#ifndef COCOSDENSHION_OPENALLOADER_H #define COCOSDENSHION_OPENALLOADER_H #include <vector> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> #include <AL/al.h> #include "cocos2d.h" #if CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_TIZEN #define DISABLE_VORBIS #endif namespace CocosDenshion { struct OpenALFile { std::string debugName; ///< For logging. FILE *file; void *mappedFile; ///< Reserved by decoders. size_t fileSize; ///< Reserved by decoders. OpenALFile() : file(0), mappedFile(0), fileSize(0) {} ~OpenALFile() { clear(); } /// Unmaps from memory and closes file. void clear(); /// Performs memory map, if was not mapped before. bool mapToMemory(); }; class OpenALDecoder { public: enum Format { Mp3 = 0, Vorbis, Wav, Raw, Flac, Midi, Aac }; virtual ~OpenALDecoder() {} /// Returns true if such format is supported and decoding was successful. virtual bool decode(OpenALFile &file, ALuint &result) = 0; virtual bool acceptsFormat(Format format) const = 0; static const std::vector<OpenALDecoder *> &getDecoders(); static void installDecoders(); protected: static void addDecoder(OpenALDecoder *decoder); bool initALBuffer(ALuint &result, ALenum format, const ALvoid* data, ALsizei size, ALsizei freq); static std::vector<OpenALDecoder *> _decoders; }; } // namespace CocosDenshion #endif // COCOSDENSHION_OPENALLOADER_H