #2313: bind cc.ClippingNode
     [FIX]      #2315: iterating through cc.Node children crash
     [Feature]  #2285: bind MontionStreak
     [Feature]  #2340: Updates SpiderMonekey to Firefox v22 (JS Bindings)
     [Feature]  #2427: bind FileUtils.getInstance().createDictionaryWithContentsOfFile
[Lua bindings]
     [Feature]  #2276: Add CCScrollView Lua binding and corresponding test sample
     [Feature]  #2277: Add OpenGL Lua binding and corresponding test sample
     [Feature]  #2324: Add OpenGL Lua module
     [Feature]  #2343: Redesign the mechanism of invoking Lua func from c++
     [Feature]  #2344: make some execute functions into one function in ScriptEngineProtocol
     [Feature]  #2426: Add DrawPrimitives test sample
     [Feature]  #2429: LuaWebSocket supports sending binary string
     [FIX]      #2348: event will not be sent to server when paramMap argument of logEvent function is nil
     [Feature]  #2289: Asynchronous Image loading

2.1rc0-x-2.1.4 @Jnue.12 2013
[all platforms]
     Bug      #2098: fix TouchPriority issue of CCScrollView
     Bug      #2107: fix crash in HttpClient request on 64Bit
     Bug      #2115: fix linking errors for TestCPP with libcurl
     Bug      #2128: remove setting ignoreAnchorPoint for child CCB files and fix crash while trying to load sprite frame when the file is missing
     Bug      #2140: fix a bug that the displayed color of CCDrawNode is incorrect when VAO is disabled
     Bug      #2142: adding CCDataVisitor and implementing CCPrettyPrinter
     Bug      #2143: fix a crash caused by ScrollView.setDelegate(tmp function)
     Bug      #2146: unpack texture data correctly
     Bug      #2147: fix null pointer access in CCBAnimationManager::getRunningSequenceName()
     Bug      #2150: fix a bug that setColor and setOpacity of CCControlButton and CCScale9Sprite are broken
     Bug      #2251: fix a logical error in CCDrawNode::drawPolygon()
     Bug      #2271: fix memory leak as possible
     Feature  #1859: make AssetsManager download resources in a new thread
     Feature  #2086: make CCLabelTTF supports shadows and stroke
     Feature  #2100: add CCDirector::popToSceneStackLevel(int level)
     Feature  #2105: add Travis build support
     Feature  #2108: add example for russian language in TestCpp
     Feature  #2111: add CC_DISABLE_COPY macro
     Feature  #2114: add __attribute__(__format__()) for CCLog and CCString
     Feature  #2116: support negative node scales for CCScrollView
     Feature  #2117: implement CCDictionary::writeToFile()
     Feature  #2122: add method to create a CCMenuItemToggle from a CCArray with a target selector
     Feature  #2132: add encrypted PVR.CCZ support to ZipUtils + Tests
     Feature  #2157: add Mingw-crt Support without breaking VS SDK
     Feature  #2265: add CCLabelTTF::createWithFontDefinition()
     Feature  #2270: add Armature(CocoStudio runtime) support
     Refactor #2109: add const modifier for classes CCArray, CCObject
     Refactor #2118: move ccpX functions to CCPoint methods and operators
     Refactor #2119: use httpresponse_selector instead of callfuncND_selector for the callback function of CCHttpRequest
     Refactor #2123: refactor network extension, fixing unlikely memory leaks, adding PUT/DELETE methods
     Refactor #2127: add CCLOG before original path is returned in CCFileUtils::fullPathForFileName to aid in debugging
     Refactor #2149: add const qualification to some CCNode's getters
     Refactor #2189: CCLabelTTF::enableShadow() const update
     Refactor #2215: refactor CCConfiguration
     Refactor #2217: use CCLabelAtlas instead of CCLabelTTF to show FPS
     Refactor #2231: implement a format of CCConfiguration
     Refactor #2233: add support for "CCString" types for boolean and integers in CCConfiguration
     Refactor #2236: fix memory hot spot of CCTextureAtlas::updateQuad()
     Bug      #1284: fix a bug that SimpleAudioEngine may cause crash on i9100
     Bug      #2151: fix custom font loading on Android for resource mapped font files
     Bug      #2190: updat .classpath of Android project to latest ADT 22 build tool compatibility
     Bug      #2266: fix a bug that CCFileUtils::getFileData() may not get file data correctly on Android
     Feature  #2161: add ETC1 image format
     Bug      #2102: fix missing protocol method warning for iOS 6.0 addition
     Bug      #2104: fix a bug that JPEG picture not displayed correctly on iOS 4.3
     Bug      #2260: fix a bug that CCDirectory::createWithContentsOfFile() returns a valid pointer though the file is missing on iOS
     Refactor #2101: update cocos2dx Xcode project to detect more warnings
     Refactor #2253: add UITextField only when keyboard was opened, removing it when keyboard was closed
     Bug      #2249: fix linebreaks on Mac OSX
     Bug      #2131: fix memory leak of SimpleAudioEngine::preloadEffect()
     Bug      #2145: center the window correctly on windows
     Feature  #2120: compile c++ to js
     Bug      #2159: use browser font rendering instead of FreeType
     Refactor #2133: compile for Emscripten in asm.js mode
     Document #2121: write a document to describe the usage of emscriptenate port
     Feature  #2185: add support for Tizen
[JavaScript bindings]
     Bug      #2099: fix a bug in ScriptingCore::evalString() not setting the outval
     Bug      #2179: fix a bug that pointQueryFirst returns invalid Shape when a shape is not found
     Bug      #2186: fix a bug that new PivotJoint can't access 4 parameters like in html5 version
     Bug      #2187: JavaScript debugger improved and bug fixed
     Bug      #2243: fix a bug that XMLHttpRequest dones't support non-ascii characters
     Bug      #2244: fix a bug that cc.Camera.getEyeXYZ, cc.Camera.getCenterXYZ, cc.Camera.getUpXYZ return bad values
     Feature  #1647: Bind websocket to JavaScript
     Feature  #2092: add XMLHttpRequest and bind it to JSB
     Feature  #2106: add support for JavaScript byte code
     Feature  #2162: add command line tool for generating JavaScript bytecode
     Feature  #2214: upgrade Spidermonkey to Firefox v21
     Refactor #2152: log assert messages to the console and renaming CCScriptSupport::executeAssert to CCScriptSupport::handleAssert
     Refactor #2247: use functions instead of macros to speeding up building for JSB project
[Lua bindings]
     Feature  #2103: implement most test cases

