/* * Base64Transcoder.c * Base64Test * * Created by Jonathan Wight on Tue Mar 18 2003. * Copyright (c) 2003 Toxic Software. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * */ #include "Base64TranscoderFHS.h" #include #include const u_int8_t kBase64EncodeTable_[64] = { /* 0 */ 'A', /* 1 */ 'B', /* 2 */ 'C', /* 3 */ 'D', /* 4 */ 'E', /* 5 */ 'F', /* 6 */ 'G', /* 7 */ 'H', /* 8 */ 'I', /* 9 */ 'J', /* 10 */ 'K', /* 11 */ 'L', /* 12 */ 'M', /* 13 */ 'N', /* 14 */ 'O', /* 15 */ 'P', /* 16 */ 'Q', /* 17 */ 'R', /* 18 */ 'S', /* 19 */ 'T', /* 20 */ 'U', /* 21 */ 'V', /* 22 */ 'W', /* 23 */ 'X', /* 24 */ 'Y', /* 25 */ 'Z', /* 26 */ 'a', /* 27 */ 'b', /* 28 */ 'c', /* 29 */ 'd', /* 30 */ 'e', /* 31 */ 'f', /* 32 */ 'g', /* 33 */ 'h', /* 34 */ 'i', /* 35 */ 'j', /* 36 */ 'k', /* 37 */ 'l', /* 38 */ 'm', /* 39 */ 'n', /* 40 */ 'o', /* 41 */ 'p', /* 42 */ 'q', /* 43 */ 'r', /* 44 */ 's', /* 45 */ 't', /* 46 */ 'u', /* 47 */ 'v', /* 48 */ 'w', /* 49 */ 'x', /* 50 */ 'y', /* 51 */ 'z', /* 52 */ '0', /* 53 */ '1', /* 54 */ '2', /* 55 */ '3', /* 56 */ '4', /* 57 */ '5', /* 58 */ '6', /* 59 */ '7', /* 60 */ '8', /* 61 */ '9', /* 62 */ '+', /* 63 */ '/' }; /* -1 = Base64 end of data marker. -2 = White space (tabs, cr, lf, space) -3 = Noise (all non whitespace, non-base64 characters) -4 = Dangerous noise -5 = Illegal noise (null byte) */ const int8_t kBase64DecodeTable_[128] = { /* 0x00 */ -5, /* 0x01 */ -3, /* 0x02 */ -3, /* 0x03 */ -3, /* 0x04 */ -3, /* 0x05 */ -3, /* 0x06 */ -3, /* 0x07 */ -3, /* 0x08 */ -3, /* 0x09 */ -2, /* 0x0a */ -2, /* 0x0b */ -2, /* 0x0c */ -2, /* 0x0d */ -2, /* 0x0e */ -3, /* 0x0f */ -3, /* 0x10 */ -3, /* 0x11 */ -3, /* 0x12 */ -3, /* 0x13 */ -3, /* 0x14 */ -3, /* 0x15 */ -3, /* 0x16 */ -3, /* 0x17 */ -3, /* 0x18 */ -3, /* 0x19 */ -3, /* 0x1a */ -3, /* 0x1b */ -3, /* 0x1c */ -3, /* 0x1d */ -3, /* 0x1e */ -3, /* 0x1f */ -3, /* ' ' */ -2, /* '!' */ -3, /* '"' */ -3, /* '#' */ -3, /* '$' */ -3, /* '%' */ -3, /* '&' */ -3, /* ''' */ -3, /* '(' */ -3, /* ')' */ -3, /* '*' */ -3, /* '+' */ 62, /* ',' */ -3, /* '-' */ -3, /* '.' */ -3, /* '/' */ 63, /* '0' */ 52, /* '1' */ 53, /* '2' */ 54, /* '3' */ 55, /* '4' */ 56, /* '5' */ 57, /* '6' */ 58, /* '7' */ 59, /* '8' */ 60, /* '9' */ 61, /* ':' */ -3, /* ';' */ -3, /* '<' */ -3, /* '=' */ -1, /* '>' */ -3, /* '?' */ -3, /* '@' */ -3, /* 'A' */ 0, /* 'B' */ 1, /* 'C' */ 2, /* 'D' */ 3, /* 'E' */ 4, /* 'F' */ 5, /* 'G' */ 6, /* 'H' */ 7, /* 'I' */ 8, /* 'J' */ 9, /* 'K' */ 10, /* 'L' */ 11, /* 'M' */ 12, /* 'N' */ 13, /* 'O' */ 14, /* 'P' */ 15, /* 'Q' */ 16, /* 'R' */ 17, /* 'S' */ 18, /* 'T' */ 19, /* 'U' */ 20, /* 'V' */ 21, /* 'W' */ 22, /* 'X' */ 23, /* 'Y' */ 24, /* 'Z' */ 25, /* '[' */ -3, /* '\' */ -3, /* ']' */ -3, /* '^' */ -3, /* '_' */ -3, /* '`' */ -3, /* 'a' */ 26, /* 'b' */ 27, /* 'c' */ 28, /* 'd' */ 29, /* 