/* * * A menu that does not send any events, it's simply a passive container (lets the contents do their own thing) of CCNodes */ #ifndef __CCMENU_PASSIVE_H__ #define __CCMENU_PASSIVE_H__ #include "cocos2d.h" #include "CCControl.h" class CC_DLL CCMenuPassive : public CCLayer, public CCRGBAProtocol { /** Color: conforms with CCRGBAProtocol protocol */ CC_PROPERTY_PASS_BY_REF(ccColor3B, m_tColor, Color); /** Opacity: conforms with CCRGBAProtocol protocol */ CC_PROPERTY(GLubyte, m_cOpacity, Opacity); public: /** creates an empty CCMenu */ static CCMenuPassive* node(); /** creates a CCMenu with it's items */ static CCMenuPassive* menuWithItems(CCNode* item, ...); /** creates a CCMenu with it's item, then use addChild() to add * other items. It is used for script, it can't init with undetermined * number of variables. */ static CCMenuPassive*menuWithItem(CCNode* item); /** initializes a CCMenu with it's items */ bool initWithItems(CCNode* item, va_list args); /** align items vertically */ void alignItemsVertically(); /** align items vertically with padding @since v0.7.2 */ void alignItemsVerticallyWithPadding(float padding); /** align items horizontally */ void alignItemsHorizontally(); /** align items horizontally with padding @since v0.7.2 */ void alignItemsHorizontallyWithPadding(float padding); /** align items in rows of columns */ void alignItemsInColumns(unsigned int columns, ...); void alignItemsInColumns(unsigned int columns, va_list args); /** align items in columns of rows */ void alignItemsInRows(unsigned int rows, ...); void alignItemsInRows(unsigned int rows, va_list args); //RGBA protocol virtual void setIsOpacityModifyRGB(bool bValue) {CC_UNUSED_PARAM(bValue);} virtual bool getIsOpacityModifyRGB(void) { return false;} }; #endif