cocos2d-2.1rc0-x-2.1.3 @May.01 2013
[all platforms]
     Bug      #1853: use SHELLOPTS instead of "-o igncr" for Android Eclipse project
     Bug      #1860: fix a bug that onNodeLoaded will be called twice if ccb was added as a CCBFile
     Bug      #1862: fix a bug that CCScrollView::setContainer may cause dangling pointer when NULL is passed into
     Bug      #1876: fix a bug that CCScale9Sprite::setColor() & setOpacity() are broken
     Bug      #1935: fix a bug that use "==" for float comparison of CCPoint and CCSize
     Bug      #1937: fix a bug that CCControl's touch priority is not set correctly, m_nDefaultTouchPriority is never used
     Bug      #1943: added some missing function for setting integer shader uniforms in CCGLProgram
     Bug      #1999: allowing to set fontName and fontSize separately for CCEditBox
     Bug      #2003: fix a potential crash in CCScheduler::removeHashElement()
     Bug      #2030: fix a bug that scissor rectangle in nested CCScrollView is wrong
     Bug      #2031: make CCFileUtils::createXXXXWithContentsOfFile() support relative path
     Bug      #2035: fix a potential crash in CCSaxParser
     Bug      #2037: fix a wrong logic in CCArray::initWithObjects()
     Bug      #2040: get scale property from sub-ccb node may trigger an assert
     Bug      #2054: fix a bug that anchorPoint property of CCScale9Sprite doesn't work in CCBReader
     Bug      #2055: enable easy switching between Box2D and chipmunk
     Bug      #2058: properly resets the tile's Y flipping
     Bug      #2061: fix a bug that wrong type of argument signature is used in setAccelerometerIntervalJNI function
     Bug      #2073: fix a memory leak in CCUserDefault
     Bug      #2080: fix a bug that _realOpacity isn't assigned in CCLayerColor::initWithColor
     Feature  #2001: add CCRemoveSelf Action
     Feature  #2048: support variable cell sizes in CCTableView
     Feature  #2065: adding kResolutionFixedHeight and kResolutionFixedWidth resolution policy
     Feature  #2068: adding a secureTextEntry property to CCTextFieldTTF
     Feature  #2069: adding new macro CCB_MEMBERVARIABLEASSIGNER_GLUE_WEAK to CCBMemberVariableAssigner.h
     Feature  #2075: support spine editor
     Feature  #2076: adding a method CCBReader::setResolutionScale for setting resolution scale manually
     Refactor #1592: updating UTHASH to v1.9.8
     Refactor #2042: remove libxml2
     Refactor #2097: use pthread mutex and condition variable instead of pthread semaphore to load image asynchronizely 
     Bug      #1996: adding missing JNIEXPORT / JNICALL declarations
     Bug      #2028: fix a bug taht application can not run correctly on Android simulator
     Bug      #2045: some small fixes to CocosPlayer
     Bug      #2062: fix for spaces at the beginning of wrapped lines
     Bug      #2083: fix a bug that Bytecode of LuaJIT can't work on android
     Refactor #1613: not reload resources when coming from background on Android
     Refactor #1861: CocosPlayer Android update
     Refactor #1904: strip libcurl.a on x86 architecture
     Refactor #2027: reduce function call in nativeInitBitmapDC to improve performance
     Refactor #2047: clean up linked libraries for android
     Bug      #1863: fix a bug that CCUserDefault on iOS may not save immediately
     Feature  #2096: adding Cocosplayer for iOS and bug fixes
     Bug      #1932: fix a bug that font rendering crashed for certain fonts
     Bug      #2036: correct passed buffer size to readlink
     Bug      #2044: link libpthread and libGL
     Bug      #2046: strip newlines from log message and fixing linux library location
     Bug      #2052: fix a bug that [-Werror=array-bounds] error appears when compiling Box2dTestBed
     Feature  #2032: Linux OpenAL support
     Refactor #2000: improve font rendering performance for linux platform
     Refactor #2053: set writable path to "<user's home>/.config/<app name>"
     Bug      #2051: fix a bug that TestCpp/ExtensionsTest/CocosbuilderTest crashes under x86_64 target
     Feature  #1856: adding 64bit target for Mac project
[JavaScript bindings]
     Bug      #1855: fix a bug that std_string_to_jsval generates messy js string when passed a non-ascii UTF8 std::string
     Bug      #2057: adding response for back and menu keypad event for Android
     Bug      #2059: fix a bug that cc.FileUtils.getInstance().getStringFromFile(filename) doesn't return a whole string
     Bug      #2071: fix a bug that cc.TMXLayer.getTiles() can't work
     Feature  #1841: find a way to obfuscate JavaScript code on the top of JSB
     Feature  #1936: adding OpenGL Bindings to Javascript
     Feature  #2043: upgrading SpiderMonkey to Firefox20.0
     Feature  #2060: support for cc.FileUtils.getInstance().getByteArrayFromFile(filename)
     Feature  #2064: exposing cc.Node.nodeTo***Transform to JS
     Refactor #1944: subclass of cc.Sprite,cc.Layer... doesn't need cc.associateWithNative anymore
[Lua bindings]
     Feature  #1814: add menutest 
     Feature  #1941: add TileMapTest
     Feature  #1942: add LayerTest
     Feature  #1945: use CCLOG to implement print() function
     Feature  #1993: add ParallaxTest
     Feature  #1994: add ActionManagerTest
     Feature  #1997: add IntervalTest
     Feature  #1998: add SceneTest
     Feature  #2002: add Texture2dTest, RenderTexture, ZwoptexTest, FontTest, CocosDenshionTest and EffectsAdvancedTest
     Feature  #2004: add UserDefaultTest
     Feature  #2005: add CurrentLanguageTest
     Refactor #1847: use luajit
     Refactor #2084: unify the method of loading Lua files on all platforms

cocos2d-2.1rc0-x-2.1.2 @Mar.20 2013
[all platforms]
     Bug      #1529: use NSUserDefaults on iOS and SharedPreferences on Android implement CCUserDefault
     Bug      #1672: fix a bug that CCTableView is too sensitive on some devices with high density display
     Bug      #1689: support horizontal alignment for Custom TTF fonts
     Bug      #1691: fix a bug that CCControlSwitch::setOn(isOn,false) doesn't work
     Bug      #1692: add TMX polygon parsing
     Bug      #1697: fix a logical error in CCRenderTexture::initWithWidthAndHeight()
     Bug      #1710: add simpler,correct handling of spritesheet sources for CCScale9Sprite
     Bug      #1711: fix a bug that clipping rectangle of CCScrollView is wrong when the scale of its ancestors isn't equal to 1
     Bug      #1731: change declaration of CCSize, CCPoint and CCRect in pkg file
     Bug      #1751: fix a bug that clicking outside of CCTableViewCell will also get response when container size is smaller than view size
     Bug      #1754: fix a bug that offset of the container is wrong in CCTableView
     Bug      #1821: fix a bug that the display result is wrong when invoking CCControlButton::setHighlighted()
     Feature  #1686: synchronize to cocos2d-iphone v2.1rc0
     Feature  #1708: adding Portuguese and Arabic language support
     Feature  #1712: add an interface to get DPI
     Feature  #1741: CCLens3d can be concave
     Feature  #1742: add 'rotationIsDir' property to ParticleSystem
     Feature  #1761: implement setVisible() for CCEditBox
     Feature  #1807: add getStartLocationInView() and getStartLocation() methods in CCTouch
     Feature  #1822: add CCNotificationCenter::removeAllObservers(CCObject *target)
     Feature  #1838: synchronize CCBReader to the lastest version
     Feature  #1489: add AssetsManager
     Refactor #1687: refactor CCFileUtils and CCImage
     Refactor #1700: add webp image format support
     Refactor #1702: change return value of CCFileUtils::getWritablePath()
     Refactor #1703: replace libxml2 with tinyxml2
     Refactor #1749: add 'setFont' and 'setAnchorPoint' to CCEditBox
     Bug      #1752: fix a bug that libcurl.a causes link error after being stripped
     Bug      #1760: fix a bug that cpufeatures module is redefined
     Bug      #1775: fix a bug that OpenSLEngine can not load resources from SD card
     Bug      #1812: fix a warning of getStringWithEllipsisJni() function when compiling it with clang
     Feature  #1827: support building android project, including native codes, in Eclipse
     Bug      #1750: fix a bug that CCEditBox's position is incorrect when it's added to a non-fullscreen CCNode
     Bug      #1804: fix for loading custom fonts on iOS when referenced from a CCB file
     Feature  #1842: support kEditBoxInputFlagSensitive setting for CCEditBox on iOS
     Refactor #1755: add CocosDenshion xcode project
     Refactor #1825: use CCLabelTTF to show text for CCEditBox
[JavaScript bindings]
     Bug      #1707: fix a crash caused by unaligned memory access in CCBReader::readFloat()
     Bug      #1726: fix crash of JSB application on android device with armv6 architecture
     Bug      #1729: fix compiling error of ScriptingCore.cpp with C++11 on iOS
     Bug      #1747: fix a crash when passing null to cc.AnimationFrame.initWithSpriteFrame()
     Bug      #1823: use shared NodeLoaderLibrary in CCBReader bindings
     Feature  #1724: add HelloJS sample
     Feature  #1730: bind CCScrollView and CCTableView to js
     Feature  #1748: separate chipmunk and sqlite from js_binding_core.cpp
     Feature  #1753: upgrade SpiderMonkey to Firefox19.
     Feature  #1808: make cxx_generator support parsing functions that have default parameters
     Feature  #1811: add a method to get file data for JSB
     Feature  #1824: bind CCEditBox to JS
     Refactor #1682: add ScriptingCore::getGlobalObject() function
     Refactor #1740: add cleanup and reset methods to ScriptingCore
     Refactor #1830: use JS::CompileOptions::setUTF8(true) to compile script
     Refactor #1836: make js target of "cc.Scheduler().scheduleCallbackForTarget()" accept a object that not depend on CCNode or its subclass
     Refactor #1837: refactor schedule binding codes
[Lua bindings]
     Bug      #1745: fix a bug that CCRepeat:create() receives error argument
     Feature  #1425: fix errors in Lua test cases and add more test cases
     Feature  #1698: add CCLuaObjcBridge
     Feature  #1802: add TouchesTest for Lua binding
     Refactor #1818: cleanup the tolua++ bindings build system
     Feature  #1634: CCEditBox support
     Feature  #1746: add VS2012 Express template installing support
     Bug      #1688: fix a bug that truetype fonts from resource directory can't be found
     Bug      #1810: fix a bug that SimpleAudioEngine::playEffect() and playBackgroundMusic() play twice on linux
     Bug      #1819: fix a bug that building script exits when missing packages
     Bug      #1834: fix the size calculations for true type fonts (especially for italic fonts)
     Refactor #1806: refactor linux build system
     Refactor #1820: add 'make run' target for linux projects
[mac os]
     Bug      #1637: fix a bug that CCLabelTTF & CCMenuItemLabel cannot display on Mac Retina
[black berry]
     Refactor #1709: add support for multiple background music sources
[chrome native client]
     Feature  #1762: add Native Client support