'e' */ 30, /* 'f' */ 31, /* 'g' */ 32, /* 'h' */ 33, /* 'i' */ 34, /* 'j' */ 35, /* 'k' */ 36, /* 'l' */ 37, /* 'm' */ 38, /* 'n' */ 39, /* 'o' */ 40, /* 'p' */ 41, /* 'q' */ 42, /* 'r' */ 43, /* 's' */ 44, /* 't' */ 45, /* 'u' */ 46, /* 'v' */ 47, /* 'w' */ 48, /* 'x' */ 49, /* 'y' */ 50, /* 'z' */ 51, /* '{' */ -3, /* '|' */ -3, /* '}' */ -3, /* '~' */ -3, /* 0x7f */ -3 }; const u_int8_t kBits_00000011_ = 0x03; const u_int8_t kBits_00001111_ = 0x0F; const u_int8_t kBits_00110000_ = 0x30; const u_int8_t kBits_00111100_ = 0x3C; const u_int8_t kBits_00111111_ = 0x3F; const u_int8_t kBits_11000000_ = 0xC0; const u_int8_t kBits_11110000_ = 0xF0; const u_int8_t kBits_11111100_ = 0xFC; size_t EstimateBas64EncodedDataSizeFHS(size_t inDataSize) { size_t theEncodedDataSize = (int)ceil(inDataSize / 3.0) * 4; theEncodedDataSize = theEncodedDataSize / 72 * 74 + theEncodedDataSize % 72; return(theEncodedDataSize); } size_t EstimateBas64DecodedDataSizeFHS(size_t inDataSize) { size_t theDecodedDataSize = (int)ceil(inDataSize / 4.0) * 3; //theDecodedDataSize = theDecodedDataSize / 72 * 74 + theDecodedDataSize % 72; return(theDecodedDataSize); } bool Base64EncodeDataFHS(const void *inInputData, size_t inInputDataSize, char *outOutputData, size_t *ioOutputDataSize) { size_t theEncodedDataSize = EstimateBas64EncodedDataSizeFHS(inInputDataSize); if (*ioOutputDataSize < theEncodedDataSize) { return false; } *ioOutputDataSize = theEncodedDataSize; const u_int8_t *theInPtr = (const u_int8_t *)inInputData; u_int32_t theInIndex = 0, theOutIndex = 0; for (; theInIndex < (inInputDataSize / 3) * 3; theInIndex += 3) { outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = kBase64EncodeTable_[(theInPtr[theInIndex] & kBits_11111100_) >> 2]; outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = kBase64EncodeTable_[(theInPtr[theInIndex] & kBits_00000011_) << 4 | (theInPtr[theInIndex + 1] & kBits_11110000_) >> 4]; outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = kBase64EncodeTable_[(theInPtr[theInIndex + 1] & kBits_00001111_) << 2 | (theInPtr[theInIndex + 2] & kBits_11000000_) >> 6]; outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = kBase64EncodeTable_[(theInPtr[theInIndex + 2] & kBits_00111111_) >> 0]; if (theOutIndex % 74 == 72) { outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = '\r'; outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = '\n'; } } const size_t theRemainingBytes = inInputDataSize - theInIndex; if (theRemainingBytes == 1) { outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = kBase64EncodeTable_[(theInPtr[theInIndex] & kBits_11111100_) >> 2]; outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = kBase64EncodeTable_[(theInPtr[theInIndex] & kBits_00000011_) << 4 | (0 & kBits_11110000_) >> 