/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013, Esoteric Software * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ******************************************************************************/ #include #include USING_NS_CC; using std::min; using std::max; namespace cocos2d { namespace extension { CCSkeleton* CCSkeleton::createWithData (SkeletonData* skeletonData, bool ownsSkeletonData) { CCSkeleton* node = new CCSkeleton(skeletonData, ownsSkeletonData); node->autorelease(); return node; } CCSkeleton* CCSkeleton::createWithFile (const char* skeletonDataFile, Atlas* atlas, float scale) { CCSkeleton* node = new CCSkeleton(skeletonDataFile, atlas, scale); node->autorelease(); return node; } CCSkeleton* CCSkeleton::createWithFile (const char* skeletonDataFile, const char* atlasFile, float scale) { CCSkeleton* node = new CCSkeleton(skeletonDataFile, atlasFile, scale); node->autorelease(); return node; } void CCSkeleton::initialize () { atlas = 0; debugSlots = false; debugBones = false; timeScale = 1; blendFunc.src = GL_ONE; blendFunc.dst = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; setOpacityModifyRGB(true); setShaderProgram(ShaderCache::sharedShaderCache()->programForKey(kShader_PositionTextureColor)); scheduleUpdate(); } void CCSkeleton::setSkeletonData (SkeletonData *skeletonData, bool ownsSkeletonData) { skeleton = Skeleton_create(skeletonData); rootBone = skeleton->bones[0]; this->ownsSkeletonData = ownsSkeletonData; } CCSkeleton::CCSkeleton () { initialize(); } CCSkeleton::CCSkeleton (SkeletonData *skeletonData, bool ownsSkeletonData) { initialize(); setSkeletonData(skeletonData, ownsSkeletonData); } CCSkeleton::CCSkeleton (const char* skeletonDataFile, Atlas* atlas, float scale) { initialize(); SkeletonJson* json = SkeletonJson_create(atlas); json->scale = scale; SkeletonData* skeletonData = SkeletonJson_readSkeletonDataFile(json, skeletonDataFile); CCAssert(skeletonData, json->error ? json->error : "Error reading skeleton data."); SkeletonJson_dispose(json); setSkeletonData(skeletonData, true); } CCSkeleton::CCSkeleton (const char* skeletonDataFile, const char* atlasFile, float scale) { initialize(); atlas = Atlas_readAtlasFile(atlasFile); CCAssert(atlas, "Error reading atlas file."); SkeletonJson* json = SkeletonJson_create(atlas); json->scale = scale; SkeletonData* skeletonData = SkeletonJson_readSkeletonDataFile(json, skeletonDataFile); CCAssert(skeletonData, json->error ? json->error : "Error reading skeleton data file."); SkeletonJson_dispose(json); setSkeletonData(skeletonData, true); } CCSkeleton::~CCSkeleton () { if (ownsSkeletonData) SkeletonData_dispose(skeleton->data); if (atlas) Atlas_dispose(atlas); Skeleton_dispose(skeleton); } void CCSkeleton::update (float deltaTime) { Skeleton_update(skeleton, deltaTime * timeScale); } void CCSkeleton::draw () { CC_NODE_DRAW_SETUP(); ccGLBlendFunc(blendFunc.src, blendFunc.dst); Color3B color = getColor(); skeleton->r = color.r / (float)255; skeleton->g = color.g / (float)255; skeleton->b = color.b / (float)255; skeleton->a = getOpacity() / (float)255; if (premultipliedAlpha) { skeleton->r *= skeleton->a; skeleton->g *= skeleton->a; skeleton->b *= skeleton->a; } TextureAtlas* textureAtlas = 0; V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quad; quad.tl.vertices.z = 0; quad.tr.vertices.z = 0; quad.bl.vertices.z = 0; quad.br.vertices.z = 0; for (int i = 0, n = skeleton->slotCount; i < n; i++) { Slot* slot = skeleton->slots[i]; if (!slot->attachment || slot->attachment->type != ATTACHMENT_REGION) continue; RegionAttachment* attachment = (RegionAttachment*)slot->attachment; TextureAtlas* regionTextureAtlas = getTextureAtlas(attachment); if (regionTextureAtlas != textureAtlas) { if (textureAtlas) { textureAtlas->drawQuads(); textureAtlas->removeAllQuads(); } } textureAtlas = regionTextureAtlas; if (textureAtlas->getCapacity() == textureAtlas->getTotalQuads() && !textureAtlas->resizeCapacity(textureAtlas->getCapacity() * 2)) return; RegionAttachment_updateQuad(attachment, slot, &quad, premultipliedAlpha); textureAtlas->updateQuad(&quad, textureAtlas->getTotalQuads()); } if (textureAtlas) { textureAtlas->drawQuads(); textureAtlas->removeAllQuads(); } if (debugSlots) { // Slots. ccDrawColor4B(0, 0, 255, 255); glLineWidth(1); Point