#!/usr/bin/python import os import sys import subprocess import socket import time HOST_MAC = 'localhost' HOST_ANDROID = '' HOST_IOS = '' PORT = 5678 suc_build_mac = 0 suc_build_android = 0 TYPE_MAC = 0 TYPE_ANDROID = 1 TYPE_IOS = 2 sleep_time = 1.5 # def getADBDeviceIP(): output = os.popen("adb shell netcfg") configs = output.read().split('\r\n') for l in configs: items = l.split() if(items[1] == 'UP'): if(items[2] != ''): return items[2] def autotest(type): soc = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) if type == TYPE_MAC: soc.connect((HOST_MAC, PORT)) if type == TYPE_ANDROID: HOST_ANDROID = getADBDeviceIP() soc.connect((HOST_ANDROID, PORT)) if type == TYPE_IOS: soc.connect((HOST_IOS, PORT)) time.sleep(1) print 'autotest run:' soc.send('autotest run\r\n') while True: data = soc.recv(1024) print data if not data: break print 'test end and close socket.' soc.close() #----------------autotest build and run----------------# def MAC_BUILD(): def cleanProj(): infoClean = os.system('xcodebuild -project ./build/cocos2d_tests.xcodeproj -target cpp-tests\ Mac clean') print 'infoClean: ', infoClean if infoClean != 0: return False time.sleep(sleep_time) return True def buildProj(): infoBuild = os.system('xcodebuild -project ./build/cocos2d_tests.xcodeproj -target cpp-tests\ Mac') print 'infoBuild: ', infoBuild if infoBuild != 0: return False time.sleep(sleep_time) return True def openProj(): cmd = 'open ./build/build/Debug/cpp-tests\ Mac.app' print 'cmd: ', cmd infoOpen = os.system(cmd) print 'infoOpen: ', infoOpen if infoOpen != 0: return False time.sleep(sleep_time) return True def buildAndRun(): if not cleanProj(): print '**CLEAN FAILED**' if not buildProj(): print '**BUILD FAILED**' return False if not openProj(): return False time.sleep(sleep_time) return True return buildAndRun() #----------------autotest build and run end----------------# PATH_ANDROID_SRC = 'tests/cpp-tests/proj.android/' FILE_ANDROID_DELETE = ['libs','gen','assets','bin','obj'] #----------------autotest-android build and run----------------# def ANDROID_BUILD(): def checkDevice(): cmd = 'adb devices' infoDev = os.popen(cmd).readlines() firstDev = infoDev[1] if len(firstDev) < 5 or firstDev.find('device') < 0: print 'no android device.' return False else: print 'device info:', firstDev return True def cleanProj(): for strFile in FILE_ANDROID_DELETE: infoClean = os.system('rm -rf '+PATH_ANDROID_SRC+strFile) infoClean = os.system('adb uninstall org.cocos2dx.cpp_tests'); print 'infoClean: ', infoClean if infoClean != 0: print 'clean **CLEAN FAILED**' time.sleep(sleep_time) def updateProperty(): infoUpdate = os.system('android update project -p ./cocos/2d/platform/android/java/ -t 12') print 'cocos update:', infoUpdate infoUpdate = os.system('android update project -p '+PATH_ANDROID_SRC+' -t 12') print 'test update:', infoUpdate def buildProj(): infoBuild = os.system('./build/android-build.py -p 13 cpp-tests') print 'infoBuild cpp_tests: ', infoBuild infoBuild = os.system('ant -buildfile '+PATH_ANDROID_SRC+' debug') print 'infoBuild: ', infoBuild if infoBuild != 0: print 'build **BUILD FAILED**' time.sleep(sleep_time) return infoBuild def installProj(): cmd = 'adb install '+PATH_ANDROID_SRC+'bin/CppTests-debug.apk' infoInstall = os.system(cmd) print 'infoInstall:', infoInstall if infoInstall != 0: print 'install **INSTALL FAILED**' return infoInstall def openProj(): cmd = 'adb shell am start -n org.cocos2dx.cpp_tests/org.cocos2dx.cpp_tests.Cocos2dxActivity' print 'cmd: ', cmd infoOpen = os.system(cmd) print 'infoOpen: ', infoOpen if infoOpen != 0: return False time.sleep(sleep_time) return True def buildAndRun(): if not checkDevice(): return False cleanProj() updateProperty() buildProj() installProj() return openProj() return buildAndRun() #----------------autotest-android build and run end----------------# def main(): print 'will build mac project.' suc_build_mac = MAC_BUILD() print 'will build android project.' suc_build_android = ANDROID_BUILD() if suc_build_mac: autotest(TYPE_MAC) if suc_build_android: print 'will run android autotest.' autotest(TYPE_ANDROID) # -------------- main -------------- if __name__ == '__main__': sys_ret = 0 try: sys_ret = main() except: traceback.print_exc() sys_ret = 1 finally: sys.exit(sys_ret)