How to Use cxx-generator ================== On Windows: ------------ * Make sure that you have installed vs2010 or higher version. * Download python2.7.3 from ( * Add the installed path of python (e.g. C:\Python27) to windows environment variable named 'PATH'. * Download pyyaml from and install it. * Download pyCheetah from, unzip it to "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages" * There is a bug of redefine some base type(e.g. uint_16 in stdint.h file on windows. So before you run the generating script, you should comment first line which contains "#include " in "cocos2d-x\external\chipmunk\include\chipmunk\chipmunk_types.h" * Go to "cocos2d-x/tools/tojs" folder, and run "genbindings-win32.bat". The generated codes will be under "cocos2d-x\scripting\javascript\bindings\generated". On MAC: ---------- * Please refer to