namespace cocos2d { class CCSpriteFrame : public CCObject { CCRect getRectInPixels(void); void setRectInPixels(CCRect rectInPixels); bool isRotated(void); void setRotated(bool bRotated); CCRect getRect(void); void setRect(CCRect rect); CCPoint getOffsetInPixels(void); void setOffsetInPixels(CCPoint offsetInPixels); CCSize getOriginalSizeInPixels(void); void setOriginalSizeInPixels(CCSize sizeInPixels); CCTexture2D* getTexture(void); void setTexture(CCTexture2D* pobTexture); ~CCSpriteFrame(void); virtual CCObject* copyWithZone(CCZone *pZone); /** Create a CCSpriteFrame with a texture, rect in points. It is assumed that the frame was not trimmed. */ static CCSpriteFrame* frameWithTexture(CCTexture2D* pobTexture, CCRect rect); /** Create a CCSpriteFrame with a texture, rect, rotated, offset and originalSize in pixels. The originalSize is the size in points of the frame before being trimmed. */ static CCSpriteFrame* frameWithTexture(CCTexture2D* pobTexture, CCRect rect, bool rotated, CCPoint offset, CCSize originalSize); bool initWithTexture(CCTexture2D* pobTexture, CCRect rect); /** Initializes a CCSpriteFrame with a texture, rect, rotated, offset and originalSize in pixels. The originalSize is the size in points of the frame before being trimmed. */ bool initWithTexture(CCTexture2D* pobTexture, CCRect rect, bool rotated, CCPoint offset, CCSize originalSize); }; }//namespace cocos2d