/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Chukong Technologies Inc. Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Ideas taken from: - GamePlay3D: http://gameplay3d.org/ - OGRE3D: http://www.ogre3d.org/ - Qt3D: http://qt-project.org/ ****************************************************************************/ #include "renderer/CCMaterial.h" #include "renderer/CCTechnique.h" #include "renderer/CCPass.h" #include "renderer/CCTextureCache.h" #include "renderer/CCTexture2D.h" #include "base/CCProperties.h" #include "base/CCDirector.h" #include "platform/CCFileUtils.h" #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WIN32) #define strcasecmp _stricmp #endif NS_CC_BEGIN // Helpers declaration static const char* getOptionalString(Properties* properties, const char* key, const char* defaultValue); static bool isValidUniform(const char* name); Material* Material::createWithFilename(const std::string& filepath) { auto validfilename = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(filepath); if (validfilename.size() > 0) { auto mat = new (std::nothrow) Material(); if (mat && mat->initWithFile(validfilename)) { mat->autorelease(); return mat; } } return nullptr; } Material* Material::createWithProperties(Properties* materialProperties) { auto mat = new (std::nothrow) Material(); if (mat && mat->initWithProperties(materialProperties)) { mat->autorelease(); return mat; } return nullptr; } Material* Material::createWithProgramState(backend::ProgramState* programState) { CCASSERT(programState, "Invalid Program State"); auto mat = new (std::nothrow) Material(); if (mat && mat->initWithProgramState(programState)) { mat->autorelease(); return mat; } return nullptr; } bool Material::initWithProgramState(backend::ProgramState *state) { auto technique = Technique::createWithProgramState(this, state); if (technique) { _techniques.pushBack(technique); // weak pointer _currentTechnique = technique; return true; } return false; } bool Material::initWithFile(const std::string& validfilename) { // Warning: properties is not a "Ref" object, must be manually deleted Properties* properties = Properties::createNonRefCounted(validfilename); // get the first material parseProperties((strlen(properties->getNamespace()) > 0) ? properties : properties->getNextNamespace()); CC_SAFE_DELETE(properties); return true; } bool Material::initWithProperties(Properties* materialProperties) { return parseProperties(materialProperties); } void Material::draw(float globalZOrder, backend::Buffer* vertexBuffer, backend::Buffer* indexBuffer, CustomCommand::PrimitiveType primitive, CustomCommand::IndexFormat indexFormat, unsigned int indexCount, const Mat4& modelView) { for (const auto& pass: _currentTechnique->_passes) { pass->draw(globalZOrder, vertexBuffer, indexBuffer,primitive, indexFormat, indexCount, modelView); } } void Material::setTarget(cocos2d::Node *target) { _target = target; } bool Material::parseProperties(Properties* materialProperties) { setName(materialProperties->getId()); auto space = materialProperties->getNextNamespace(); while (space) { const char* name = space->getNamespace(); if (strcmp(name, "technique") == 0) { parseTechnique(space); } else if (strcmp(name, "renderState") == 0) { parseRenderState(&_renderState.getStateBlock(), space); } space = materialProperties->getNextNamespace(); } return true; } bool Material::parseTechnique(Properties* techniqueProperties) { auto technique = Technique::create(this); _techniques.pushBack(technique); // first one is the default one if (!_currentTechnique) _currentTechnique = technique; // name technique->setName(techniqueProperties->getId()); // passes auto space = techniqueProperties->getNextNamespace(); while (space) { const char* name = space->getNamespace(); if (strcmp(name, "pass") == 0) { parsePass(technique, space); } else if (strcmp(name, "renderState") == 0) { parseRenderState(&technique->getStateBlock(), space); } space = techniqueProperties->getNextNamespace(); } return true; } bool Material::parsePass(Technique* technique, Properties* passProperties) { auto pass = Pass::create(technique); technique->addPass(pass); // Pass can have 3 different namespaces: // - one or more "sampler" // - one "renderState" // - one "shader" auto space = passProperties->getNextNamespace(); while (space) { const char* name = space->getNamespace(); if (strcmp(name, "shader") == 0) { parseShader(pass, space); } else