#include "WidgetReader.h" #include "cocostudio/CocoLoader.h" #include "ui/UIButton.h" #include "../ActionTimeline/CCActionTimeline.h" #include "cocostudio/CSParseBinary_generated.h" #include "tinyxml2/tinyxml2.h" #include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h" USING_NS_CC; using namespace ui; using namespace flatbuffers; /**/ namespace cocostudio { const char* P_IgnoreSize = "ignoreSize"; const char* P_SizeType = "sizeType"; const char* P_PositionType = "positionType"; const char* P_SizePercentX = "sizePercentX"; const char* P_SizePercentY = "sizePercentY"; const char* P_PositionPercentX = "positionPercentX"; const char* P_PositionPercentY = "positionPercentY"; const char* P_AdaptScreen = "adaptScreen"; const char* P_Width = "width"; const char* P_Height = "height"; const char* P_Tag = "tag"; const char* P_ActionTag = "actiontag"; const char* P_TouchAble = "touchAble"; const char* P_Name = "name"; const char* P_X = "x"; const char* P_Y = "y"; const char* P_ScaleX = "scaleX"; const char* P_ScaleY = "scaleY"; const char* P_Rotation = "rotation"; const char* P_Visbile = "visible"; const char* P_ZOrder = "ZOrder"; const char* P_LayoutParameter = "layoutParameter"; const char* P_Type = "type"; const char* P_Gravity = "gravity"; const char* P_RelativeName = "relativeName"; const char* P_RelativeToName = "relativeToName"; const char* P_Align = "align"; const char* P_MarginLeft = "marginLeft"; const char* P_MarginRight = "marginRight"; const char* P_MarginTop = "marginTop"; const char* P_MarginDown = "marginDown"; const char* P_Opacity = "opacity"; const char* P_ColorR = "colorR"; const char* P_ColorG = "colorG"; const char* P_ColorB = "colorB"; const char* P_FlipX = "flipX"; const char* P_FlipY = "flipY"; const char* P_AnchorPointX = "anchorPointX"; const char* P_AnchorPointY = "anchorPointY"; const char* P_ResourceType = "resourceType"; const char* P_Path = "path"; static WidgetReader* instanceWidgetReader = nullptr; IMPLEMENT_CLASS_NODE_READER_INFO(WidgetReader) WidgetReader::WidgetReader() :_sizePercentX(0.0f), _sizePercentY(0.0f), _positionPercentX(0.0f), _positionPercentY(0.0f), _width(0.0f), _height(0.0f), _opacity(255), _isAdaptScreen(false) { valueToInt = [=](const std::string& str) -> int{ return atoi(str.c_str()); }; valueToBool = [=](const std::string& str) -> bool{ int intValue = valueToInt(str); if (1 == intValue) { return true; }else{ return false; } }; valueToFloat = [=](const std::string& str) -> float{ return utils::atof(str.c_str()); }; } WidgetReader::~WidgetReader() { } WidgetReader* WidgetReader::getInstance() { if (!instanceWidgetReader) { instanceWidgetReader = new (std::nothrow) WidgetReader(); } return instanceWidgetReader; } void WidgetReader::purge() { CC_SAFE_DELETE(instanceWidgetReader); } void WidgetReader::setPropsFromJsonDictionary(Widget *widget, const rapidjson::Value &options) { bool ignoreSizeExsit = DICTOOL->checkObjectExist_json(options, P_IgnoreSize); if (ignoreSizeExsit) { widget->ignoreContentAdaptWithSize(DICTOOL->getBooleanValue_json(options, P_IgnoreSize)); } widget->setSizeType((Widget::SizeType)DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_SizeType)); widget->setPositionType((Widget::PositionType)DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_PositionType)); widget->setSizePercent(Vec2(DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_SizePercentX), DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_SizePercentY))); widget->setPositionPercent(Vec2(DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_PositionPercentX), DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_PositionPercentY))); /* adapt screen */ float w = 0, h = 0; bool adaptScrenn = DICTOOL->getBooleanValue_json(options, P_AdaptScreen); if (adaptScrenn) { Size screenSize = CCDirector::getInstance()->getWinSize(); w = screenSize.width; h = screenSize.height; } else { w = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_Width); h = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_Height); } widget->setContentSize(Size(w, h)); widget->setTag(DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_Tag)); widget->setActionTag(DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_ActionTag)); widget->setTouchEnabled(DICTOOL->getBooleanValue_json(options, P_TouchAble)); const char* name = DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(options, P_Name); const char* widgetName = name?name:"default"; widget->setName(widgetName); float x = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_X); float y = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_Y); widget->setPosition(Vec2(x,y)); widget->setScaleX(DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_ScaleX,1.0)); widget->setScaleY(DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_ScaleY,1.0)); widget->setRotation(DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_Rotation,0)); bool vb = DICTOOL->checkObjectExist_json(options, P_Visbile); if (vb) { widget->setVisible(DICTOOL->getBooleanValue_json(options, P_Visbile)); } int z = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_ZOrder); widget->setLocalZOrder(z); bool layout = DICTOOL->checkObjectExist_json(options, P_LayoutParameter); if (layout) { const rapidjson::Value& layoutParameterDic = DICTOOL->getSubDictionary_json(options, P_LayoutParameter); int paramType = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(layoutParameterDic, P_Type); LayoutParameter* parameter = nullptr; switch (paramType) { case 0: break; case 1: { parameter = LinearLayoutParameter::create(); int gravity = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(layoutParameterDic, P_Gravity); ((LinearLayoutParameter*)parameter)->setGravity((cocos2d::ui::LinearLayoutParameter::LinearGravity)gravity); break; } case 2: { parameter = RelativeLayoutParameter::create(); RelativeLayoutParameter* rParameter = (RelativeLayoutParameter*)parameter; const char* relativeName = DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(layoutParameterDic, P_RelativeName); rParameter->setRelativeName(relativeName); const char* relativeToName = DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(layoutParameterDic, P_RelativeToName); rParameter->setRelativeToWidgetName(relativeToName); int align = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(layoutParameterDic, P_Align); rParameter->setAlign((cocos2d::ui::RelativeLayoutParameter::RelativeAlign)align); break; } default: break; } if (parameter) { float mgl = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(layoutParameterDic, P_MarginLeft); float mgt = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(layoutParameterDic, P_MarginTop); float mgr = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(layoutParameterDic, P_MarginRight); float mgb = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(layoutParameterDic, P_MarginDown); parameter->setMargin(Margin(mgl, mgt, mgr, mgb)); widget->setLayoutParameter(parameter); } } } void WidgetReader::setColorPropsFromJsonDictionary(Widget *widget, const rapidjson::Value &options) { bool op = DICTOOL->checkObjectExist_json(options, P_Opacity); if (op) { widget->setOpacity(DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_Opacity)); } bool cr = DICTOOL->checkObjectExist_json(options, P_ColorR); bool cg = DICTOOL->checkObjectExist_json(options, P_ColorG); bool cb = DICTOOL->checkObjectExist_json(options, P_ColorB); int colorR = cr ? DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_ColorR) : 255; int colorG = cg ? DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_ColorG) : 255; int colorB = cb ? DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_ColorB) : 255; widget->setColor(Color3B(colorR, colorG, colorB)); this->setAnchorPointForWidget(widget, options); bool