cocos2d-2.1beta3-x-2.1.1 @Jan.29 2013
[ all platforms]
     Bug      #1547: fix a bug that when CCMenuItem is removed before touch ended, application will crash if keeping moving
     Bug      #1553: fix a memory leak in CCControllButton
     Bug      #1604: fix a bug that the enum values in ccPVR3TexturePixelFormat are truncated to 32bit
     Bug      #1605: fix a crash that when adding just one action to CCSequence
     Bug      #1639: fix a bug that CCBReader miss parsing some properties  
     Bug      #1659: fix a bug that invoking runAnimation() in CCBAnimationManagerDelegate::completedAnimationSequenceNamed will cause crash
     Bug      #1662: fix a bug that returns wrong full path if texture name in the plist doesn't contain relative path 
     Bug      #1664: fix a logical error in CCAtlasNode::setOpacityModifyRGB
     Bug      #1670: fix a memory leak in CCBReader
     Bug      #1674: fix a logical error in CCScale9Sprite constructor
     Bug      #1680: fix a bug that can't set touch priority by invoking CCMenu::setTouchPriority()
     Bug      #1681: fix a bug that CCTableView crashes if CCTableViewDelegate is not provided
     Feature  #1598: add japanese language support
     Feature  #1625: add stackable action support and exchange the order of parameters for 3d relative actions
     Feature  #1667: add file name lookup support
     Refactor #1593: remove all deprecated methods
     Refactor #1599: do some improvements of CCScrollView and CCTableView
     Refactor #1602: add randomObject to CCDictionary
     Refactor #1603: adjust samples directory structure
     Refactor #1606: return CCSequence pointer for CCSequence::create
     Refactor #1648: make CCPoint, CCRect and CCSize not inherit from CCObject
     Refactor #1649: change return type to const reference for member variable accessing
     Refactor #1654: report function and line number for CCAssert
     Refactor #1683: refactor CCFileUtils to make it be compatible with the resource searching strategy of cocos2d-iphone
     Document #1650: add detailed comments for CCDictionary
     Document #1678: add detailed doxygen comments for CCNode
     Bug      #1544: fix a bug that CCRenderTexture works wrong after coming back to foreground
     Bug      #1580: fix a bug that application may lost focus after popping up keyboard
     Bug      #1607: fix a bug that the path CCUserDefault saves in may cause issue
     Bug      #1610: fix a bug that CCLabelTTF will lost a character at the end of a line
     Bug      #1623: fix a bug that SimpleAudioEngine::playBackgroundMusic() may not take effect
     Bug      #1679: upload unstripped prebuilt libraries for armeabi-v7a architectures
     Refactor #1673: add <uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000"/> to AndroidManifest.xml
     Bug      #1600: fix a bug that application created by xCode template will crash after coming to foreground
     Bug      #1612: fix some compilation errors when using c++11 compiler
     Bug      #1657: fix a memory leak in CCTextureCache::addImageAsync()
     Refactor #1636: refactor CCEditBox
     Refactor #1627: add VS version check in project file
     Bug      #1631: make SimpleGame force landscape
     Refactor #1629: add marmalade third party cleanup
     Refactor #1630: add TestLua post-build script
     Refactor #1632: remove grskia dependency and add in freetype support to the builds.
     Feature  #1611: add Lua support
     Refactor #1621: add linux 64bit target for eclipse project
     Refactor #1676: refactor makefile and eclipse project configuration
[JavaScript bindings]
     Bug      #1550: fix some memory leaks in JSBinding
     Bug      #1614: fix a crash caused by DrawNodeTest
     Bug      #1622: fix a crash when cc.Node.getChildren is invoked if it has no children
     Bug      #1641: fix a bug that the coins in WatermelonWithMe don't animate
     Bug      #1644: fix a crash caused by passing NULL parameter to ccdictionary_to_jsval
     Bug      #1645: fix a bug that JS Project created by xXode template doesn't work correctly
     Bug      #1653: handle correctly when parsing int value in JSB
     Feature  #1620: add sys.localStorage support for JSB
     Feature  #1642: add tools for generating js-binding codes on windows
     Feature  #1646: update SpiderMonkey to v18.0
     Feature  #1660: add js-debugger for js-binding
     Feature  #1661: add jsb sample game CrystalCraze
     Refactor #1530: do some improvements to JS Bindings
     Refactor #1633: implement sys.capabilities for JSB
[Lua bindings]
     Refactor #1608: add CCNode::scheduleUpdateWithPriorityLua() for LuaBinding
     Refactor #1626: add CCDirector::setDisplayStats() for luabinding

cocos2d-2.1beta3-x-2.1.0 @Dec.5 2012
 [all platforms]
     Bug      #1556: set a default texture for CCParticleFire, CCParticleFireworks, etc
     Feature  #1555: update to cocos2d-iphone v2.1 beta3
     Feature  #1564: update tests to cocos2d-iphone v2.1beta3
     Feature  #1572: add sample game WatermelonWithMe
     Feature  #1573: add sample game CocosDragonJS
     Refactor #1545: remove the usage of NODE_FUNC and CREATE_FUNC
     Refactor #1565: remove VS2008 support
     Refactor #1576: update CCBReader to latest version of CocosBuilder
     Refactor #1589: add CCBReader::setCCBRootPath()
     Bug      #1548: update libcurl header files to 7.26.0 on iOS 
     Bug      #1551: add error handler when reading image data using libjpeg
     Refactor #1558: improve the speed of accessing to files from apk
     Bug      #1559: fix a bug that if a file in resource directory doesn't exist, it will not search from root directory
     Bug      #1571: add box2d rope to marmalade project
     Bug      #1590: JPEG and File fixes for marmalade
     Feature  #1557: Marmalade support
     Refactor #1574: update marmalade languages
     Refactor #1575: update samples/TestCpp to compatible with marmalade
     Refactor #1578: create cocos2dx-ext marmalade project
     Refactor #1591: add TestLua marmalade project 
 [JavaScript bindings]
     Bug      #1577: fix a bug that touch events lost on Win32 when using JSBinding
     Bug      #1586: fix a crash in WatermelonWithMe
     Bug      #1588: rescheduleCallback support for JSBinding
     Refactor #1570: improve the debugger for JSBinding
 [Lua bindings]
     Bug      #1587: remove Lua script handler in CCCallFunc's destructor

cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.4 @Nov.2 2012
 [all platforms]
    Bug       #1473: fix a bug that CCScale9Sprite does not support rotated spriteframe in atlas 
    Bug       #1494: fix a bug that missing removing auto-release object from AutoReleasePool if it invokes 'autorelease' method more than one time
    Bug       #1495: fix a bug that CCScrollView display area and touch area are wrong if its parent's postion isn't at CCPointZero in world
    Bug       #1508: fix a bug that potential observer array modification while it's traversed in CCNotificationCenter
    Bug       #1510: fix a bug that application will freeze when 'numberOfCellsInTableView' returns zero
    Bug       #1516: fix a bug that the font size of labels for displaying FPS,SPF,DrawCount is incorrect in different design resolutions
    Bug       #1536: CCControl* should not respond to touches if the control is not visible
    Bug       #1538: fix a logic error in CCControlHuePicker::checkSliderPosition()
    Bug       #1543: fix a bug that CCLayerGradient background of CocosBuilderTest can't be shown
    Feature   #1515: add a zoom function for debugging large resolution ( ipad) app on desktop
    Refactor  #1312: upgrade libcurl to 7.26.0  
    Refactor  #1486: apply multi-resolution mechanic on iOS, especially for iphone5
    Refactor  #1520: add comments to describe the usage of multiresolution in HelloCpp
    Refactor  #1521: use relative coordinates in TestCpp
    Document  #1532: write a document describes how to debug games for ipad3 on low-resolution PC 
    Document  #1493: add doxygen comments in CCNotificationCenter.h
    Bug       #1466: reload shader for test case "ShaderTest" after it comes from background
    Bug       #1500: fix a bug that CCRenderTexture cannot render properly on some Qualcomm Adreno GPUs
    Bug       #1507: fix a bug that can not play effect for the first time without pre-load effect
    Bug       #1527: fix a bug that MoonWarriors can not run on iOS simulator sometimes
    Refactor  #1491: remove dependency of FontLabel lib
 [JavaScript bindings]
    Bug       #1526: fix a bug that JavaScript binding related samples will crash on iOS devices
    Feature   #1469: add MoonWarriors as a sample game
    Refactor  #1487: use shared JavaScript test cases with cocos2d-html5 and cocos2d-iphone
    Refactor  #1517: upgrade SpiderMonkey to FF 17.0 beta3
 [Lua bindings]
    Bug       #1506: fix a compilation error of TestLua if the path of cocos2d-x contains spaces  
    Bug       #1496: fix an error of comparing font's face name in CCImage of win32 port
    Bug       #1511: fix openGL framebuffer access violation
    Bug       #1540: fix win32 CCLuaLog memory leaks and invalid console UTF8 output
    Feature   #1513: add Multi-Touch support for win7/8 tablet or ultrabook
    Refactor  #1512: change writable directory to "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\your app name" if the app be built in release mode

cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.3 @Sep.26 2012
 [all platforms]
    Bug       #1452: change CCRGBAProtocol to public in order for actions like CCTintTo to have an affect on the CCScale9Sprite
    Bug       #1454: make JavaScript binding work together with Lua binding and c++ codes
    Bug       #1464: fix a crash caused by CCLabelBMFont
    Bug       #1478: fix a bug that TMX parser causes tileset images not to be loaded
    Bug       #1479: fix a bug that CCNotificationCenter does not check whether the object is valid before post notification
    Bug       #1485: fix potential memory leak in CCNotificationObserver
    Feature   #1458: add CCTableView
    Feature   #1460: min/max allowed value for CCControlSlider
    Feature   #1470: update CCBReader to cocosbuilder v2.1 beta
    Feature   #1483: synchronize CCControlExtension to newest version
    Refactor  #1477: abstracts Lua and JS binding protocol, some bugs fixes in lua-binding, adding custom menu on win32 and mac for switching resolutions
    Bug       #1482: fix a bug that orientation is wrong on iOS 6 SDK
    Bug       #1453: fix a bug that CCGL.h includes wrong path of a header file
    Bug       #1484: fix a minor memory-logic error in
    Feature   #1455: add Xcode template for cocos2dx-js
    Refactor  #1481: refactor android Java+JNI
 [mac os]
    Bug       #1456: remove code signing from MAC TestCpp project
    Feature   #1457: Add vs2012 sln
    Feature   #1474: popup a warning dialog instead of crash directly when OpenGL version is too old to run 2dx
    Feature   #1451: merge new js-binding codes
    Refactor  #1476: update location of spidermonkey-android makefile
    Refactor  #1480: Update lua-binding for overloaded functions
    Feature   #1404: add scripts for jenkins-ci

cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.2 @Aug.30 2012
 [all platforms]
    Bug       #1298: fix a logical error of CCSequence
    Bug       #1371: fix a particle crashes if setAutoRemoveOnFinish(true)
    Bug       #1379: fix a typo error of comment in CCNode.cpp
    Bug       #1381: fix a bug that CCLayerColor::setContentSize() declared differently with CCNode::setContentSize()
    Bug       #1382: fix a crash of CCBReader caused by null pointer
    Bug       #1384: fix an error when loading CCControlButton from ccbi
    Bug       #1385: fix a logic error in BitmapFontMultiLineAlignment
    Bug       #1386: fix a crash of PauseResumeActionsTest
    Bug       #1395: fix a bug that CCTextureCache::addImage ignores error in CCTexture2D::initWithImage()
    Bug       #1400: re-assign texture rect of CCControlSlider to consider SpriteFrame orientation
    Bug       #1403: fix a bug that do not support png8 format
    Bug       #1408: fix a bug that CCMenuItemImage is not loaded when the target and selector are empty in CCBReader
    Bug       #1409: fix a bug that loading CCControlButton from ccbi failed
    Bug       #1427: fix a bug that CCArray::randomObject() may use index that out of range
    Bug       #1430: fix a bug that can not compute correct label's width or height when its value is 0
    Bug       #1440: fix a bug that CCSprite::displayFrame() uses wrong offset to create a sprite frame
    Feature   #1416: add object-oriented API of CCGeometry
    Feature   #1405: implement multi-resolution adaption solution
    Feature   #1424: add a simple wrapper of http access
    Feature   #1429: add CCEditBox which wraps system edit control
    Feature   #1439: synchronize to cocos2d-iphone 2.0 stable version
    Refactor  #1399: adjust directory structure
    Refactor  #1402: improve static creator function names to avoid confusion
    Refactor  #1413: improve CCTouch::getLocation(), getDelta() which returns OpenGL coordinates directly
    Refactor  #1437: change the return type of CCApplication::sharedApplication() and CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView() to a pointer
    Refactor  #1441: put hd and iPad resources of TestCpp into separate directories
    Refactor  #1442: use CREATE_FUNC to replace LAYER_CREATE_FUNC and SCENE_CREATE_FUNC
    Bug       #1389: fix a Xcode 4.5-specific compiling errors that can not convert -1 to unsigned int
    Bug       #1432: fix a bug that "MutiTouchTest" crashes on IOS if putting more than 5 fingers on the screen
    Refactor  #1383: change the file path that CCUserDefault saves xml file in
    Refactor  #1433: remove fpsxxx.png in template
    Refactor  #1443: Fix some warnings
    Bug       #1284: use OpenSL ES to play effects when the device is i9100
    Bug       #1372: fix a typo error in platform/android/CCEGLView.h
    Bug       #1377: fix TMX Tile cracks in the Test App
    Refactor  #1407: cleaner build script
    Refactor  #1438: make android template use its own source files
 [mac os]
    Bug       #1417: fix a compiling error when building TestCpp for mac port using command line
    Feature   #1401: add mac port
    Bug       #1390: fix a win32 error says "The application failed to initialize properly"
    Bug       #1445: fix compiling errors on linux
    Feature   #1419: add linux port
    Feature   #1420: add blackberry port

cocos2d-2.0-rc2-x-2.0.1 @Jun.28 2012
 [all platforms]
    Bug       #1257: synchronize CCGrabber.cpp 
    Bug       #1280: fix a bug that BitmapFontMultiLineAlignment test doesn't work correctly
    Bug       #1286: fix the declaration of tgaLoadRLEImageData()
    Bug       #1293: fix a bug that CCDirector::getFrames() returns wrong value
    Bug       #1296: fix a logical error in CCTMXTiledMap::tilesetForLayer()
    Bug       #1300: fix a typo of CC_ENABLE_CACHE_TEXTTURE_DATA
    Bug       #1301: apply scissor with points in CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView().setScissorInPoints()
    Bug       #1302: change the parameter type of CCMenu::setHandlerPriority to signed int
    Bug       #1308: fix a logical bug in CCTouchDispatcher
    Bug       #1326: fix a bug that the compilation of HelloLua and testjs project was broken after synchronizing to rc2
    Bug       #1330: fix bugs of CCBIReader
    Bug       #1335: fix memory leaks in cocos2dx and CCBReader
    Bug       #1368: implement a test case(Effect4) in EffectsAdvancedTest
    Feature   #1202: remove CCFileData
    Feature   #1310: synchronize to rc2
    Feature   #1323: support  CCBIReader
    Feature   #1324: add create() for static member functions that new an autorelease object
    Feature   #1332: add macro COCOS2D_VERSION in cocos2d.h
    Feature   #1333: support CCScrollView
    Feature   #1334: add ScrollViewTest to CocosBuilderTest
    Refactor  #1181: refactor CCRenderTexture
    Refactor  #1283: use relative path in cocos2d.h
    Refactor  #1288: enhances CCTransitionScene to work even if there is no running scene
    Refactor  #1289: update CCControlButton: add zoomOnTouchDown property and setPreferredSize
    Refactor  #1292: modify some function names to make them more readable
    Refactor  #1336: use CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE macro to mark deprecated interfaces
    Refactor  #1367: change some function names that start with "createWith" to "create"
    Bug       #1290: fix a bug that a project generated by template can not find Shaders folder
    Bug       #1297: fix a bug that the effect is wrong when using projection 2d and enabling retina
    Bug       #1299: fix a bug that SimpleAudioEngine::resumeEffect and SimpleAudioEngine::resumeAllEffects will play effects that are played previously
    Bug       #1315: fix wrong effect of TileMapTest when enabling retina
    Bug       #1338: fix a crash of CocosdenshionTest when playing effect then clicking HOME menu
    Bug       #1343: fix a bug of Xcode template
    Bug       #1364: fix a bug that can not resume background music after pausing it
    Refactor  #1269: generate project for cocos2dx, then HelloWorld, tests, HelloLua and testjs can refer it
    Bug       #1239: fix a bug that can not stop effect if play effect with loop mode twice
    Bug       #1278: fix a  bug that CocosDenshion::unloadEffect() can not stop playing effect
    Bug       #1322: make CCLabelTTF support vertical alignment
    Refactor  #1287: make android template's automatically copy new icons
    Refactor  #1329: move all java files part of engine into a certain directory, then all projects refer them
    Bug       #1282: fix a crash that if the display card is ATI
    Bug       #1344: fix a bug of win32 template
    Bug       #1365: fix a bug that some files of Resources folder which is copied by will lost authority in cygwin
    Bug       #1366: fix a crash of tests
    Bug       #1369: fix a crash when invoking CCLabelTTF:setPosition(x,y)
    Feature   #1327: export 'create' method for Lua bindings