points[4]; V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quad; for (int i = 0, n = skeleton->slotCount; i < n; i++) { Slot* slot = skeleton->slots[i]; if (!slot->attachment || slot->attachment->type != ATTACHMENT_REGION) continue; RegionAttachment* attachment = (RegionAttachment*)slot->attachment; RegionAttachment_updateQuad(attachment, slot, &quad); points[0] = ccp(quad.bl.vertices.x, quad.bl.vertices.y); points[1] = ccp(quad.br.vertices.x, quad.br.vertices.y); points[2] = ccp(quad.tr.vertices.x, quad.tr.vertices.y); points[3] = ccp(quad.tl.vertices.x, quad.tl.vertices.y); ccDrawPoly(points, 4, true); } } if (debugBones) { // Bone lengths. glLineWidth(2); ccDrawColor4B(255, 0, 0, 255); for (int i = 0, n = skeleton->boneCount; i < n; i++) { Bone *bone = skeleton->bones[i]; float x = bone->data->length * bone->m00 + bone->worldX; float y = bone->data->length * bone->m10 + bone->worldY; ccDrawLine(ccp(bone->worldX, bone->worldY), ccp(x, y)); } // Bone origins. ccPointSize(4); ccDrawColor4B(0, 0, 255, 255); // Root bone is blue. for (int i = 0, n = skeleton->boneCount; i < n; i++) { Bone *bone = skeleton->bones[i]; ccDrawPoint(ccp(bone->worldX, bone->worldY)); if (i == 0) ccDrawColor4B(0, 255, 0, 255); } } } TextureAtlas* CCSkeleton::getTextureAtlas (RegionAttachment* regionAttachment) const { return (TextureAtlas*)((AtlasRegion*)regionAttachment->rendererObject)->page->rendererObject; } Rect CCSkeleton::boundingBox () { float minX = FLT_MAX, minY = FLT_MAX, maxX = FLT_MIN, maxY = FLT_MIN; float scaleX = getScaleX(); float scaleY = getScaleY(); float vertices[8]; for (int i = 0; i < skeleton->slotCount; ++i) { Slot* slot = skeleton->slots[i]; if (!slot->attachment || slot->attachment->type != ATTACHMENT_REGION) continue; RegionAttachment* attachment = (RegionAttachment*)slot->attachment; RegionAttachment_computeVertices(attachment, slot->skeleton->x, slot->skeleton->y, slot->bone, vertices); minX = min(minX, vertices[VERTEX_X1] * scaleX); minY = min(minY, vertices[VERTEX_Y1] * scaleY); maxX = max(maxX, vertices[VERTEX_X1] * scaleX); maxY = max(maxY, vertices[VERTEX_Y1] * scaleY); minX = min(minX, vertices[VERTEX_X4] * scaleX); minY = min(minY, vertices[VERTEX_Y4] * scaleY); maxX = max(maxX, vertices[VERTEX_X4] * scaleX); maxY = max(maxY, vertices[VERTEX_Y4] * scaleY); minX = min(minX, vertices[VERTEX_X2] * scaleX); minY = min(minY, vertices[VERTEX_Y2] * scaleY); maxX = max(maxX, vertices[VERTEX_X2] * scaleX); maxY = max(maxY, vertices[VERTEX_Y2] * scaleY); minX = min(minX, vertices[VERTEX_X3] * scaleX); minY = min(minY, vertices[VERTEX_Y3] * scaleY); maxX = max(maxX, vertices[VERTEX_X3] * scaleX); maxY = max(maxY, vertices[VERTEX_Y3] * scaleY); } Point position = getPosition(); return CCRectMake(position.x + minX, position.y + minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY); } // --- Convenience methods for Skeleton_* functions. void CCSkeleton::updateWorldTransform () { Skeleton_updateWorldTransform(skeleton); } void CCSkeleton::setToSetupPose () { Skeleton_setToSetupPose(skeleton); } void CCSkeleton::setBonesToSetupPose () { Skeleton_setBonesToSetupPose(skeleton); } void CCSkeleton::setSlotsToSetupPose () { Skeleton_setSlotsToSetupPose(skeleton); } Bone* CCSkeleton::findBone (const char* boneName) const { return Skeleton_findBone(skeleton, boneName); } Slot* CCSkeleton::findSlot (const char* slotName) const { return Skeleton_findSlot(skeleton, slotName); } bool CCSkeleton::setSkin (const char* skinName) { return Skeleton_setSkinByName(skeleton, skinName) ? true : false; } Attachment* CCSkeleton::getAttachment (const char* slotName, const char* attachmentName) const { return Skeleton_getAttachmentForSlotName(skeleton, slotName, attachmentName); } bool CCSkeleton::setAttachment (const char* slotName, const char* attachmentName) { return Skeleton_setAttachment(skeleton, slotName, attachmentName) ? true : false; } // --- BlendProtocol const BlendFunc& CCSkeleton::getBlendFunc() const { return blendFunc; } void CCSkeleton::setBlendFunc( const BlendFunc &blendFunc) { this->blendFunc = blendFunc; } void CCSkeleton::setOpacityModifyRGB (bool value) { premultipliedAlpha = value; } bool CCSkeleton::isOpacityModifyRGB () const { return premultipliedAlpha; } }} // namespace cocos2d { namespace extension {