if (strcmp(name, "renderState") == 0) { parseRenderState(&pass->_renderState.getStateBlock(), space); } else { CCASSERT(false, "Invalid namespace"); return false; } space = passProperties->getNextNamespace(); } return true; } // cocos2d-x doesn't support Samplers yet. But will be added soon bool Material::parseSampler(backend::ProgramState* programState, Properties* samplerProperties) { CCASSERT(samplerProperties->getId(), "Sampler must have an id. The id is the uniform name"); // required auto filename = samplerProperties->getString("path"); auto texture = Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->addImage(filename); if (!texture) { CCLOG("Invalid filepath"); return false; } // optionals //TODO arnold setSamplerDescriptor { Texture2D::TexParams texParams; // mipmap bool usemipmap = false; const char* mipmap = getOptionalString(samplerProperties, "mipmap", "false"); if (mipmap && strcasecmp(mipmap, "true")==0) { // TODO coulsonwang // texture->generateMipmap(); usemipmap = true; } // valid options: REPEAT, CLAMP const char* wrapS = getOptionalString(samplerProperties, "wrapS", "CLAMP_TO_EDGE"); if (strcasecmp(wrapS, "REPEAT")==0) texParams.sAddressMode = backend::SamplerAddressMode::REPEAT; else if(strcasecmp(wrapS, "CLAMP_TO_EDGE")==0) texParams.sAddressMode = backend::SamplerAddressMode::CLAMP_TO_EDGE; else CCLOG("Invalid wrapS: %s", wrapS); // valid options: REPEAT, CLAMP const char* wrapT = getOptionalString(samplerProperties, "wrapT", "CLAMP_TO_EDGE"); if (strcasecmp(wrapT, "REPEAT")==0) texParams.tAddressMode = backend::SamplerAddressMode::REPEAT; else if(strcasecmp(wrapT, "CLAMP_TO_EDGE")==0) texParams.tAddressMode = backend::SamplerAddressMode::CLAMP_TO_EDGE; else CCLOG("Invalid wrapT: %s", wrapT); // valid options: NEAREST, LINEAR, NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR const char* minFilter = getOptionalString(samplerProperties, "minFilter", usemipmap ? "LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" : "LINEAR"); if (strcasecmp(minFilter, "NEAREST")==0) texParams.minFilter = backend::SamplerFilter::NEAREST; else if(strcasecmp(minFilter, "LINEAR")==0) texParams.minFilter = backend::SamplerFilter::LINEAR; else if(strcasecmp(minFilter, "NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST")==0) texParams.minFilter = backend::SamplerFilter::NEAREST; else if(strcasecmp(minFilter, "LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST")==0) texParams.minFilter = backend::SamplerFilter::LINEAR; else if(strcasecmp(minFilter, "NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR")==0) texParams.minFilter = backend::SamplerFilter::LINEAR; else if(strcasecmp(minFilter, "LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR")==0) texParams.minFilter = backend::SamplerFilter::LINEAR; else CCLOG("Invalid minFilter: %s", minFilter); // valid options: NEAREST, LINEAR const char* magFilter = getOptionalString(samplerProperties, "magFilter", "LINEAR"); if (strcasecmp(magFilter, "NEAREST")==0) texParams.magFilter = backend::SamplerFilter::NEAREST; else if(strcasecmp(magFilter, "LINEAR")==0) texParams.magFilter = backend::SamplerFilter::LINEAR; else CCLOG("Invalid magFilter: %s", magFilter); texture->setTexParameters(texParams); } auto textureName = samplerProperties->getId(); auto location = programState->getUniformLocation(textureName); if (!location) { CCLOG("warning: failed to find texture uniform location %s when parsing material", textureName); return false; } if (_textureSlots.find(textureName) == _textureSlots.end()) { _textureSlots[textureName] = _textureSlotIndex; programState->setTexture(location, _textureSlotIndex++, texture->getBackendTexture()); } else { programState->setTexture(location, _textureSlots[textureName], texture->getBackendTexture()); } return true; } bool Material::parseShader(Pass* pass, Properties* shaderProperties) { // vertexShader const char* vertShader = getOptionalString(shaderProperties, "vertexShader", nullptr); // fragmentShader const char* fragShader = getOptionalString(shaderProperties, "fragmentShader", nullptr); // compileTimeDefines const char* compileTimeDefines = getOptionalString(shaderProperties, "defines", ""); auto *fu = FileUtils::getInstance(); if (vertShader && fragShader) { auto vertShaderSrc = fu->getStringFromFile(vertShader); auto fragShaderSrc = fu->getStringFromFile(fragShader); std::string defs = compileTimeDefines; vertShaderSrc = defs + "\n" + vertShaderSrc; fragShaderSrc = defs + "\n" + fragShaderSrc; auto programState = new backend::ProgramState(vertShaderSrc, fragShaderSrc); pass->setProgramState(programState); // Parse uniforms only if the GLProgramState was created auto property = shaderProperties->getNextProperty(); while (property) { if (isValidUniform(property)) { parseUniform(programState, shaderProperties, property); } property = shaderProperties->getNextProperty(); } auto space = shaderProperties->getNextNamespace(); while (space) { const char* name = space->getNamespace(); if (strcmp(name, "sampler") == 0) { parseSampler(programState, space); } space = shaderProperties->getNextNamespace(); } } return true; } bool Material::parseUniform(backend::ProgramState* programState, Properties* properties, const char* uniformName) { bool ret = true; auto type = properties->getType(uniformName); backend::UniformLocation location; location = programState->getUniformLocation(uniformName); switch (type) { case Properties::Type::NUMBER: { auto f = properties->getFloat(uniformName); programState->setUniform(location, &f, sizeof(f)); break; } case Properties::Type::VECTOR2: { Vec2 v2; properties->getVec2(uniformName, &v2); programState->setUniform(location, &v2, sizeof(v2)); break; } case Properties::Type::VECTOR3: { Vec3 v3; properties->getVec3(uniformName, &v3); programState->setUniform(location, &v3, sizeof(v3)); break; } case Properties::Type::VECTOR4: { Vec4 v4; properties->getVec4(uniformName, &v4); programState->setUniform(location, &v4, sizeof(v4)); break; } case Properties::Type::MATRIX: { Mat4 m4; properties->getMat4(uniformName, &m4); programState->setUniform(location, &m4.m, sizeof(m4.m)); break; } case Properties::Type::STRING: default: { CCASSERT(false, "auto binding is nolonger supported"); //TODO arnold // Assume this is a parameter auto-binding. //programState->setParameterAutoBinding(uniformName, properties->getString()); break; } } return ret; } bool Material::parseRenderState(RenderState::StateBlock *state, Properties* properties) { if (nullptr == state) { return false; } auto property = properties->getNextProperty(); while (property) { // Parse uniforms only if the GLProgramState was created // Render state only can have "strings" or numbers as values. No new namespaces state->setState(property, properties->getString(property)); property = properties->getNextProperty(); } return true; } void Material::setName(const std::string&name) { _name = name; } std::string Material::getName() const { return _name; } Material::Material() : _name("") , _currentTechnique(nullptr) , _target(nullptr) { } Material::~Material() { } Material* Material::clone() const { auto material = new (std::nothrow) Material(); if (material) { //RenderState::cloneInto(material); material->_renderState = _renderState; for (const auto& technique: _techniques) { auto t = technique->clone(); t->_material = material; material->_techniques.pushBack(t); } // current technique auto name = _currentTechnique->getName(); material->_currentTechnique = material->getTechniqueByName(name); material->_textureSlots = material->_textureSlots; material->_textureSlotIndex = material->_textureSlotIndex; material->autorelease(); } return material; } Technique* Material::getTechnique() const { return _currentTechnique; } const Vector& Material::getTechniques() const { return _techniques; } Technique* Material::getTechniqueByName(const std::string& name) { for(const auto& technique : _techniques) { if (technique->getName().compare(name)==0) return technique; } return nullptr; } Technique* Material::getTechniqueByIndex(ssize_t index) { CC_ASSERT(index>=0 && index<_techniques.size() && "Invalid size"); return _techniques.at(index); } void Material::addTechnique(Technique* technique) { _techniques.pushBack(technique); } void Material::setTechnique(const std::string& techniqueName) { auto technique = getTechniqueByName(techniqueName); if (technique) _currentTechnique = technique; } ssize_t Material::getTechniqueCount() const { return _techniques.size(); } // Helpers implementation static bool isValidUniform(const char* name) { return !(strcmp(name, "defines")==0 || strcmp(name, "vertexShader")==0 || strcmp(name, "fragmentShader")==0); } static const char* getOptionalString(Properties* properties, const char* key, const char* defaultValue) { const char* ret = properties->getString(key); if (!ret) ret = defaultValue; return ret; } NS_CC_END