flipX = DICTOOL->getBooleanValue_json(options, P_FlipX); bool flipY = DICTOOL->getBooleanValue_json(options, P_FlipY); widget->setFlippedX(flipX); widget->setFlippedY(flipY); } void WidgetReader::beginSetBasicProperties(cocos2d::ui::Widget *widget) { _position = widget->getPosition(); //set default color _color = Color3B(255,255,255); widget->setColor(_color); _opacity = widget->getOpacity(); _originalAnchorPoint = widget->getAnchorPoint(); } void WidgetReader::endSetBasicProperties(Widget *widget) { Size screenSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); widget->setPositionPercent(Vec2(_positionPercentX, _positionPercentY)); widget->setSizePercent(Vec2(_sizePercentX, _sizePercentY)); if (_isAdaptScreen) { _width = screenSize.width; _height = screenSize.height; } widget->setColor(_color); widget->setOpacity(_opacity); //the setSize method will be conflict with scale9Width & scale9Height if (!widget->isIgnoreContentAdaptWithSize()) { widget->setContentSize(Size(_width, _height)); } widget->setPosition(_position); widget->setAnchorPoint(_originalAnchorPoint); } std::string WidgetReader::getResourcePath(const rapidjson::Value &dict, const std::string &key, cocos2d::ui::Widget::TextureResType texType) { std::string jsonPath = GUIReader::getInstance()->getFilePath(); const char* imageFileName = DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(dict, key.c_str()); std::string imageFileName_tp; if (nullptr != imageFileName) { if (texType == ui::Widget::TextureResType::LOCAL) { imageFileName_tp = jsonPath + imageFileName; } else if(texType == ui::Widget::TextureResType::PLIST){ imageFileName_tp = imageFileName; } else{ CCASSERT(0, "invalid TextureResType!!!"); } } return imageFileName_tp; } std::string WidgetReader::getResourcePath(CocoLoader *cocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *cocoNode, cocos2d::ui::Widget::TextureResType texType) { stExpCocoNode *backGroundChildren = cocoNode->GetChildArray(cocoLoader); std::string backgroundValue = backGroundChildren[0].GetValue(cocoLoader); if (backgroundValue.size() < 3) { return ""; } std::string binaryPath = GUIReader::getInstance()->getFilePath(); std::string imageFileName_tp; if (!backgroundValue.empty()) { if (texType == ui::Widget::TextureResType::LOCAL) { imageFileName_tp = binaryPath + backgroundValue; } else if(texType == ui::Widget::TextureResType::PLIST){ imageFileName_tp = backgroundValue; } else{ CCASSERT(0, "invalid TextureResType!!!"); } } return imageFileName_tp; } void WidgetReader::setAnchorPointForWidget(cocos2d::ui::Widget *widget, const rapidjson::Value &options) { bool isAnchorPointXExists = DICTOOL->checkObjectExist_json(options, P_AnchorPointX); float anchorPointXInFile; if (isAnchorPointXExists) { anchorPointXInFile = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_AnchorPointX); }else{ anchorPointXInFile = widget->getAnchorPoint().x; } bool isAnchorPointYExists = DICTOOL->checkObjectExist_json(options, P_AnchorPointY); float anchorPointYInFile; if (isAnchorPointYExists) { anchorPointYInFile = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_AnchorPointY); } else{ anchorPointYInFile = widget->getAnchorPoint().y; } if (isAnchorPointXExists || isAnchorPointYExists) { widget->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(anchorPointXInFile, anchorPointYInFile)); } } void WidgetReader::setPropsFromBinary(cocos2d::ui::Widget *widget, cocostudio::CocoLoader *cocoLoader, cocostudio::stExpCocoNode *cocoNode) { stExpCocoNode *stChildArray = cocoNode->GetChildArray(cocoLoader); this->beginSetBasicProperties(widget); for (int i = 0; i < cocoNode->GetChildNum(); ++i) { std::string key = stChildArray[i].GetName(cocoLoader); std::string value = stChildArray[i].GetValue(cocoLoader); CC_BASIC_PROPERTY_BINARY_READER } this->endSetBasicProperties(widget); } Offset