4]; outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = '='; outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = '='; if (theOutIndex % 74 == 72) { outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = '\r'; outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = '\n'; } } else if (theRemainingBytes == 2) { outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = kBase64EncodeTable_[(theInPtr[theInIndex] & kBits_11111100_) >> 2]; outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = kBase64EncodeTable_[(theInPtr[theInIndex] & kBits_00000011_) << 4 | (theInPtr[theInIndex + 1] & kBits_11110000_) >> 4]; outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = kBase64EncodeTable_[(theInPtr[theInIndex + 1] & kBits_00001111_) << 2 | (0 & kBits_11000000_) >> 6]; outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = '='; if (theOutIndex % 74 == 72) { outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = '\r'; outOutputData[theOutIndex++] = '\n'; } } return true; } bool Base64DecodeData_(const void *inInputData, size_t inInputDataSize, void *ioOutputData, size_t *ioOutputDataSize) { memset(ioOutputData, '.', *ioOutputDataSize); size_t theDecodedDataSize = EstimateBas64DecodedDataSizeFHS(inInputDataSize); if (*ioOutputDataSize < theDecodedDataSize) { return false; } *ioOutputDataSize = 0; const u_int8_t *theInPtr = (const u_int8_t *)inInputData; u_int8_t *theOutPtr = (u_int8_t *)ioOutputData; size_t theInIndex = 0, theOutIndex = 0; u_int8_t theOutputOctet; size_t theSequence = 0; for (; theInIndex < inInputDataSize; ) { int8_t theSextet = 0; int8_t theCurrentInputOctet = theInPtr[theInIndex]; theSextet = kBase64DecodeTable_[theCurrentInputOctet]; if (theSextet == -1) { break; } while (theSextet == -2) { theCurrentInputOctet = theInPtr[++theInIndex]; theSextet = kBase64DecodeTable_[theCurrentInputOctet]; } while (theSextet == -3) { theCurrentInputOctet = theInPtr[++theInIndex]; theSextet = kBase64DecodeTable_[theCurrentInputOctet]; } if (theSequence == 0) { theOutputOctet = (theSextet >= 0 ? theSextet : 0) << 2 & kBits_11111100_; } else if (theSequence == 1) { theOutputOctet |= (theSextet >- 0 ? theSextet : 0) >> 4 & kBits_00000011_; theOutPtr[theOutIndex++] = theOutputOctet; } else if (theSequence == 2) { theOutputOctet = (theSextet >= 0 ? theSextet : 0) << 4 & kBits_11110000_; } else if (theSequence == 3) { theOutputOctet |= (theSextet >= 0 ? theSextet : 0) >> 2 & kBits_00001111_; theOutPtr[theOutIndex++] = theOutputOctet; } else if (theSequence == 4) { theOutputOctet = (theSextet >= 0 ? theSextet : 0) << 6 & kBits_11000000_; } else if (theSequence == 5) { theOutputOctet |= (theSextet >= 0 ? theSextet : 0) >> 0 & kBits_00111111_; theOutPtr[theOutIndex++] = theOutputOctet; } theSequence = (theSequence+1)%6; if (theSequence != 2 && theSequence != 4) { theInIndex++; } } *ioOutputDataSize = theOutIndex; return true; }