/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); /** * An adapter that handles data transfers between the debugger client and * server. It can work with both nsIPipe and nsIServerSocket transports so * long as the properly created input and output streams are specified. * * @param aInput nsIInputStream * The input stream. * @param aOutput nsIAsyncOutputStream * The output stream. * * Given a DebuggerTransport instance dt: * 1) Set dt.hooks to a packet handler object (described below). * 2) Call dt.ready() to begin watching for input packets. * 3) Send packets as you please, and handle incoming packets passed to * hook.onPacket. * 4) Call dt.close() to close the connection, and disengage from the event * loop. * * A packet handler object is an object with two methods: * * - onPacket(packet) - called when we have received a complete packet. * |Packet| is the parsed form of the packet --- a JavaScript value, not * a JSON-syntax string. * * - onClosed(status) - called when the connection is closed. |Status| is * an nsresult, of the sort passed to nsIRequestObserver. * * Data is transferred as a JSON packet serialized into a string, with the * string length prepended to the packet, followed by a colon * ([length]:[packet]). The contents of the JSON packet are specified in * the Remote Debugging Protocol specification. */ this.DebuggerTransport = function DebuggerTransport(aInput, aOutput) { this._input = aInput; this._output = aOutput; this._converter = null;//Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"] // .createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter); // this._converter.charset = "UTF-8"; this._outgoing = ""; this._incoming = ""; this.hooks = null; } function utf16to8(str) { var out, i, len, c; out = ""; len = str.length; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { c = str.charCodeAt(i); if ((c >= 0x0001) && (c <= 0x007F)) { out += str.charAt(i); } else if (c > 0x07FF) { out += String.fromCharCode(0xE0 | ((c >> 12) & 0x0F)); out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)); out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3F)); } else { out += String.fromCharCode(0xC0 | ((c >> 6) & 0x1F)); out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3F)); } } return out; } DebuggerTransport.prototype = { /** * Transmit a packet. * * This method returns immediately, without waiting for the entire * packet to be transmitted, registering event handlers as needed to * transmit the entire packet. Packets are transmitted in the order * they are passed to this method. */ send: function DT_send(aPacket) { // TODO (bug 709088): remove pretty printing when the protocol is done. let data = JSON.stringify(aPacket, null, 2); // data = this._converter.ConvertFromUnicode(data); log("data1 len: "+data.length); let data_for_len = utf16to8(data); log("data2 len: "+data_for_len.length); this._outgoing = data_for_len.length + ':' + data; log("_outgoing len: "+this._outgoing.length); this._flushOutgoing(); }, /** * Close the transport. */ close: function DT_close() { this._input.close(); this._output.close(); }, /** * Flush the outgoing stream. */ _flushOutgoing: function DT_flushOutgoing() { if (this._outgoing.length > 0) { // var threadManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/thread-manager;1"].getService(); // this._output.asyncWait(this, 0, 0, threadManager.currentThread); log("outgoing: " + this._outgoing);//.substring(0, 200)); _bufferWrite(this._outgoing); } }, onOutputStreamReady: makeInfallible(function DT_onOutputStreamReady(aStream) { let written = 0; try { written = aStream.write(this._outgoing, this._outgoing.length); } catch(e if e.result == Components.results.NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED) { dumpn("Connection closed."); this.close(); return; } this._outgoing = this._outgoing.slice(written); this._flushOutgoing(); }, "DebuggerTransport.prototype.onOutputStreamReady"), /** * Initialize the input stream for reading. Once this method has been * called, we watch for packets on the input stream, and pass them to * this.hook.onPacket. */ ready: function DT_ready() { // let pump = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/input-stream-pump;1"] // .createInstance(Ci.nsIInputStreamPump); // pump.init(this._input, -1, -1, 0, 0, false); // pump.asyncRead(this, null); }, // nsIStreamListener onStartRequest: makeInfallible(function DT_onStartRequest(aRequest, aContext) {}, "DebuggerTransport.prototype.onStartRequest"), onStopRequest: makeInfallible(function DT_onStopRequest(aRequest, aContext, aStatus) { this.close(); if (this.hooks) { this.hooks.onClosed(aStatus); this.hooks = null; } }, "DebuggerTransport.prototype.onStopRequest"), onDataAvailable: makeInfallible(function DT_onDataAvailable (incoming) // makeInfallible(function DT_onDataAvailable(aRequest, aContext, // aStream, aOffset, aCount) { this._incoming = incoming;//+= NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(aStream, // aStream.available()); while (this._processIncoming()) {}; }, "DebuggerTransport.prototype.onDataAvailable"), /** * Process incoming packets. Returns true if a packet has been received, either * if it was properly parsed or not. Returns false if the incoming stream does * not contain a full packet yet. After a proper packet is parsed, the dispatch * handler DebuggerTransport.hooks.onPacket is called with the packet as a * parameter. */ _processIncoming: function DT__processIncoming() { // Well this is ugly. let sep = this._incoming.indexOf(':'); if (sep < 0) { return false; } let count = parseInt(this._incoming.substring(0, sep)); if (this._incoming.length - (sep + 1) < count) { // Don't have a complete request yet. return false; } // We have a complete request, pluck it out of the data and parse it. this._incoming = this._incoming.substring(sep + 1); let packet = this._incoming.substring(0, count); this._incoming = this._incoming.substring(count); try { // packet = this._converter.ConvertToUnicode(packet); var parsed = JSON.parse(packet); } catch(e) { let msg = "Error parsing incoming packet: " + packet + " (" + e + " - " + e.stack + ")"; // if (Cu.reportError) { // Cu.reportError(msg); // } dump(msg + "\n"); return true; } dumpn("Got: " + packet); let self = this; // Services.tm.currentThread.dispatch(makeInfallible(function() { self.hooks.onPacket(parsed); // }, "DebuggerTransport instance's this.hooks.onPacket"), 0); return true; } } /** * An adapter that handles data transfers between the debugger client and * server when they both run in the same process. It presents the same API as * DebuggerTransport, but instead of transmitting serialized messages across a * connection it merely calls the packet dispatcher of the other side. * * @param aOther LocalDebuggerTransport * The other endpoint for this debugger connection. * * @see DebuggerTransport */ this.LocalDebuggerTransport = function LocalDebuggerTransport(aOther) { this.other = aOther; this.hooks = null; /* * A packet number, shared between this and this.other. This isn't used * by the protocol at all, but it makes the packet traces a lot easier to * follow. */ this._serial = this.other ? this.other._serial : { count: 0 }; } LocalDebuggerTransport.prototype = { /** * Transmit a message by directly calling the onPacket handler of the other * endpoint. */ send: function LDT_send(aPacket) { let serial = this._serial.count++; if (wantLogging) { if (aPacket.to) { dumpn("Packet " + serial + " sent to " + uneval(aPacket.to)); } else if (aPacket.from) { dumpn("Packet " + serial + " sent from " + uneval(aPacket.from)); } } this._deepFreeze(aPacket); let other = this.other; if (other) { Services.tm.currentThread.dispatch(makeInfallible(function() { // Avoid the cost of JSON.stringify() when logging is disabled. if (wantLogging) { dumpn("Received packet " + serial + ": " + JSON.stringify(aPacket, null, 2)); } if (other.hooks) { other.hooks.onPacket(aPacket); } }, "LocalDebuggerTransport instance's this.other.hooks.onPacket"), 0); } }, /** * Close the transport. */ close: function LDT_close() { if (this.other) { // Remove the reference to the other endpoint before calling close(), to // avoid infinite recursion. let other = this.other; delete this.other; other.close(); } if (this.hooks) { this.hooks.onClosed(); this.hooks = null; } }, /** * An empty method for emulating the DebuggerTransport API. */ ready: function LDT_ready() {}, /** * Helper function that makes an object fully immutable. */ _deepFreeze: function LDT_deepFreeze(aObject) { Object.freeze(aObject); for (let prop in aObject) { // Freeze the properties that are objects, not on the prototype, and not // already frozen. Note that this might leave an unfrozen reference // somewhere in the object if there is an already frozen object containing // an unfrozen object. if (aObject.hasOwnProperty(prop) && typeof aObject === "object" && !Object.isFrozen(aObject)) { this._deepFreeze(o[prop]); } } } };