WidgetReader::createOptionsWithFlatBuffers(const tinyxml2::XMLElement *objectData, flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder *builder) { std::string name = ""; long actionTag = 0; Vec2 rotationSkew = Vec2::ZERO; int zOrder = 0; bool visible = true; GLubyte alpha = 255; int tag = 0; Vec2 position = Vec2::ZERO; Vec2 scale = Vec2(1.0f, 1.0f); Vec2 anchorPoint = Vec2::ZERO; Color4B color(255, 255, 255, 255); Vec2 size = Vec2::ZERO; bool flipX = false; bool flipY = false; bool ignoreSize = false; bool touchEnabled = false; std::string frameEvent = ""; std::string customProperty = ""; std::string callbackType = ""; std::string callbackName = ""; // attributes const tinyxml2::XMLAttribute* attribute = objectData->FirstAttribute(); while (attribute) { std::string attriname = attribute->Name(); std::string value = attribute->Value(); if (attriname == "Name") { name = value; } else if (attriname == "ActionTag") { actionTag = atol(value.c_str()); } else if (attriname == "RotationSkewX") { rotationSkew.x = atof(value.c_str()); } else if (attriname == "RotationSkewY") { rotationSkew.y = atof(value.c_str()); } else if (attriname == "Rotation") { // rotation = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (attriname == "FlipX") { flipX = (value == "True") ? true : false; } else if (attriname == "FlipY") { flipY = (value == "True") ? true : false; } else if (attriname == "ZOrder") { zOrder = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (attriname == "Visible") { // visible = (value == "True") ? true : false; } else if (attriname == "VisibleForFrame") { visible = (value == "True") ? true : false; } else if (attriname == "Alpha") { alpha = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (attriname == "Tag") { tag = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (attriname == "TouchEnable") { touchEnabled = (value == "True") ? true : false; } else if (attriname == "FrameEvent") { frameEvent = value; } else if (attriname == "CallBackType") { callbackType = value; } else if (attriname == "CallBackName") { callbackName = value; } attribute = attribute->Next(); } const tinyxml2::XMLElement* child = objectData->FirstChildElement(); while (child) { std::string attriname = child->Name(); if (attriname == "Children") { break; } else if (attriname == "Position") { attribute = child->FirstAttribute(); while (attribute) { attriname = attribute->Name(); std::string value = attribute->Value(); if (attriname == "X") { position.x = atof(value.c_str()); } else if (attriname == "Y") { position.y = atof(value.c_str()); } attribute = attribute->Next(); } } else if (attriname == "Scale") { attribute = child->FirstAttribute(); while (attribute) { attriname = attribute->Name(); std::string value = attribute->Value(); if (attriname == "ScaleX") { scale.x = atof(value.c_str()); } else if (attriname == "ScaleY") { scale.y = atof(value.c_str()); } attribute = attribute->Next(); } } else if (attriname == "AnchorPoint") { attribute = child->FirstAttribute(); while (attribute) { attriname = attribute->Name(); std::string value = attribute->Value(); if (attriname == "ScaleX") { anchorPoint.x = atof(value.c_str()); } else if (attriname == "ScaleY") { anchorPoint.y = atof(value.c_str()); } attribute = attribute->Next(); } } else if (attriname == "CColor") { attribute = child->FirstAttribute(); while (attribute) { attriname = attribute->Name(); std::string value = attribute->Value(); if (attriname == "A") { color.a = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (attriname == "R") { color.r = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (attriname == "G") { color.g = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (attriname == "B") { color.b = atoi(value.c_str()); } attribute = attribute->Next(); } } else if (attriname == "Size") { attribute = child->FirstAttribute(); while (attribute) { attriname = attribute->Name(); std::string value = attribute->Value(); if (attriname == "X") { size.x = atof(value.c_str()); } else if (attriname == "Y") { size.y = atof(value.c_str()); } attribute = attribute->Next(); } } child = child->NextSiblingElement(); } RotationSkew f_rotationskew(rotationSkew.x, rotationSkew.y); Position f_position(position.x, position.y); Scale f_scale(scale.x, scale.y); AnchorPoint f_anchortpoint(anchorPoint.x, anchorPoint.y); Color f_color(color.a, color.r, color.g, color.b); FlatSize f_size(size.x, size.y); auto options = CreateWidgetOptions(*builder, builder->CreateString(name), (int32_t)actionTag, &f_rotationskew, zOrder, visible, alpha, tag, &f_position, &f_scale, &f_anchortpoint, &f_color, &f_size, flipX, flipY, ignoreSize, touchEnabled, builder->CreateString(frameEvent), builder->CreateString(customProperty), builder->CreateString(callbackType), builder->CreateString(callbackName) ); return *(Offset
*)(&options); } void WidgetReader::setPropsWithFlatBuffers(cocos2d::Node *node, const flatbuffers::Table *widgetOptions) { Widget* widget = static_cast(node); auto options = (WidgetOptions*)widgetOptions; widget->setCascadeColorEnabled(true); widget->setCascadeOpacityEnabled(true); widget->setAnchorPoint(Vec2::ZERO); widget->setUnifySizeEnabled(true); bool ignoreSize = options->ignoreSize(); widget->ignoreContentAdaptWithSize(ignoreSize); Size contentSize(options->size()->width(), options->size()->height()); widget->setContentSize(contentSize); int tag = options->tag(); widget->setTag(tag); int actionTag = options->actionTag(); widget->setActionTag(actionTag); widget->setUserObject(timeline::ActionTimelineData::create(actionTag)); bool touchEnabled = options->touchEnabled(); widget->setTouchEnabled(touchEnabled); std::string name = options->name()->c_str(); widget->setName(name); Vec2 position(options->position()->x(), options->position()->y()); widget->setPosition(position); float scaleX = options->scale()->scaleX(); widget->setScaleX(scaleX); float scaleY = options->scale()->scaleY(); widget->setScaleY(scaleY); float rotationSkewX = options->rotationSkew()->rotationSkewX(); widget->setRotationSkewX(rotationSkewX); float rotationSkewY = options->rotationSkew()->rotationSkewY(); widget->setRotationSkewY(rotationSkewY); bool visible = options->visible(); widget->setVisible(visible); int zOrder = options->zOrder(); widget->setLocalZOrder(zOrder); auto f_color = options->color(); Color3B color(f_color->r(), f_color->g(), f_color->b()); widget->setColor(color); int alpha = options->alpha(); widget->setOpacity(alpha); auto f_anchorPoint = options->anchorPoint(); Vec2 anchorPoint(f_anchorPoint->scaleX(), f_anchorPoint->scaleY()); widget->setAnchorPoint(anchorPoint); bool flippedX = options->flipX(); widget->setFlippedX(flippedX); bool flippedY = options->flipY(); widget->setFlippedY(flippedY); std::string callbackType = options->callBackType()->c_str(); widget->setCallbackType(callbackType); std::string callbackName = options->callBackName()->c_str(); widget->setCallbackName(callbackName); } Node* WidgetReader::createNodeWithFlatBuffers(const flatbuffers::Table *widgetOptions) { Widget* widget = Widget::create(); setPropsWithFlatBuffers(widget, (Table*)widgetOptions); return widget; } std::string WidgetReader::getResourcePath(const std::string &path, cocos2d::ui::Widget::TextureResType texType) { std::string filePath = GUIReader::getInstance()->getFilePath(); const char* imageFileName = path.c_str(); std::string imageFileName_tp; if (nullptr != imageFileName && 0 != strcmp("", imageFileName)) { if (texType == ui::Widget::TextureResType::LOCAL) { imageFileName_tp = filePath + imageFileName; } else if(texType == ui::Widget::TextureResType::PLIST){ imageFileName_tp = imageFileName; } else{ CCASSERT(0, "invalid TextureResType!!!"); } } return imageFileName_tp; } }