cocos2d-2.0-rc0a-x-2.0 @May.31 2012
 [all platforms]
    Bug       #1094: fix a bug that nothing will be shown when using CCParticleBatchNode
    Bug       #1115: fix a bug that CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativePath() with resolution parameter return error value with empty string
    Bug       #1137: fix a memory leak in CCLabelBMFont and sync the implementation of CCLabelBMFont to gles20 branch
    Bug       #1138: fix a memory leak in CCTextureCache::addPVRImage.
    Bug       #1155: revert CCDirector singleton to original implementation
    Bug       #1157: fix a bug that nothing is shown in TMX Orthogonal Test
    Bug       #1158: fix a bug in CCParticleSystemQuad
    Bug       #1159: update "CallFuncND + auto remove" test demo
    Bug       #1160: rename 'CGFloat' to 'CCFloat'
    Bug       #1164: add the render mode which uses VBO without VAO in CCParticleSystemQuad
    Bug       #1165: merge pull request #842
    Bug       #1187: fix a bug that spanish(Buen día) cannot be shown completely in CCLabelBMFont unicode test
    Bug       #1189: CCLabelBMFont updateLabel() optimizations and fixes
    Bug       #1212: fix a bug that TMXBug787Test crash.
    Bug       #1217: fix a bug that EaseActions reverse broken
    Bug       #1232: fix a bug that CCLayerGradient::updateColor() assign wrong value to m_pSquareColors
    Bug       #1244: fix memory leak in CCParticleSystem::initWithDictionary()
    Bug       #1273: fix a bug that app will crash after clicking closed button in TextureCacheTest
    Bug       #1275: fix memory leaks in tests project
    Bug       #1277: implement CCToggleVisibility::copyWithZone()
    Feature   #1114: integrate CCControlExtension and implement corresponding tests
    Feature   #1180: synchronize CCConfiguration
    Feature   #1194: merge texturewatcher contributed by NetGragon
    Feature   #1205: add ccbreader and test case for CocosBuilder
    Feature   #1240: support TIFF format picture
    Feature   #1258: merge Rolando's testjs into gles20 branch
    Refactor  #1156: synchronize CCDirector
    Refactor  #1166: improve CCString and CCArray, optimize CCDictionary
    Refactor  #1176: change linebreak symbol to UNIX format ('\n'), replace 'tab' with four spaces
    Refactor  #1177: refactor platform
    Refactor  #1178: use macro NS_CC_BEGIN instead of "namespace cocos2d {", NS_CC_END instead of "}"
    Refactor  #1188: refactor directory structure
    Refactor  #1191: update templates for all platforms
    Refactor  #1198: optimize CCTextureCache::removeUnusedTextures()
    Refactor  #1203: remove CCFileUtils::setResource(const char* pszZipFileName) and SimpleAudioEngine::setResource
    Refactor  #1204: refactor AppDelegate::initInstance()
    Refactor  #1206: remove some unused files, only supports iOS, win32 and android
    Refactor  #1211: translate Chinese comments to English for CCTextureWatcher and CCListView
    Refactor  #1246: fix CCDirector using CCLabelBMFont instead of CCLabelTTF
    Refactor  #1252: add CCEGLViewProtocol::getFrameSize() method for getting the real screen size of device
    Refactor  #1253: add static method "purgeConfiguration" for CCConfiguration to avoid memory leak
    Bug       #1109: add parentheses to remove Xcode warnings 
    Bug       #1230: fix a bug that Calculation of string width may be wrong on iOS
    Bug       #1266: fix a bug that CCTextureCahce::addImageAsync() don't work correctly on iOS
    Feature   #1095: IOS screen resolution support
    Bug       #1139: fix a bug that screen becomes black when backing from background
    Bug       #1140: fix a bug that ParticleTest crashed
    Bug       #1141: fix a bug that NodeTest crashed in StressTest1 and StressTest2
    Bug       #1142: fix a bug that TouchesTest crashed
    Bug       #1143: fix a bug that MenuTest crashed
    Bug       #1144: fix a bug that ParallaxTest crashed
    Bug       #1145: fix a bug that TileMap crashed
    Bug       #1146: fix a bug that IntervalTest crashed
    Bug       #1147: fix a bug that ChipmunkAccelTouchTest crashed
    Bug       #1148: fix a bug that LabelTest crashed
    Bug       #1149: fix a bug that SpriteTest crashed when go to second test case
    Bug       #1150: fix a bug that RenderTextureTest crashed at second test case
    Bug       #1151: fix a bug that Box2DTest crashed
    Bug       #1152: fix a bug that PerformanceTest crashed at 1, 2, 5 test cases
    Bug       #1185: fix a bug that when backing to foreground, will lost texture if it uses sprite batch node
    Bug       #1216: fix JNI memory leaks
    Bug       #1229: fix a bug that android port can not be compiled on ndk android-8 level
    Bug       #1236: fix a bug that JniHelper::jstring2string may crash when parameter is null
    Bug       #1237: fix a bug that line number message printed by CCAssert is wrong
    Bug       #1279: fix a bug that NodeNonOpaqueTest can't be shown correctly
    Feature   #1247: add profiler support for android
    Feature   #1265: build dynamic library of SpiderMonkey for Android, and implement testjs for android
    Refactor  #1179: popup a message box when invoking CCAssert() on Android
    Refactor  #1201: simplify the usage of writing
    Bug       #1215: fix a bug that Win32 retina cannot work
    Bug       #1251: add CocosBuilderTest to the test project for VS2008
    Bug       #1264: fix wrong string alignment when using utf-8 encoded text with CCLabelTTF
    Bug       #1268: fix a bug that Testjs will crash after clicking the close button on win32
    Bug       #1270: fix some warning on win32
    Feature   #1186: add console window for Win32 application, all debug message output to this console window
    Feature   #1263: build dynamic library of SpiderMonkey for win32, and add testjs project to solution
    Refactor  #1170: remove win32 template of wophone
    Refactor  #1190: update Lua binding to 2.0
    Refactor  #1220: using CCString::stringWithContentsOfFile to get string from Lua script files

cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.12.0 @ Mar.5 2012
 [all platforms]
     Bug      #925: rename HelloWorld/Resource to HelloWorld/Resources
     Bug      #948: fix a bug that CCMutableArray::getIndexOfObject returns 0 on both "index 0" and "not existing"
     Bug      #951: remove definition of NSMutableSet
     Bug      #961: fix mad behaviour in second stage of CCEaseBackInOut
     Bug      #965: remove some dynamic_cast calling since selector_protocol.h was removed
     Bug      #967: fix a bug that PVR Textures cannot be reloaded after GL context lost
     Bug      #986: add init() funciton in CCMenu class
     Feature  #952: make CCLabelBMFont supports other languages, include Chinese, Korean, Janpanese and so on.
     Feature  #972: add Support for CCNotificationCenter
     Refactor #933: refactor CCUserDefault
     Refactor #958: move the implement of SelectorProtocol to CCObject
     Document #975: add comment for CCTMXTiledMap::getMapSize and more methods
     Bug      #946: fix a bug that can not load HD image for both Retina and Normal correctly
     Bug      #762: fix a bug that CCLabelTTF is in different position (higher) than in previous version on iphone
     Refactor #985: remove template for xcode3
     Bug      #947:  fix a bug that long chinese string causes closed loop on android
     Bug      #950:  fix a crash when touching the screen because of RTTI
     Bug      #954:  fix a bug that accelerometer axes inverted on android tablet when setting orientation to portrait
     Bug      #957:  fix a bug that when running textInputTest, application enters background after input character and click back key on android devices
     Bug      #959:  fix a bug that get wrong multitouch id
     Bug      #964:  fix a bug that can not show whole charactor
     Bug      #971:  fix dynamic_cast error on android
     Feature  #982:  make android template supports box2d, chipmunk and lua
     Refactor #970:  use modules in the Android NDK build
     Bug      #1008: fix a bug that missing "return" in SimpleAudioEngine::getEffectsVolume() method on android platform
     Bug      #984: use static library for cocos2dx project on bada and qnx platform
     Bug      #960: detect when the application goes and return from background in QNX (Black Berry Playbook)
     Bug      #962: fix some bugs on qnx port
     Bug      #963: fix a bug that applicationWillEnterForeground will be invoked twice when application is launched
     Bug      #968: fix a bug about "Out of bound" in CCFileUtils::getWriteablePath() for BlackBerry
     Feature  #994: add support for bbndk2.0
     Bug      #995: modify project configure for marmalade port after adding extension support and refactor resource folder
     Feature  #969: implement Accelerometer Simulation for Win32.
     Bug      #942: fix a crash when invoking CCScheduler:sharedScheduler():scheduleScriptFunc in lua
     Bug      #953: add tolua++ for Mac
     Refactor #973: refactor Lua support

cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.11.0 @ Jan.13 2012
     Feature  #907: support blackberry playbook
 [all platforms]
     Bug      #752: fix a bug that enable and disable touch more times in touch handler callback function may cause memory leak
     Bug      #911: fix a bug that TextureCache::addUIImage() cannot create texture when key is null
     Bug      #920: export export functions in CCAffineTransform with CC_DLL
     Bug      #922: make CCTexture2D::setPVRImagesHavePremultipliedAlpha() to be a static function
     Bug      #926: fix a crash caused by RTTI when running TouchesTest
     Bug      #936: fix a bug that touch menu item may crash when selector is null
     Feature  #892: use RTTI to simplify the codes
     Feature  #903: add touch index for CCTouch
     Refactor #934: add 'isEqual' function for CCString, make CCObject::isEqual to a virtual function
     Refactor #940: use new icons and new background pictures with new logo of cocos2d-x
     Bug      #923: fix a bug that CCTextureCache::addImageAsync() crashes when a game enters foreground from background
     Bug      #906: remove unneeded codes in CCImage_android.cpp
     Bug      #910: fix a bug that create-android-project.bat may erase exist folder with appointed name
     Bug      #884: fix a crash error caused by CocosDenshion on android simulator
     Bug      #921: fix a bug that accelerometer axes inverted in Motorola Xoom tablet
     Bug      #928: fix a bug that 16-bit texture is changed to 32-bit after application enter foreground
     Bug      #935: fix a bug that terminateProcessJNI() invoke wrong jni function
     Bug      #937: fix a compiling error on android x86
     Bug      #941: fix a bug that volume of background music may not in [0, 1.0]
     Feature  #887: define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES = 1 automatically when compile on ndk r7
     Feature  #919: improve and
     Refactor #924: make loading music resources thread safe
     Document #837: Write a document describes how to use jni
     Document #914: update document to fit android r5~r7
     Bug      #917: implement CCFileUtils::getFileDataFromZip()
     Feature  #893: remove cached data when receiving memory warning on iOS
     Bug      #918: fix a compiling error after renaming airplay to marmalade
     Bug      #927: fix a crash caused by invoking unloadEffect after invoking stopEffect
     Bug      #938: fix a bug that glGenFramebuffersOES isn't supported on wave m device
     Bug      #943: fix a bug that box2d can't be compiled successfully on bada sdk 1.2.1
     Refactor #904: Recreate bada 2.0 projects
     Bug      #915: fix a bug that msvc template uses old version of .cpp files
     Bug      #888: fix compiling error with eclipse
     Bug      #930: fix a crash caused by load jpg format files
     Refactor #908: merge marmalade to latest cocos2d-x source

cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.10.0 @ Dec.2 2011
    Feature  #223  integrate cocos2d-bada branch to master
    Bug      #852  fix a bug that CCSpriteBatchNode cannot be drawn correctly
 [all platforms]
    Feature  #854  integrate pthread and write a test case on all platforms
    Feature  #465  implement CCTextureCache::addImageAsync()
    Feature  #850  upgrade box2d from 2.1.2 to last 2.2.1
    Feature  #781  add functions for effects
    Feature  #760  add methods to get/set CCDirector::m_pNotificationNode
    Bug      #883  fix the crash of SpriteTest
    Refactor #879  use CCAssert() instead of assert() 
    Document #882  Write a document describes some cautions about using pthread
    Feature  #838  support android x86 platform
    Bug      #758  fix a bug that custom TTF fonts causing low memory
    Bug      #848  fix a bug that accelerometer values are wrong if the content is scaled
    Bug      #885  fix a bug that SimpleAudioEngine::setEffectVolume() don't take effect immediately
    Document #864  write a describe how to build on sdk 4.0 & ndk-r7
    Document #878  write a document describe how to build project for x86 android
    Document #881  write a document describes building android ndk project with ndk-r7
    Bug      #780  fix build error on ubuntu 11.0
    Bug      #776  fix a bug in the audio player

cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.9.2 @ Oct.20,2011
    Feature  #728  Linux port is born!
 [all platforms]
    Feature  #672  Implements copyWithZone() for CCShow & CCHide
    Feature  #676  add more languages into CCApplication::getCurrentLanguage()
    Feature  #678  add private constructor for CCArray
    Feature  #684  add test case for CCApplication::getCurrentLanguage()
    Feature  #685  add test case in LabelTest to display Chinese charactors
    Bug      #675  Fix memory leak in CCLayer when using accelerometer
    Bug      #686  CCTMXLayer::appendTileForGID() not setting Z index tag causes the first screen of tiles to be re-created
    Bug      #689  CCRect should assert the width and height is positive
    Bug      #698  CCSprite::init() is excited twice in all CCSprite's static methods
    Bug      #700  CC_SWAP32 marco has a typo with leads to error swap result
    Bug      #701  CCZHeader.version should be unsigned short
    Bug      #715  CCFadeOut causes a crash when applied to CCMenuItem and m_pSelectedImage is NULL
    Bug      #718  fix a typo in method CCMenu::alignItemsInRows
    Bug      #749  CCSpriteTest crashes at the test case SpriteNilTexture
    Bug      #750  CCTextureCache::textureForKey() can't find textures added by function addUIImage()
    Refactor #677  Pass arguments by reference instead of pointer if possible
    Refactor #703  Refactor Accelerometer. Because it only sends data to one delegate, so it needs only one setDelegate()
    Document #692  Describe the usage of view orientation
    Feature #670  Pause & resume effect playing when activity is paused & resumed
    Feature #687  Implement preloadBackgroundMusic to android
    Feature #688  Support reading resources not only from apk
    Feature #726  use external storage on android
    Feature #746  add a helper method to draw filled polygons
    Bug     #683  getPackagenameJNI() and getCurrentLanguageJNI() mustn't return invalid pointer
    Bug     #696  Some android devices may crash at CCRenderTexture::end(bool)
    Bug     #719  CocosDenshionTest crashes when start the test case on android
    Bug     #714  CCLabelTTF has different visual result between Android & Windows
    Bug     #727  Memory leak of NewStringUTF
    Bug     #736  Remove android:installLocation in AndroidManifest.xml
    Bug     #743  nativeInit is called with wrong screen size when running on device with software android buttons
    Bug     #744  CCUserDefault crashes in v0.9.1
    Bug     #755  Multi-touch causes crash on sum sung devices
    Bug     #660  CCLabelBMFont image error in retina display
    Bug     #693  CCLabelTTF can not break line by '\n' on iOS
    Bug     #716  subbing & adding volume of sound effects don't change volume little by little on iOS
    Bug     #738  Passing CCSize(width,0) to CCLabelTTF causes the label invisible
    Bug     #753  visual orientation is wrong on ios5 simulator
    Bug     #754  Missing png file for CCLabelAtlas cause crashes on iOS 4.3.3 & 5.0
    Feature #731  add ability of simulating android back/menu key on win32  
    Feature #735  add ability of simulating android enter/resume background on win32. Shift+F1=android Back, Shift+F2 =android Menu
    Feature #745  export CCTime to all
    Bug     #747  Win32 templates should put all resources into "Resources" folder
    Bug     #748  build error in win32 release version
    Bug     #702  tests crash at the start on wophone devices
    Feature #704  Print error descriptions ad pop error code in CCLuaScriptModule::executeString & CCLuaScriptModule::executeScriptFile
    Feature #707  Support 'require' for Lua on android
    Feature #732  Add particle systems to Lua bindings
    Feature #733  Use ant to generate a Lua project, refer to
    Feature #734  Use ant to generate LuaCocos2d.cpp

cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.9.1 @ Aug.17,2011
 [all platforms]
    Feature  #347  Support custom TTF fonts
    Feature  #536  Support PVR Texture
    Feature  #645  update to cocos2d-iphone v1.0.1
    Feature  #633  allow SimpleAudioEngine::playEffect repeatly
    Feature  #630  implement CCRenderTexture::saveBuffer method
    Feature  #613  Call executeCallFuncN instead of executeCallFunc in CCMenuItem::active()
    Feature  #620  add Texture2d test case
    Feature  #638  Add support for per ccz format
    Feature  #641  users can CCRenderTexture::saveBuffer to any path
    Feature  #643  swap Accelerometer input x/y according to the orientation
    Feature  #665  add test case for CCRenderTexture::saveBuffer
    Bug      #513  CCProgressTimer doesn't work with CCspriteFrameCache
    Bug      #609  Retain & Release CCObject in CCSet
    Bug      #628  CCMutableArray::arrayWithObjects should autorelease array object
    Bug      #629  pass eImgFmt to initWithImageData in initWithImageFile
    Bug      #636  CCTextureCache::textureForKey() can't find the right texture
    Bug      #639  m_PositionInPixels isn't correctly initialized
    Bug      #640  the image read from render texture is upseted
    Bug      #644  CCSpriteBatchNode::removeAllChildrenWithCleanup() not work as expected
    Bug      #680  CCtouchDispatcher::rearrangeHandlers() crash
    Refactor #623  refactor Cocos2dJni.cpp
    Refactor #652  refactor char* JniHelper::jstringtochar()
    Document #622  comment CCUserDefault in doxygen format
    Document #651  add CCFileUtils to oxygen api document
    Feature  #679  bind Lua to CocosDenshion
    Feature  #647  add a method to set search path of Lua script
    Feature  #611  Add some methods in CCMenuItemLabel & CCMenuItemToggle for lua
    Feature  #612  Export CCNode::getContentSizeInPixels & setContentSizeInPixels to lua
    Feature  #653  add CCScheduler::unscheduleScriptFunc
    Bug      #615  CCLOG may crash in LuaEngineImpl
    Feature  #610  Remove the support of ndk-r4 version 
    Bug      #608  CCRenderTexture cannot show textures after sleep and wake-up
    Bug      #618  HelloWorld & Tests crash when X is clicked
    Bug      #619  CCFadeTo may crash on android
    Bug      #624  CCLabelTTF::setString("\n\n\n") crashes on android
    Bug      #625  test_image_rgba4444.pvr.gz can not packed into app
    Bug      #631  TextInputTest crash when input nothing
    Bug      #637  Create resources folder instead of resource in
    Bug      #648  CCRenderTexture::saveBuffer may crash on some devices like Moto Defy
    Bug      #655  CCLabelTTF doesn't draw all characters, it may lost the last char
    Refactor #656  refactor CCFileUtils, make it support reading data from directory other than assets 
    Feature  #642 should be modified for saving image
    Feature  #658  xcode3 template should create AppDelegate.cpp/.h instead of ${PROJECT_NAME}AppDelegate.cpp/.h
    Feature  #661  fix TMXTiledMap for iPhone Retina mode
    Bug      #667  AppDelegate::applicationDidEnterBackground isn't invoked on iOS
    Bug      #668  CCLabelBMFont display 4 characters in a square per character block in retina mode
    Feature  #620  change Lua library to static lib 
    Feature  #632  Update visual studio template for Lua support

cocos2d-1.0.0-x-0.9.0 @ Jul.14,2011
 [all platforms]
    Feature  #584  sync with cocos2d-iphone v1.0.0
    Feature  #601  use Chipmunk v5.3.5
    Feature  #581  change return types of xxxAction::reverse() to its own type
    Bug      #522  CCSpriteFrameCache::addSpriteFramesWithFile(const char* pszPlist) crashed if the param have no '/'
    Bug      #522  CCTextureCache::removeTextureForKey(const char*) cache the image path incorrectly
    Bug      #573  CCLayerColor does not init its m_tColor, which will result to a random color
    Bug      #576  some CCMutableDictionary methods must return _KeyT instead of std::string
    Bug      #577  CCReverseTime may crash
    Bug      #578  Debian & LavaFlow of ParticleTest have not picture, the effect of ParticleFire is wrong
    Bug      #580  ShuffleTilesTest of EffectText may crash
    Bug      #546  CCLabelTTF::labelWithString() works incorrectly when height = 0
    Bug      #604  test.xcodeproject miss Summary & Info in xcode4 since v0.8.5
    Feature  #547  deal with line wrap of CCLabelTTF::initWithString(...) 
    Bug      #659  ChipmunkTest Sensors crashes in a few seconds
    Bug      #583  SimpleAudioEngine::playBackgroundMusic(const char*, true) have no sound on win32
    Bug      #605  export C methods in CCNS.h to dll interfaces
    Bug      #548  export CCConfiguration to dll interfaces
    Bug      #600  incorrect memory allocation in marmalade port
    Refactor #582  use libpng instead of CIwImage in CCImage_airplay.cpp
    Bug      #545  fix the wrong effect of ChipmunkTest
    Bug      #606  PageTransitionForward in TransitionsTest has wrong visual effect

cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.8.5 @ Jun.28,2011
 [all platforms]
    Feature  #577  Lua Support! We export all the cocos2d-x classes & methods to lua! 
                   Please compile and run HelloLua, and read HelloLua/Resource/hello.Lua for more details. 
                   And the Lua new project template/wizard is ready on xcode3, xcode4 and VisualStudio2008 & 2010 
    Feature  #398  Xcode4 templates! Run to do the magic
    Feature  #323  Internationalization support! Add CCApplication::getCurrentLanguage() method on all platforms
    Feature  #529  add static node() method to CCLayerColor & CCLayerGradient
    Bug      #534  don't raise compile error if ios project includes CCImage.cpp & CCFileUtils.cpp
    Bug      #429  Effect is wrong when the value of defaultAlphaPixelFormet=kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_A8 in CCTexture2D
    Bug      #491  Unsafe cycle in CCScheduler::unscheduleAllSelectors
    Bug      #502  Refactor the singleton mode of CCConfiguration
    Bug      #512,#525  fix warnings in /Wall flag
    Bug      #516  Undefined behavious in ccCArray.h (signed / unsigned conversion)
    Bug      #518  CCScheduler::unscheduleAllSelectors() uses tHashSelectorEntry in wrong way
    Bug      #521  the effect of PageTurn3D is curious
    Bug      #523  CCParticleSystemQuad::particleWithFile() can't work correctly
    Bug      #524  CCFileUtils::dictionaryWithContentsOfFile() can't parse special plist format
    Bug      #526  glScissior can't work correctly when use autoscale function
    Bug      #543  EffectTest renders x4 scale when use auto-scale on android/win32/wophone
    Bug      #544  some test cases of TransitionTest renders x4 scale when use auto-scale on android/win32/wophone 
    Bug      #490  TextInputTest show words on soft keyboard detach instead of each key pressed
    Bug      #507  RenderTextureTest failed on some android devices
    Bug      #532  GLSurface has no response when tap screen frequently for a long time
    Bug      #542  SimpleAudioEngine::setBackgroundMusicVolume() not work when background music changed
    Refactor #535  remove skia dependence when drawing strings, which cause bug #507
    Feature  #540  Add RootViewController into xcode3/xcode4 templates. Games can use ios rotation mechanism
    Feature  #537  Update PVRFrame lib to version 2.8 for ATI graphic card new driver
    Bug      #539  games on wophone wva devices probably failed on reading resource from zip package

cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.8.4 @ May.26,2011
    Feature  #496  SUPPORT ANDROID 3.0! We test it on both Motorola XOOM & Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Highlight!!!!!)
    Bug      #494  typo fixed, Cocos2dxActivity::setPackgeName() to setPackageName()
    Bug      #495  Memory leak of CCFileUtils::getWriteablePath()
    Bug      #497  soft keyboard stays shown on some devices while the project includes CCTextFieldTTF
    Bug      #501  projects creaed by android template have the same package name
    Bug      #510  Tests progress is killed at the power down phase
 [all platforms]
    Feature  #503  upgrade chipmunk from 5.1 to 5.3.4, keep sync with cocos2d-iphone (Highlight!)
    Feature  #509  For integrting IME, we had to rotate UI to landscape by default
    Bug      #499  CCRGBAProtocol isn't inherited and implemented in CCMenuItemSprite
    Bug      #493  the return value of CCFileUtils::getWriteablePath() is not end with '/'
    Bug      #508  Problem in running Tests in Retina resolution since 0.8.2
    Bug      #492  CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativeFile forget to consider the path separated by '\'
    Feature  #489  Use GetCurrentDirectory instead of GetModuleFileName in CCFileUtils_win32.cpp

cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.8.3 @ May.12,2011
 [all platforms]
    Feature  #317  wrap input box for game dev, CCTextFieldTTF. (Highlight!)
    Feature  #455  implement CCUserDefault for data persistence (Highlight!)
    Feature  #456  integrate libcurl for network access (Highlight!)
    Feature  #468  implement CCProfiler & CCProfilingTimer
    Feature  #450  can set default pixel format other than RGBA888
    Feature  #449  Remove the sources for mac platform. We plan to focus on mobile platforms & reduce the complexity
    Refactor #451  Remove the event dispatcher and refactor CCLayer & CCMenu & CCParticleSystemPoint.
    Refactor #452  Refactor CCDirector CCGrid CCNode, reduce the complexity
    Refactor #472  Refactor duplicated modules under cocos2dx/platform, reduce the complexity
    Bug      #341  CCTMXFiledMap crashed when a child is not the obj of CCTMXLayer
    Bug      #371  A layer can't registered as a StandardTouchDelegate when touch event is handling
    Bug      #428  Function addChild low efficiency
    Bug      #448  CCCallFuncO crashes
    Bug      #467  CCLayer:m_eTouchDelegateType = ccTouchDeletateAllBit all the time
    Bug      #471  invoke CCFileUtils::setResourcePath may cause loading texture for ParticleSystem failed
    Bug      #484  CCTextureAtlas::initWithTexture() may cause memory leak
    Bug      #486  transition test FlipX, FlipY, FlipAngular, ZoomFlipXxx flickers on ios simulator & device
    Bug      #447  really exit application when "x" button is clicked
    Bug      #460  cocos2dx + box2d template cannot find libxml2.dylib
    Feature  #393  use full version of libxml2, with xmlXPath.. serial methods
    Feature  #477  Set compilation default ndk version to r5
    Bug      #374  replace the method for EGL rendering context lost
    Bug      #453  Android Cocosdenshion can't replace background music
    Bug      #462  no applicationDidEnterBackground / applicationWillEnterBackground on Android
    Bug      #470  use GAME_ROOT or other words instead of HELLOWORLD_ROOT in anroid new projects
    Bug      #475  CCImage::initWithString return true even if the bitmap hasn't been initialized
    Feature  #454  Modify the including path of Box2D genereated by win32 template
    Bug      #459  the project create by template for vs use the RuntimeLibrary MTd, different with other project
    Feature  #482  Modify the resource data path for the new WoPhone SDK
    Feature  #487  Implement the function CCFiltUtils::getWriteablePath() on wophone
    Refactor #466  Refactor CCFileUtils for the new packing approach on wophone
    Bug      #481  After power down & up, backlight will turn off automaticlly if there's no operation
    Bug      #485  reduce the CPU occupation, modify the approach of FPS control on wophone
    Feature  #480  add template for airplay

cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.8.2 @ Apr.7,2011
 [all platforms]
    390    Feature    Implement performance test
    411    Feature    support .plist format outputed by the last version of Zwoptex 
    415    Feature    Make all xxxFromFile methods can accept relative path
    439    Feature    all file reading must pass though CCFileUtils::getFileData
    441    Feature    Initialize pointers in construction & detect them in destruction
    427    Refactor   refactor CCTMXXMLParser with multi-platform CCSAXParser design
    434    Refactor   refactor class CCFileUtils
    396    Refactor   remove ccxScopedPtr & ccxScopedArray, use STL instead
    350    Bug        TransitionFade flickers
    391    Bug        CCSpriteFrameCache doesn't support .plist files which format isn't equal to 0
    420    Bug        CCSprite::spriteWithFile() returns a valid object when the image file isn't present
    440    Bug        Can't show MessageBox when imageFromFile can't find the image
    349    Bug        deal with plist files in binary format
    435    Bug        CocosDenshion crashes at foreground/background switching
    438    Bug        MotionStreak Test crashes on device
    421    Feature    Add a template & new project script for android
    443    Feature    implement CCKeypadDelegate on android
    367    Bug of HelloWorld and Tests depends on alphabet order
    422    Bug        the 2nd point in multi-touch isn't located to the correct coordinate
    430    Bug        replace glColor4ub with glColor4f to avoid "called unimplement OpenGL ES API" on some android devices
    431    Bug        ParticleFlower on G3 can't show the particles correctly
    417    Bug        No touchEnd when the mouse move out from the window
    424    Bug        open vs2010.sln says cannot open CCamera.cpp
    379    Feature    integrate airplay sdk port
    442    feature    implement CocosDenshion on airplay port
cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.8.1 @ Mar.21,2011
 [all platforms]
    400    Bug        typo, rename CCamera.cpp to CCCamera
    403    Feature    rename cocos2d::UIEvent to cocos2d::CCEvent, to avoid class name conflict on ios
    405	   Bug        CCConfiguration::checkForGLExtension(const string&) sometimes may crashes
    407    Bug        replace "CCGL.h" with "CCGL.h" in CCCamera.cpp, for case-sensitive systems
    408    Bug        memory leak in CCImage::_initWithPngData
    409    Feature    rename cocos2d::NSArray to cocos2d::CCArray, to avoid the conflict on ios
    418    Feature    add copyright of cocos2d-iphone original authors to each file
    423    Bug        fix compilation warnings when COCOS2D_DEBUG == 2
    404    Bug        HiResTest isnot prerfect on HVGA/Retina yet
    410    Bug        xcode3 template, cannot find libxml from header searh paths in release build
    419    Bug        test case TMXIsoVertexZ in TileMapTst has wrong effect on ios
    399    Bug        HelloWorld crashes when the screen is touched
    405    Bug        CocosDenshion test, BGM isn't paused after HOME key tapped
    395    Bug        make AppDelegate.cpp created by VS wizard portable without any modification
    401    Bug        VisualStudio template for 2010 OutputDir errors

cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.8.0 @ Mar.15,2011
 [all platforms]
    316    Feature    Resolution auto adjustment, auto scale HVGA resource to WVGA or any other resolutions
    336    Refactor   refactor platform porting layer
    253    Bug        xml parser sometimes crashes
    375    Feature    Rename NS,CG,UI prefix classes/definitions to CC prefix, avoid the crash at ios dev
    332    Feature    upgrade tests from 0.99.4 to 0.99.5
    363    Bug        CCLabelTTF can't treat line breaks and wrapping correctly.
    351    Feature    CCLabelTTF cannot automatic line break on iphone
    352    Bug        ccRemoveHDSuffixFromFile & CCFileUtils::getDoubleResolutionImage isnot work
    392    Bug        border of sprite debug draw isn't scaled if enableRetinaDisplay(true)
    385    Feature    implement ccos2d::CCLog
    388    Feature    update the template for iOS
    247    Feature    support multitouch
    242    Feature    support accelerometer on android
    353    Feature    support jpg on android
    344    Feature    add APP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a to improve the performance on some devices
    356    Bug        CCLabelTTF::initWithString crashed
    386    Bug        resolve the compile conflict on wophone sdk
    383    Bug        The approach which handle left soft-key clicked is not work
    377    Feature    Replace the word "uphone" with "wophone"
    357    Bug        CCLabelTTF doesn't support words contain line breaks.
    348    Bug        CCLabelTTF blur if color = white and fontSize < 24
    373    Feature    Disable PVRFrame window when cocos2d running
    355    Bug        CCLabelTTF doesn't support line breaks and wrapping words
    300    Feature    wizard for Visual C++ 2008 Express & VS2010 Express/Professional

cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.7.2 @ Jan.26,2011
 [all platforms]
    - upgrade engine logic internal & interfaces to 0.99.5
    - the list of menu items in tests is showing how to scroll now
    - lots of bugs fixed
    - add new project templates for Xcode
    - add the c++ wrapper for CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine
    - support UTF8 charactors in text renderring, such as CCLabelTTF, CCMenuItemFont
    - add CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine implement on android
    - the engine can adjust the apk filename automatically
    - the engine will not crash at surface recreate, especially at background-to-foreground switching
    - switch the game to background, then press power key will not cause the background music play again
    - remove the methods of using resouce map in cocos2d-wophone & SimpleAudioEngine. 
      Only zip resource is recommended and suppported.
    - can auto find the installed path of your game, and load zip resource file from the current folder. 
      No absolute path in code any more. Do this to support installing games to micro-SD card

cocos2d-0.99.4-x-0.7.1 @ Dec.20,2010
 [all platforms]
    - add CCKeypadDelegate class, which enable CCLayer to respond "back" key in wophone & android
    - Add namespace for CocosDenshion
    - fix compile errors when enable CC_XXX_DEBUG_DRAW switchs in ccConfig.h
    - fix memory leaks on each platform
    - more details:
    - Run through all the test cases of cocos2d, support ndk r4,r5, sdk higher than 2.0. Tested on HTC G2,G3,G6,G7
    - HelloWorld integrate all platforms in one directory now
    - WANRNING: this version isn't ready for android games porting yet. The CocosDenshion isn't ported to android,
      and this version will crashes when screen orientation changes or the game gack to foreground 
      look more on this bug
    - Add support of loading textureImageData from the ParticleDesign plist file
    - Fix more then 3000 complie warnings
    - You can try to use this version to develop your iOS game now. It's much more stable than the previous version
    - Games can easily read resources from zip file now. This will drastically reduce the memory usage
    - Add power management: pause the message loop when cocos2d-x game is switched to background or backlight down
    - Multi-touch support
    - SimpleAudioEngine can play background musci with repeating now

cocos2d-0.99.4-x-0.7.0 @ Nov.29,2010
* cocos2d-iphone-cpp port ready! include accelerometer & multi-touch
* refactor the directory structure of HelloWorld & tests
* cocos2d-wophone supports accelerometer
* add cocos2d-x wizard for cocos2d-win32 & cocos2d-wophone for VisualStudio2008
* jump out a message box when load texture failed (win32 & wophone)
* more details:
