/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Chukong Technologies Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "base/CCUserDefault.h" #include "platform/CCPlatformConfig.h" #include "base/ccUtils.h" #include "platform/CCCommon.h" #include "base/base64.h" #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID) #include "platform/android/jni/JniHelper.h" // root name of xml #define USERDEFAULT_ROOT_NAME "userDefaultRoot" #define KEEP_COMPATABILITY #define XML_FILE_NAME "UserDefault.xml" #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY #include "platform/CCFileUtils.h" #include "tinyxml2.h" #endif static const std::string helperClassName = "org/cocos2dx/lib/Cocos2dxHelper"; using namespace std; NS_CC_BEGIN /** * implements of UserDefault */ UserDefault* UserDefault::_userDefault = nullptr; string UserDefault::_filePath = string(""); bool UserDefault::_isFilePathInitialized = false; #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY static tinyxml2::XMLElement* getXMLNodeForKey(const char* pKey, tinyxml2::XMLDocument **doc) { tinyxml2::XMLElement* curNode = nullptr; tinyxml2::XMLElement* rootNode = nullptr; if (! UserDefault::isXMLFileExist()) { return nullptr; } // check the key value if (! pKey) { return nullptr; } do { tinyxml2::XMLDocument* xmlDoc = new (std::nothrow) tinyxml2::XMLDocument(); *doc = xmlDoc; ssize_t size; std::string xmlBuffer = FileUtils::getInstance()->getStringFromFile(UserDefault::getInstance()->getXMLFilePath()); if (xmlBuffer.empty()) { CCLOG("can not read xml file"); break; } xmlDoc->Parse(xmlBuffer.c_str()); // get root node rootNode = xmlDoc->RootElement(); if (nullptr == rootNode) { CCLOG("read root node error"); break; } // find the node curNode = rootNode->FirstChildElement(); if (!curNode) { // There is not xml node, delete xml file. remove(UserDefault::getInstance()->getXMLFilePath().c_str()); return nullptr; } while (nullptr != curNode) { const char* nodeName = curNode->Value(); if (!strcmp(nodeName, pKey)) { // delete the node break; } curNode = curNode->NextSiblingElement(); } } while (0); return curNode; } static void deleteNode(tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc, tinyxml2::XMLElement* node) { if (node) { doc->DeleteNode(node); doc->SaveFile(UserDefault::getInstance()->getXMLFilePath().c_str()); delete doc; } } static void deleteNodeByKey(const char *pKey) { tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc = nullptr; tinyxml2::XMLElement* node = getXMLNodeForKey(pKey, &doc); deleteNode(doc, node); } #endif UserDefault::~UserDefault() { } UserDefault::UserDefault() { } // FIXME:: deprecated void UserDefault::purgeSharedUserDefault() { UserDefault::destroyInstance(); } void UserDefault::destroyInstance() { CC_SAFE_DELETE(_userDefault); } bool UserDefault::getBoolForKey(const char* pKey) { return getBoolForKey(pKey, false); } bool UserDefault::getBoolForKey(const char* pKey, bool defaultValue) { #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc = nullptr; tinyxml2::XMLElement* node = getXMLNodeForKey(pKey, &doc); if (node) { if (node->FirstChild()) { const char* value = (const char*)node->FirstChild()->Value(); bool ret = (! strcmp(value, "true")); // set value in NSUserDefaults setBoolForKey(pKey, ret); flush(); // delete xmle node deleteNode(doc, node); return ret; } else { // delete xmle node deleteNode(doc, node); } } #endif return JniHelper::callStaticBooleanMethod(helperClassName, "getBoolForKey", pKey, defaultValue); } int UserDefault::getIntegerForKey(const char* pKey) { return getIntegerForKey(pKey, 0); } int UserDefault::getIntegerForKey(const char* pKey, int defaultValue) { #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc = nullptr; tinyxml2::XMLElement* node = getXMLNodeForKey(pKey, &doc); if (node) { if (node->FirstChild()) { int ret = atoi((const char*)node->FirstChild()->Value()); // set value in NSUserDefaults setIntegerForKey(pKey, ret); flush(); // delete xmle node deleteNode(doc, node); return ret; } else { // delete xmle node deleteNode(doc, node); } } #endif return JniHelper::callStaticIntMethod(helperClassName, "getIntegerForKey", pKey, defaultValue); } float UserDefault::getFloatForKey(const char* pKey) { return getFloatForKey(pKey, 0.0f); } float UserDefault::getFloatForKey(const char* pKey, float defaultValue) { #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc = nullptr; tinyxml2::XMLElement* node = getXMLNodeForKey(pKey, &doc); if (node) { if (node->FirstChild()) { float ret = utils::atof((const char*)node->FirstChild()->Value()); // set value in NSUserDefaults setFloatForKey(pKey, ret); flush(); // delete xmle node deleteNode(doc, node); return ret; } else { // delete xmle node deleteNode(doc, node); } } #endif return JniHelper::callStaticFloatMethod(helperClassName, "getFloatForKey", pKey, defaultValue); } double UserDefault::getDoubleForKey(const char* pKey) { return getDoubleForKey(pKey, 0.0); } double UserDefault::getDoubleForKey(const char* pKey, double defaultValue) { #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc = nullptr; tinyxml2::XMLElement* node = getXMLNodeForKey(pKey, &doc); if (node) { if (node->FirstChild()) { double ret = utils::atof((const char*)node->FirstChild()->Value()); // set value in NSUserDefaults setDoubleForKey(pKey, ret); flush(); // delete xmle node deleteNode(doc, node); return ret; } else { // delete xmle node deleteNode(doc, node); } } #endif return JniHelper::callStaticDoubleMethod(helperClassName, "getDoubleForKey", pKey, defaultValue); } std::string UserDefault::getStringForKey(const char* pKey) { return getStringForKey(pKey, ""); } string UserDefault::getStringForKey(const char* pKey, const std::string & defaultValue) { #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc = nullptr; tinyxml2::XMLElement* node = getXMLNodeForKey(pKey, &doc); if (node) { if (node->FirstChild()) { string ret = (const char*)node->FirstChild()->Value(); // set value in NSUserDefaults setStringForKey(pKey, ret); flush(); // delete xmle node deleteNode(doc, node); return ret; } else { // delete xmle node deleteNode(doc, node); } } #endif return JniHelper::callStaticStringMethod(helperClassName, "getStringForKey", pKey, defaultValue); } Data UserDefault::getDataForKey(const char* pKey) { return getDataForKey(pKey, Data::Null); } Data UserDefault::getDataForKey(const char* pKey, const Data& defaultValue) { #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc = nullptr; tinyxml2::XMLElement* node = getXMLNodeForKey(pKey, &doc); if (node) { if (node->FirstChild()) { const char * encodedData = node->FirstChild()->Value(); unsigned char * decodedData; int decodedDataLen = base64Decode((unsigned char*)encodedData, (unsigned int)strlen(encodedData), &decodedData); if (decodedData) { Data ret; ret.fastSet(decodedData, decodedDataLen); // set value in NSUserDefaults setDataForKey(pKey, ret); flush(); // delete xmle node deleteNode(doc, node); return ret; } } else { // delete xmle node deleteNode(doc, node); } } #endif char * encodedDefaultData = NULL; unsigned int encodedDefaultDataLen = !defaultValue.isNull() ? base64Encode(defaultValue.getBytes(), defaultValue.getSize(), &encodedDefaultData) : 0; string encodedStr = JniHelper::callStaticStringMethod(helperClassName, "getStringForKey", pKey, (const char*)encodedDefaultData); if (encodedDefaultData) free(encodedDefaultData); CCLOG("ENCODED STRING: --%s--%d", encodedStr.c_str(), encodedStr.length()); unsigned char * decodedData = NULL; int decodedDataLen = base64Decode((unsigned char*)encodedStr.c_str(), (unsigned int)encodedStr.length(), &decodedData); CCLOG("DECODED DATA: %s %d", decodedData, decodedDataLen); if (decodedData && decodedDataLen) { Data ret; ret.fastSet(decodedData, decodedDataLen); return ret; } return defaultValue; } void UserDefault::setBoolForKey(const char* pKey, bool value) { #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY deleteNodeByKey(pKey); #endif JniHelper::callStaticVoidMethod(helperClassName, "setBoolForKey", pKey, value); } void UserDefault::setIntegerForKey(const char* pKey, int value) { #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY deleteNodeByKey(pKey); #endif JniHelper::callStaticVoidMethod(helperClassName, "setIntegerForKey", pKey, value); } void UserDefault::setFloatForKey(const char* pKey, float value) { #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY deleteNodeByKey(pKey); #endif JniHelper::callStaticVoidMethod(helperClassName, "setFloatForKey", pKey, value); } void UserDefault::setDoubleForKey(const char* pKey, double value) { #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY deleteNodeByKey(pKey); #endif JniHelper::callStaticVoidMethod(helperClassName, "setDoubleForKey", pKey, value); } void UserDefault::setStringForKey(const char* pKey, const std::string& value) { #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY deleteNodeByKey(pKey); #endif JniHelper::callStaticVoidMethod(helperClassName, "setStringForKey", pKey, value); } void UserDefault::setDataForKey(const char* pKey, const Data& value) { #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY deleteNodeByKey(pKey); #endif CCLOG("SET DATA FOR KEY: --%s--%d", value.getBytes(), (int)(value.getSize())); char * encodedData = nullptr; unsigned int encodedDataLen = base64Encode(value.getBytes(), value.getSize(), &encodedData); CCLOG("SET DATA ENCODED: --%s", encodedData); JniHelper::callStaticVoidMethod(helperClassName, "setStringForKey", pKey, (const char*)encodedData); if (encodedData) free(encodedData); } // FIXME:: deprecated UserDefault* UserDefault::sharedUserDefault() { return UserDefault::getInstance(); } UserDefault* UserDefault::getInstance() { if (! _userDefault) { #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY initXMLFilePath(); #endif _userDefault = new (std::nothrow) UserDefault(); } return _userDefault; } bool UserDefault::isXMLFileExist() { return FileUtils::getInstance()->isFileExist(_filePath); } void UserDefault::initXMLFilePath() { #ifdef KEEP_COMPATABILITY if (! _isFilePathInitialized) { // UserDefault.xml is stored in /data/data/<package-path>/ before v2.1.2 std::string packageName = JniHelper::callStaticStringMethod(helperClassName, "getCocos2dxPackageName"); _filePath += "/data/data/" + packageName + "/" + XML_FILE_NAME; _isFilePathInitialized = true; } #endif } // create new xml file bool UserDefault::createXMLFile() { return false; } const string& UserDefault::getXMLFilePath() { return _filePath; } void UserDefault::flush() { } void UserDefault::deleteValueForKey(const char* key) { // check the params if (!key) { CCLOG("the key is invalid"); } JniHelper::callStaticVoidMethod(helperClassName, "deleteValueForKey", key); flush(); } NS_CC_END #endif // (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID)